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NASA "Moon Bombing" mission -- DISAPPEARS

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posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People

Well, if we ever want to put bases on the Moon, the presence of a lot of water there would be very important. Water is very heavy, and humans need a lot of it, so it would be best it humans did not need to take their water with them on Moon missions. the way, it doesn't seem like it was a "flop" whatsoever. NASA got loads of data from the impact. They said it appears they got enough data to answer their questions.

Remember -- being able to "see" the plume in visible light is not a crucial aspect of the mission. The most important science is done by other data (non-visible light).

[edit on 10/9/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

Dude two words - GIANT HOSE. Make a very very long hose out of carbon nanofiber composite and attach it to a space pumping station. have a 2nd hose come down from the station into a desalinization plant floating in the ocean. You can put this where the space elevator is going to be.

Or go get a bunch of comets.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by redoubt
2. NASA Astronaut Gordon Cooper says UFOs are real and he observed one land on a US Air Force base once, but nobody listens.

That's not the problem. The problem is: Cooper tells an amazing story, and nobody tries to verify it -- as good UFO research demands (there's apparently a 'celebrity exemption' so PR-useful claims don't risk getting solved).

When somebody does check the story out with the original witnesses and with pro-UFO research done soon after the event, it turns out Cooper's version is different from everybody else's. Since Cooper's stories became more and more fantastic as he aged, and he liked entertaining his hosts at UFO conventions, it's at least plausible to suggest he embellished his story to be kind to the UFO nuts.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by JimOberg


Am I just reading something into that video, or was one of the JPL guys really upset about something? He just packed up his stuff (without returning a high-five) and left the room in a hurry.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by HrdCorHillbilly
Someone posted this video in another thread. Check out the infrared images. There appears to be flashing in the dark red areas. Check the video around these two times 0:43 (top left) and 3:57 (top middle)

[edit on 9-10-2009 by HrdCorHillbilly]

I think that is the real video with the white images on the impact:

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by gazerstar

On November 20, 1969, the Apollo 12 crew jettisoned the lunar module ascent stage causing it to crash onto the moon. The LM’s impact (about 40 miles from the Apollo 12 landing site) created an artificial moonquake with startling characteristics—the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour.

This phenomenon was repeated with Apollo 13 (intentionally commanding the third stage to impact the moon), with even more startling results. Seismic instruments recorded that the reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and traveled to a depth of twenty-five miles, leading to the conclusion that the moon has an unusually light—or even no—core.

Does anybody know if the moon made any kind of sound after today's alleged 'impact'?

Did some old alien pop out of a crater, wave his fist at us and tell us whippersnappers that we're not gonna get our fancy schmancy shiny new now mangled rocket booster back?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by mysteralex
Here's something about the true agenda od NASA.

NASA announces plan to send $700 Million into space

CAPE CANAVERAL, FL—Officials at the Kennedy Space Center announced Tuesday that they have set Aug. 6 as the date for launching $700 million from the Denarius IV spacecraft, the largest and most expensive mission to date in NASA's unmanned monetary-ejection program.
"This is an exciting opportunity to study the effect of a hard-vacuum, zero-gravity environment on $50 and $100 bills," said NASA Administrator...

[edit on 9-10-2009 by mysteralex]

The reality is that we never send our money into space to be burnt up on a mission like this.

Every single penny of that money gets spent right here on Earth. The money is put right back into circulation. People tend to think we waist it in space but it doesn't take much thought to realize that all that money never leaves the ground. It is paid to thousands of different human beings right here on Earth.

I know, I know, I should get a sense of humor.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:20 PM
If the moon is a space station, then a door was opened and the LCROSS missile was just swallowed inside the space station.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Have any of you wondered yet why Nasa chose that particular area to bomb, which is right at the edge of the dark side, where they actually said it was going to be very difficult to observe from Earth because of the crater walls ?

If they really wanted a clear view why didn't they drop the load on the lighter side of the moon which is very visible from Earth ?

Also, the 'image' they showed was clearly a photo of the Moon and not a live picture which was slowly zoomed in. What about the blank screen 10 secs before the supposedly impact ? I could have done better pictures with an obsolete Commodore 64

Nasa can take fantastic pictures of galaxies billions of miles away and yet we get these crappy pictures of our next door neighbor ? I mean, how stupid do they think we are ?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:22 PM
Apparently NASA has no idea what the moon is made of or the consistency of it ether. If they did they would not have been saying it would make a plum of any size. So it falls back to did man ever really set foot on the moon?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:23 PM
Here is the truth. You believe whatever you want to as you have free will and I say this respectfully. We, a group of lightworkers with many starseeds and with the help of Star Nations, moved the satellite and rocket out of the path to destroy a colony of Star Visitors. We then changed the energy of the satellite and rocket to disintegrate at the atomic level. Both simply disappeared at about 10:15 am central time on Thursday October 8. The plan of the Cabal was not to find water as there is already water on the moon, but to destroy a Star Visitors colony. Richard Hoagland (spell?) also talks about an anomaly on this area of the moon.

For the truth, go here -

I give you this information respectfully and without fear and hopefully the Mod will allow this message to be posted.

In The Light.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by 5thWorldIsNow
Here is the truth. You believe whatever you want to as you have free will and I say this respectfully. We, a group of lightworkers with many starseeds and with the help of Star Nations, moved the satellite and rocket out of the path to destroy a colony of Star Visitors. We then changed the energy of the satellite and rocket to disintegrate at the atomic level. Both simply disappeared at about 10:15 am central time on Thursday October 8. The plan of the Cabal was not to find water as there is already water on the moon, but to destroy a Star Visitors colony. Richard Hoagland (spell?) also talks about an anomaly on this area of the moon.

For the truth, go here -

I give you this information respectfully and without fear and hopefully the Mod will allow this message to be posted.

In The Light.

OOOOKKKKKK...What colony and why to do that??

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:29 PM
Come on Soylent Green, how can you say they hit thier targets as intended?

First of all thier/your so called proof is 3 bright flashes in Infra Red which are many miles off from the target crater. Then a few more IR flashes later on in the video , again, not anywhere in the vicinity of the target crater (they don't even hit the same spot as the first flashes, so your saying we had two Targets? then Nasa lied either way) of the static "photo". Way High and again a bit to the left.

So we have at least five flashes, so were shot 5+ missiles?

Which none of them came close to the crater which was supposed to be the target. Which look like a static photo, being slowly zoomed in on.

Heck they even went into some half baked CGI/Video game looking rendering at a crucial point of the video, then when thier red lines dissapeared, they announced the target was hit. But your saying the 3 flashes 6 minutes before that the targets were Already hit.

Sorry Soylent GReeN Is People, but your story doesn't hold water.

Spin in whichever way you want. Either they missed, or are lieing and fired more missiles than the public was told. Or the Infra Red Flashes, which don't really look like much, are just that....not much of anything.

There was no impact of change of the area NASA was aiming for, hence the Mission was a failure.

[edit on 9-10-2009 by Nola213]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg

Originally posted by redoubt
2. NASA Astronaut Gordon Cooper says UFOs are real and he observed one land on a US Air Force base once, but nobody listens.

That's not the problem. The problem is: Cooper tells an amazing story, and nobody tries to verify it -- as good UFO research demands (there's apparently a 'celebrity exemption' so PR-useful claims don't risk getting solved).

When somebody does check the story out with the original witnesses and with pro-UFO research done soon after the event, it turns out Cooper's version is different from everybody else's. Since Cooper's stories became more and more fantastic as he aged, and he liked entertaining his hosts at UFO conventions, it's at least plausible to suggest he embellished his story to be kind to the UFO nuts.

Excellent bit of surgery. Out of context, your reply makes perfect sense.

Have you considered a role in Grey's Anatomy?


posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Nichiren
The guy walking out of mission control was extremely upset about something. He didn't even return the high five, instead uttered a short sentence that put the other guy in his place.

I have a feeling something serious went down this morning. As usual the question is what?

Perhaps the "upset" man was the same man who made the prediction of a large ~60km (37 mile) plume, and now he looks like (as well as NASA) a total jackass. Perhaps.

Or maybe he picked the wrong morning to switch to Sanka?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by kapodistrias

Originally posted by 5thWorldIsNow
Here is the truth. You believe whatever you want to as you have free will and I say this respectfully. We, a group of lightworkers with many starseeds and with the help of Star Nations, moved the satellite and rocket out of the path to destroy a colony of Star Visitors. We then changed the energy of the satellite and rocket to disintegrate at the atomic level. Both simply disappeared at about 10:15 am central time on Thursday October 8. The plan of the Cabal was not to find water as there is already water on the moon, but to destroy a Star Visitors colony. Richard Hoagland (spell?) also talks about an anomaly on this area of the moon.

For the truth, go here -

I give you this information respectfully and without fear and hopefully the Mod will allow this message to be posted.

In The Light.

OOOOKKKKKK...What colony and why to do that??

I do not know. Prolly many Zetas and others. Zetas are the most common Star Visitor race in Mother Earth.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:02 PM
Hi there i saw it if you look close at 5.09 at the vid posted u will see a slight raised out from the moon on the bottom left of the moon when it shows u slit screen let me know if you all see it and i have not had to many beers lol

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by 5thWorldIsNow
Both simply disappeared at about 10:15 am central time on Thursday October 8.

Well, that actually does make sense to me. As opposed to puny and half-baked excuses for "official explanations".
AND it becomes clear why NASA dispatchers were so pissed and disoriented.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by js331975
Did some old alien pop out of a crater, wave his fist at us and tell us whippersnappers that we're not gonna get our fancy schmancy shiny new now mangled rocket booster back?

Now THAT would have been worth the money!
Maybe our moon brothers and sisters disintegrated it. I'd love to see the real images from Hubble.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by 5thWorldIsNow
Here is the truth. You believe whatever you want to as you have free will and I say this respectfully. We, a group of lightworkers with many starseeds and with the help of Star Nations, moved the satellite and rocket out of the path to destroy a colony of Star Visitors. We then changed the energy of the satellite and rocket to disintegrate at the atomic level. Both simply disappeared at about 10:15 am central time on Thursday October 8. The plan of the Cabal was not to find water as there is already water on the moon, but to destroy a Star Visitors colony. Richard Hoagland (spell?) also talks about an anomaly on this area of the moon.

For the truth, go here -

I give you this information respectfully and without fear and hopefully the Mod will allow this message to be posted.

In The Light.

As I am thinking it again, it actually makes a little sense.

Missiles are from design to destroy something.I am pretty sure that there are other ways to find water in a planet.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:17 PM
... So they need more water?

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