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Top Secret Facilities and their purpose

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posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 04:18 PM
This has probably been discussed before, so I hope I'm not covering old ground.

It dawned on me the other day that maybe if Area 51 and other bases are reverse-engineering alien technology, they may be doing more than trying to create weapons to fight future wars with other humans.

It occurred to me that they might be trying to design weapons to fight the aliens themselves.

Maybe the politicians are keeping all of this super secret to hide this fact not from other humans but to keep the extraterrestrials from knowing how far along we are (or not) from being able to fight off an alien invasion.

Maybe the militaries of several countries already have reason to believe the ET's are hostile and have mounted super-secret programs to build weapons to stop them, since our pathetic human-designed weapons are hopelessly inadequate.

If some of these so-called "lurkers" who are trying to get pictures of Area 51, etc., end up revealing to the aliens too much of what we know...they could design to mount an invasion immediately.

It's just a thought...but it's a scary thought.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Zane Zackerly

not much of that is all that new. but the alien invasion part ive never heard. that would be kind of...funny in some backwards way.

"liberation of all human minds by forcing transparency in the government leads to the enslavement of all humans by our new alien overlords" is a little too long for a newspapper headline.

if the bases do have alien technology they undoubtedly would be trying to copy it if they cant figure out how it actually works, but i dont think they really do have alien technology...or that the bases we know of are even really that top secret.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Zane Zackerly
If some of these so-called "lurkers" who are trying to get pictures of Area 51, etc., end up revealing to the aliens too much of what we know...they could design to mount an invasion immediately.

yeah or people writing posts on the internet about the concept ... //AHEM//

nice one dude you just cost us our only chance at victory.

actually.. there is.... another....

//shoots off like superman///


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