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Big drop in heart attacks after smoking bans, studies say

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posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Overall, American, Canadian, and European cities that have implemented smoking bans had an average of 17 percent fewer heart attacks in the first year, compared with communities who had not taken such measures.

Then, each year after implementing smoking bans (at least for the first three years, the longest period studied), smoke-free communities have an average 26 percent decline in heart attacks, compared with those areas that still allow smokers to light up in public places.

CNN - News Report

Is there really anything else that needs to be said?

I am an occasional smoker by the way

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:16 PM
Is there anything else to be said?

Well, I am trying to think of some lurking factors...I am sure these numbers given are hiding some information we don't know.

But then again, I can believe it. Smoke in body = bad.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:22 PM
big deal..since when was smoking ever considered to be a link threat with heart attack? Theymight as well post something like, we are still seeing tumors and cancer with smokers, and yuor all gunna die as were supresssing the antidote*

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:26 PM
It is personal decision , i do not want to interfere - and i have no right. Also this is very strong mental and physical addiction.
But just want to say two things - I saw lungs of person who smoked - and it is not what i would like inside of me. And i have certain contact with people who try - with various success - to quit, and almost every one who actually guit speak about better physical shape. So i do not think that it is numbers shuffling in research. Problems and benefits of nicotine are known, and harm of smoke particles is also known. Only thing unknown is social factor, i doubt though that it has large enough influence to cancel effects of nicotine and smoke.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:28 PM
Personally, I believe all non smokers should be banned from all public places. That should help my blood pressure. There is nothing worse than some self righteous fool talking utter nonsense about second hand smoke. And it's even worse when they speak of banning smoking in the open air whilst sucking up all the traffic fumes. Dear God....
Just ban the non smokers...the world would be a more congenial place....

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:29 PM
I just dont believe these stats. The anti-smoking crowd will say anything to "prove" they're right and the smokers just want to be left alone.

I lived in Tampa Bay when they passed their draconian anti-public smoking agenda and watched 40% of the bars go out of business in the first 6 months. All you read in the "newspaper" though was that business at local bars had gone up since the smoking ban.

Did anyone stop to think that half the bars would do better if the other half went away?

I just dont believe anything anymore. And my two bits? The business owner should run his/her business as he/she sees fit. It's none of our business...

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:40 PM
Good info. They need a smoking ban where I live just so I can quit it seems.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Is smoking bad for you? No argument there.

Does the government have the right to ban smoking? Not in my opinion.

But these people claiming victory are no different than president bush proclaiming "Mission accomplished!" They should know you cannot judge data by a short period of time, and not account for other factors.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:44 PM
ever wonder "why the big anti-smoking campaign?" it couldn't truly be to nobly protect our health when high fructose, msg, and a host of other chemicals run rampant without the slightest complaint from tptb. in fact, quite the opposite. they're slipped in as ingredients and disguised under other names... which is a different topic all together.

the point is, there are many chemicals and substances pumped into us daily (often unknowingly) which are far worse for your health than tobacco. so why all the concern whether or not people smoke? is it all about the money? if so, how do tptb even gain from all the anti-smoking propaganda?

just a thought... what if it's actually GOOD for you in moderation? i dont mean those chemical sticks like marlboro and camel either, but real tobacco.

my analogy is: a marlboro is to tobacco as a twinkie is to wheat. the primary ingredient is not inherently bad - just the crap they put in it that makes you crave more and more.... it's similar to all us being anti-wheat because twinkies cause obesity.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by TreadUpon
I lived in Tampa Bay when they passed their draconian anti-public smoking agenda

I think not!
Nothing draconian about it lol

Originally posted by TreadUpon
The business owner should run his/her business as he/she sees fit. It's none of our business...

But shouldn't people be allowed to breathe clean air?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
Personally, I believe all non smokers should be banned from all public places. That should help my blood pressure. There is nothing worse than some self righteous fool talking utter nonsense about second hand smoke. And it's even worse when they speak of banning smoking in the open air whilst sucking up all the traffic fumes. Dear God....
Just ban the non smokers...the world would be a more congenial place....

That's what I really love about this place, some like minded thinkers.
So what in the hell would the " results" of this draconian ban produce ?
Can we all live forever if smoking is banned world wide ?
To all you non smokers, they're after you next, whatever your " vice " is.
Be it a beer, a cream cake or choccy bar. If they don't do it, you aint gonna either.
And as a smoker, I can't wait to join the persecution band wagon on someone else now.
I'll start.
Fat people stink.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by TreadUpon
I lived in Tampa Bay when they passed their draconian anti-public smoking agenda

I think not!
Nothing draconian about it lol

Originally posted by TreadUpon
The business owner should run his/her business as he/she sees fit. It's none of our business...

But shouldn't people be allowed to breathe clean air?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by TreadUpon
I lived in Tampa Bay when they passed their draconian anti-public smoking agenda

I think not!
Nothing draconian about it lol

Originally posted by TreadUpon
The business owner should run his/her business as he/she sees fit. It's none of our business...

But shouldn't people be allowed to breathe clean air?

I hope you go into a closed, personal space to fart then.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
Personally, I believe all non smokers should be banned from all public places. That should help my blood pressure. There is nothing worse than some self righteous fool talking utter nonsense about second hand smoke. And it's even worse when they speak of banning smoking in the open air whilst sucking up all the traffic fumes. Dear God....
Just ban the non smokers...the world would be a more congenial place....

Here's where I have an issue. I believe you should absolutely have the right to smoke wherever you want yet at the same time I cannot stand the smell because it makes me sick!

What to do?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:29 PM
Hmm, so after having a smoking ban in effect for 4 years, there should be zero heart attacks... Does not compute, at least where I live anyway.

Interesting that the rate of decline is only an estimated 10% in England. Italy claims 11.2%. Then we have an Indiana University study that claims hospital admissions for heart attacks has dropped 70%, for non-smokers. No such decline for smokers. That essentially tells us that people don't quit because of a ban. However, England claims that 400,000 people quit smoking as a result of the ban.

I have a hard time believing that the significant majority of heart attacks are directly resulting from second hand smoke.

The numbers are so all over the place, it's impossible to give any of them any merit.

This is hogwash. I mean, not to say that heart attacks didn't decline, for one reason or another, but I'm hard pressed to believe it's got anything to do with smoking bans. Maybe the increased demand for organic produce and hormone free meat and poultry. Decline in seasonal flu vaccinations. No more worries about making the mortgage (since the foreclosure anyway), etc. etc. etc. THere's all kinds of society-wide variables that could affect the number of heart attacks.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by loveandthink

the point is, there are many chemicals and substances pumped into us daily (often unknowingly) which are far worse for your health than tobacco. so why all the concern whether or not people smoke? is it all about the money? if so, how do tptb even gain from all the anti-smoking propaganda?

just a thought... what if it's actually GOOD for you in moderation? i dont mean those chemical sticks like marlboro and camel either, but real tobacco.

You make a very good point. What are they up to? Why would anyone ban smoking and allow scum like Monsanto to make great strides to not only poison the entire world, but to be able to control the world's food supplies. I expect starvation and poisoning is not to good for you either. They allow cancer causing chemicals to be sprayed on everything that doesn't move, infect the meat, and have appalling additives that probably cause cancer and illness, in virtually everything. They encourage obesity and people drinking themselves into comas, but our compassionate leaders care so much that we don't suffer healthwise from smoking. Yeah right....
If only every smoker en masse had told them where to go....
Ugh...I need a smoke (real tobacco)....because if 'they' are so against it, then I know it's good for me.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:33 PM
I am not so sure about the heart attacks, but its sure is nicer going to restaurants and other public places without smoking. Being old enough to remember how bad it was in some restaurants and at work, I don't miss the smokers at all.

Going someplace where there is a lot of smokers was sort of like trying to enjoy your meal while someone was running around waving a pot of burning tar around.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Anjin
Here's where I have an issue. I believe you should absolutely have the right to smoke wherever you want yet at the same time I cannot stand the smell because it makes me sick!

What to do?

Well, isn't it obvious that wherever you want to be, is not the same place as where oneclickaway wants to be, so what's the problem. If you both are where you want to be, you're not gagging on the smoke, and onclick's blood isn't boiling away.

So, what to do? It seems the most appropriate action is no action.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Anjin

Here's where I have an issue. I believe you should absolutely have the right to smoke wherever you want yet at the same time I cannot stand the smell because it makes me sick!

What to do?

I know....I will buy you a little electric fan with a fragrance in it which can waft on the breeze while I puff away.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:50 PM
QUOTE They need a smoking ban where I live just so I can quit

Thats just wrong if it needs to be illegal for you to quit, don't blame your lack of self control, on the ppl that are enjoying what little of free america still exists...
If they get this passed, the next thing to go will be "your guess is as good as mine"
1 snacky cakes
2 big macks
3 bacon
"don't mess with my bacon!"
yes fried in butter
4 french fries

edit I spell bad

It will never end!!!!!!

[edit on 30-9-2009 by Doc Holiday]

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