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What's disclosure?

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:30 PM
What's disclosure? I keep seeig this word over and over again int his foum. I'll be more than happy if you tell me.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Disclosure is a word describing everything, or partially everything known about a certain subject matter. It could be disclosure on what's in your refrigerator, as an example. Because I know/believe you have a fridge, you can either deny or confirm the fact that you have a fridge, and possibly disclose it's contents to me/us.

Now the disclosure you're asking about in these forums as of lately, are likely of the UFO subject. There seems to be a argument for and against said subject being disclosed from the US gov't. There seems to be a fairytale of sorts floating around that the gov't may disclose this info. to the US/world. Many claim BS. Many claim it's inevitable. It of course depends which camp you're from in belief, to the side of which argument/facts are really going to/not going to happen.

Now, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you really knew what disclosure meant, and maybe just havn't read the predictive threads of UFO disclosure..... But in a nut shell, this I believe is the answer you're looking for. I'm hungry. It's lunchtime.

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