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STS 120-Discovery UFOs Zero in Coming Closer and Closer- October23,2007

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 03:30 PM
Anybody still want to talk about that 'UFO'??

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

Your explanation for what we see in the video by the OP does not satisfy us for we have seen time and again similar objects. But the best appeared in THE NASA TRANSMISSIONS: THE SMOKING GUN. You have never tackled some of the more obvious UFOs seen in the footage. Such as the object that is tracked for the longest time fleeting over the planet. Or the many objects approaching and passing MIR. Or the objects that appear one by one and then come to a stationary circular pattern. I've left out a lot of other sightings where you just could not say that it was ice particles, debris, water dumps, shuttle blasts, whatever. Or why the female astronaut came to a pregnant pause when she was describing a scene and an object appeared. I can just see her looking at her crew members shrugging and mouthing "What do I say now?"

No Jim, your explanations based on your knowledge may sometimes be on the mark for an earthling but you haven't been in space so you don't have that experience to fall back on. You're seeing the same videos we are and some of us just think differently about what we see.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Skeptical Ed
reply to post by JimOberg

Your explanation for what we see in the video by the OP does not satisfy us for we have seen time and again similar objects. But the best appeared in THE NASA TRANSMISSIONS: THE SMOKING GUN. ...

The English of which is "we're going to run away from this UFO video (and pretend we never fell for it) because we obviously overhyped ourselves prematurely, but we're still RIGHT because there are these OTHER videos over HERE you should look at, and stop thinking about our foolish gullibility on THIS one...."


posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Skeptical Ed
reply to post by JimOberg

Your explanation for what we see in the video by the OP does not satisfy us ....

I'm asking questions about this particular video, that you brought up, that all of YOU should have asked at the very beginning. Don't get mad at me because you're afraid of the answers and don't WANT to know -- worse, you want NOT to know -- what a genuine investigation might reveal. Typical.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:18 AM
Boy, casting the light of a genuine investigation onto this over-hyped "space UFO video" non-case is like flipping the kitchen light switch at midnight and seeing the cockroaches scurry for cover. Skeptical Ed, you couldn't have made the true skeptic's case better if you were a paid disinformation agent!

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:34 AM
I just watched the whole thing and didn't see anything weird. I did see one point of light that tracks with the light beams cast onto the bay from the left... if you zip back and forth you can see it's the sunlight changing angles as the orbit carries the shuttle around the night side. I didn't see anything else.

Am I missing something extraordinary?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:52 PM
Time to ask for a default judgment of 'debunked' on this one and close the thread. Everybody is in hiding over looking more closely at the possible prosaic explanations for the video, probably for good reason. Time to drop it as another lamentable wild goose chase and/or dead end.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by draknoir2
I just watched the whole thing and didn't see anything weird. I did see one point of light that tracks with the light beams cast onto the bay from the left... if you zip back and forth you can see it's the sunlight changing angles as the orbit carries the shuttle around the night side. I didn't see anything else.

Am I missing something extraordinary?

I didn't see anything weird either. I didn't see what you mentioned on the left side, all I noticed was what appears to be a planet 3/4 of the way to the right side that appears to move from top to bottom to the untrained eye, but to the trained eye, it appears that it's actually the shuttle that's moving (in orbit around the Earth), and not the light.

I have no idea what got folks excited about this video, except to read Skeptical Ed's post that apparently what got him excited was another video, not this one, so apparently even HE changed his mind from his original excitement on page 1, and by page 2 he didn't find this video interesting either.

Yes Jim Oberg, I agree this one could have been put to bed by the OP if they had bothered to put the date and time in an astronomy program to see what they were looking at.

In fact there's a thread about that here:

Astronomy: So You See a Bright Light?

And another good more recent thread by Chadwickus here:

Astronomy: The basics

They even provide links to astronomy sites and free downloadable programs so the posters can avoid embarrassing themselves by posting a video of a planet and calling it a UFO.

And some of these people who post a video of Venus and call it a UFO are the same ones who ridicule some old UFO explanations by the Air Force as misidentifications of the planet Venus, saying the Air Force is making this stuff up and covering up the truth, since nobody could possibly misidentify the planet Venus as a UFO. Do you see the irony?

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:20 PM
It gets even better!

Drop over to
and see 'easynow' posting a video of the Pleiades setting, and
calling it -- [drumroll] "NASA UFOs".

[mmph -- restraints himself with difficulty from further unseemly gloating]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

yea that is pretty funny isn't it ?
but there were other objects in the video that weren't stars and since you've never seen a ufo , you wouldn't know anything about that would you.

if you really want to look back at something and Laugh Jim you really should think about what you said here...

"i suggest everyone go out and buy strawberry ice cream and maybe the ufo guy will go away !"


[edit on 13-11-2009 by easynow]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I have no idea what got folks excited about this video, except to read Skeptical Ed's post that apparently what got him excited was another video, not this one, so apparently even HE changed his mind from his original excitement on page 1, and by page 2 he didn't find this video interesting either.

Well, I don't know about Skeptical Ed but I'll tell you what I just saw after viewing the video. What you call a planet, although you don't specify what planet and what astronomical tables you looked at to come to your conclusion, is seen. Fine. Let it be a planet.

Then at 3:49 a pulsating object appears. What another planet that pulsates and is seen to seemingly "disappear" into earth's cloud cover?

What do we have?

How about offering your expertise at my thread about the Apollo 10 UFO. I'd love to read it. You too, Jim, it is addressed to you!

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