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UFO's use "Interdimensional Travel"

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posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:17 AM
I think the UFO's use "Interdimensional Travel" possibly in the 7th dimension;

for example;
a 2d being can only travel within 2d; but if it goes into 3d it can jump to any point in the 2d world;

the same thing would apply with 3d beings; if we go into the 7th dimension we would be able to jump to any point in the 3d world and to any timeline also;

Using "Interdimensional Travel" you could travel to any point in the universe, and to any timeline; instantly;

Like in UFO videos where people think the UFO goes so fast it dissappears so it must be traveling faster than the speed of light or whatever; when in reality it probably isnt even going that fast at all and is just jumping into another dimension that is not visible to us

we would also be able to use it on earth as "Teleportation Pads" at different points throughout cities around the world, like bus stops and subway stations;

Or people could just have one in every home, work place, shopping center, etc

What are your thoughts on this?

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:36 AM
Do you have any idea how much my head hurts after watching that video? I mean... It took me two attempts at watching it to even start to understand it. Now... if i understand correctly. You say that the 7th dimension is the one people/creatures should/would/could use to transport themselves around this universe in almost instant time...

I'd usually try to post more complex post about some of the science behind it, but my head is killing me... so...

DjSharperimage... I agree.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:38 AM
That was about the most confusing video I've ever watched...

I can see where your coming from with your train of thought and I've also wondered if some of them might be other dimensional beings and likely are. Light beings for instance I feel are a higher dimensional being than us or greys even.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:43 AM
Have not watched the vid, but like we all assume, ufos just tune out of our reality into a higher dimension. I like how al bielek describes the phil experiment.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by ProTo Fire Fox
Do you have any idea how much my head hurts after watching that video? I mean... It took me two attempts at watching it to even start to understand it. Now... if i understand correctly. You say that the 7th dimension is the one people/creatures should/would/could use to transport themselves around this universe in almost instant time...

I'd usually try to post more complex post about some of the science behind it, but my head is killing me... so...

DjSharperimage... I agree.


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
Have not watched the vid, but like we all assume, ufos just tune out of our reality into a higher dimension. I like how al bielek describes the phil experiment.

I gotta check out this Philedelphia experiment;
I heard they sent a ship into another dimension and when it came back peoples bodies were in the wrong place like became part of the ship or inside the metal;

there are also countless disclosures about time travel, and using sound and light to make the ship vibrate in a super high state to travel like 500 miles from the original point instantly

so i believe the government already has this technology and are hiding it from us

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by ls1cameric
That was about the most confusing video I've ever watched...

I can see where your coming from with your train of thought and I've also wondered if some of them might be other dimensional beings and likely are. Light beings for instance I feel are a higher dimensional being than us or greys even.

I agree; I think it is also possible for other forms of life to live in the higher dimensions

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 09:45 AM
I completely agree as well. Just looking at the vastness of space, we're already aware of the fact that travelling in a 3 Dimensional realm would require light years or years of travel even at the speed of light.

Using an interdimensional method would permit you to predetermine location and time of your arrival.....sounds a bit like a time machine which has long been my hypothesis of how UFO's bend time and space and travel to and from our dimension of existence.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by nh_ee]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:49 AM
What's with all this hyper dimension stuff?

It's been long since known that the Aliens don't disappear they just go and hang out in the downstairs seats at McDonalds..

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:53 AM
I thought the point is that these vehicles are higher dimensional vehicles and can only be lowered to this vibration for a limited period of time. None the less, what I said can be wrong. Confusing stuff this.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by etherical waterwave
I thought the point is that these vehicles are higher dimensional vehicles and can only be lowered to this vibration for a limited period of time. None the less, what I said can be wrong. Confusing stuff this.

I think it can work both ways;

Like the UFO's that looks like they are just made of a ball of light; are probably higher dimensional crafts or beings visiting our dimension;

and the metallic saucer like crafts are probably 3rd dimensional from other planets

this theory would also explain why there are ghosts on this planet;
negative spirits are unable to ascend to the higher dimensions because they are very negative and are in a low frequency vibration state; which keeps them stuck in the fringes of the 3rd dimension

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:56 PM
Can you - in your own words - please describe what the 7th dimesnion is and why you think UFOs use "interdimensional travel".

It would be useful to actually get an clear explanation of what is an exceptionally difficult and branch of mathematics.


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by paraphi
Can you - in your own words - please describe what the 7th dimesnion is and why you think UFOs use "interdimensional travel".

It would be useful to actually get an clear explanation of what is an exceptionally difficult and branch of mathematics.


Imagine earth being a 2 dimensional world; the people that live there cant see the 3rd dimension; they can only travel up down right and left on a piece of paper;

and imagine us being 3rd dimension; we could stick our finger anywhere on their flat 2D piece of paper like world,
just by moving our hands thru the 3rd dimension and placing it anywhere on the piece of paper;
to them it would look like we just appeared and vanished;

if we wanted we could even fold or bend their piece of paper like world and jump from one point to another even faster;

the same principles apply to the higher dimensions where you could travel to any point in the 3d world and in 4d time; and 5d; 6d; etc; and any dimension lower than the dimension you are currently in

once you reach the 7th dimension;
some people call the 7th dimension god or infinity;
because you can see all things, all people, all places, and all time all at the same time,
and you could just stick your figurative finger anywhere and boom it looks like you just traveled across the universe and just appeared out of nowhere to the lower dimensional beings

the higher the dimension you are in; the more lower dimensions you can see and travel to

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:13 PM
The galaxy is moving at tremendous speed, so even if you could go back in time would you not just appear in the wrong place spatially?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:20 PM
Why use other dimensions, that have not been shown to even exist when you can simply use a Warp bubble or wormhole to travel long distances.

Even given the fact that wormholes have never been seen, they are at least theoriticaly possible, just as warp bubbles are. Earth even has the science/technology to build Warp ships.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:23 PM
I have been to the 7th dimension in my mind;
while i was on drugs;
i was sitting in a hotel room talking to a girl i was really in love with;
and all of the sudden my vision looked like black paint started dripping down a camera;
only time in my life that ever happened;
and boom i saw god (which was probably just a 7th dimensional being; but i didnt know that at the time;

i asked the 7th dimensional being the same questions people would ask god;

the entity told me; the meaning of life is to be perfect, everyone tries to be perfect;

then the being showed me the universe from the outside;
the universe looked like this gigantic bright golden ball of energy eating itself and growing at the same time;
exactly like a ourboros ;

i had no knowledge of ouroboros at the time;
untill a year later when i stumbled across a picture of an ouroboros on the internet;

look at the word our-oboros; our burrows

here is Plato's speech on ouroboros

Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first living thing in the universe—an immortal, perfectly constructed animal.

The living being had no need of eyes when there was nothing remaining outside him to be seen; nor of ears when there was nothing to be heard; and there was no surrounding atmosphere to be breathed; nor would there have been any use of organs by the help of which he might receive his food or get rid of what he had already digested, since there was nothing which went from him or came into him: for there was nothing beside him. Of design he was created thus, his own waste providing his own food, and all that he did or suffered taking place in and by himself. For the Creator conceived that a being which was self-sufficient would be far more excellent than one which lacked anything; and, as he had no need to take anything or defend himself against any one, the Creator did not think it necessary to bestow upon him hands: nor had he any need of feet, nor of the whole apparatus of walking; but the movement suited to his spherical form was assigned to him, being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence; and he was made to move in the same manner and on the same spot, within his own limits revolving in a circle. All the other six motions were taken away from him, and he was made not to partake of their deviations. And as this circular movement required no feet, the universe was created without legs and without feet.

Plato was talking about dimensions;
"being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence"
Im not sure if there were words to describe it in his time;
i dont know if i agree with what he said about the lower 6 dimensions not being needed;
but maybe he was describing a 7th dimensional being and not the universe;

and also in Plato's time; they thought the world was flat!!!

all of the sudden the hotel room i was in slowly started fading into my vision again;
i asked the girl; "WHAT HAPPENED?"
She said; you were walking around the room talking to yourself;
I asked for how long?;
she said 2 or 3 hours;
i asked her what was i saying?
she said I dont know; I got tired and started watching tv....
::shaking my head::

all i remembered was asking the meaning of life then being shown the universe;
i wish that girl wouldve paid attention;
it was the most epic moment of my life

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by reasonable
The galaxy is moving at tremendous speed, so even if you could go back in time would you not just appear in the wrong place spatially?

In the 7th dimension you can see all lower dimensions at the same time;
so it would be impossible to get lost

we could send a probe that maps everything out for a certain period of time; and then it could lower its vibration energy frequency level and come back down into the 3rd dimension

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by DjSharperimage

I don't think you are allowed to share your '___' trips on the site.

And the use of psychoactive/hallucinatory aids to reach a 'higher self' is a flawed premise by definition. You cannot time travel by tripping out on '___'.

What is happening is pretty complex, but in essence your brain is fooling you. It's like what happens when you are dreaming, it may seem real and amazing things may be happening, but in reality nothing has happened ... You were dreaming that is all.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Enrikez
reply to post by DjSharperimage

I don't think you are allowed to share your '___' trips on the site.

And the use of psychoactive/hallucinatory aids to reach a 'higher self' is a flawed premise by definition. You cannot time travel by tripping out on '___'.

What is happening is pretty complex, but in essence your brain is fooling you. It's like what happens when you are dreaming, it may seem real and amazing things may be happening, but in reality nothing has happened ... You were dreaming that is all.

I was on DXM aka Cough Syrup and Alcohol;
That experience has only happened to me once in my life;
and I am 26 years old;
I mustve done DXM more than a billion times;
That experience was not a usual "TRIP"

seeing and talking to god is not the same thing as seeing colorful patterns and ghost like pink elephants floating around a room

Dont let your prejudice of drugs cloud your analytical mind

are you an expert on interdimensional travel?
Where is your proof that higher dimensions cant be reached by certain drugs or certain states of mind;

From what i know higher dimensions can be reached via higher vibrations and states of being......

Have you watched any of the disclosure videos where they talk about time travel and interdimensional travel?

and are you saying PLATO;
one of the most historic mind was on '___' when he came up with all his insights?

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Why use other dimensions, that have not been shown to even exist when you can simply use a Warp bubble or wormhole to travel long distances.

Even given the fact that wormholes have never been seen, they are at least theoriticaly possible, just as warp bubbles are. Earth even has the science/technology to build Warp ships.

Etharzi od Oma

I think linear travel has its limitations;
how fast do you think acceleration from a black hole is?
can you point this black hole in a certain direction?
how long would it take you to travel to this black hole to even use it?

Quantum travel sounds much more faster and efficient

[edit on 26-11-2009 by DjSharperimage]

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