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President Obama's Overseas Trip Address

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posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 07:33 PM

Weekly Address: President Obama's Overseas Trip Focused on Better Relations with Asia and Creating Jobs at Home

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Barack Obama described the progress made during his trip to Asia, and detailed steps the administration is taking to spur job creation. The President explained how increasing exports to Asia Pacific nations can create hundreds of thousands of jobs in America and described the upcoming jobs forum which will host CEOs, labor unions, economists, and nonprofits.

The full audio of the address is HERE. The video can be viewed online at

In his trip overseas to our largest creditors Obama wants us to believe that it's about job creation. The problem is, we import much more from China and Japan than we export. The problem is, we are allowing foreign governments to basically invest in our GDP.

The trade gap must be closed, we must start manufacturing things in this country again. Quality things. We have got to start being the manufacturing center of the world again instead of the administration center. To me, the US being the administration center of the world puts us in a more perilous place than any other national security threat there could be.

The only way that America is going to actually get out of this recession long term is to influence companies to return manufacturing jobs to the US.

To me this means tax cuts for those businesses. Incentives to bring back manufacturing here on US soil.

Corporations in the US have to understand that while yes it's nice to turn a great profit, it's also good to provide jobs to people in this country.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by whatukno

The trade gap must be closed, we must start manufacturing things in this country again. Quality things. We have got to start being the manufacturing center of the world again instead of the administration center. To me, the US being the administration center of the world puts us in a more perilous place than any other national security threat there could be.

The only way that America is going to actually get out of this recession long term is to influence companies to return manufacturing jobs to the US.

I agree about bringing the jobs back.

But as long as the American consumers are willing to buy cheap foreign products rather than more expensive American products, I don't see it happening.

Another issue that would have to be worked out is the unions role in America. I can see a need for a union but at what point does a union begins to hurt the company and its members?

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 07:53 PM
It's not just about shipping jobs overseas anymore, or importing more than we export. No, now we are hawking the family jewels. China will now be allowed to buy US banks.

Since the wobbly US financial system is now the core pillar propping up the rapidly-disintegrating society, this is a massively destablilizing move and a capitulation of great magnitude to a foreign power.

Chinese and U.S. regulators are negotiating a pact aimed at encouraging Chinese financial institutions to buy into small and medium-sized banks in the United States, bankers briefed on the plan said on Tuesday.

Chinese bankers have complained that it's been difficult for them to set up branches or invest in banks in the world's leading economy, due partly to U.S. regulators' tough supervision and strict approval process for financial deals.

But the global financial landscape has been revamped by the credit crisis, and cash-rich Chinese banks are now bigger players on the world scene and are scouting around for investment targets.

More at source:

[edit on 11/21/09 by silent thunder]

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by jam321

But as long as the American consumers are willing to buy cheap foreign products rather than more expensive American products, I don't see it happening.

This is true, but why can't we make products here cheap? Why can't we make a cheap product that is also better quality?

Another issue that would have to be worked out is the unions role in America. I can see a need for a union but at what point does a union begins to hurt the company and its members?

I agree with this too. It's my opinion that the UAW is one of the largest contributing factors to the current state of affairs in Detroit. Yes it's nice to bring home a good paycheck for a honest day's work. But some of these perks are ridiculous. A balance can be achieved between Labor and Corporate where a worker can get a living wage and yet the corporation can still be profitable.

In my opinion it's all about quality. If we can't beat them in price, then beat them by being the best. People will spend more on a better quality product than a cheap one. So we must not only make products cheap, we must also make them better than anyone else.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 08:19 PM
I like many once admired the USA as being the super power who would stand and lead the world...Obama has no such leadership,,,he will bring your country to its knees,,starting with a bow

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

The only way that America is going to actually get out of this recession long term is to influence companies to return manufacturing jobs to the US.

To me this means tax cuts for those businesses. Incentives to bring back manufacturing here on US soil.

Corporations in the US have to understand that while yes it's nice to turn a great profit, it's also good to provide jobs to people in this country.

You're right the only problem is tax cuts alone are not enough to entice industry back. It's not just about taxes & wages its operating costs in general. Everything costs more in the US. There's more regulation pollution controls clean up/disposal are big expenses for industry. It costs money to operate responsibly.

If you want a clean environment goods will cost more to manufacture regardless of wages. They want to go where they can get away with the most & pay the least. Corporations care nothing about quality or providing jobs. Quality costs too much.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Morningglory

I thought about this too. Would it be justified then to increase tariffs on products imported into this country? If you make it unprofitable for businesses to import products from other countries, wouldn't it make them start producing those same products here?

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Tariffs would certainly level the playing field however we have a deal with China we buy their manufactured junk...I mean goods and they buy our debt. If we stopped importing all this crap from China it would open many opportunities here at home. Of course banks would have to be willing to lend investors would have to get on board etc.

Imo the full extent of what we've lost has not yet sunk in. In this economy it would be near impossible to build our manufacturing base back up to what it was. It would take dedication and the setting aside of greed. It's not going to happen corporations go to war to make a buck they have no morals, ethics or loyalties except where the bottom line is concerned. Small business is the way but corporations get all the breaks/incentives. Face it manufacturing is not profitable enough in this country and won't be unless we become a third world country.

Our manufacturing base is what helped pull us out of past depressions/recessions can we really expect a recovery without jobs/ manufactured goods? Debt & war is all we manufacture anymore.

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