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Sampling of Sarah Palin Supporters.

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Rhetoric

Disclaimer: i am a sarah palin supporter but my line of work and education has led me to handle plenty of poll data about voter ignorance. This is not so much a defense of sarah palin as it is an explanation of why this shouldn't reflect on any one politician.


This video highlights voter ignorance that is widespread across our process. Any serious political scientist admits at this point that a majority of American voters outside of the political class have problems with one or more of the following:

1. identifying policy preferences (both themselves and politicians)

2. identifying specific state actions that are reasonably expected to advance those preferences

3. indentifying the likely interactions between various state actions. (example: a majority of voters want more spending on just about every social issue, but want a cut in spending overall)

This isn't all but those are the main ones. From there people are split on whether or not there is a serious problem. Everyone agrees that an uninformed electorate acting out in an uninformed way weakens what we consider to be the strengths of democracy. But some feel voters use a variety of "short cuts" to act as if they have knowledge when they really don't (therefore making informed decisions in the aggregate). Some shortcuts include:

1. political party
2. personal experiences
3. opinion leaders/"experts"

and on and on and on and on. Other's argue that none of these short-cuts really amount to much and the only way to combat the problem is to:

1. decrease the scope (not necessarilly the size) of government
2. encourage federalism/voting with your feet.

Regardless of this. The point is, there is widespread ignorance amongst voters, irregardless of party/candidate preferences, that has gone unalleviated despite universal K-12 education and our mass media.

So, while I think this video draws attention to a problem, just like the recent conservative documentary about "why obama won" drew attention to the same problem, focusing in on one candidate or party to prove that 'the other side' are the ignorant ones who prefer 'style over substance' really doesn't help. If anything its a red herring, a diversion and a disservice to what should be a serious effort to combat the threat of overall voter ignorance.

for drawing some attention and
for the partisan shade.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:23 AM
Well golly gee, we have never ever seen un-educated supporters for any political office have we now?

All of the people who voted for Obama knew all of the issues.

Do I really have to continue? Rhetoric, your rhetoric is very unoriginal. Anyone of us can find negative things about the majority of the US voters. The real matter at hand is this country and where it is headed. If you could some how put down your hard on for Palin, and find something constructive to post we all win. Most of American voters are sheep and do not care to research anything for themselves, they prefer to be spoon-fed from the media. That is the real fear we should all be feeling right now.

If only we could all become intelligent enough to drop the partisan views, and focus on our country and a whole without the political party poison involved. This country is going down the crapper and it is the fault of Republicans and Democrats alike.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by Doom and Gloom]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:27 AM
Palin is driving the Libs crazier day-by-day. I am loving it.

I am also loving how she RIPS the Global Warming Summit. DEAD ON GIRL

Make us nobodys proud.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:07 AM
You keep voting for these clueless people,
then you deserve the country you have.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:32 AM
Granted that ex.Gov. Palin does have a lot of support from those that feel disenfranchised but the reality of the situation is....

Political campaigns [I've worked on a few] are about money. Money is the grease that causes the political campaigns' wheels to roll. If Sarah can get Big oil to finance her then she might have a shot; but big oil is pretty much committed to the GOP and the big dogs in the GOP think ex.Gov. Palin is a quitter and will not support her. And as of now the TP movement isn't strong enough to mount a real challenge.

I expect to see a fund drive to try and get ex.Gov Palin a war chest. Perhaps her book can generate some funds but the question is...
Will that money be used for a campaighn or a big home in the Hamptons?

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:37 AM
You really think she is the real deal? Ask yourselves this: Would she be this popular if TPTB didn't want her to be?
Why would you give her the benefit of the doubt when it's obvious Obama has been just another puppet.. "ok, this time things will REALLY change".. you really think that?

This feels like desperately clinging to the hope of someone else doing all the work. The masses need to be educated and rise up by themselves, you don't need a celebrity icon to change things, and certainly not one sponsored by the same forces that have been duping you for all your life.

Basically, she shouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt, if you think she deserves it then prove how she's any different, cause going by history she'll be just another number in a long line of puppets.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Both sides of the established cartels in Washington are horrified of her because she's a fresh voice that's louder than all the BS we hear from either side in D.C.

Bingo. People need to realize that both the Dems and Pubs are merely two different sides of the same corrupt coin.

Palin is a straight talking woman that the average person can relate to and that worries the establishment.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Rhetoric

I think the whacked out far right has done to Sarah Palin what the whacked out far left did to Obama.

They celebritized her.

Quite striking and humorous considering the slant that McCain & Palin took against Obama during the Campaign...

Sarah Palin stands no chance at president. Ever. She stands no chance at anything after resigning from her post in Alaska. And for that, i am eternally grateful.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Rhetoric

You see, it's crap like this that makes ME laugh. Not the answers that the obviously edited and selected interviewees gave. I have seen this guy before.

Sure, people should know WHY they support someone. Also, it's MUCH easier to give answers about the policies and so on when you are sitting comfortably behind a desk with a computer. I could show you many videos about Barak supporters, Clinton, Bush, Cheney and on and on that will look just as stupid.

All that these videos do is make ME wish that this idiot would have the balls to ask someone who is well versed these same questions and then have the balls to show THAT interview. Which I'm sure there were quite a few in that line that he chose NOT to show.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:54 AM
Sorry, I had to turn it off about 30 seconds in. These people are in serious need of medical attention.

You think you guys are screwed right now with Obama and the Obamabots, if people in the U.S. let this women in office, you will be screwed for sure.

Good luck to you guys.

Just need to add a little rant here.

It does seem that these people honestly believe that she would be good for your country. I think that is what your real problem is. The people, not Sarah Palin.

Is it something in the water? How can there be so many people with such a limp grasp on reality? I mean I hate to belittle them, but my lord they do seem to be a couple of pops short of a six pack.

Am I wrong in that assumption?

[edit on 10-12-2009 by DazE777]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by coastalite

Both sides of the established cartels in Washington are horrified of her because she's a fresh voice that's louder than all the BS we hear from either side in D.C.

Bingo. People need to realize that both the Dems and Pubs are merely two different sides of the same corrupt coin.

Palin is a straight talking woman that the average person can relate to and that worries the establishment.

This is exactly what I get from her. She says it how it is. She doesn't paint the 'politically correct' pictures that many of the other liars do. This is why the McCain team tried to make her the scapegoat for the campaign loss.

When you see any side paying so much attention to one person (and I disagree that the far right made her a celebrity because she does NOT display far right leaning thoughts) you have to question why. In this case I feel that they are afraid of someone who is a real average human being. Someone who won't paint a rosey picture for a crappy situation. In other words, not a true politician.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Snarf
reply to post by Rhetoric

I think the whacked out far right has done to Sarah Palin what the whacked out far left did to Obama.

They celebritized her.

I think you are a bit off here. The far right tried to scapegoat her butt for 'ruining' their campaign with her honesty. No, the far right didn't celebitize her. They fear her.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Doom and Gloom

Well, thank you. LOL This is kind of what I was leaning towards in my posts. I just didn't want to dig up all of the many videos to prove that point.

Seriously, how many GOOD responses do these kind of preditors show on youtube? Not many at all. Why? Because, as the saying goes in the news business, it's not good TV. People want to see other people demeaned. This is a way to see others that you believe don't know as much as you (well, not you, but us all in general).

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:09 AM
I would lay good money on the bet that in other parts of the English speaking world, they wish they had a Sarah Palin, I do, but fat chance, woman in the other parts of the Anglo-Saxon speakers are just not 'balsy' enough, dam shame.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:13 AM
Ignorance is deadly.

There should be a minimum knowledge test on the issues one has to pass before one is allowed to vote, call it a KNOWLEDGE OF THE ISSUES pre-voting test.

Remove the
"R"s & "D"s from the candidates names and have people vote on their knowledge of what the individuals believe.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by anon72
Palin is driving the Libs crazier day-by-day. I am loving it.

I am also loving how she RIPS the Global Warming Summit. DEAD ON GIRL

Make us nobodys proud.

I don't think that the Left wingers are very worried about ex.Gov. Palin.

They know that she is a quitter just like the GOP knows it. Why would anyone worry about a quitter that bails on the people that elected her then offers some exteremely lame excuse?

The Left knows that the Palin supporters don't vote as evidenced by the McCain campaign. They are to busy watching the NFL, WWF, NASCAR or some other programming geared to
the Lower Middle demographic.

I find American politics fascinating but most Palin supporters don't and care more about who is on "Dancing with the Stars" than really participating in politics. IMO of course.

[edit on 10-12-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 01:38 PM
The best thing she could have done was to quit the GOV job. If she wants to GO ROUGE, the way to do that was to shed the chains that bound her.

Up there, she could/can not be as effective.

Keep this in mind also. You don't have to be the President to make things happen. Which, I see as the current problem. The foggy eye Libs think that only Obama can save them. Fools.

Anyway, time for the common man to rise up and put D.C. back in good working order, working for the people-instead of trying to control them.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by dariousg

I think you are a bit off here. The far right tried to scapegoat her butt for 'ruining' their campaign with her honesty. No, the far right didn't celebitize her. They fear her.

I don't think fear is quite the word.

Sarah Palin is a Celebrity

Fear? What is there to fear?

If you mean that rational people fear her in a way that says "im afraid there are enough stupid people in this country to elect someone so moronic as Sarah Palin"

Then, yes, you're right. I fear the situation - not the woman.

But then i remember that only the extreme conservatives value someone as indecent and immoral as Sarah Palin. And most of those people listen to Rush Limbaugh.

If Rush Limbaugh has 20 million listeners...thats only about 1/3 of the people who voted for Barack Obama.

So it would take one hell of a dramatic shift in thought patterns to elect someone like Sarah Palin...

I don't see that happening.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:03 PM
It's amazing to me how the same people who derided Obama for being a "celebrity" are now fawning over Palin like she's the cat's PJs.

In September of last year, I posted this thread... Sarah Palin is the GOP's Obama and people swore it wasn't true!
It's getting more and more clear that my position was right.

That video was hilarious!
A little scary that people are that out of touch with reality, but funny just the same.

[edit on 10-12-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by whaaa
I will only speak for myself. I will support Sarah Palin. I don't know who is winning on Survivior, Dancing with The Stars, or American Idol, and I really don't give a damn. What I care about is a government that has gotten totally out of control, where spending is concerned. I am also concerned about the Federal government's continued encroachment into my personal life.
Just so you know, I have never watched a NASCAR race in my life. I also ignore football, baseball, and basketball. I have better things to do with my time. I raise my own food. I read biographies of American leaders, histories of nations, of movements. And yes, I live in the mid-south, proudly consider myself a redneck who believes in God, Guns, and a Free America. I live in the Flyonver Zone. Go back and read my earlier post on this topic. And while I only speak for myself, I know a lot of people who tell me they find other things to do when ballgames and NASCAR are on.

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