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Your goals for the 9/11-Truth Movement.

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:31 AM
What exactly do you hope to achieve? I know there are some who claim they are not part of the "movement" and that is fine, but I would still like to know their own personal goals and what they want to see happen considering the energy they invested in this.

I suppose all of us want the guilty to be punished. But what are some of the ways you want this to happen?

Do you want a new investigation?
Do you want a total change in our society and Gov? Eliminating the Fed? Eliminating the CIA and other clandestine operations that operate under "National Securtity?"

Do you want to see a New World Order? Not the New World Order envisoned by the Elites, but one of True Order and Hope?

IS a New Investigation actually going to happen? How fair can it truly be without extreme changes to Gov and the existing order?

My own goal is to help find the answers to what truly happened no matter where this might lead. Then dealing with the aftermath afterward.

I don't think we can do this within the existing Order. The Corruption is to Great and to Deep.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by talisman]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:30 PM
Help set history straight and obliterate the myth with the physical and public record of events - so that 9/11 can serve future generations as a point of learning, and in the process, serve at some level, the cause of justice, and the right to life and liberty.

My hope is to "clear the air", and restore historical authenticity to counter the Orwellian nightmare of the 9/11 myth.

Freedom. Freedom from the psychological oppression of the Big Lie, for one and all.

Reclaiming our innocence, and the wonderful world which was "changed" on 9/11.

It's hard to describe, but there is something wonderful and life affirming on the other side of the truth about the reality and the horror of 9/11 as it really was.

Arrow of truth - would be the best way to describe what I see as the goal of the 9/11 Truth Movement in history. Arrow of truth generating a wake of learning and increasing civil conscious awareness.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by talisman
What exactly do you hope to achieve? I know there are some who claim they are not part of the "movement" and that is fine, but I would still like to know their own personal goals and what they want to see happen considering the energy they invested in this.

The goals of the truther movement is blatantly obvious- they want to create some quasi-official investigation that will rule that the 9/11 attack was an inside job, regardless of what the evidence actually shows. It will be the easiest investigation committee in history: basically, just play video games, sleep in late, and visit Las Vegas a few times before finally coming into work for a minutes to declare it's an inside job.

Perhaps it will be acceptable to just send in an email declaring it's an inside job before popping off to the supermarket, I don't know.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:35 AM
I assumed, besides the things already mentioned here, that it would end the war sooner which would end the presidents higher than normal power that is said to be required for quick decisions during war times.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:42 AM
I'd like to see the unanswered questions answered. We can handle the truth. I have no political agenda. I have an inquisitive mind. I don't think the whole story has been told. Why the heck not?

There are too many stories that don't add up. I'd like to see there be people held accountable for their actions/inaction. Not one person was reprimanded over the whole thing. At best there was a complete lapse in security. At worst, there are some very sinister forces at play.

Just because the OS runs, "Because we said so!" doesn't mean it's ALL of the truth.

Just answer all the questions using logic, truth, science, and common sense.

There are a lot of organizations out there - pilots, architects and engineers, politicians etc. - who have asked very pertinent questions. Not one of them has been properly answered by NIST, the 911 commission, NORAD, the FAA, the BBC, the MSM as a whole, the then administration.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:45 AM
I was wondering if you guys thought that these changes are possible in the current system of Gov? Has the corruption spread to far? I think we all can agree that corruption will always be present in any Gov.

In my case, I take it one step at a time, one brick at a time.

But part of me also realizes that the Industrial Military Complex is larger and meaner then "Godzilla" and it seems is the real or root problem here.

Will a new investigation rid ourselves of such?

[edit on 28-9-2009 by talisman]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Can you explain how one man in a cave was able to mastermind such an event? How one man was able to fool just about every INTEL agency in the world? How one man was able to bypass the military defense of one of the best military in the world?

In my book, it isn't about calling it an inside job. It is about getting to the truth.

I just don't buy the excuse that we were caught off guard.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by talisman
Do you want a new investigation?

I want all of the "fringe" imbecilic theories removed from "9/11 Truth," along with the very clear rebuke that such mendacity should never have been allowed within the confines of a "9/11 Truth" movement or organization. This includes:
* nuclear devices
* space weapons
* pods on planes
* no planes
* TV fakery
* aliens
* bombs in the buildings
* and any other lunatic conjecture requiring the knowledge of more than 50 people.

If -- and only if -- there is to be any hope of uncovering and exposing a government conspiracy related to the events on September 11th, 2001, the investigation must be approached with the same level of fact-finding-and-checking (and double-checking) that was applied to the uncovering of the Watergate conspiracy. Until then, there is no hope.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by talisman
Do you want a new investigation?

I want all of the "fringe" imbecilic theories removed from "9/11 Truth," along with the very clear rebuke that such mendacity should never have been allowed within the confines of a "9/11 Truth" movement or organization. This includes:
* nuclear devices
* space weapons
* pods on planes
* no planes
* TV fakery
* aliens
* bombs in the buildings
* and any other lunatic conjecture requiring the knowledge of more than 50 people.

If -- and only if -- there is to be any hope of uncovering and exposing a government conspiracy related to the events on September 11th, 2001, the investigation must be approached with the same level of fact-finding-and-checking (and double-checking) that was applied to the uncovering of the Watergate conspiracy. Until then, there is no hope.

I'm with you on that and for most I agree. No matter the theory/idea/conspiracy there will always be the "zanny" ideas out there. I personally feel some of those ideas are "seeded" on purpose with hopes that the larger movement will incorporate those ideas.

I suppose the key here is minimizing those self-refuting ideas and exposing them for what they are.

I also think that the new investigation must be like you said, one that is truly fact finding.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by jam321

Can you explain how one man in a cave was able to mastermind such an event? How one man was able to fool just about every INTEL agency in the world? How one man was able to bypass the military defense of one of the best military in the world?

Easy- becuase it wasn't just "one man in a cave", and if you're actually claiming that Al Qaida is comprised of "one man in a cave" then it sounds to me you're getting too much of your information from those damned fool conspiracy web sites.

In my book, it isn't about calling it an inside job. It is about getting to the truth.

The truthers will *never* accept the findings of any investigation, independent or otherwise, that does not rubberstamp their conspiracy stories. If people are so detached from reality that they honestly believe the towers were destroyed by energy beams from outer space or that the planes were all holograms, then it's blatantly clear they're in a world of their own making, and no amount of facts, details, or research will ever get them to abandon it. You might as well try to discuss evolution with the Pope.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The truthers will *never* accept the findings of any investigation, independent or otherwise, that does not rubberstamp their conspiracy stories. If people are so detached from reality that they honestly believe the towers were destroyed by energy beams from outer space or that the planes were all holograms, then it's blatantly clear they're in a world of their own making, and no amount of facts, details, or research will ever get them to abandon it. You might as well try to discuss evolution with the Pope.

Amazing that you are so willing to tar everyone who disagrees with you/the OS with the same brush. Should you be categorized and pigeon-holed with a stereotype too? Would that be okay? Obviously you won't want to be seen as a hypocrite.

Not everyone who questions what they have been told (The "Because I said so!" argument) believes in space rays and holograms and that junk. Making broad sweeping statements and generalizations as the ones above merely celebrates ignorance.

I, for one, will happily 'move on' once I am presented with hard evidence, logic, and common sense. The problem is that I have experienced little of that.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Badgered1

I, for one, will happily 'move on' once I am presented with hard evidence, logic, and common sense. The problem is that I have experienced little of that.

...and THAT of course begs the $64,000 question- just *what* do you consider to be legitimate evidence that will finally satisfy you that it was in fact a terrorist attack, that you *wouldn't* simply brush off as being "gov't disinformation"? Yeah, you want an independent investigation, but just who would be on any such investigation who'd have the qualifications to even do any such investigation AND still be independent?

I've been looking for an answer to that question for years and I've yet to find someone who can answer it.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 02:54 PM
most of us want congress fired for not living up to their oath of office. there are a few birthers there and a few truthers. one thing for sure, everyone there is scared of their gov and they want it a change and stop the fear. I think the best place to 'start' is to re-investigate 911 and really find out who did it. right now, we just don't know.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by

There is overwhelming evidence which proves that the buildings were in fact destroyed with explosives and did not "pancake collapse" as a result of the plane impacts and fire at the level of impact. Even the immutable laws of physics weigh in on it, and any rational, scientifically minded person should be able to see the obvious.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by
* bombs in the buildings
* and any other lunatic conjecture requiring the knowledge of more than 50 people.

There were two undetonated bombs removed from inside the Murrah Federal Building during OKC, as reported by FEMA, the Army, DoD and others.

Claim however many people would have had to have known that you want, but this kind of stuff still happens anyway, there is still plenty of evidence of explosions above and beyond simple building collapses, and there is nothing "lunatic" about realizing that people DO this stuff. There was a child's daycare center in the Murrah Federal Building for god's sake, and they had a huge undetonated bomb attached to a gas pipeline removed near it.

If anyone is "lunatic," it's you for brushing all this stuff over your shoulder without seriously considering it, when there is a case history of this kind of lying and deception and unanswered questions, including people smuggling military bombs into public buildings, just because you think people are too nice to do anything like that. Surely someone would have at least come forward on mainstream TV and told you about it by now! Because our government is so trustworthy and open and never lies to us. So it must have never happened...

[edit on 28-9-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
There is overwhelming evidence which proves that the buildings were in fact destroyed with explosives

If so, this is indeed astounding. Please direct me to the news stories that contain interviews with those who planted the explosives, pictures of the remains of the detonation devices, examinations of unexploded demolitions, or similar actual physical evidence.

Even the immutable laws of physics weigh in on it, and any rational, scientifically minded person should be able to see the obvious.

I am of a scientific mind (physics), please explain how physics provides us with actual physical evidence.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
There is overwhelming evidence which proves that the buildings were in fact destroyed with explosives

If so, this is indeed astounding. Please direct me to the news stories that contain interviews with those who planted the explosives, pictures of the remains of the detonation devices, examinations of unexploded demolitions, or similar actual physical evidence.

Mr. Old School, did they have any basic reasoning courses when you got your education?

Say there is, oh, a cover-up. Now just bear with me for 2 seconds please, I know this is hard. Any size cover-up at all. Ok, so first, people are lied to. Right? And say, they buy it, at first. Then comes the part where they begin to discover, piece by piece, that yes, they were lied to, and it was criminally covered-up. Still with me? Because this is a very natural chain of events that history has validated thousands of times, too many times for me to even run down all the times people have been lied to, only to find out about it later.

Now if any of that makes any sense to you (I can only pray), then what is so hard to understand about this being the gray-area time before the cover-up is widely accepted (which, arguably, it already is), and when people are still mostly under the influence of the original lie?

Just in case they DIDN'T teach you basic reasoning, none of what I just said is PROOF that "9/11 was an inside job," either, and if you notice, I have not offered it as such. So don't misconstrue me, please. All I am saying is that you can't demand a 100%-completed, media-investigated (how laughable), etc. report, all polished up and with every detail imaginable, when this issue is still controversial and we are CURRENTLY trying to gain access to more information.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by

Here are a few items to get you started

Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction

Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories

9/11 Revisted, were explosives used?

Google Video Link

Videos of Destruction

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe [The Open Chemical Physics Journal]

I can post some more later, including the full and complete firefighters testimony.

And then there's building 7 of course, whereby the ONLY possible physical explanation for it's destruction is explosive demolition.

P.S. I don't think we'll have the people who placed and detonated the explosives on record giving interviews..

[edit on 28-9-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:06 PM
I want to trust my government with my life again.
and if I cant then its not the government for me.
so - I dont know what to do any more. I just keep
believing in the America I was born in. and one day
she will wake up. watch the F out... she is waking up~

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
Here are a few items to get you started

I've asked for direct physical evidence, a nuance you seem to have overlooked.

I'm well-aware of the conjecture, speculation, and flights of fancy that provides sustenance to the vast universe of "truth" videos.

But, after all that, what have we? Nothing.

In any endeavor, one must abandon that which does not yield results. Doing the same thing, over and over and over again, and getting the same unsuccessful result, is the very definition of lunacy.

Abandon these theories that open us to ridicule.

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