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Ready To Revolt: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States

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posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by seeashrink

Originally posted by djusdjus
reply to post by seeashrink

A couple of weeks? Why have you only decided to join now?
Previously you had a president who ordered a unilateral strike on a sovereign nation based on lies?

You didn't have the good sense to join the oath keepers then?

I am bemused, as are a great deal of other people by this veiled racist hypocrisy and hate.

Examine yourself. [/quote

Are you kidding me?? Examine myself????
Does the word "assume" mean anything to you??
You step in judgement of me??
Offering an opinion and expressing one's self and the freedom to do so is one of the many things that make this country great. But when you start with the personal judgement of others then you begin to show the lack of faith you have in yourself. Please, disagree with me all you care to and will do the same with you and everyone else here, but I will leave judgement to Someone more capable.
Now to answer your question: I discovered Oath Keepers two weeks ago and it rang true with the decisions I had already made in my heart in reference to the Constitution and my duties.
You referenced the last president and his decision to attack Iraq and I couldn't agree more. In my opinion, it's about oil and nothing else. If the attack on Kuwait had been an attack had happened somewhere there was not oil the US would not have lifted a finger.
Personally, I was in the Army stationed in Germany during Desert Storm. We had not received any marching orders. A bunch of us were in a game room including a young luitenant and they were all talking about how they were going to Kuwait to kick some butt...oooyaahhh....etc. etc. I was quietly shooting pool when the luitenant (sp?) asked if I were ready to go. I explained to him that if sent I would do my job as told to do so. I then explained to him that if he wanted to be a hero and get himself killed so that when his little boy asked his mother why daddy died in the desert she could reply; so we can have gas for our car at $2 a gallon instead of $3. So I told him, go ahead and be a hero. Needless to say, I was not very well thought of after that conversation.
I believe your issues have little to do with the Oath Keepers and what we believe.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
You talk pretty, but it is your actions by which you are measured.
I don't know you as a person, but that you are standing up for this group only now says a LOT.

Hence, "examine yourself".

8 years ago was the time. The glue is now set.

You people are a day late and a dollar short.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by djusdjus

It doesnt matter what day, or year you join any organization or web site or begin to participate in something you have a passion and or concern for now does it? The idea that you were motivated to do "something" whether it be exchange dialouge with like minded people, roll your sleeves up and get dirty and try to make a change, just to share your thoughts or provoke some one who is in a bad way to hang in there and not feel overwhelmed and or alone, the idea that contributing at any level is good, its important and it adds to a cause.
Those members of our society that contribute only insults or mockerys and negative comments at others yet have done NOTHING themselves are like the stink of the obvious feces we all wade through.
They offer nothing except a reminder and notification of the source.
I can only hope, that MORE law enforcement and military become aware and "get" the oath keepers message, That would seem to be a good thing.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
Legal, civil restraint. Disobediance, more people should dissobey.

The people, united, will never be defeated.


posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by budski
Wow... after all these years there is still ZERO proof that GWB lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. ZERO. Yet people like yourself still spew the "Bush lied, people died" crap because it has been beaten into your heads so much by the left and the liberal mainstream media.

There is no question that Bush was wrong about the WMD's. But that is NOT the same as lying. He could very well have been lied to, but that does not make him a liar. I have no doubt that he believed Saddam had WMD's. Virtually every single intelligence service in the West believed that Saddam had WMD's and was more than willing to use them again. Even the majority of countries who were against the invasion of Iraq still believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But none of that matters to folks like yourself because it doesn't jive with your political ideology and personal beliefs. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story, right? I mean even if there is absolutely no proof of your claims, Bush HAS to be a liar simply because he is a rich, evil conservative and all of them are liars! That's your mentality, isn't it?

We all thought Saddam had WMD's because that's what he wanted us to believe and because he not only had them in the past but he used them on his own people and on the Iranian military. None of that makes GWB a liar. In fact, based on the evidence before us, YOU and Saddam Hussein are the only proven liars here!

Repeating a lie enough times does not make it true. This site, as I've said hundreds of times before to individuals like yourself, is all about denying ignorance. If you're going to let your own political agenda and beliefs cloud your judgement and make you spread vicious lies about people, then please go somewhere else. There are plenty of sites on the net for divisive people like yourself. Unfortunately this place has become overrun with ignorant partisans who are responsible for this sites decline over the past couple of years.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:35 AM
here's a sample of the website

The group's Web site,, features videos and testimonials in which supporters compare President Barack Obama's America to Adolf Hitler's Germany. They also liken Obama to England's King George III during the American Revolution.

One member, in a videotaped speech at an event in Washington, D.C., calls Obama "the domestic enemy the Constitution is talking about."

yeah...juuusstt a bunch of people that care...right

so...if you voted for Obama, be careful NOT to tell these guys about it...they might think your an enemy of the state.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Rasputin13

absolutely no proof of bush lying about WMD's ??? if it looks like a rose, and smells like a rose, it's a rose.

here you go, and you have to read the whole article to get the flavor.

this was written by john dean, and he makes a compelling case.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:54 PM
I don't even know how to reply to the ignorance of your reasoning. (please pay attention, I didn't call you ignorant) I would really be curious to know of your service to our country, I mean besides, of course, keeping the rest of us in line with your bountiful wisdom (sarcasm intended). You are right, actions speak louder than word. I take action everyday protecting people like you. Sleep well tonight.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:31 PM
At some point, the corrupted system is resistant, immune, even aggressively opposed (hostile) to returning to it's pre-corrupted form. The healthy "body" may not even be able to work within the corrupted system to affect change.

Just as when a limb gangrenes, the body can't move the poisons out and anti-biotics into the tissue to fight the infection. The gangrenous tissue is by all intents and purposes is dead to the body and actually threatens the health of the individual as a whole if not removed.

Maybe this corrupted system can be healed, but if not...

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:48 PM
lol. Now we are ignorant for not supporting this sham of a group?

From my perspective this is just more GOP nonsense and un-american sabotage

You people are all up in arms about things that haven't happened and aren't gonna happen or happened during the last presidency.

where was this nonsense organization when protesters were being herded into fenced off areas by the Bush regime?

where was the group when the town hall meetings were invite only and people were not allowed to dissent?

where were they when Powell had the audacity to hold up grainy photos and proclaim them to be wmds? even though miltech could provide resolutions up to 1 meter or better? Meaning his photos were obviously tainted, IE : LIES.

Where were they when the bombs were dropping and thousands of Iraqis were killed on the orders of the Bush regime in their unilaterally declared strike on a sovereign nation that was severely weakened by 12 years of sanctions.

let me put it this way, an organization like oathkeepers is ROT. It is FOUL, it is lies and it recruits the stupid and the thick and the insidious into it's ranks to practice only a set agenda of anti-Americanism and stifling process in the three levels of government.

Lying scum is a light way of putting it. You are offensive to Americans and to what America stands for.

Go pledge your oaths in an authoritarian dictatorship like you really want so you can press down all people who aren't like you.


I would never in a 1000 lifetimes ever support an organization that is so transparent in it's hate and hypocrisy.

here's to hoping people see you for what you really are.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by djusdjus]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by seeashrink

[edit on 20-10-2009 by The Wilderness Wino]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
Well I hope someone does something quick while there is still a America. Im ready mentaly and phyically, I hope. Im just ready to fight.

How do you identify the enemy? Please, a precise answer? Not some nebulous "anyone that tries to take away my freedom"

What does your enemy look like that you want to fight?

The danger is when you start to have a notion of who your enemies are and "what they look like"... Then the protectors become the tyrants and the murderers -
The stress of this American life has likely created some true monsters and when the time is ripe for conflict the streets will be filled with these people.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:00 PM
[edit on 20-10-2009 by The Wilderness Wino]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by djusdjus

I am NOT a racist sir.

I got off of the Obama band wagon as soon a he reversed course on the FISA issue.
And I have never in my life supported Bush or his families agenda either.

To assume that all of the Patriots at Oathkeepers are of one mind and political ideology is truly obsurd.
I have not seen Sheriff Macks Testimonial so I will not comment about his political intentions.

I DO know that every Testimonial that I read was an affirmation to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.

Gee, how radical!
I hear it's "all the rage" with the Active Duty Military, in fact I don't think that they will let you into "their club" unless you pledge to be loyal and defend the U S Constitution.

There are NO declarations at the OathKeepers web site that promote the violent overthrow of our Legitimate Government.
If that was their (our) mission statement I would not have joined.

Back to the Ghost Dance

[edit on 20-10-2009 by The Wilderness Wino]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:10 PM

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
here's a sample of the website

The group's Web site,, features videos and testimonials in which supporters compare President Barack Obama's America to Adolf Hitler's Germany. They also liken Obama to England's King George III during the American Revolution.

One member, in a videotaped speech at an event in Washington, D.C., calls Obama "the domestic enemy the Constitution is talking about."

yeah...juuusstt a bunch of people that care...right

so...if you voted for Obama, be careful NOT to tell these guys about it...they might think your an enemy of the state.

No doubt... enemy of the state is right, I cannot take this serious, same movement is constructed of the very materials needed for tyranny IMO. Ironically the current post Obama climate and the discontent of the right is very similar to the social catalyst Hitler used as an a tool for his agenda. When mixed with the repressed love of all things authoritarian, the flags and nationalism = one hell of a party!

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by The Wilderness Wino
reply to post by djusdjus

By the way...
Please go to the mirror and take a long look at one highly unstable and very ignorant human being!?!
The hate that you so desperately try to hide and attemt to project on to others is oozing from the greasy, infected, pustulace that is your soul.
Hate, Hate, Hate

Don't take my word for it, just read the words that you yourself have penned here.

Back to the Ghost Dance

[edit on 20-10-2009 by The Wilderness Wino]

Here you reveal your true colors.
Upon having the foul group derided for what it is, you turn on the individual.

This is the same thinking that held lynchings in the south and persecuted anyone who wasn't like them IE: white and christian.

Your hate is the same. And when you are confronted with it, you can do nothing but say : "I know you are but what am I"

It is quite clear that this is a hate group and your membership would thin if many within it knew your actual agenda of un-american activities and spreading of hate.

I don't know you as an individual and cannot speak to your character, but this group and by proxy it's members are the only ILL and Sick minds in teh equation.

That much is crystal clear to anyone who can read and has half a brain in their head.

good day to you, despite your bile and vitriol that you would throw at me for exposing you as one of the emperors who has no clothes.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:55 PM
[edit on 20-10-2009 by The Wilderness Wino]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by The Wilderness Wino
reply to post by Janky Red

Huge difference , and one that has driven some "critical thinkers" right off the deep end...

The people of the Third Reich pledged loyalty to a person.

OathKeepers pledge loyalty to documents (U S Constitution and Bill of Rights) ONLY.
A foundation for Representative Government which was so ingeniously written as to allow for Individual Sovereignty and Rule of Law.

Maybe you are aware of such Inalienable Rights?
You know, the rights that were bestowed upon us by our Creator.

So, president Obama and anyone in civil office is a true keeper of their oathes as well because they swear to those same documents that you are on about. In fact, the pledge to defend them!

where is there a call for loyalty to a person? where?

do tell!

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by treemanx

Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but I have bought many of Sheriff Richard Macks books.

Hi, I'm Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and long-time crusader for freedom and individual rights. Right now, it is vital that we restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our own federal government. If America is conquered or ruined it will be from within, not a foreign enemy.

In 1994 I filed a lawsuit challenging the Brady bill to stop the federal government from forcing another unfunded mandate down our throats. I won a decision at the US Supreme Court on the issue of States' rights. This suit catapulted me to national attention, with television appearances on the Donahue Show, Good Morning America, Crossfire, Nightline, CNBC, and SHOWTIME'S the AMERICAN CANDIDATE. I've been on over 500 radio talk shows nationwide, ranging from G. Gordon Liddy and Charles Goyette to Derry Brownfield and Pat Buchannan. I have traveled the country extensively and I've seen first hand the horrible side effects from politicians who have replaced our Constitution with their own political agendas and party platforms.

I lecture and give seminars on constitutional issues relating to gun control, law enforcement, States' rights, the farce, otherwise known as the drug war, and the oath of office. I have also been a consultant for lawyers, and people in general helping them with cases of unlawful arrests and police misconduct. I have stood for "the little guy" against "big brother" government.

What most people don't understand and what I find so funny is all the movies that "show" you the out and expose the truth and nobody sees it because they were watching the movie as a story or for entertainment, THEY ARE DANGLING THE CARROT RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!!

Okay, so the first matrix, at the end, Neo dead on the floor, he comes back to life and stands up, the THREE (masonic number), black suited idiots, turn and fire away, Neo holds up his hand and WHAT DOES NEO SAY.................


All those bullets represent something, each bullet individually, within our society. Make of it what you will but that's the jist of it and nobody caught it? Please.

Also, what does Neo ask him in the beginning? Neo: What truth? Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage... kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch - a prison for your mind.


I could go on for days here. Oath Keepers is a start but there are many organizations and groups that are trying very hard to educate the public, if the public will listen!!! Stop going to movie theaters, stop giving in and SAY NO. Sanchoearlyjones did a whole post on this serveral times!! Did no one pay attention.

Cops are just corporate tax collectors, that's all they do. The sheriff is the ultimate authority. Wake up and befriend the county sheriff, deputy sheriffs too. Any military personel also, remember, we were supposed to be the armed militia, the sheriff could call upon us to be the posse. Let's get with it.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by daddio]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by The Wilderness Wino
reply to post by Janky Red

Huge difference , and one that has driven some "critical thinkers" right off the deep end...

The people of the Third Reich pledged loyalty to a person.

OathKeepers pledge loyalty to documents (U S Constitution and Bill of Rights) ONLY.
A foundation for Representative Government which was so ingeniously written as to allow for Individual Sovereignty and Rule of Law.

Maybe you are aware of such Inalienable Rights?
You know, the rights that were bestowed upon us by our Creator.

That is so true, Common Law is what protects the people, being responsible in your own actions keeps you safe. WE are above the Law, WE are the Law itself. Each individual must be aware of his actions. Do no harm to no one or damage no property and you remain free. The Constitution was to put checks and balances on the GOVERNMENT. The Bill of Rights was directed at the people. They are two seperate documents. But we have arrogantly combined them and that is the mistake.

The Bill of Rights keeps the GOVERNMENT OUT of our personal business. But the rights you are BORN with, bestowed upon you by your "creator", are your inalienable, natural rights. Read "American Jurisprudence."

ALL POLITICAL POWER IS INHERENT IN THE PEOPLE. Period. That's all that needs to be said.

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