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Healthcare bill is a disaster for the economy

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:21 AM
It's a front loaded bill. The benefits don't kick in until 2014 but the taxes and cuts in Medicare start immediately.

In a time when we have double digit unemployment and over 12 trillion in debt, why would you want to tax small business? They create the jobs but they don't get any benefit but they have to pay higher taxes while the economy is hurting.

Why do people allow these crooks to do this year after year?

They will just collect the taxes and spend the money. They will then have to borrow money to start the benefits which will drive us into more debt.

This is just a transfer of wealth into their hands.

Why are the American people so stupid? Republicans and democrats do this year after year.

[edit on 19-11-2009 by Matrix Rising]

[edit on 19-11-2009 by Matrix Rising]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:49 AM
The American people are not stupid. The polls show the majority of the people do not want this bill. The President, the House, and the Senate are pushing this down our throats. Voters need to be on the phone to the capital switich board calling their senators and representives. Bug the hell out of them. Make them wish they had never heard your name. If they don't vote the way you want, call them, email them, snail mail them and give them hell! Let them know that you will work to get them out of office when they come up for election.

I have always voted, but I didn't actively get involved until recently. It has made a difference in my life, knowing that I am involved in the process. I hope those of you who are involved will increas your involvement. I hope those of you who just sit and bitch, will get involved, regardless of which side your on.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:51 AM
2,074 page bill filled with loopholes that they will need billions to fill over the years. They will collects taxes, spend the money and then borrow money and sink us in more debt.

Here's the bill on PDF

2,074 pages full of lies. It really makes me sick that the American people are like an abused spouse.

No matter how many time this corrupt government beats you, you ask for more.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

How do you destroy America? You can’t conquer it, the land is vast, the people are armed. You don’t want to nuke it, it’s the breadbasket of the world, and has an abundance of natural resources, and fresh water.

You destroy the most powerful nation by weaken it, widdling it away, you destroy it economically and. You dominate TV, Newsprint. You stifle growth, you allow for traditional values to be destroyed. You send drugs into big cities, and watch it spread to the suburbs. You sell sex and target their children, you take away power from the parents, and hire radicals to teach them. You make issue credit to people who have no business having credit. You send its young to two wars you don’t want to win. You "elect" people who have no business running a MacDonald’s let alone a nation. You take away their rights in the name of Freedom and Democracy.

In away everything that has been going on in America that past 40 years is coming to the front now. Its going down, America is a dying and there is nothing we can do to stop it, for years we stuck our head in the sand and allowed for this to happen. Now we will soon see when the chains of slavery our once again thrown on us, will we allow it or die fighting it?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

Pay in advance. I guess I should have figured. It always seemed to me that the health care bill was a scam. Definately, a payoff to the insurance companies.

Our leadership is scum.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising


progressives do this year after year, worse, the dummycrats keep falling for this crap hook line and stinker (misspelling intentional). Then again, most dummycrats are all about themselves and can rarely see past their own noses when they have their hands out for soem gimme gimme gimme free money from ol' senor gummint

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:39 PM
Well what many people doesn't know is, that the health care bill is been pushed in the back burner because the economic crisis is getting worst with the unemployment figures rising.

So now the health care bill is rising concerns on Democrats that believe if they push that bill now they will lose the hold in congress with so many angry Americans, so to stop the bill the Democrat control congress has to end.

Still Obama is working on another stimulus because the last one has become to hard to account for, with still unemployment figures rising.

Things are going to get very interesting in the coming months before mid term elections.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:55 PM
Actually I am getting to the point I will suffer just to see so many (that asked for this) eat crow when they get crapped on too. Maybe (I know I am stupid for thinking this but hey…) eventually people will learn from their mistakes and stop believing the lying scum that sit in Washington.


[edit on 11/19/09 by Raist]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:02 PM
Health care as it is in the USA is already anti-entrepreneurial and ageist - I know someone who has had her cancer return but she is perfectly fine and strong now and wants to keep working - to qualify for medical assistance and follow up she has to stay poor or die.
She's absolutely uninsurable. Maybe, just maybe they really want to keep people age 50 - 65 out of the work force and do so by making them uninsurable for even small health problems. Maybe just maybe they want to rob people 50 - 65 of as much of they have earned as possible before they hit retirement age.

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