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Batch of H1N1 vaccine pulled

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Manitoba notices spike in severe allergic reactions

Health officials across Canada are being asked to hold back a batch of swine flu vaccine that appears to be causing higher rates of severe allergic reactions.

The vaccine's manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline, is asking governments to stop using vaccine doses from one particular lot shipment issued in late October.

The company says it's a cautionary move, pending an investigation.

Manitoba health officials say they have noticed severe allergic reactions from the batch in question at a rate of one in 20,000.

That's much higher than the normal rate of one in 100,000.

The Alberta government is also holding back the same batch of vaccine, although it says it has not seen a jump in allergic reactions.

Manitoba's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Joel Kettner, says he wants to assure people that the risk of any adverse effects from the vaccine is very low.

Health officials say the batch being investigated is fairly small, so it should not have an impact on the overall supply.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:09 PM
good thing i didn't get a vaccine.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:13 PM
I posted an article yesterday about adverse reactions and 2 deaths happening here in Manitoba from the H1N1 vaccine. Now today this article about a batch of H1N1 vaccinations being recalled has come out.

Here's the thread from yesterday for some background info:

2 Manitobans die within week of H1N1 shot

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