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South Park Rips on Alex Jones and the Currant Political Crisis. w/videos

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:51 PM
I personally think this is one of the funniest episodes they have ever made, blatantly ripping on Alex Jones (who is yet to comment) by portraying him as the power and money hungry Eric Cartman. They couldn't have put it any better if you ask me, but some of you may think this is a dis-info video aimed at defaming Mr. Jones...But either way, they humorously touch on a few subjects I think we all need to take in.

The videos contained herein are rated MA and have material that may offend some people. (only 3 parts of the total 4 available)

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:17 PM
Your post is what keeps me coming back to ATS! S/F !!!

You gotta laugh about the mess we're in or you'll cry!

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Griffo515

LMAO! That is excellent. I think they were making fun of Glenn Beck though and not Alex Jones.

Now I am so confused. I only believe whatever Glenn Beck and South Park says. Now I am torn. Maybe South Park is a government psyop.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by HotSauce

yeah to me it was more of a Glenn Beck mocking. I would think they would do a better job if they were mocking Alex Jones, the mannerisms, over the top screaming etc.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by crw2006

Yeah they would have him in a tin hat hiding under his desk and going on one of his mad rants. Plus, most people wouldn't even know who Alex Jones is.

This show was almost as good as when they ripped the truthers a new one.

I've got a clue.. a raging clue.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:58 PM
Well well, this is strange, because Crooks and Liars has a thread posted on there site with a video called South Park Mocks Glenn Beck
How strange is that

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Sauron

Maybe you can suggest a better one I can buy?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:00 AM
LOL...thanks for sharing this. S&F.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Griffo515

only 3 parts of the total 4 available

Entire video is available here. I recommend having asian language support enabled on your browser before clicking the link.

Curious that the copy on youtube is left-right flipped.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:46 AM
Havent seen this episode yet, wish i had a fast internet connection. Anyhow, Southpark usually does such a damn good job at spoofing people and making them feel worthless, i wonder if they spoofed the Octomom yet, if not then they NEED to. I dont watch tv like normal people do, so therefor i dont know half the people YOU people talk about, i also dont listen to the radio, im hardly on the internet except to come here and check my mail, thats prettymuch all i do... Well except for working on my art and writing. But i wish Southpark was a little more the way it was when it first came out, animation wise, because the unadvanced animation made it all the funnier, they way their mouths moved, the way the fake fire looked on them, they need to bring some of that back, it added to the charm. I miss the old Grandpa too, his dirty mouth and bad attitude. I also miss the way Kenny would be picked apart and dragged off by rats that just magicly appeared after his death(s)

Also i was wondering how many times Southpark has been sued (If they even have been sued) I remember their jabs towards Hilary clinton and her unused Vag. God forbid if that constipated old wench watched it and got all crazy on them. Cant wait to see their spoof of the 'balloon boy' hoax and the people who were behind it... Also that reminds me of their jab towards Carlos Mencia 'I aint got no diiiiick' what ever happened to that guy? I know he stole people's jokes, but he was also pretty good at making fun of people and making them feel #ty... I wonder if Mencia watched that Episode. I watched the episode the kweef sisters, that one was terrible. Except the parts depicting the Unicorn sneaze and the 'road warrior' that actually made me laugh pretty good.

Imaginationland was good... although i didnt get tho see all of each episode. The family guy episode was good espeacially the ending with people crapping allover eachother. World of Warcraft was good, espeacially Cartman crapping allover his mom's face. Also, we need to see more of Cartman's cat, espeacially like in the episode where she was inheat and sniffed catnip and went crazy in thee kitchen... God i wish i worked with the Southpark writers, theres a lot of celebrity people i hate that i'd like to spoof.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:48 AM
I'm not surprised that South Park made fun of Glenn Beck (or whoever) as TPTB do control the view of any topic shown on tv. (expect to see a pro truther, birther episode? Not likely.)

It's all designed to make fun of anyone who disagrees with anything the womderful loving government tells you is true, even when you have overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

That said, the episode in question was still hilarious.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by crw2006
reply to post by HotSauce

yeah to me it was more of a Glenn Beck mocking. I would think they would do a better job if they were mocking Alex Jones, the mannerisms, over the top screaming etc.

Glenn Beck or Alex Jones it could really fit both

Is there anybody here who is a follower of either these two "truth seekers" and believe this is only humorous dis info for the masses??

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:24 AM
Oy Vey! ( did I use that right.. nevermind)..

Uh.. well people love South Park and I am sure your going to get lots of hits on this one.. Bravo! I suggest you run for public office because your video has Nothing to do with the ISSUE.

You Pulled people in here on the Pretense of SP ripping on Alex Jones.. I don't see anything about Alex here at all.

South Park in the past has not been afraid to name the object of their scorn. Just look at the videos that featured such names as Barbra Streisand, Micheal Jackson and Sally Struthers. If they were ripping on Alex Jones it would be more Clear.

In Fact.. Alex has his own unique style and this video does nothing to mimic Alex Jones.

THIS video does Not reflect the current Political Crisis but makes the same generalizations people have been making for YEARS.

That these generalizations happen to be True not withstanding. But this video could have been more SPECIFIC towards today's actual goings on.

I therefore submit that You Sir are Perpetrating a Fraud on behalf of The American People!!

Er ..On a more personal note I thought it was really funny. Keep Em comin. :-)

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Griffo515

only 3 parts of the total 4 available

Entire video is available here. I recommend having asian language support enabled on your browser before clicking the link.

Curious that the copy on youtube is left-right flipped.

Ahh yes, after watching the last part of the full episode you provided you can see when Eric changes his hair style that they are indeed ripping on Glenn Beck

**note to mods**
can you please change the name from Alex Jones to Glenn Beck so people like JohnPhoenix dont get all fired up for my surposed "Perpetration of a Fraud on behalf of The American People"

-Thank you

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:04 AM
the episode obviously directs mockery at the GLEN BECK show, not Alex Jones.
In style and imitation.

The merging of socialist aspects into our economy and gov is going to be hotly debated.. and this is a precursor to what to expect.

nothing to worry about in the long run.
nature taking it's course.

as for mockery of Alex Jones...

leave that to me....


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:10 AM
Maybe the part with Cartman trying to sell videos can be loosely attributed to Alex Jones but it's pretty obvious it starts with Limbaugh mocking then evolves into Beck mocking.

I get it and it was pretty funny but it could have been more accurate for the sake of getting the point across. Almost like the writers didnt really know anything about how Beck works beyond what the Daily Show illustrates. Which is also an incomplete and somewhat inaccurate picture.

Could have and should have been better done.

If you're going to mock someone especially to illustrate a point the mocking must be accurate. If it isnt and your audience has half a brain they will pick up on it. The Daily Shows audience typically doesn't have half a brain so they never protest but the overall lack of praise this South Park episode is getting compared to what it should have gotten if it had been done right makes me think at least the South Park audience has half a brain.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:38 AM
No the people who have half a brain are the one's who can't even get the hint from South Park that Fox Noise is propaganda machine, and the try to defend them.

For God sakes when Trey and Matt tell you that your an idiot for listening to these morons it's about time you begin to look into a mirror and ask I an idiot.

Think of it as an intervention.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:48 AM
Most people are amazed to find this out but Matt and Trey are right-wingers. I saw a site that listed celebrities and their political leanings and the Southpark boys are righties.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

Thanks for illustrating my point. Unfortunately you exhibited the lesser behavior I had previously associated with the Daily Show audience and have moved counter to the benefit of the doubt I had given the South Park audience.

The best part is that you attributed the message of one (Parker and Stone) as gospel while claiming the message of another (Fox) to be the antithesis. My point was directed at essentially anyone who claims any message as gospel. A point which you either didnt get or chose to ignore.

Seems to counter perpetual idiocy I'll have to fill my sig space with endless disclaimers stating I do not watch cable "news", am not a member of a party, and I do not take anything as gospel. But that too will just be ignored and the Daily Show assaults and endless Fox (insert mental-patient wordplay here) name-calling which by all rights has absolutely nothing to do with nor any specific meaning or value to me will continue.

I expect the typical drone response. I'm sure you will not disappoint.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by AllexxisF1

Thanks for illustrating my point. Unfortunately you exhibited the lesser behavior I had previously associated with the Daily Show audience and have moved counter to the benefit of the doubt I had given the South Park audience.

The best part is that you attributed the message of one (Parker and Stone) as gospel while claiming the message of another (Fox) to be the antithesis. My point was directed at essentially anyone who claims any message as gospel. A point which you either didnt get or chose to ignore.

Seems to counter perpetual idiocy I'll have to fill my sig space with endless disclaimers stating I do not watch cable "news", am not a member of a party, and I do not take anything as gospel. But that too will just be ignored and the Daily Show assaults and endless Fox (insert mental-patient wordplay here) name-calling which by all rights has absolutely nothing to do with nor any specific meaning or value to me will continue.

I expect the typical drone response. I'm sure you will not disappoint. the middle of that long winded and incredibly boring response you might have come to the conclusion that I wasn't talking directly to you.

Sensitive much?

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