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People are starting to die...

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posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

To be honest to you this very troublesome as allergic reactions can kill the infant.

Just make sure you research on side effects on allergies from shots and have your daughter read and decide if she should trust what the doctors tell her.

I have allergies been tested several times and the only thing that I am not allergic to is penicillin

One of the reactions I got after taking a medication was swelling of my throat, have to be rushed to emergency room for a shot to stop the swelling, I have been with this problem for many, many years and with medications that otherwise are suppousely to be safe.

AT least I was able to complain and talk but an infant can not tell how he she is feeling, if it comes to the point that you daughter does the shot, she should stay in the hospital until is no signs what so ever of any allergic reaction before going home.

My prayers goes to you and your family.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

To be honest to you this very troublesome as allergic reactions can kill the infant.

Yea I know. That's why I am so worried

Have to think HOW to bring it to my daughter without stressing her too much. Thx for your reply and prayers.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:42 PM
Maybe the H1N1 is mutating and becoming deadlier due to the H1N1 vaccine is out in the wild?

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

Have to think HOW to bring it to my daughter without stressing her too much.

From one grandma to another, I'm sorry but you are a whimp....Which do you think will 'stress' your daughter out more...1) Having to do some intense research and then not get the vaccine and take riducule from others...or....2) bury her child....?

You have 2 choices...Get some guts and save your grandbaby!!!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:00 PM
So I understand the intent of the proposition that people are now dying at an alarming rate since most folks just started getting the vaccination. How does one come to the conclusion that because you are now vaccinated your neighbor or loved one may pass due to complications of this flu? Where is the evidence that supports those who are vaccinated die due to the swine flu? Like all medication there are very big risks associated with them. Sudafed in particular still is a great medication unfortunately a lot of children may have died as a result of taking them. People have bad reactions to antibiotics and other life saving medication. Are we to believe that a medication that is made will harbor very few side effects? Yet we expect that the many millions of chemicals that are put into a blender will be entirely safe. I'm not knocking anyone who believes this vaccine is bad news as I have to children under five who are getting ready to be vaccinated but lets look at commercials and realize the numerous risks that accompany them from erection medication to birth control to asthma medication. There are some very serious side effects that accompany many of these medications including death. Please be gentle in your responses as I think with all issues there needs to be some balance. It's funny, when I looked at fox news today which stated the following "Last stockpile of vaccine for kids released until January, as deadly flu kills 19 children in past week" and then I saunter over to msnbc (Associate Press) for a look and notice the following "H1N1 shot catching up to demand, official says 10 million more doses of the vaccine expected to be available this week". I guess all I'm saying is that any medication comes with some types of negative reaction for some peopel and by no means am I minimizing death into the category of negative reaction I'm just pointing out some observations adn a few facts and yes I will be getting the shot when it becomes available and so will my children. I'll be glad to brief people on my condition after the shot is given and for those who say the long term effects will not be felt until 8 years well the same can be said for any other medication or recreational drug we might use.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Raabjorn
Maybe the H1N1 is mutating and becoming deadlier due to the H1N1 vaccine is out in the wild?

There is a theory that the viral shedding of those who received FluMist could be to blame. FluMist was the first available H1N1 given mostly to medical workers and children. This vaccine is unique among the other H1N1 vaccines because it contains a live virus cocktail. The live virus contained within can be shed by up to 50% of those who receive it and in turn infect up to 2.4 percent of people whom they have contact with who never received the vaccine and who otherwise may never have become sick.

People ARE contracting H1N1 from FluMist according to the CDC.

MN Dept of Health

Can people receiving the nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®) pass the vaccine viruses to others?
In clinical studies, transmission of vaccine viruses to close contacts has occurred only rarely. The current estimated risk of getting infected with vaccine virus after close contact with a person vaccinated with the nasal-spray flu vaccine is low (0.6%-2.4%).

Is shedding the virus a problem for health care workers?
By law the FluMist package insert must state that a person can shed the virus for up to three weeks, but shedding alone should not be equated with person-to-person transmission. In fact studies have found that it is very rare. In a study designed to maximize the chance of detecting vaccine virus transmission, conducted in a Finnish daycare, one child shed the virus for 21 days. Other children in this study shed the virus a mean of 7.6 days. An additional small study of 40 adults conducted since licensure found that only 50% of the adults were shedding the virus from the influenza vaccine on day three after vaccination; one adult shed the virus on day seven as well.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

I understand your situation, you feel uncomfortable telling her what to do with her child. But now is not the time for such manners, as these decisions are a matter of life and death.

Her best course of action would be to feed the baby the healthiest food possible, and isolate as much as possible from crowds and daycare situations.

Also want to add, the worst place to go to right now for any one of any age is the Mc Donald's playplace.

We stopped going years ago when I contracted MRSA from just sitting on one of their chairs in there.

They do not thoroughly clean those places, and, there are way too many people who don't care if their children go to those sickly.

Good luck to you.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:00 PM
S&F thanks for posting.I hope more people get a chance to read this.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by muggl3z

In a simplified nutshell, the Swine flu virus was cleverly man created... Like the accidental release or escape of Africanized BEEs, this flu strain jumped the controlled boundries of it's "crash flu dummies" (Mexico, Africa, Asia).

Remember mistakes are critical to their data...

This is how you wage a ultra modern war on the expendable global population. Bombs and traditional warfare are way too obvious... The plan is to blame Mother Nature itself. They call it "the silent genocide." They have taken all their notes from the hugely successful Black Plague, and are now mapping out a best way to start a controlled one in our time.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Maybe after this whole thing is over people will have learned something and pass it on to make our society better. If it gets bad maybe this will help people band together.
Maybe when this all ends; profit and money won't matter anymore. Maybe this crisis will open people's eyes?
Something good must come out of this. IF we learn nothing then we are truly lost.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by dreamseeker

Well taking into consideration that this happen already in 76 even with all the death and disable from the vaccinations here we are again with the same people that planned and brought us the vaccines last time.

Did people learned anything? yes just to be more manipulated by news and propaganda.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by praxis
If you want to resist these diseases, you need:

1) regular physical exercise (cardio)
2) a diet high in fruits and veggies, low in sugar and fat
3) a quality multivitamin
4) vitamin D content should be over 2000 IU per day
5) wash hands regularly - especially after contact with people, public doorknobs or other transmission surfaces. Keep hands away from eyes, mouth and nose.

I never planned to take the vaccine, not for conspiracy reasons, but because I'm very adverse to putting anything unnatural in my body. I eat a "real foods" diet of all grass-fed/pastured meats, raw dairy, organic veggies and fruits, olive and coconut oil and sprouted whole grains and NOTHING processed. Everything I eat I make from scratch including our family's mayo and ketchup! The only "drugs" I take are vit c and cod liver oil. I walk 20 miles a week and get lots of sunlight. I thought my immune system should be robust enough to fight off the flu.

Not. Last Tues I badly cut a finger in a blender and went to the ER. I got 10 stitches and a little something extra. Fri night I came down with swine flu, which hit me like a ton of bricks. Worst body aches I've ever experienced -- could not lay in one position for longer than 5 minites it hurt so bad, 101-102 degree fever. I'm only on day 2 of it right now, but, yes, it's a nasty bug and when you have it there is no doubt.

Hopefully I will bounce back quickly, but just wanted to say -- healthy eating, hand-washing and exercise are no guarantee of immunity from this one.

Now that I actually have it, I'm hoping that I'll build up some natural immunity that might spare me from a worse mutated strain down the road.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by jane_of_CA

You will bounce out of it, just watch out for the secondary problems with the pneumonia, if you happen to develop it run to the doctor as soon as you feel your lungs feeling funny.

That is what is killing otherwise healthy people the pneumonia that goes untreated until is too late.

Take care of yourself.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:52 PM
Currently infected with H1N1.

Not dead yet.

Hope this helps.


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:59 PM
I understand that some of you are thinking that the swine flu is a conspiracy and if you take the immunization you will die. But I promise you that you will NEVER find the proof that it is a conspiracy in time. By the time you figure it out the next one will be upon us.

Anybody that speaks out against the conspiracy with credible evidence will disappear. Anybody that doesn't take the immunizations because of mistrust in the government will be flagged a terrorist. Why? Because you are increasing the chance of spreading a supposedly deadly virus.

If the virus is real and you refuse to get immunizations you are increasing the chances of killing those around you by spreading the virus.

If the virus isn't real and you refuse to get immunizations you will be flagged a terrorist. And quite possibly killed by the next virus specifically created to target those that didn't get immunizations for H1N1.

You may not value your own life but please value the lives of others.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by nightmarehalo

You know thanks for the tip but I think I will stay as a terrorist and refuse the vaccine, how about that, after all if you take it you should not have to worry of those like me, and if you take the flu mist then you are a terrorist also because taking a life virus will make you infect others for up to 6 weeks.

So there you have it.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 05:17 PM
Hmm... let me see. Vaccines come around. People start dying of H1N1. So the vaccines are causing that? Are you saying that people who just got vaccinated come down with H1N1? I doubt that. People would be talking about that like crazy. Are you saying that when some people get the vaccine, *others* get sick? Theoretically possible, if they're using the live vaccine, but highly unlikely.

No, my sense is that the people are dying of the same disease that the vaccinations are meant to prevent. That's why they made such a big deal about it in the first place. H1N1 is deadlier than normal flu, at least if it turns the body's immune system against itself. That's apparently what's been happening.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 05:19 PM
but technicaly if people around u already have the vaccine u wouldnt be spreading it because there supposed to be protected by the vaccine

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
and if you take the flu mist then you are a terrorist also because taking a life virus will make you infect others for up to 6 weeks.

So there you have it.

I think you have things confused or are you trying to be funny? The flu mist is just another form of the vaccine. Side effects are irrelevant as long as you are getting them from the government.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by chiron613

the flu mist contains live virus and after you take it it is possible to spread the disease. NOT highly unlikely. currently happening

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