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HEY guys odd experience here would like your input

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posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:28 PM
so I joined this forum because the past few years I have been gathering locations and sighting reports from around the united states and once I have the time I will be investigating hopefully less than 2 years away. Within the two years though i hope to have a bunch of research done and a lot of references. The main reason why I joined is ever since I have been looking into the Majestic 12 documents scattered across the web odd things are starting to happen to me. For example driving on a major highway one day I see this brand new shiny right down to the chrome rims Cadillac. The odd part is that it had government plates and when I looked for a second time it was gone. After this incident I begin to think I am being followed because I start to notice things out of place. Another Day I got on the train to go to night school and noticed a man with a black jacket/suit/pants/hat/sunglasses and he kept looking in my direction than as soon as I got off the train so did he and than I headed into class. Their was another man same clothing and manor that sat near my location and as I got up to move or walk around I could see his reactions. Than when heading back to my apartment I was about to cross the street when a cadillac suv slowed down right in front of me and glanced at me. One thing I did notice is that all of these men either were bald or had a buzz cut. So I was wondering if the information I have been finding and storing and writing about is something someone is monitoring? Also I would greatly appreciate anyones input so I can ease my paranoia [maybe]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:33 PM
You could be being watched. It happened to me when I got too close to finding out something about underground areas, I wont say what or where, till this day I still feel like the whole thing was a bad dream but I know it was not because others also witnessed it. It is something I rather forget about. I just wrote this to let you know that you are not crazy, it does happen. Good luck with your work...
Hope you keep us up on what you find out.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Majestic 12 documents dont know about them but I do beleave you maybe followed keep your eyes open and stay to public places when ever posible. good luck in uncovering the truth that u seek.

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