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ATS defending the petrochemical/oil industry via censorship?

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Anyone familiar with ATS will know about two things, firstly the discussion of almost anything goes on here or on BTS, yet one vital subject still to this day remains crushed, deleted, moved, censored and ultimately destroyed.

I fear even typing the word for the wrath of the mods. So i wont.

Secondly the ATS motto is 'Deny ignorance' which is probably about 89% true in all cases, with member s searching for the ultimate truth in many different topics, except this particular one. So i won't.

So a little hypocrisy aside, we'll jump straight into the issue.

Du Pont.

Petrochemical division. 1930's

Producing anything from gun powder to plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc

Andrew Mellon (Hoovers' Secretary of the Treasury and Du Pont's primary investor) and a freemason, decided that a naturally growing resource would be a HUGE threat to the investments of his interests and ensured something would be done about it.

His nephew in-law a certain Harry J.Anslinger created a certain malicious campaign against the natural sustainable resource, whilst supporting his uncle in-laws draconian measures in destroying any competition, whilst at the same time instilling a form of mind control over pre-war America.

A system of mind control that is reflected in the daily ignorance of many, many people world wide even to this day.

How a natural resource that has been used for literally the history of human kind was suddenly demonised by a handful of men, for the sake of profit.

Even now, the ignorance of people is outstanding, how people automatically create critical judgement on even a word.

How this ignorance has spiralled to unseen heights, where reaction is now powered without thought, without analysis and all the people who support the original movement are now categorised with unfair labels.

Sadly ATS, the last bastion of truth seems to have sealed its own fate, by following in the footsteps of greed and demonisation and censorship and will not even open dialogue on the subject.

Sad but true.

For as much as we can approach this site with grand ideas of discussing thoughts about the future of human kind, our history is being eroded second by second by greedy shareholders, industry fat cats and the media.

The site owners and mods claim that a tiny few are ruining the discussions for the many, yet it seems it's the judgement of the moderators and the pre-decided policies are the real things that affect such dialogue.

I've seen much worse things mentioned on other threads, yet it seems my subject is a target word, other issues are ignored, yet the second someone mentiones 'that' word, then *puff* ... bye bye interesting thread.

Oh and by the way, i've not even mentioned a single word that could be deemed against the sites polices on this thread.

What are your thoughts on the matter, both members and moderators?

Oh and please don't contribute to the dissapearance of THIS thread by actually mentioning the word(s), as i believe we can talk about 'it' by NOT mentioning 'it'.


posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:00 PM
nice post dude! s+F ! (i wish i coudl give 2)

im 100% with you on this topic, amd i 10000000% agree its the most dispicable thing that goes on here, as its blatant censoring and denial of a topic which is probably one of the one genuine conspiricies about....

money is worth more than truth i suppose!!

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:05 PM
When I joined this site myself, I was shocked when I learned this topic was unspeakable. As a supporter of natural cures and the balance of the earth I was astonished that parts of the dialogue were automatically excluded.

When the very corporations that destroy our way of life can control our discussion, we may have already lost.

Montel was a well respected tv show personality, until he spoke up, now he's been relegated to a radio show. This man was respected, till he spoke the word...

The silence of this is deafening.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:07 PM
The majority of humans are brainwashed and ignorant, many here as everywhere, a paradigm change can not come soon enough IMO.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:15 PM
Well from what I understand the substance I believe you are talking about it not welcomed on this forum because then it gets the site filtered out on all the net nanny type programs. So I understand where the owners are coming from. You don't want to filter out a huge part of your audience just so you can discuss the forbidden topic.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:23 PM
But it is ok for a net-nanny program to show murder,war,pandemic etc. topics
Anyway, i have no idea what substance is being talked about.

[edit on 9/11/2009 by Cygnific]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Cygnific

I don't know but I must say that is a pretty good question you asked about the net nanny programs. Maybe someone can give us an answer.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:38 PM
I did some search on the people mentioned in the fp. And i found the herb that is being talked about. Seems very strange if indeed that topic is not allowed. Since many usefull things can be made from it. And i use it for arthritis, and it works miracles.

[edit on 9/11/2009 by Cygnific]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I shall not utter the word. I suspect however that the Rulers of ATS are simply making a business decision based on the amount of traffic they can bring here, not one I would agree with.

I am amazed that the baseless, uneducated fear mongering carried out by DuPont and Hearst (you forgot to mention paper) along with that really great professor at Columbia still holds so much weight....Go Woody.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

The widely spread ebook of a certain book with the words "Emperor" and "Clothes" in its title, provides backup in the top newspapers of the USA(Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, among a few others) to confirm the facts in the original post.

It is the most known and classic book on this subject.

More recently, Professor John Beddington, the UK's chief scientist, backed David Nutt's stance on the issue.

Even the president of the American Medical Association at the time(1920~30) supported it.

To mr-lizard and interested research-oriented members: although I don't have yet 20 posts for U2U/PM system, I have university access with the historical proquest newspapers and fulltext of scientific articles... If anyone wants an article, old or new, I can provide it. I have access to most of them.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by jjjtir]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by jjjtir

I Don't suppose you could locate the research done by Gabriel Nahas at Columbia.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:04 AM
A site which discusses adult issues and is geared for adults has to kiss up to net nanny? Wow! I may be going way out on the limb here, but I bet kids have a lot more enjoyable and interesting things to do these days than come here and discuss political conspiracies. Unless of course, Sesame Street mentioning Fox News will make them drop their video game controllers and run over here to post their thoughts.

Since the ATS brass is squeamish about a plant which is found abundantly in nature, maybe they should open up another division to the site where these important and relevant health topics can be discussed. Here is a suggestion in naming the new division: HIGH Above Top Secret.

Only in the good ole' USA do you get this Puritanical Draconian attitude when it comes to these issues. It is a good thing (especially for those who do not live in the USA) the rest of the world is not stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to some herb.

Keep popping those pills America. Is it a wonder why the USA has by far the highest mental illness rate in a study of 14 countries?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:08 AM
OMG, I just read a hint at what this thread is about, and I just cant believe it!! Are you people friggin serious? Your going to continue to dredge up this BS over and over again, when there is absolutely no point to it! If you want to talk about "it" somewhere, go talk about "it" with your stoner buddies or sites that encourage that type of thing!

Seriously! Get the **** over it already! Why is it so important to talk about that? The rules say you cant, thats it!

Maybe some of you guys that bring this up all the time arent actually stoners, but at the very least you are definitely malcontents! You can talk about EVERYTHING under the sun here, except that, and it tweeks you out! So you HAVE to be drama queens and bring this crap up every other day.

Like I said......WHO CARES! GET OVER IT!

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

"Is it a wonder why the USA has by far the highest mental illness rate in a study of 14 countries?"

NO! It"s true we're stupid! But please try laughing with us and not at us, it's the only thing that keeps the tears from our eyes.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by treemanx

Geeeezzzz. Have you reached your target heart rate for the day? I hope that gun of yours isn't loaded.

I know what you need.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by treemanx

There are other things you can't discuss here, I've counted 5 so far.

The point they were making here is that it's relevant to the nwo, and tptb. It's an integral part of understanding how they control the debate and vilify people.

Your comment lumping the posters here into the "users" category shows this to be as true as ever.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Witness2008
reply to post by treemanx

Geeeezzzz. Have you reached your target heart rate for the day? I hope that gun of yours isn't loaded.

I know what you need.

No seriously, this kind of thing just gets under my skin. I wish there was a "beating a dead horse icon" that I could post here, because I so would! You know, like a little smiley face guy with a 2x4 bludgeoning a cartoon horse with x'ed out eyes!

It drives me crazy that people cant just get the heck over this topic! Like theres some sort of hidden agenda! I know it IS a conspiracy site, but honestly! They just dont want people taking about this, for many good reasons, so why constantly bring it up?

(Notice out of respect, I did not use the forbidden term? Im not trying to poop in anyones cheerios here, I just think its ridiculous! )

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by treemanx
OMG, I just read a hint at what this thread is about, and I just cant believe it!! Are you people friggin serious? Your going to continue to dredge up this BS over and over again, when there is absolutely no point to it! If you want to talk about "it" somewhere, go talk about "it" with your stoner buddies or sites that encourage that type of thing!

Seriously! Get the **** over it already! Why is it so important to talk about that? The rules say you cant, thats it!

Something called, "FREEDOM"!

Maybe some of you guys that bring this up all the time arent actually stoners, but at the very least you are definitely malcontents!

Perhaps we should be conformists like you. But then that's how we got to this point now isn't it?

You can talk about EVERYTHING under the sun here, except that, and it tweeks you out! So you HAVE to be drama queens and bring this crap up every other day.

Like I said......WHO CARES! GET OVER IT!

We obviously do! But of course you know what is best for all so we should all follow your lead.
Why don't you get over it while reserving your judgment and comments for elsewhere!

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Seiko
reply to post by treemanx

There are other things you can't discuss here, I've counted 5 so far.

The point they were making here is that it's relevant to the nwo, and tptb. It's an integral part of understanding how they control the debate and vilify people.

Your comment lumping the posters here into the "users" category shows this to be as true as ever.

OK, so theres rules. Big deal! Most respected sites have rules, and if you want to be a member, you have to follow them. Not such a difficult concept.

Also, how is this topic relevant to the NWO? Wait- before you answer, it's because you want it to be legal and accepted the same as alcohol, right? So some forums dont want you to discuss it, and the Government says it's illegal, so, there must be a conspiracy? I'm sure there are government officials that make money on it, but it's hardly linked to any relevant NWO theories.

Finally, can you think of any other "category" people who would want to continuously dredge up this subject could belong to? Because I promise you, we all fit into some category based on our beliefs. Why is that so wrong for me to mention?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by treemanx

It is an important issue during these socially changing issue that I feel the researchers here at ATS could really sink their teeth into. I also appreciate the improvisation of the OP.

Thanks for not poisoning the thread.

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