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Mass panic and disclosure

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posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:25 PM
We hear it over and over, ad nauseum, of how disclosure would mean worldwide panic. We hear "we aren't ready" and how disclosure would be a major blow against humanity because we are an immature species.

Might I ask: what is wrong with mass panic? Such irrational behavior would exist for a relatively short time. The benefits of our knowing what we face, or at least knowing that we face something that is no longer in hiding, far outweigh the costs. I should also ask who presumes to be the judge of humanity's spiritiual maturity when they claim "we aren't ready?" The arrogance, and ignorance, is sickening.

Yes, we are constantly embroiled in war, poverty and starvation still exists, etc but we have been kept in a stupor that permits leaders to bring us to the point of destruction and death. I suggest that disclosure, no matter who does it, would in the long run be the best thing that could happen. It would force people to think for themselves, for a change, and maybe pay less attention to the things that are pointless distractions. We all know what those are.

For myself, I do not necessarily believe that the ETs here are all good. Nor are they all bad. Or, maybe I'm wrong and they're all evil. Regardless, we should be distrustful of whoever they may reveal themselves to be until they prove themselves, but we should not be afraid of the consequences of the truth. Whatever that may be...

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:43 PM
I honestly don't think that there would be mass panic.
I think that a lot of people would be incredibly surprised, but if the aliens are generally benevolent, and that is proven without a doubt (like the claims say they are and will be), then people should get over the initial shock.

My biggest question is, if the claims are true that aliens have been in contact secretly with the governments for so long, then why hide it for so long if they are benevolent? If they are benevolent and it can be proven, as claimed, then why didn't they tell us a long time ago? Why hide such a good thing for so long? I think it would have helped the human race in a lot of ways.
What would be the point of benevolent aliens being in contact with only the (obviously corrupt) governments of Earth for so long? That part doesn't make sense to me.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Visiting ESB
We hear it over and over, ad nauseum, of how disclosure would mean worldwide panic. We hear "we aren't ready" and how disclosure would be a major blow against humanity because we are an immature species.

Might I ask: what is wrong with mass panic? Such irrational behavior would exist for a relatively short time. The benefits of our knowing what we face, or at least knowing that we face something that is no longer in hiding, far outweigh the costs. I should also ask who presumes to be the judge of humanity's spiritiual maturity when they claim "we aren't ready?" The arrogance, and ignorance, is sickening.

Yes, we are constantly embroiled in war, poverty and starvation still exists, etc but we have been kept in a stupor that permits leaders to bring us to the point of destruction and death. I suggest that disclosure, no matter who does it, would in the long run be the best thing that could happen. It would force people to think for themselves, for a change, and maybe pay less attention to the things that are pointless distractions. We all know what those are.

For myself, I do not necessarily believe that the ETs here are all good. Nor are they all bad. Or, maybe I'm wrong and they're all evil. Regardless, we should be distrustful of whoever they may reveal themselves to be until they prove themselves, but we should not be afraid of the consequences of the truth. Whatever that may be...

Maybe they mean mass panic on them.. having to answer more questions... I dont think disclosure will ever happen but it doesnt mean people wont find out the truth.. we can only hope to be a part of the information sharing because everyone needs to learn..

when i hear the word disclosure i think obama infront of a podium sayins "aliens live here"... that is just not going to happen.... how would they even prepare for it? By having a commercial? billboards? yeah no.. people would freak out even then... it wouldnt be a good idea considering that when people actually stop to think, that they thinking about sex, and drugs . they are the average persons interests now a days... think about it, then think about it further.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by hautmess]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by elocin
I honestly don't think that there would be mass panic.
I think that a lot of people would be incredibly surprised, but if the aliens are generally benevolent, and that is proven without a doubt (like the claims say they are and will be), then people should get over the initial shock.

My biggest question is, if the claims are true that aliens have been in contact secretly with the governments for so long, then why hide it for so long if they are benevolent? If they are benevolent and it can be proven, as claimed, then why didn't they tell us a long time ago? Why hide such a good thing for so long? I think it would have helped the human race in a lot of ways.
What would be the point of benevolent aliens being in contact with only the (obviously corrupt) governments of Earth for so long? That part doesn't make sense to me.

Well I think that if and when disclosure happens there will be mass panic. Thanks to Hollywood, religion, etc. Sure, there are plenty of us who will be shocked and then relieved to know that these "aliens" are our family and are benevolent, but for the rest . . . Just think how the world will react when they find out that our history and religious teachings have had the proverbial wool pulled over our eyes for millenia. Interesting times.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

Mass panic and disclosure

Over the last 70 years (give or take), humanity has endured its share of crisis and catastrophe without once flying off into a mass panic. Nationally, the US sustained Pearl Harbor, the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, not to mention the 9.11 massacre... regardless of who was behind it.

The UK went through the Blitz.
France, Belgium, Poland, The Netherlands, and most all of the rest of Europe and North Africa survived a Nazi German invasion and in many cases, a following occupation.
China went through the rape of Nanking.
And Japan bore the weight of history's only thermo-nuclear bombing.

Tens of millions have died, cities laid to utter ruble... civilization on the brink of waste and that was JUST the last 70 years!

Did we panic... flock to the streets and cringe in fear? Or did we, each of us in each nation when the time called us, stand to face the challenge and learn to adjust and adapt as required to insure not only survival, but an enduring prosperity?

The UFO disclosure=panic theory doesn't hold water... and I am sick of it being applied as an excuse for those who smugly seek to protect those who do not need protecting.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 11:43 PM
Sure everyone will panic a little inside, privately. Some will be more vocal and public about it; but we will all soon realize that life will go on and if we have any hope to endure and survive we will need to collect our wits and our faith about ourselves as a species, restore our cohesive bonds of humanity, and carry on.

For most of us the panic will be short-lived. Similar to being confronted with a car accident, natural tragedy like an earthquake or hurricane, or a social malady like warfare or terrorism, panic for a few minutes, get that over with, and then march on. Remember 9/11? Though we will never forget, the creaming subsided almost instantly and relative order was restored rather quickly.

So you got some aliens for us? Great! Bring it on... Let's get it over with already...

[edit on 11/3/2009 by Outrageo]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 01:07 AM
Here is the way I see it...

Aliens come and they are evil: Best case, I end up working in a gold mine the rest of my life. Worst case they eat me for dinner.

Aliens come and they are good: Best case, we learn a bunch of new things about our universe, makes some friends, and jump ahead in technology significantly not to mention how it would change society as we know it. Worst case, they come say hi and leave.

I say let them come...time to get this show on the road.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 02:31 AM
Disclosure will be used by the Government whom Disclosure-fans trust so much to their own advantage.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Thanks to all who have responded so've all confirmed the point I'm trying to make: the threat of "mass panic" due to alien disclosure is bogus and no one really cares nor are they afraid of that prospect! TPTB should come up with a better excuse but this one is really quite lame...the disorder that is feared is the breakdown of THEIR control over us, not a fear that society will collapse and revert to the stone-age--they know that won't happen.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:24 AM
Most people are open to the idea of intelligent life. Most of us have been exposed to it since childhood, and in most cases they are portrayed as either benevolent, or a mix of benevolence and malevolence much like the human race.

A good deal of people will want the aliens to share their secrets with us, not merely technological, but medical and even social. How did they not destroy each other, what is their history like, do they have as much war as we do, etc... Most humans will be curious to compare any intelligent life to our own lives so that we can measure ourselves against other intelligences in the universe. We already do this on earth with other animal life but we just take it for granted and dont think about it when we do it.

I would be most interested in their religions and philosophies, and their take on our own. I would also want to take a ride on their ship and see the universe, I think that would be a very common hope for many people.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:51 AM
Some interesting views here, but one thing I do agree with is Elocin's view
that if they have been secretly contacting governments for years, we should be worried about them. If their morals and standards are the same as our politicians, run for the hills.
As for mass panic, I think it would affect a lot of people badly. We have all lived our lives so far thinking we are at the top of the tree here on Earth.
Sure there have been really bad times to live through, like wars, but they were perpetuated by people exactly the same as us.
To suddenly be confronted with a master race ( which is exactly what they would be compared to us), with technology and knowledge so far advanced
of ours, we would feel like cavemen. And naked and defenceless cavemen at that.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by elocin

very good point,,,,,it would create a nightmare for the goverments who kept this secret for so long,,not only would the ET's be in question,,,,our goverment as well,,,,

Im sure ATS would change big time if disclosure happened,,,I can just imagine all the silly threads "I am an alien from plantet x" type foolishness that would be here,,,
The truth would go in so many directions it would be crazy...


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

Miss trust is human nature and thats why we have over 3000 yrs of war.

Get over it

[edit on 043030p://f28Wednesday by Bob Down Under]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by elocin

The aliens are not really hiding from us.They are hiding from another race of aliens.Theses other aliens are even more evil than them.If they found out about them being here they might invade earth and attack them.If they were evil enough to attack them they would proberly attack us to.So in reality the aliens that occupie our world are saving us by staying silent and keeping secret.The aliens do not want to put us or our planet at risk from theses evil aliens.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by GORGANTHIUM]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by GORGANTHIUM

These other aliens are even more evil than them?? So basically, they're all evil to an extent? If that's the case, why are they claiming that they are benevolent and that it can be proven?
I'm sorry, but it's going to take a lot of convincing for me. I don't trust government and if aliens are in contact with them and not us, I take that as a good sign that I shouldn't trust them either. The thing that gets me is the fact that apparently government has been in contact with them for a very long time, and over time government has gotten more and more corrupt. If these aliens who are about do be disclosed are friendly to humanity, then why have they not been AT LEAST helping governments out of the corruption?

These kinds of questions better be asked of the aliens and the governments, and they better have some damn good answers. There better be real proof. And the proof better not be just a good "feeling" of peace or "oneness" or something. I'm not saying it can't be, I'm just saying I'm not about to up and trust just because they say so.

The timing is interesting, as well. Right now a lot of bad # is apparently going to hit the fan soon, and if we get alien disclosure at about the same time that we get a one world government, as the rumors say, it COULD be interpreted as a good thing. It would explain the whole unity thing, and "oneness" and other such claims about how we should come together as humanity. It would be nice to show the world that we are not black and white and Asian and whatever else, but human. It would be wonderful if we were just all of a sudden knowledgeable and aware of our true origins, and we could put unnecessary religions and wars to rest and work together for the common good of getting off this planet before it's too late for us.

However, I also think it could be bad. This one world government proposal is apparently dictatorial. I don't want to lose the concept of individuality and free thought. It seems like nowadays if the government had their way, we'd live in an Orwellian kind of world, and everyone would have the same ideas and thought patterns, and if you didn't the "thought police" would come and get rid of you. This is how I can see the idea of "oneness" actually happening.

The other thing that bothers me is the fact that this whole disclosure thing just doesn't fit in with what people have already learned or believed about aliens for years. The claims of what we are apparently about to be told they look like, as compared to what people have apparently seen doesn't make sense. Especially if you give any credibility whatsoever to shapeshifter theories.

Trust should not be unconditional.

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