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Private 'police' provoke concern

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posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Private 'police' provoke concern

The growing number of private security companies policing UK streets is a worrying development, senior police figures say.

The Police Federation of England and Wales said there is "huge concern" over their powers and accountability.

Former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair has also said there should be no role for the private sector in Britain's law enforcement.

The firms typically charge residents to patrol streets and deter troublemakers.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:26 PM
Are these "Police" nothing more than glorified security guards whose bosses have visions of grandeur or just in for a fast buck?

Are these companies money orientated due to the fact that the vast majority have lost all faith in the police 'state' that is rapidly taking a strong hold on the citizens?

Is there a far darker story behind all this? Are we seeing the re-birth of a fascist order or secret police?
Are the days of the black and brown shirts being re-born?

Just exactly what powers do these 'police' have? Just what can they do if you decide to stand up to them?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:30 PM
Well here in the US we have Homeland Security which is a foreign interest group that works under the umbrella of the Federal Government. Along with that we have FEMA and something far stranger....citizens corps.

Your assignment is to figure out where (who) they are recruiting.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:46 PM
Privacy has you concerned?

Any good fascist nation must have its own version of Gestapo!

With immunity they can, when called upon, crush dissent and rebellion.

Obama wants a civilian national security force in the USA that is as well funded as the US military.

There are already several experimental "private police" organizations operating in the USA.

Fear not, because the experiment is doomed to fail through public alarm and exposure.

Too bad they couldn't get the CIA to play along when they needed them.

[edit on 14-11-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Extralien

We have a force that was about to go into business in the city I live in.
I am not sure what happened as the security firms boss was charged with imitating a police officer.
I think they were due to charge residents around £3 per week for patrols for a set area.

[edit on 14-11-2009 by colec156]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:48 PM
in the last month or so one of these groups got fined.because they looked to much like our (uk) far as i know they cant do that much that normal citazens can..... they havnt got any more rigths then civ's.they cant carry weapons ie baton,cs gas.they can wear stab proof vests and that. but havnt got the same power as really there no good.abit like neigbourgh hood watch.just a visual deteront.they have been charging people to pertrol there neigbourgh hood's.


posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:48 PM
If the government stopped spending millions a year on themselves, they'd be able to pay for more police to patrol these neighbourhoods.

Not security patrols like these, not Police Community Support Officers who are not allowed to do anything due to health and safety most of the time...i mean real police officers.

Bring back the good old days when every village town and city had a local copper that everyone knew. The coppers that knew you by name, knew your parents, the ones that would be good enough to go to with any problems, and also scary enough that you crapped yourself at the thought of him dragging you home to your parents.

I live in a quite UK village and i'm telling you, i give it just a few years before people are that fed up with the way the youth of today are acting, and police and parents doing little about it (much of the time, we'll see the public taking things into thier own hands a lot more.

I can't help thinking about the thousands of troops they are sending out to Afghanistan now. In a few years time Britain is going to be swarming with lads who have served in some really crappy places, against real crappy odds, and are not going just turn a blind eye when a group of chavs decide to become abusive.

When that happens i am going to applaud them. If our government won't give us the security we want around our own homes, then it will have to be provided ourselves!

Not just troops though, i have spoken to a lot of fed up civillians lately who feel exactly the same.


[edit on 14/11/09 by CX]

[edit on 14/11/09 by CX]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by CX

to right.fight fire with fire.why should i have to cross the road,feel threatend on my own streets.i dont move or cross the street coz of a gang of kids who think there hard,when really one on one there not.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 05:26 PM
Ian Blair has a bit of a hard neck here saying it is the polices job but in my street where I lived for 7 years I never ever once seen a police man/woman on the beat.

These people are normally nothing more than jumpped up curtian twichers that are let lose on the streets but at least they are walking the streets.

In a small way they are a good deterant nothing more. As one poster said bring back the local bobby on the beat.

It is the polices job but there more concerned with catching drivers for not have road tax or speeding.

A friend of mine had his house broken into the police took 6hrs to show gave him a crime referance number and told him to pass it onto the insurance company so he could make a claim they have never been back.

If he had been caught speeding or had no tax disc on his car you could garuntee they would be around in a heartbeat.

[edit on 14-11-2009 by jpmail]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

More importantly... who are the founding members of these companies?
Who is giving the money to pay the staff before they have collected enough from the 'customers'?

Who is trying to whittle their way into law enforcement by privatising it in such a way that only the rich can afford a police force?

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Sounds like here in America where they have security companies that can get away with rape, tasering and shooting people for nothing.

There's one company that's famous for that around where I live, it's called the "Cleveland Metro" security company, or something like that.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:14 PM
I'm actually in full support of private security/police forces. In the USA, our current government subsidized and tax funded police were originally private patrols. Only in time did they become the version they are today. To me, our police are no longer peace officers but law enforcement. I would have no qualm about joining in with my neighbors to directly pay for a patrol to protect our properties. Currently, we have to rely on individuals who take commands from County, State, & Federal regulators. This many times poses more problems then local oversight. Now the issue I do have is with Governments contracting out police services to private organizations. Individuals buying protection is security. Governments doing it is oppression.


posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by thomasblackraven
I'm actually in full support of private security/police forces.


I'm not completely against private security patrols, but i think i expect too much.

I want a patrol that can do as much as the police can do, not one that will get riduculed by the local youths because they can't touch them.

I want the patrols to be good people who will not go beyond their powers or normal decent morals.

Deep down, i wish they'd be able to kick the living crap out of people that find it funny to go around mugging people, bullying innocents and ruining our country....but i think i may be asking for a bit much with that one.


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