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GOP bigwigs’ health insurance covers elective abortions: report

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:05 PM

The health insurance plan offered to employees of the Republican National Committee includes coverage for elective abortions, a fact that could compromise the party's insistence that abortion be left out of any health care reform measure.

Since 1991, the RNC -- the group that do-ordinates Republican activities at the national level -- has been on a health insurance plan from insurer Cigna that offers elective abortion coverage, and the RNC signed up for the coverage even though it was an optional part of the package, says a report at Politico.

According to several Cigna employees, the insurer offers its customers the opportunity to opt out of abortion coverage – and the RNC did not choose to opt out.

So it's a do as I say, not do as I do situation. GOP hypocrisy at it most glaring.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Please, do not start bashing until you think about this in a logical manner. If you have a plan that you personally pay for and it has the option of abortion that's not a problem. You can opt to not use it, it is just in the plan. On the other hand, funding abortion with tax dollars for people on a Government run healthcare plan is a horse of a different color. My tax dollars should not go to something I don't believe in period. (Now please let's stay on topic, and not stray off into what we already pay for with our tax dollars that we don't believe, because that's not what this thread is about).

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Well to be fair and truthful about the whole propaganda about "abortion been pay by tax payers" that part is a lie, but many private insurance does offer elective abortion converage by additional charges.

That comes from the pockets of those that elect to have it.

Now the real issue is that anti abortion groups wants to actually ban any private insurance from offering the elective abortion at exta charge to individuals after the health care reform passes.

Cigna is the same private health care insurance that my husband have from his company, but we also have tricare humana that is paid by the governemnt, they cover abortions with is life threatening, but don't offer elective abortion converage.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by kingoftheworld

There are plenty of plans that don't offer elective abortions as part of their plans. You would have thought that the "Pro Life" GOP would have chosen one of those.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:09 AM
Here's an update to this story.

'Chagrined' GOP chair ends abortion insurance for employees

Even though his own views towards abortion have moderated over the years, RNC chair Michael Steele didn't waste any time taking care of the latest Republican albatross.

"A chagrined GOP Chairman Michael Steele has told Republican National Committee staff to immediately stop providing RNC employees with insurance for elective abortions — an option that Republicans strongly oppose as Democrats try to pass a health care overhaul bill," the Associated Press reports.

Still the damage is done. How could the GOP ignore such blatant hypocrisy?

[edit on 13-11-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Still the damage is done. How could the GOP ignore such blatant hypocrisy?

[edit on 13-11-2009 by whaaa]

are you seriously asking a question like this about the GOP?

These are the people that go into church every sunday and claim to adhere to the Ten Commandments and then turn right around and advocate wars

"Thou shall not kill" indeed

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave

Originally posted by whaaa

Still the damage is done. How could the GOP ignore such blatant hypocrisy?

[edit on 13-11-2009 by whaaa]

are you seriously asking a question like this about the GOP?

These are the people that go into church every sunday and claim to adhere to the Ten Commandments and then turn right around and advocate wars

"Thou shall not kill" indeed

Ignorant much? I believe a majority of Democrats voted in favor of going to war in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The Democrat party is supposed to be the party of the people, right? So their excuse is ... ?

And to the OP: Okay, so a Republican has an abortion clause in their insurance. That must mean that every female Republican that this policy covers is absolutely going to use it, 100%! Because if the button is there on the wall everyone will definately push it! Boy, you got us there, Einstein!

[edit on 13-11-2009 by sos37]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by sos37
Ignorant much?

The trap has now been set, my friend....

Originally posted by sos37
The Democrat party

Can you think of something original? Sucking on the sack of Limbaugh and Beck by referring to them as "the Democrat party" just makes you look like a lemming...

Originally posted by sos37
And to the OP: Okay, so a Republican has an abortion clause in their insurance. That must mean that every female Republican that this policy covers is absolutely going to use it, 100%! Because if the button is there on the wall everyone will definately push it! Boy, you got us there, Einstein!

Let's try this exercise - I'll quote your paragraph above and change a few words:

Originally posted by sos37
And to the OP: Okay, so a Democrat has an abortion clause in their insurance. That must mean that every female Democrat that this policy covers is absolutely going to use it, 100%! Because if the button is there on the wall everyone will definately push it! Boy, you got us there, Einstein!

Originally posted by sos37
Ignorant much?

Erm.. so, how is your statement above any different from having the procedure covered as an ADDITIONAL EXPENSE in the health-care overhaul? (Psst - It ISN'T)

[edit on 13-11-2009 by shrike071]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by sos37

Because if the button is there on the wall everyone will definately push it! Boy, you got us there, Einstein!

Speaking of pushing buttons....

I love it when you talk all snarky to me.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:00 AM
From what I understand, the Stupak amendment would prevent women who receive federal subsidies from even using THEIR OWN MONEY to pay for abortion coverage. It would also prevent all insurers on the government exchange from even offering that option.

The Stupak amendment does not preserve the status quo but places further severe restrictions on women's access to a safe and LEGAL procedure if they, in consultation with their doctors, should so choose it.

Stupak comes very close to re-criminalizing a procedure that is no longer a crime, depriving women of the right to make their own reproductive choices.

I can see why the Republican National Committee would choose such a plan that would include that option. The question is not why do they have it but why do they deny it to other women?

[edit on 14-11-2009 by Sestias]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Sestias

Rest assure that that amendment will never make it.

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