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Vanity, a Deadly Sin. Cosmetic Industry Global Toxic agenda and Slave network

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:49 PM
Senator Edward Kennedy - Statement to Congress

'Cosmetic companies are masters of the slick ad and expensive public relations campaign. But all the glamorous pictures in the world cannot obscure the facts... Long term illnesses ranging from cancer to birth defects may not be linked to their underlying cosmetic-related causes... because symptoms of chronic toxic effects may not occur until months or years after exposure...'

Vanity is no longer considered one of the 7 deadly sins, but maybe it should be. We have proven by our addiction and mass over consumption of cosmetics globally that we are happy to ignore the horrendous crimes of this industry. I'm guilty too, I love to pop on makeup and have silky smooth hair but I have made a conscious effort to move myself to "safe products" but as they all lie so much,
it's hard to know even then if I am not being given cancer, collapsing my liver, killing animals, exploiting children in 3rd worlds, or putting a murdered persons fat on my face.

This conspiracy research focuses on :
*There is little regulation of chemicals, and many are in fact carcinogens....Your shampoo may kill you, we like bubbles....
*Children are enslaved to produce our sparkly pretty products in china and India
*Human fat and organs are found in the more expensive European brands.Trafficking of these organs and fats takes place from both executed prisoners and people being murdered for their fat.

Grab your lip gloss, soap, moisturiser, or shampoo and lets take a journey through how this mega revenue generating industry makes humanity pay.

The current annual retail sales of the industry totaled up to $40 billion US alone with an annual average increase of 5%..The European cosmetics industry has thrived over the years and it is said to be the world leader. The European cosmetics industry has generated a business of $50 billion in the year 2008. More than 1,50,000 Europeans are employed in the cosmetics industry.
Consumption of cosmetics and toiletries is not restricted to the female population alone. Male grooming products have also emerged as an attractive segment. Skin and hair care products, face cleansers, and premium shaving products are proving attractive offerings for the male grooming products market. Ingredients in shampoos, dyes and detergents may be mixing up your hormonal signals.

Make no mistake this industry is a global giant, I have not included figures for Asia, nor South America.
What Does Anti-Freeze have in common with your morning shampoo ( for those of my cleaner ATS comrades who in fact do clean themselves daily)?. They BOTH contain Propylene Glycol! which basically is TOXIC

Do our unregulated companies know they that anything we place on our skin over 65% is absorbed into our blood streams and that have toxic substances that THEY ARE NOT REQUIRED TO LABLE AS TOXIC.

Of course they do. But cosmetic and personal care product manufacturers have found that it is cheaper, much cheaper, to use these chemicals rather than non-toxic, safe alternatives. Why do each of these products contain an ingredient like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a VERY nasty chemical. It's an engine degreaser. The thing is, there is no cheaper way of getting good sudsing action going than with this petroleum distillate. You can find out about these substances by looking at each chemical's MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) which is required by law (OSHA) to be available to anyone requesting such information. The MSDS contains comprehensive information about the chemical and it's hazards, if any, and is available on the Internet.

This is why we ask you to check your labels. Just think about it. Our skin is the body's biggest organ. And yet we douse it daily with common ingredients found in hydraulic brake fluid, engine degreasers, and anti-freeze.No, Warning Labels on Cosmetics! When these ingredients are found in industrial containers, they must carry warning labels. Yet, because the Cosmetic Industry was granted self-regulation, (that's scary!) in 1938, warning labels are not required on personal care products.

The European Union has banned more than 1,100 chemicals from cosmetics. The United States has banned just nine. Unfortunalty for my deep fried food loving cousins across the Pacific, only 11 percent of chemicals used in cosmetics in America have been assessed.This means that 89% of the chemicals used in your products have unknown or undisclosed effects. Also more than 70 percent of all cosmetics contain phthalates, which are linked to birth defects and infertility. above is referenced from here and if you want a super list of chemicals to avoid.

We are trapped by them and their ability to mass market how we can never be beautiful or clean enough and the products they supply us create a even bigger cycle of purchasing, WE ARE ENSLAVED. They give us shampoo that leads your hair to turn to straw, so then you need to buy conditioner, soap does the same so we buy moisturiser and so on.....
They want you fat, dried out so you keep buying........

"American College of Toxicology
'Most dangerous of all ingredients in personal care products'
Warning: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
SLS is in 90% of all shampoos, toothpastes and products that foam.
SLS permanently damages the eye, especially in children.
SLS damages the immune symptom.
SLS stays in the body for up to 5 days.
SLS maintains a residual level in heart, liver, lung and brain.
Nitrosamines... cause the body to absorb nitrates at higher levels than eating nitrate contaminated food.
Hairdressers and stylists have the youngest death rate of any occupational group (lawyers are next)
33% have ingredients linked to cancer
Only 11% of the 10,500 chemicals found in personal care products have been screened for safety
45% have ingredients that may be harmful to the reproductive system and baby's development
60% have ingredients that may disrupt hormones
65% contain penetration enhancers. These are chemicals that help other chemicals penetrate deeper and faster
- 82% have ingredients linked to immune system toxicity"

Besides causing you potential lethal medical issues what else does the cosmetic industry contribute ...remember we allowed the beast to exist, our vanity did.

The Human price in getting this product to you.

Four people have been arrested in Peru on suspicion of killing some 60 people to sell their fat and other human tissue to Italian co-conspirators for cosmetic use in Europe, authorities say. The suspects were arrested in central Peru this month and a search is underway for seven others - including two Italian citizens whose names were not revealed - lead prosecutor Jorge Sans Quiroz told Agence France-Presse on Thursday. The fat was purchased "to be commercialised in European (cosmetology) laboratories," he said. The prosecutor's indictment said the gang allegedly targeted farmers and indigenous people on remote Andean roads, tricking them by offering jobs before killing them. Signs of "an international network trafficking human fat" first surfaced about two months ago, according to General Felix Burga, head of the police criminal division. Peruvian press cited him as saying the fat can be sold for $US15,000 ($A16,000) per gallon (3.8 litres) in European countries. The alleged plot revived the Andean legend of the "Pishtacos", white foreigners who were said to suck the fat out of people travelling on lonely roads at night, making fine soaps, lubricants, healing salves and beauty creams out of the tissue.

In a special report called "The beauty products from the skin of executed Chinese prisoners; In June 2001, Wang Guoqi, a Chinese former military physician, told US congressmen he had worked at execution grounds helping surgeons to harvest the organs of more than 100 executed prisoners, without prior consent,"reports the Guardian. "The surgeons used converted vans parked near the execution grounds to begin dissecting the bodies, he told the house international relations committee's human rights panel.
Are we (or your wives or daughters) rubbing a executed prisoner or a murder victim into our skin

[edit on 20-11-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:50 PM
Child Labour

"Children as young as 6-8 yrs. are working in mica mines in India, collecting mica for export all over the world in the cosmetics industry. The investigations revealed that thousands of children are involved in illegal collection of mica from the soil, which is being exported to major brand including Merck KGaA, the German based pharmaceutical co., which further supplies this mica to some of the biggest names in the cosmetics industry."
The sparkle we have in our powders and shadows ( us gals) that we carefully placed on our eyes and cheeks bones and decolletage is THE RESULT OF HARD LABOUR BY A CHILD,

"in all probability, had spent hours in the scorching heat looking for shining pieces of mica in the soil. This in turn is used in the cosmetic industry. After garments, sports goods, accessories and ornaments, it’s the cosmetics industry that is the latest employer of child labour, especially in places like Jharkhand and Bihar, according to a child rights NGO." “Hundreds of thousands of children are involved in illegal collection of mica from the soil, which is being exported to major brands including Merck KGaA, the German based pharmaceutical company, which further supplies thismica to some of the biggest names in the cosmetics industry,” he said.

I understand that poverty leads these kids to this life, but we allow for the exploitation because if the demand we create.
No one should be that poor anymore, they are kept poor.
Read more:

Animal testing.
Millions of animals over the last century have literally been tortured and killed as a reult of unessary consmetics testing.

"the cosmetic animal testing is done for eye shadows and soaps. Majority of these eye shadow tests are done on rabbits in order to assess the level of damage or irritation caused to the rabbits. The sunscreen products are also tested on guinea pigs to assess the level of allergic reaction and irritation. These cosmetic testing could cause bleeding problems to the animals. Many reputed companies employ the outside companies so as to avoid criticism from the society and the activists. Statistics points out that 50% of the animals die two or three weeks after the experimentation"

'The companies give various reasons to justify the cosmetic animal testing. They say that many countries have passed regulations which states that the preservatives and lotions have to be tested before the usage. But, the critics argue that no law specifically demands the testing of cosmetics on animals. The demand by the customers for new cosmetics also prompts the companies to test their products on animals. It is also said that the’ cruelty-free’ companies are more expensive than the rest of the companies. It is a common complaint that companies carry out these tests for publicity. Statistics also points out the fact that 75% of the Americans are against cosmetic testing on animals.'

In the UK alone over 39 000 animals a year have powder injected into the eyes, and they aren't even compatible with humans, Human tissue testing is the safest way, and can be down without harming anyone.

'The animals have a different distribution of fine blood vessels and their skin does not react in the same way to the tests as that of a human.
The cosmetic testing on animals is very expensive.
The cosmetic testing on animals is said to be less reliable.
The animals are made to endure a lot of tests in the labs making the end-result meaningless.'
Above referenced from

Americans, Australians Europeans and Asians, I suggest we insist on regulating this industry, cosmetic products deserve special attention from the regulators due to their scientific complexity or higher potential risk for the consumers' health, you have 89% unknown substances in there.

Next time you shop, check out if you are putting anti freeze in your system because its cheaper to use, avoid using companies that test on animals, look for "sparkles" cause you've had a kid slaving in the sun for hours to bring them to you, and simply pray your not getting human fat and rubbing it into your system.

So is vanity a deadly sin? Well it can certainly lead to death... I still am a vain creature, though after researching, a little more educated I hope. I'll tell you one thing, I will be coy with what money I give over to line these giants pockets, at my healths expence, and the expence of 3rd world people and animal cruelty.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:55 PM
While that is true and prove how come is not complains about our GMO food and the obscene tampering of food in our nations supplies by Monsanto.

I guess while Europe is profiting from killing those addicted to vanity, our own food producers have not problem killing us with their modify and tampered food because after all they are here in the US.


[edit on 19-11-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Great thread! It's interesting to look into the history of cosmetics - toxic waste products have had a tendency of showing up in these products for centuries.

In England, the higher class a person was, the more leisure time he or she had to spend indoors, which kept their skin pale. Thus, the highest class of European society were pale resulting in European men and mostly women attempting to lighten their skin directly, or using white powder on their skin to look more aristocratic.A variety of products were used, including white lead paint which also may have contained arsenic, which also poisoned women and killed many. Queen Elizabeth I of England was one well-known user of white lead, with which she created a look known as "the Mask of Youth".

Interesting factoid

[edit on 19-11-2009 by illusionincarnate]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:08 PM
Wow...they have a broad range of issues. Animal testing, third world production, use of toxic chemicals to lower expense, manipulation of an uneducated and impressionable social system (advertising)...

This is what makes the world go round. Go figure...

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

That does it. I knew that stuff was bad.

The real problem is, unless I stop grooming myself, what products are just natural, and safe?

Maybe I should just give up and not bathe at all.

Nah, I will just have to start reading labels a little more closely. They are just as bad as the big pharma companies, or are they the same people??

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:13 PM
I guess we will get cancer either way, from the outside with beautifying junk and inside with tampered nourishment.

But rest assure big pharma is making a killing.

I wonder how I will like to die or been killed, poisoned and beautiful or poisoned and well fed.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by tribewilder

pls dont stop bathing dear god!
when we try to clean ourselves, and we toxify our innards.....

There is a link in my first post with a site that allows you to download which major 12 chemicals you should avoid.

I di'dnt even talk about toothpaste, I would have gone for years if I added that little baby.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:33 PM
Great thread Miss Frazzy! S&F

I do believe that sodium laureth and sodium lauryl (SLS) are some ingredients people should be avoiding like the plague. You will find it in soaps, toothpastes and shampoos. It's some kind of emulsifier that helps create bubbles so people get the impression that the product is making them clean.

Quite often you will find them in the the list of ingredients on the label. In fact, it's somewhat difficult to find said items without one or either of both compounds.


What they claim: A totally organic experience.

But watch out: It looks and smells appealing because it is coloured using four potentially cancer-causing dyes (CI 17200, CI 15510, CI 42053, CI 60730) and perfumed with synthetic fragrances that are known neurotoxins and skin irritants. Among its detergents, sodium lauryl sulphate can irritate skin and permanently damage eye tissue, and sodium laureth sulphate and cocamide MEA can be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, a hormone disrupter associated with breast cancer. Cocamidopropyl betaine, another detergent, is a penetration enhancer, as is the solvent propyelel glycol and the preservative tetrasodium EDTA; all allow other chemicals to pene- trate more deeply into skin and bloodstream.


More Info On SLS

I also believe Nexus Magazine Australia published an article on it years ago.

Anyhow.. that's a big enough lead for all you punters to follow up on!


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:35 PM
Add this to the list:

Four people have been arrested in Peru on suspicion of killing dozens of people in order to sell their fat and tissue for cosmetic uses in Europe. The gang allegedly targeted people on remote roads, luring them with fake job offers before extracting their fat to sell it for $15,000 (£9,000) a litre.

And more, it is a "historical" business. They have a legend there...

The gang has been referred to as the Pishtacos, after an ancient Peruvian legend of killers who attack people on lonely roads and murder them for their fat.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I guess we will get cancer either way, from the outside with beautifying junk and inside with tampered nourishment.

But rest assure big pharma is making a killing.

I wonder how I will like to die or been killed, poisoned and beautiful or poisoned and well fed.

Well seings we get killed either way, Im gonna go for looking pretty
they can lay me out like snow white in a glass coffin that way

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by zazzafrazz
Im gonna go for looking pretty

That shouldn't be too hard for a Bondi Princess!

Woot Woooo!


posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:19 AM
Thanks to Kosmicjack for the updated article on the human trafficiking and murders for cosmetics. This case is what led me to start the invetsigations.

Murders linked to cosmetics fat trade Posted 8 hours 0 minutes ago Four people have been arrested in Peru on suspicion of killing some 60 people to sell their fat and other human tissue to Italian co-conspirators for cosmetic use in Europe, authorities say. The suspects were arrested in central Peru this month and a search is underway for seven others - including two Italian citizens whose names were not revealed - lead prosecutor Jorge Sans Quiroz said. The fat was purchased "to be commercialised in European [cosmetology] laboratories," he said. The prosecutor's indictment said the gang allegedly targeted farmers and indigenous people on remote Andean roads, tricking them by offering them jobs before killing them. One reported killing took place in mid-September to remove human tissue for trafficking. The trafficking network could be linked to 60 individual disappearances in the central Andean region, although the ties could not be confirmed.
Police began arrests after discovering early this month a container with human fat that was being shipped to Lima from the Andean city of Huanuco, some 400 kilometres north-east of Lima. Signs of "an international network trafficking human fat" first surfaced about two months ago, according to General Felix Burga,/....
The alleged plot revived the Andean legend of the Pishtacos, white foreigners who were said to suck the fat out of people travelling on lonely roads at night, making fine soaps, lubricants, healing salves and beauty creams out of the tissue.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:00 AM
There are actually many natural alternatives to using toxic manufactured cosmetics.

Many people have joined a "no poo" movement and clean their hair using baking soda disolved in warm water followed by a rinse with apple cider vinegar.

Facial powder can be made by mixing corn starch and cocoa with a mortar and pestle. Add cocoa until it's the desired shade.

Many other spices can be used as shading/coloring in homemade natural cosmetics as well. Just check out the spice isle in the grocery store!

Cocoa as well as charcoal can be used for eye liners and eye shadow.

There are natural deoderant recipes online using healthy ingredients such as coconut oil and baking soda.

It's kinda fun to make your own cosmetics, not to mention it will also save you a lot of money!

[edit on 20-11-2009 by illusions]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:06 AM
There are natural cosmetic products from plants. Not a lot of diversity and pretty expensive comparing to normal cosmetics - but still, it is available as an alternative. So it is up to personal choice, me thinks.
Of course,it does not eliminate labor factor problems - but maybe there should be some standard that insures factories are not sweatshops for kids?

Edit: oops. Was beaten to it.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by illusions
There are actually many natural alternatives to using toxic manufactured cosmetics.

Many people have joined a "no poo" movement and clean their hair using baking soda disolved in warm water followed by a rinse with apple cider vinegar.

Facial powder can be made by mixing corn starch and cocoa with a mortar and pestle. Add cocoa until it's the desired shade.

Many other spices can be used as shading/coloring in homemade natural cosmetics as well. Just check out the spice isle in the grocery store!

Cocoa as well as charcoal can be used for eye liners and eye shadow.

There are natural deoderant recipes online using healthy ingredients such as coconut oil and baking soda.

It's kinda fun to make your own cosmetics, not to mention it will also save you a lot of money!

[edit on 20-11-2009 by illusions]

Hmmm...Tried to edit my post but it didn't seem to work.
Wanted to add that you can make your own custom body spray using vodka and natural extracts or essential oils.

Be sure to test for allergies or reactions before wearing your home made, natural cosmetics.

***ALSO...There are certain esential oils that pregnant women should not use***

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:46 AM
WOW, just wow. I knew there was some wrong stuff in the products we use but that is just sick. I remember reading something on here last week about aborted foetuses being used in make-up. What is wrong with the world where we knowingly put others at risk for money and personal advancement.

Thank you for the effort you have put into this thread, if you don’t mind I will be copying it out and handing it around.


posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by illusions
***ALSO...There are certain esential oils that pregnant women should not use***

Why is this? Doesn't this also mean that essential oils are also dangerous and toxic? Irony, much?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Goathief

Originally posted by illusions
***ALSO...There are certain esential oils that pregnant women should not use***

Why is this? Doesn't this also mean that essential oils are also dangerous and toxic? Irony, much?

Yes this is very much the case, they are on the whole very concentrated and can cause very severe skin irritation. There is a lot of difference in pure essential oils and scented oils. You would need to do some reading on the subject and find a supplier who sells oils for the purpose of making home beauty products. You can dilute them if you know what you are doing, also be aware that some of these cost a small fortune as pure essential oils.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Qwenn
Yes this is very much the case, they are on the whole very concentrated and can cause very severe skin irritation. There is a lot of difference in pure essential oils and scented oils.

Patently it's just more than skin irritation because it affects the unborn child in the womb. So taking it all in (dilution, etc.), this is really any different to the chemicals mentioned in the OP as they all go through the same process? Some might even argue that those manufactured for mainstream beauty products are at least exact in quantity rather than unreliable home-brew solutions. I just looked this up, and what do you know?

Almond (Bitter) - Prunus amygdalus var. amara
Prussic acid - also known as cyanide, is the main constituent of bitter almond oil, and even small amounts can be lethal.

Calamus - Acorus calamus
The root of this plant is used in herbal medicine to treat a variety of problems, from nerves, headaches and vertigo, but the oil contains asorone - which is carcinogenic, and oral ingestion can cause convulsions as well as kidney and liver damage.

Wintergreen - Gaultheria procumbens
The active ingredient in wintergreen oil is methyl salicylate (98%) and although it has been used in ointments for rheumatism and other such complaints, the topical application of this oil, even in much diluted blends, can be a skin irritant - especially to those sensitive to aspirin (salicylate). Wintergreen oil is also very poisonous.

Well those are just some random examples from the first hits I got while searching. Also of interest is this, promoted by the other side of the fence as it were. So basically what we are looking at are different marketing techniques for the same products, in fact if I was forced to choose one I'd rather take my chances with the controlled manufactured chemicals rather than unspecified quantities of chemicals/poisons found in "natural" products.

At the end of the day, they both cause chemical reactions when introduced to the body (if they didn't, there would be no point in using them) - one is controlled and the other is not. Strangely enough the former is perceived as dangerous and dirty and the latter healthy and clean, I think that speaks volumes for the logic applied here.

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