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B.O. Islamic Love Fest Mash-Up w/ Video

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posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 07:38 AM
No real conspiracy here folks, just ignore this and move along!

Not a big BO basher, but Good Lord, if this doesn't get you riled up, nothing will-

Now, before you say "taken out of context" or "obviously edited by right-wing nuts" it again. There HAS to be some truth in there!

So much for the separation of Church & State, eh?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 07:55 AM
So let me get this right, because Obama can perfectly pronounce "Koran" he is a Muslim, and because he has family with Muslim roots he is a Muslim? On top of that, what is really the big deal if he is in fact Muslim? Wouldn't it say more for us as a society that we are that intolerant that he may in fact be Muslim, but is forced to hide it in order to make sure the country doesn't hate him?

I go to a Vietnamese restaurant and can perfectly pronounce the menu offerings, while at the same time I can meet someone named Svetlana from Russia and perfectly pronounce their name. On top of that I can meet Latinos and pronounce their name as it should be said in the middle of English conversation. I can run Buddhist chants in Japanese from memory and could lead a Catholic service in Latin if I had to.

I'm obviously a closeted Vietnamese Russian Buddhist Roman Catholic Latino with diabolical plans to conquer the earth and usher in the NWO.

Sounds silly, doesn't it?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 08:12 AM
Who cares if he is a Muslim or not.His rhetoric is totally at odds with his actions anyway, he's expanded attacks in Pakistan sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan pretended to partially withdrawal from Iraq whilst sending in more mercenaries, and expanded the military budget.But somehow this isn't good enough for the hawkish Neo-cons and the left thinks he is a peacemaker it's totally ridiculous.If he is a Muslim he doesn't like them very much.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Another thread chock full of ignorant malarky.

First he was a Black militant Christian deep into black theology from Rev. Wrights Christian Church, then he was a Muslim terrorist Socialist, Marxist who is out to kill Grand Ma.

Well which is it? It's bad enough you all are saying he is 4 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ideologies at one time but is he also two religions as well?

This site claims to deny ignorance but holy Jesus on a stick it is completely and utterly plastered with it.

For God sakes use your sense of reason. Stop listening to the right wing media they are rotting your brain.

Instead why not take up the position that he is a good bloke who is trying what he thinks is the best course for our country. Disagree with the guy to your hearts content but through policy and holy crap! come up with some constructive ideas of your own.

Be a part of the debate with REAL solutions instead of walking up to the table with a picture of piled bodies from Dachau prison claiming he is a Nazi who just happens to be from Kenya who believes in Socialism, Marxism, Communism all at the same time while being entrenched deep into black hateful Christian theology all packaged up as the Anti Christ.

Do you have any idea of just how ridiculous you sound? Do you realize the vast majority of this country looks at you with this twitch eyed oh my God my head is going to explode from just how stupid these people are look. You are better than that!

Enough is enough. You have a problem with this guy have the balls and decency and above all else a sense of honor and respect to debate him on the issues.

We bashed Bush for what he did and what he wasn't doing. We never marched down the street calling him a closet Communist.

[edit on 11-11-2009 by AllexxisF1]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 08:34 AM
Can you pretend to be someone you really are not to be elected to public

office? Can a person lie and portray they are Christian but in actually be a

Muslim or vice versa and be elected to office? Is there any accountability by an

elected official to the public when being elected by misleading or misconstruing

the truth when running for public office? ^Y^

[edit on 11-11-2009 by amari]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by amari
Can you pretend to be someone you really are not to be elected to public

office? Can a person lie and portray they are Christian but in actually be a

Muslim or vice versa and be elected to office? Is there any accountability by an

elected official to the public when being elected by misleading or misconstruing

the truth when running for public office? ^Y^

[edit on 11-11-2009 by amari]


Why do you think any politician who is willing to betray his own religion to lie to the entire world day in and day out just so he could be President would be honorable enough to stick with own religion in the first place.

If he is a devout Muslim than HE COULD NEVER DISAVOW IT. The very ridiculous notion that he is a secret Muslim in of it self proves that he is not, why? Because he has no problem lying about it to everyone's face on the planet for the sake of being President.

It makes ZERO SENSE.

If you are truly devout to your religion would you lie about being a part of it just so you could have a cool job? or be famous?

Do you see the failure of that logic?

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 08:43 AM
Here's the thing. I know a lot of really moderate Muslims(mostly Albanians). This discussion has come up a few times. Even with these very moderate Muslims they say denouncing the faith or lying about it is one of the worst things you can do.

Basically if he was Muslim he would be shunned from his Muslim brothers and when death comes, no virgins for him.

Personally I think he is but power and fame out weighs his beliefs. All signs point it, even with the early signs of the double swearing in. Which worries me. Not because of his faith but because this guy seems to have been built upon a lie. So many unfilled voids in this guys story it's scary that he ever got elected.

[edit on 11-11-2009 by Tyr Sog]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 10:08 AM
i dont like obama very much, and he's a liar and is gonna continue these wars and not do any thing he said he would but

1. he's very likely not a muslim.
2. who cares???

christianity and islam are just about the same thing. what does him having to be a muslim have to do with anything. cos we were allegedly attacked by muslim extremists 8 years ago?? really?? is he an "extremist"

i couldnt care less about what his religion is, i dislike the man but for real grow up haha

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Signals

Not a big BO basher, but Good Lord, if this doesn't get you riled up, nothing will

the only thing that gets me riled up about this video is knowing there are people out there with enough stupidity to believe in its validity.

That ticks me off in a big, big, big way.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Snarf

Did you watch the whole thing? I'll tell you what really really ticks me off....The guy has not been honest with the American people. Can we agree on that? Okay, granted, what leader has?

But anyway, the "change we can believe in" is not headed where I want to go, and this is evidence...choose to take some validity from the video or not....that he could be Muslim.

If this doesn't scare you then please, go back to sleep.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Signals
Did you watch the whole thing? I'll tell you what really really ticks me off....The guy has not been honest with the American people. Can we agree on that?

No politician is, as you mentioned. However, when I go about discussing how a politician is a liar I do not use mash-up videos with such "proofs" as his correct pronunciation of a word and his recognition of family roots that are in a religion other than the typical Christianity of our previous presidents (if you actually want to believe that!)

But anyway, the "change we can believe in" is not headed where I want to go, and this is evidence...choose to take some validity from the video or not....that he could be Muslim.

I see, so his direction is not the direction you want to go and this upsets you, totally fair. The fact remains that this "accusation" of him being a Muslim is simply silly. To even "accuse" someone of being a religion indicates a predisposition towards bias against that particular religion and does nothing but steep the debate in unfounded prejudice.

If this doesn't scare you then please, go back to sleep.

What scares me even more is that people actually buy into stuff like this and allow it to take away all forms of rational thought so that still the people in this country will remain completely divided, never stand up for anything together, and will ultimately devise their own ruination. For those of us a little more awake that have zero need to "go back to sleep" the very fact that we are being undone so easily from within is not only scary, it's horrific.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

If he is a devout Muslim than HE COULD NEVER DISAVOW IT. The very ridiculous notion that he is a secret Muslim in of it self proves that he is not, why? Because he has no problem lying about it to everyone's face on the planet for the sake of being President.

You are completely over looking The principal of Taqieh (Arabic Taqia, Persian Taqieh)
or tuqyah is practicing deception, lying or concealment for expediency. Allah prohibited His believing servants from becoming supporters of the disbelievers, or to take them as comrades with whom they develop friendships. It is not only perfectly acceptable for a Muslim to lie to an unbeliever it is encouraged.

If Obama faked a "conversion to Chistianity" to hoodwink unbelievers and advance Islam it would be highly regarded by other Muslims. If he actually converted from Islam to Christianity he would be called "Barry Soetoro" just as my Grandfather picked the name Frank to show his conversion from Islam to Christianity. The name says it all.

Also according to the Sharia law, conversion from Islam to Christianity is officially punishable by death. So Obama would be the target of every devout Muslim around.

Research from primary sources who knew Obama from his childhood indicate that he was a devout Muslim, the son of a devout Muslim, the step-son of a devout Muslim and the grandson and namesake ("Hussein") of a devout Muslim.

I am sure all the Muslims are laughing at the dumb US citizens who think Obama is Christian.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:29 PM

I am sure all the Muslims are laughing at the dumb US citizens who think Obama is Christian

though not as hard as we're laughing at you, and people like you, for believing that he's not

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:18 AM
Didn't he attend a "militant" christian black church in chicago for years? I remember there being a very big stink about this. His ex military pastor speaking about cia blowback and bringing the hatred of the extremists on our selfs.

So I'm confused is he a Christian or a muslim?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:24 AM
The video seemed cut on the one actual part were Obama says his "Muslim faith" so I looked for more...

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by niteboy82

So let me get this right, because Obama can
perfectly pronounce "Koran" he is a Muslim, not neccesarily. But I notice that every time he says it he calls it the "Holy Quran" and not merely "the Koran." Anyone who values literacy is likely to want to be able to pronounce words correctly in their native language...but he appears to be showing veneration and respect above and beyond what would be needed simply for proper pronunciation. For, example, anyone might speak of Jesus and the Bible, but if you spoke to someone who referred to them exclusively as "the Lord Jesus" and the "Holy Bible" might you suspect them of being christian?

Now, I'll grant you that even this doesn't necessarily mean he's muslim. Having spent his early years with muslims might be enough to pick up habits of language lke this. But if so...then to some extent that speaks for itself: whether or not he is now or has ever considered himself a muslim, he appears to have been raised in sufficiently close proximity to muslims to pick up significant nuances of speech from them as regards their holy book.

what is really the big deal if he is in fact Muslim?

That depends on who you ask. If you ask a christian who is scared of muslims, I think it would be a huge deal to them if they believed that the president of their country was a member of the very group they're scared of. If you ask a muslim, once again, I think it would be a huge deal, though be it for different reasons.

As someone who is neither christian nor muslim, pesonally, the "big deal" of him considering himself a muslim would be that that would mean that he's lied, repeatedly about his self identity. And I would have to wonder whether the reason for lying were simply to get himself into office, or whether there might be more sinister reasons. However...overall, the fact of him being muslim might be less important than what others perceive him to be. For example, hypothetically, if certain violent extremists muslim groups believe he is muslim, it might give them considerable motiovation to leave us alone. On the other hand, again hypothetically, if the christian majority in this country believes him to be muslim...and if they were to take a couple steps of logic and conclude that he is also the antichrist...that might tend to lead towards considerable instability here within the US.

If he's clever, he might be able to "allow" the christians to believe he's christian, and "allow" the muslims to believe he's muslim, and thereby gain the support of both and possibly do great things.

But that would be a dangerous game to play.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:47 AM
I'm mostly scared by the fact that anyone we elect as President is a deep believer in any religion quite frankly.

Being that into any religious book kind of freaks me out a bit when the guy has thousands of Nukes and a dozen Carrier Battle groups at his thumb...

Most powerful man in the world...

And he believes in a guy with a beard who overseas us all and has given us rules to follow....

Kind of twilight zone if you ask me... that a superstitious man controls the fate of the world... this is why the Aliens won't talk to us for sure, we are a bunch of primitives still.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by niteboy82
So let me get this right, because Obama can perfectly pronounce "Koran" he is a Muslim, and because he has family with Muslim roots he is a Muslim?

On top of that, what is really the big deal if he is in fact Muslim?

I hesitated to say this because you're a super moderator but decided you should be held to even more rigorous adherence to denying ignorance. Saying he is Muslim because he can pronounce "Koran" correctly is simply inflammatory.

What's the big deal if he's Muslim?
The big deal is that (if it is true) he is lying to the American public and the world.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by amari
Can you pretend to be someone you really are not to be elected to public


Yes. They do it all of the time.

Can a person lie and portray they are Christian but in actually be a

Muslim or vice versa and be elected to office?

Yes. Right before your very eyes.

Is there any accountability by an elected official to the public when being elected by misleading or misconstruing the truth when running for public office? ^Y^

[edit on 11-11-2009 by amari]

There should be, but now most politicians seem to feel they have a free reign to "vote their conscious" (code for how pelosi tells them to vote) instead of how their constituents tell them they want them to vote.

[edit on 11/13/2009 by centurion1211]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by notreallyalive
The video seemed cut on the one actual part were Obama says his "Muslim faith" so I looked for more...

Nice catch, this was the most 'convincing' statement of the original post and you've done a great job at denying ignorance. I neither like President Obama's policies nor his actions though I would cry "foul!" for taking his words/slip-up out of context too. It seems to me he isn't a Muslim, but a worldwide kiss-up to any who dislike the U.S.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by saint4God]

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