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Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

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posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Ex-FBI Translator Claims Spying at DoD

October 21, 2009|by Bryant Jordan

After seven years of forced silence, a government whistleblower is opening up on what she learned while working as a Turkish translator for the FBI in the wake of 9/11.

In sworn testimony to attorneys on Aug. 8, Sibel Edmonds described a Pentagon where key personnel helped pass defense secrets to foreign agents or provided them names of knowledgeable officials who were vulnerable to blackmail or co-option.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:17 PM
These are some truly shocking and startling allegations being leveled in a rather in depth article about a civilian translator hired by the FBI in the wake of 9-11 as a Turkish translator. The primary person she is accusing alleges she is mentally disturbed and on a vendetta over the loss of her job as a translator with the FBI. The FBI itself though says that there investigation is covering more truth than fiction regarding her allegations of systematic passing of top secret intelligence to both Turkey and Israel under the table through a network of targeted people who would be susceptible to black mail and extortion. If her allegations pan out virtually nothing that happens in a top secret capacity at the Pentagon is not finding its way to foreign intelligence operations.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Edmonds claims that much of the Pentagon information found its way into the hands of both Israeli and Turkish operatives through the State Department, courtesy of Marc Grossman, then assistant secretary of state for political affairs, the third-highest ranking member at State. As she described in her Aug. 8 testimony, “certain people from Pentagon would send a list of individuals with access to sensitive data, whether weapons technology or nuclear technology, and this information would include all their sexual preference, how much they owed on their homes, if they have gambling issues, and [Grossman] would provide it to these foreign operatives, and those foreign operatives would go and hook those Pentagon people.”

Incredible to think in the top secret War on Terror where the American public is routinely denied the right to know that foreign governments can find out what we the citizens can't through illegal spying operations with the greatest of ease.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:51 PM

And firmly rooted in this espionage program in the 1990s, according to Edmonds’ deposition, were two men who, with the election of George W. Bush as president in 2000, found themselves in the Pentagon: Douglas Feith, who would head the Office of Special Plans, and Richard Perle, who would become chairman of the Defense Advisory Board.

"They were 100 percent directly involved," Edmonds told "They were not in the Pentagon [in the late 1990s] but they had their people inside the Pentagon." One of those people, she said, was Larry Franklin, an Air Force officer assigned to the Office of Special Plans who, in 2003, passed classified information to representatives of the American Israel Public Affairs Office, or AIPAC. By then Feith was leading the OSP.

More disturbing allegations regarding AIPAC Israel's premier and powerful lobbying orginization to the United States Congress and White House.

AIPAC appears to be a criminal orginization based on many of it's alleged activities.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Cool thread Proto! This woman deserves more attention than she is getting. The MSM media should be all over this woman to find out what she knows. I am familiar with Sibel Edmonds and her crusade against the FBI for what appears to be a politically motivated termination.

She found gross misconduct within the agency she was employed by and brought it to the attention of her superiors, and was fired for doing an honest job. Now, the termination is a conspiracy all by itself. Why was there no internal investigation to follow up on her allegations against co-workers? If what she is sayings belongs in the trash bin, why was she given a seven year gag order by John Ashcroft's Justice Department? This story stinks! Plus, her allegations against former co-workers, walk the fine line of treason. If sensitive information was put on the open market, as she claims, then that is a very serious matter. It compromises national security! In another time, one would be executed for such an offense. Anybody remember, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

She seems like a woman of integrity, and is standing by her story amid insults and attacks. However, she better be careful because she is playing with fire. She is going after some powerful people. We all know what happened to Gary Webb when he tried to air out the CIA's dirty laundry, regarding the crack epidemic. He met a mysterious fate. Hopefully, Ms. Edmonds has eyes in the back of her head, because the closer she gets to the truth, they well stop at nothing to silence her once and for all.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Jakes51

Thanks Jakes51 some great additional information there. The woman certainly has been dogged in her pursuit and it's refreshing to see someone of integrity in this day and age of massive and wide spread governmental corruption. has done a pretty lengthy article and the investigation does seem to be both picking up some steam and the investigators are finding her allegations credible as they dig deeper in to them.

Whether it's a genuine effort to root out domestic corruption and foreign espionage or just another avenue for the Obama Administration to deflect blame on the Bush Administration while it continues on all the same with the same policies is yet to be seen.

It would seem as usual the politics in Washington have little to do with the American people and more simply about individual power and prestige.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:04 PM
Some more information on Edmonds.

Sibel Edmonds

Edmonds has made a series of allegations regarding 9/11, nuclear proliferation and official corruption, and the administration of the FBI's translation office.

Regarding 9/11

1.She alleges that the FBI received information in April 2001, from Behrooz Sarshar,[11] one of its Farsi translators, that Osama Bin Laden was planning attacks on 4-5 cities with planes, some of the people were already in the country and the attacks would happen in a few months.[12][13]

Regarding nuclear proliferation and official corruption

1.She alleges that she found evidence that people in the FBI, the State Department,[14] the RAND corporation, the Pentagon, and Congress were recruited by a Turkish and Israeli-run criminal intelligence network, with connections to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, to steal nuclear weapons secrets.[15]

2.She alleges that the FBI has a case file, 203A-WF-210023, detailing evidence of this.[16]

3.She alleges that one high-ranking member of the State Department[14] was selling classified information to Washington-based agents of the Republic of Turkey, who were in turn selling these secrets on the black market.[7]

4.She alleges that one recruit in the State Department warned this criminal intelligence network that Brewster Jennings & Associates was a counter-proliferation operation run by the CIA, and to not get involved with them.[17]

5.She alleges that Fethullah Gülen, whom she feels is a threat to the U.S., was given safe haven in the U.S. by the U.S. in order to try to gain influence over energy sources in Central Asia.[18]

Regarding the administration of the translation office

1.She alleges that the FBI sent to Guantanamo as its Turkish translator a man not proficient in English,[19] and who was hired as a result of nepotism.

Many of Edmonds' accusations have been corroborated by anonymous letters allegedly written by FBI employees.[10]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

Wow thanks for those additions. It seems like this woman has a lot to say.

I do find it possible her allegations could have some credibility being that the Government has long had a shortage of Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi Translators and Agents.

She very well may have been asked to translate some very revealing documents while in the FBI's employ.

I look forward to following her story and seeing what eventually becomes of it.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Was this posted here before, Edmonds' video taped deposition on brad blog??

Can't remember, but it's worth watching, she's kinda hot, as an added bonus. scroll down and it's the 2nd or 3rd item on the page.

with updates!

edit for incorrect link

[edit on 21-10-2009 by Pilot]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:33 PM

absolutely ludacris!

does anyone have any form of morals, values, or allegiances???

how can you sell out the place you live?

i hope they track all of them down and arrest them accordingly.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster
Some more information on Edmonds.

Sibel Edmonds

1.She alleges that the FBI received information in April 2001, from Behrooz Sarshar,[11] one of its Farsi translators, that Osama Bin Laden was planning attacks on 4-5 cities with planes, some of the people were already in the country and the attacks would happen in a few months.[12][13]

Ummm ... fellas. So what is it? Did Osama have involvement in 9/11 or did a Shadow Goverment create it?

Not directing this to any member who posted on this thread, but ATSers need to make their minds up and stop "flip flopping".

It is kind of the same with the Landing on the Moon aspect. DId we land there or not? Some say we did and saw ETs, but yet those same people state that we never land there at all.

I am confused and this conspiracy has so many different angles of facts/falsehoods, I think it is just best for me to believe that Osama did it ... and move on with my life.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Pilot
Was this posted here before, Edmonds' video taped deposition on brad blog??

Can't remember, but it's worth watching, she's kinda hot, as an added bonus. scroll down and it's the 2nd or 3rd item on the page.

with updates!

edit for incorrect link

[edit on 21-10-2009 by Pilot]

Thanks for the addition I am checking out that source now friend.

It is always an added bonus when the person speaking doesn't hurt your eyes!

More importantly though it takes a lot of charachter and courage to blow the whistle on government corruption. She is a very brave woman.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by mahtoosacks

absolutely ludacris!

does anyone have any form of morals, values, or allegiances???

how can you sell out the place you live?

i hope they track all of them down and arrest them accordingly.

I couldn't agree with you more. It's one thing for the State Department to pass information along, or the White House, but when it's just foreign based spy orginizations taking advantage of the corrupt and the weak to garner our most strategic secrets the penalties should be as severe as the efforts are to catch such culprits.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Quazze

Originally posted by ThaLoccster
Some more information on Edmonds.

Sibel Edmonds

1.She alleges that the FBI received information in April 2001, from Behrooz Sarshar,[11] one of its Farsi translators, that Osama Bin Laden was planning attacks on 4-5 cities with planes, some of the people were already in the country and the attacks would happen in a few months.[12][13]

Ummm ... fellas. So what is it? Did Osama have involvement in 9/11 or did a Shadow Goverment create it?

Not directing this to any member who posted on this thread, but ATSers need to make their minds up and stop "flip flopping".

It is kind of the same with the Landing on the Moon aspect. DId we land there or not? Some say we did and saw ETs, but yet those same people state that we never land there at all.

I am confused and this conspiracy has so many different angles of facts/falsehoods, I think it is just best for me to believe that Osama did it ... and move on with my life.

I think that's an interesting and provacative question. I also have considered that since I personally am not sure who carried out 9-11 and don't want to attach the blame to any party until something more in the way of a credible investigation is conducted.

I will say this though, that whether it was Osama Bin Laden, or the CIA or the MOSSAD or just ellements of the Millitary Industrial Complex looking to promote another war and rake in the profits...

It's clear that they intended to set up Osama Bin Laden as the perpetrator whether he was involved or not.

That set up could have included chatter that was created on purpose well in advance of the attacks that those who created the chatter knew would in time filter too the Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies and eventually be translated by a person just like this.

Was the chatter she claims to have translated real chatter or just part of the organized effort to creat a patsy and set up a patsy?

Once again not enough evidence, but there does seem to be some credible evidence regarding her over all allegations of spying.

Thanks for posting a very intelligent and provacative question.

That's my answer to that for now anyway.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Pilot
Was this posted here before, Edmonds' video taped deposition on brad blog??

Can't remember, but it's worth watching, she's kinda hot, as an added bonus. scroll down and it's the 2nd or 3rd item on the page.

with updates!

edit for incorrect link

[edit on 21-10-2009 by Pilot]

I just thought I would give ATS readers a chance to decide for themselves regarding your claims!!


She honestly looks credible enough to me!

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 06:27 PM
This isn't exactly news... Anyone who isn't confined to a hole in the ground or watching fox news, have been following this case since 2004. The same is true for the trickle of information since the late 90's, of how the US intelligence and defense communities were systematically dismantled and penetrated.

As for the outrage... The people yelling and screaming about 911, the missing planes, buildings falling at the speed of gravity and a government coverup are making things so easy for the US government. Keep following the big shiny object that they want you to focus on.

In the 90's the CIA was turned into an industrial espionage unit for hire, for US corporations. Didn't you ever wonder why so many US citizens were convicted of industrial espionage in foreign countries in the 90's?

Industrial espionage was sexy and a surefire careerpath. This forced the real spies out and replaced them with people who couldn't tie their own shoelaces, let alone find their shoes in the morning.

At the same time, foreign intelligence services and terrorist organisations were infiltrating the CIA and FBI, one terror organisation even infiltrated the US army and was running a terrorcell out of the residence of an army officer.
And that is just what is known!

There is a conspiracy all right, but it is about how total the failure was on 911, and how the bush administration milked it for all it is worth, trying to avoid a public disclosure, and pushing their own agenda. The last part has been slightly illuminated, but more will be discovered, and the first part is only now being discovered.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by aaa2500]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by aaa2500

No doubt about it friend tis a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive.

There is much that isn't being said. The CIA as you point out is a For Profit Corporation aimed at making money legally and other wise.

We have the best government money can buy. If only we knew who really owns it!

Thanks for posting.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 03:36 PM
I cannot believe that this thread ends at one page of discussion.

Thousands of pages for discussion of the moonlandings, whether the US President is born in the US or not, whether the WTC fell at the speed of gravity or not and ET aliens.

This, an *actual* conspiracy get's one page. That is just messed up!

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 04:08 PM
What do you expect from a corrupt agency?

The FBI has done a fair job recently of taking down a large Mexican drug cartel in the USA, but it was nothing more than response to a request to remove competition. They were slightly successful, but may have started a war even their mob connections can't win.

Beware La Familia.

1 of 7 is the son of a top leader in LCN

They really should not have picked that fight.

This war will spread throughout the USA, the FBI corruption and greed are partly responsible for future bloodshed and violence, the kind usually seen south of the border.

You've been warned.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by aaa2500
I cannot believe that this thread ends at one page of discussion.

Thousands of pages for discussion of the moonlandings, whether the US President is born in the US or not, whether the WTC fell at the speed of gravity or not and ET aliens.

This, an *actual* conspiracy get's one page. That is just messed up!

The funny thing is friend is ATS was invented for skeptics to disprove conspiracies.

Of course it's hard for skeptics to disprove a genuine dyed in the wool conspiracy like this one. So yeah it's awful quiet in here! Thanks for posting friend.

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