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23% Believe in Ghosts, Do You?

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:51 PM

23% Believe in Ghosts, Do You?

BOOOOO! If things that go bump in the night scare you, chances are you're among the 23% of American adults who believe in ghosts.

Sixty-five percent (65%) don't believe in scary spirits, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey. But 12% aren't sure if ghost stories are true or not.

Ghosts aren't the only as-yet unprovable thing some Americans suspect is true. In May, 53% said it was likely that life exists on other planets.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:51 PM
I certainly believe in ghosts, demons, and otherworldy entities. I'm really surprised that only 23% of people believe in ghosts though.
If the same question was "Do you believe in demons?" I'm sure that number would be much higher. To me, demons are just evil ghosts/spirits, but I could be totally wrong of course.

I did enjoy the connection they made with ET's though. 53% is more than I expected.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 30-10-2009 by xEphon]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:00 PM
Im surprised only 53% think life exists on other seems a given that it will. Intelligent and visiting earth is another story. Im sure microbial life exists on europa etc Anyway as for your question as to whether i believe in ghosts? no, i don't believe in anything supernatural whether it be ghosts,demons,angels,god etc

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:02 PM
*lol* I had better, otherwiese i've wasted many nights.

although i have to admit a lot is misguided, and ends up being nothing there is that 5% or so that just blows your mind and makes it all worth while.
We are prity much shut down since its so cold here now. Hard to get reliabble readings in cold weather, to many things it could be (of common variety). Hopefuly we will get a good indoor place to investigate soon that has heat.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
Im surprised only 53% think life exists on other seems a given that it will. Intelligent and visiting earth is another story.

That statistic is what struck me too. Countless planets in an unending universe and people think were alone?

I do believe in spirits, but I'm not sure why. I've never had a ghost experience, but I believe in the energy all around us and the recycling of energy when one passes on. I've talked to people about spirit guides and such. I wish I was sensitive enough to see the energy around us, but alas, I have the ESP of a rock.

Do I believe in demons or angels? No

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:12 PM
I believe in them for a few reasons. First the overwhelming amount of empirical data. I just don't think it's all made up. Second, a couple people who are very close to me and who wouldn't invent the events have told me of their experiences.

Exactly how it all works, I have little to no idea. I'm about to the point where I think everyone is correct in their views of it.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:01 PM
When I was younger I believed in a lot of different things, mostly because of what people told me, not because I've actually witnessed something. I was told about Santa by my parents, on TV, from my friends, even my teachers. So many credible sources tell me he is real... he had to be with that many people also believing in him.

As soon as you get a little older, lots of fairy tales and holiday mascots turn out to be untrue, told directly from a source you trust, or many different trustworthy sources. I'm a very logical person, and as I was growing up and becoming who I am today, faster and faster all these 'Truths' are turning out to be stories passed down from generation to generation, either because they either really believe in Santa, or because they want you to believe... at least until you are older.

I think believing in Santa and things of the sort at a young age is really helpful to children, allowing them to develop a wonderful sense of creativity. I will probably tell my kids about Santa, take them to church, and let them believe anything, until their world comes crashing down because someone decided to not keep the lie going and made my kids ask questions.

I don't know if that's the right thing to do, I am just offering them what I was offered as a child. I don't want to deprive them of any of the fun I had, but I certainly don't want them to start believing in things that don't have proof of existence. I believe in life existing outside of our planet (bacteria at the least), but I don't think the movie E.T. was based on true events. I have never seen a ghost, I can't say I'd be scared to stay in a haunted house, and most of the videos to see online or on TV about ghosts just make me laugh.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by xEphon

23% Believe in ghosts, do you?

No. Not only is there no hard scientific evidence or explanation (yet) but the whole phenomenon simply does not make any sense or hold any logic to me.

That's not to say i'm not open minded, there's certainly plenty of reports and stories out there. At this moment in time my explanation is that 'It's all in your head'

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by xEphon

I did enjoy the connection they made with ET's though. 53% is more than I expected.

Which in my opinion is too low and scary even.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Yes, I absolutely do. Not loving the word "ghost" however, and I think of them as disembodied humans, beings from other dimensions that we don't yet fully understand, but may be on our way to doing so.

A "ghost", I suppose (to me) would indicate the residual, unintelligent type entities, that may or may not be occupied by the full spirit of the person who once inhabited it. A ghost to me, would be like an empty vessel; an imprint on time.

Disclaimer: Just any case anybody should make the mistake of thinking I know what I'm talking about, I actually don't. This is just a hunch.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by xEphon

I did enjoy the connection they made with ET's though. 53% is more than I expected.

Which in my opinion is too low and scary even.

Yeah, now that I think about it 53% is pretty low. The questions was "if life was 'likely' in other planets. I don't know many people who would say that life is 'not likely' on other planets so...yeah...that is low.

The only reasoning that I have to that is perhaps people assumed by 'life' they imagined human type civilizations. But even still...

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:47 PM
only 23% believe?
I believe.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:32 PM
I believe some ghosts are a form of aliens.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 10:09 PM
The whole thing of ghosts, angels and demons and life on other planets out in the universe has to be true, as far as my thinking goes and its far more complicated than people think.
Yes we dont have any hard "Scientific" evidence of any of this but when it comes to God and angels and demons and stuff it comes down to faith and what you believe no matter if there scientific proof or not. I'm not gonna write down my views of God and the devil all that stuff because if people dont care or are not interested whats the point. I'm not trying to convince anyone or convert anyone I'm just stating my beliefs and if you are truly interested I will write them down.
For life on other planets, there has to be. I remember something from the movie titled "Contact" with Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey where Jodie Fosters character gets asked the same question by some school kids and she replies - if its only us out here wouldnt you consider the rest of the universe an awful waste of space. In the Bible it says God created us in his Image and he also created worlds without number through out the universe, all simliar to earth.
Now if you dont believe in God or the bible for that matter I'm sorry and good luck trying to figure out how we got here and where you'll go when you die amongst all the other big questions you might have about life.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 11:10 PM
I never did until i bought a house with one in it. People that outright say that ghosts don't exist speak out of ignorance

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 11:53 PM
I belive in them yup..when iw as 13, i played with an ouija board with a freind, and had things happening around my home soon after..scratching noises behind my bed on and off through the night, sounds in my clsoet, and in our garage attic, of a pebble being skipped off the floor...a rose in a vase on our mantle exploded, a doorknob late one night was completely broken off the door from INSIDE the house, and it was only me and my older siter in another room..i saw a trasnparent ornage cat with green eyes and saber toothcat like teeth playing with an american flag i had o ym desk, and later, in basement, i felt a prsence enter the room i was in, a year later, after ed and lorraine warren were here, cleaning our home..i trie to get up and run, as i saw a black disembodied figure standing in the doorway.i was frozen and coudnt move, and felt it pas through me, secodns later a small galss cotnainer next to me, opped and broke, never saw it again. My mtoher talked about a small black transparaent cat lurking in the house, witha buzzsaw shaped head during the day. Our cats would stare at the ceiling in our living room, and meow at it. one time i took a picture of jesus into anotther room next to mine, and my fathers dresser made a thump noise and mvoed back a few mm. The board would tell us it was jesus christ, it was god, it was the virgin mary, then said it was a 9 year old boy who died in the area, I had told my mom what i learned, and she asked me how did i know hat..turns out back in 1964 i think iwas, a 9 year old boy was hit by a car on our street, riding his bike, and died on the way to hospitol.
SO!! yes as yuo can see, i do belive.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

Yeah the Ouija board is no joke as you can tell by this realistic possession!

No, but seriously. They're no joke.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by xEphon]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:19 AM
I believe there might be some form of a ghost I personally have not have any experiences I could prove 100% to many variables.

I was at a hotel with rooms that connected through a very small hallway. My door and balcony door was open and I tried to open the other rooms door but it was looked. I thought my friends had already unlocked it.

All of a sudden my door slams shut and had the top lock smashed into the connector lock. My friends heard the slam and let me i at the door.

We had the manger come up to the room to fix the door which they had to pry the locking mechanism off. It was a very wired experience I have had with a door.

I think 53% is to low it should be higher. Where I live though I bet it is probable around that amount by the people I have talked to and meet.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:25 AM
I believe the phenomenon is real since I have experienced it first hand multiple times. I've never seen a ghost but I've been touched multiples times and have heard ghosts multiple times(walking around and stuff, not speaking). I've also had experiences with other witnesses and near identical experiences shared by other people in the same house. I however have no explanation as to what the phenomenon is, it is beyond my understanding.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:51 AM
I've had 4 personal experiences in my lifetime. Easy for me to say that I believe.

I sometimes wish others could have experienced the things I have.

I love the reply of "It's all in your head". Because everything is anyways.

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