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Spectacular UFO over France!

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posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

I have seen aeroplanes approaching the Lisbon airport when they still several kilometres from Lisbon, and they can be seen for maybe 10 minutes before becoming recognisable as aeroplanes.

If these were planes making some manoeuvres they would not be seen when on their returning path (supposing they were moving in one direction then going back, moving again in the same direction, etc.), and they would appear again when facing the camera.

A slower moving aeroplane could be seen for a very long time.

Armap, you're a conscientious person who do not participate in threads with the preconceived intention of proving it wrong.
You generally pose valid questions, which is what I like about you.

As to the question of whether these are airplanes or not, I dare say they are not.

I live next to the biggest airport in France, I see airplanes coming in for landing all the time, with their landing lights on.

It can - for a short time - seem like the airplane is a stationary light in the sky, if it comes in at a dead angle towards you. It generally lasts about a minute, never more than two. I'm always capable of identifying it as an airplane, and I don't really expect to see anything else.

Airplanes have wing lights, tail lights and other lights, some blinking, they are made to be seen from afar, you see them very well from the ground high up in the sky.

The Alpha jets of the PAF have them also, plus the anti-collision lights added due to the often complicated and dangerous manouvers these pilots perform.

Still, we don't see anything than the supposed nose lights in this video for more than 4 minutes.

This isn't the first time a video has been posted with strange intense, hovering lights, and the debunker priesthood generally fall back on the same explanation; it's airplanes flying straight ahead, straight ahead, without ever making a single deviation. Not long ago I participated in a thread with a video showing a light that hung motionless in the sky for more than 8 minutes, and still they clung to this hopeless explanation, just an airplane with the landing lights or nose lights on flying straight ahead, straight ahead.

Not even when the lights deviate in this video (the two lights that detach themselves, and the formation that changes over time) do we see the other lights of the supposed airplanes, that's simply not logic. We should see some of the other lights, and there should be plenty of engine noise on the soundtape.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Heliocentric
Armap, you're a conscientious person who do not participate in threads with the preconceived intention of proving it wrong.
You generally pose valid questions, which is what I like about you.

I don't know if these were aeroplanes or not, the only thing I know is that, from what I have seen (unfortunately, when I had a borrowed camera I haven't seen any of these cases), it's possible for an aeroplane to be seen at a long distance for some minutes (I don't really have a duration, I haven't seen these for some years) before seeing the other lights that show that it's an aeroplane.

I have a small video that shows this effect but for a much shorter time than those that I was used to see, I will look for it.

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