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What will it be like 1,000 years from now?

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:16 AM
I looked in the mirror today, and looked at myself really looked, now i'm not a 'hairy' guy (compared to neanderthals), but I have facial hair, just not a hairy chest, well slightly.

Then I got to thinking, well what would a conscious ancestor from 1,000's upon thousands of years ago say, if they looked at me! I'd be maybe the same aspect of a shaved cat! Although, a goatee, a head haired, stomach haired, and leg haired being!

Now this would look quite odd, for a being with a monster like hairy back!

But my back being almost as smooth as a babies bottom!

Now this 'backward' time like thinking, isn't prevalent. Which showed, when I immediately started thinking, what would it be like, 1,000 years from now.

Suggesting merely that, 1,000 years from now would be, someone born today's Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandfather (I may be off or over a Great). What would they be like.

Now that isn't too far away, but I see today, and more and more women, like more feminine men, so breeding wise (Sadly Here) only those, who are 'fit' will keep their genes in the gene pool!

Now if I were to guess, just what it would be like for a human race, in say 1,000 years, I would suggest this.

Lack of Chest, Stomach, Leg, Armpit, Pubic hair. Absent.

3 or 4 toes, at the most, but since we have such a wide group, I would say, that a prevailing group of humans had these.

Hair loss occuring younger, and younger, and those born without the need for head hair at all.

Smaller, or 'pointier' fingers, smaller, more precise fingers.

More and more prevailing women, unable to have children.

The majority of all 'unfortunate' nations, to be 'extinct' and the rest to have prevalent, beer bellies, and to be extremely 'unfit', (unfit meaning to me, unable to life 50-75 or more pounds, unable to run 5 miles, unable to climb a rope more then 10 yards).

Now all of this, may be good, but it is MERELY SPECULATORY, and quite honestly my own opinion.

I'd like to hear others opinions of what the human race, may or may not look like in 1,000 years from now, or up to 10,000 years from now.

Obviously we've changed alot, and with our ever changing conditions we will change... namely Myopia.

Thank you, and I hope you appreciate this thread. If I typoed or such let me know, it's late, and I've wrote this three times now, damn safari shutting down on me!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Republican08

Sorry, we will all be dead long before that happens - soon, in fact.

I would like to think that we will make it.

And that people will look the same as they do now.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Republican08

1000 years from now??

Heck, ill try and predict 1 - 10 years from now...

The really funny thing is that I cant make my mind up if I am joking or not.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:27 AM
When i think of future i think of Evolution. Only problem is all the chemicals in the air and water and all else we put ourselves through cant be good for natural bio life... humans 1000 years ago did not go through/inhale/absorb what we are now this makes me think we could be getting de-evolved or sick in a sense to we are altering the healthy to more... toxic beings. If anything id figure we'd get slimmer,taller,larger craniums, bigger eyes, nimbler body parts. We are advancing exponentially we may be on a path to our own destruction.

My thoughts.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by Republican08

Sorry, we will all be dead long before that happens - soon, in fact.

I would like to think that we will make it.

And that people will look the same as they do now.

That, probably saddens me the most, and is probably why we all wish we had a time machine and/or wish we could live forever!

but I guess hypothetically, or theoretically, or guessingly!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

Lol, the Terminator, you've got a youtube for everything

I hear you on that though, don't know if you are joking or not! Heck anything, could be possible, never thought we'd have speaking stones, 100's of years ago!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by LightWonder
When i think of future i think of Evolution. Only problem is all the chemicals in the air and water and all else we put ourselves through cant be good for natural bio life... humans 1000 years ago did not go through/inhale/absorb what we are now this makes me think we could be getting de-evolved or sick in a sense to we are altering the healthy to more... toxic beings. If anything id figure we'd get slimmer,taller,larger craniums, bigger eyes, nimbler body parts. We are advancing exponentially we may be on a path to our own destruction.

My thoughts.

That my friend, I thought about, always made me think of what exactly you are describing, and i'm sure you yourself thought of when typing it....

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by Republican08

But maybe our kids etc could be alive - we don't know.

That is why we have to live in the day and love our kids.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
reply to post by XXXN3O

Lol, the Terminator, you've got a youtube for everything

I hear you on that though, don't know if you are joking or not! Heck anything, could be possible, never thought we'd have speaking stones, 100's of years ago!

Well the war was called judgement day in the terminator films.

Might be slightly different from the movies mind you.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Republican08

In 1000 years 95% of the population of earth would have already left earth to live amoungst the stars.The human race would have by then proberly colonised another 60 star systerms.Space technology would resemble space craft simlar to starwars.We would have discovered many other life forms in other star systerms and proberly traveled to and studyed over 500 star systerms.Earth is very clean as new technology has cleaned the earth from polution.Even the ozone layer is back to normal.The earth forces would come under a one world power and centralize there empire in another star systerm.The earth have been re colinised with cloned animals and fish including dionosaursus.Some species have been brough to earth from other planets like earth.The remaining people on earth are only here in a caretaker role and in another 500 years.The last human would have left the earth for the last time.Most of the cities of earth were destroyed years ago and replaced with forests and lakes.When the last man leaves earth 1,500 years from now there will be very little evidence of man ever living on planet earth.The earth would have been made to look like a planet that never had mankind at all.Evoulution will start again.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by GORGANTHIUM]

[edit on 21-9-2009 by GORGANTHIUM]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:43 AM
We need to stop acting for ourselves and start thinking about what is to happen to a brilliant civilization of sentinet beings and establish a solid way of living to ensure the human race and this beautiful gift we were given continues to thrive with all of its beauty instead of wrongfully being supressed by a handfull of corrupt people with a manifested view of reality. What we have is not a mistake but is being abused with tech. I could talk about this sort of thing all day because theres a bigger picture then me, or you rather EARTH itself.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by Republican08

But maybe our kids etc could be alive - we don't know.

That is why we have to live in the day and love our kids.

I have no kids... I think... don't quote me on that just yet.

If kids of today can live 1000s of years from now, I'll do whatever it takes to be on that board, or consider them lucky and the rest of our species as extremely unlucky!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

I watched I, Robot the other day, Isaac Asimov = God.


He I believed was 1,000's of years ahead of his times, 1,000's of years, god I wish he would of lived much longer!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by GORGANTHIUM
reply to post by Republican08

In 1000 years 95% of the population of earth would have already left earth to live amoungst the stars.The human race would have by then proberly colonised another 60 star systerms.Space technology would resemble space craft simlar to starwars.We would have discovered many other life forms in other star systerms and proberly traveled to and studyed over 500 star systerms.Earth is very clean as new technology has cleaned the earth from polution.Even the ozone layer is back to normal.The earth forces would come under a one world power and centralize there empire in another star systerm.The earth have been re colinised with cloned animals and fish including dionosaursus.Some species have been brough to earth from other planets like earth.The remaining people on earth are only here in a caretaker role and in another 500 years.The last human would have left the earth for the last time.Most of the cities of earth were destroyed years ago and replaced with forests and lakes.When the last man leaves earth 1,500 years from now there will be very little evidence of man ever living on planet earth.The earth would have been made to look like a planet that never had mankind at all.Evoulution will start again.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by GORGANTHIUM]

[edit on 21-9-2009 by GORGANTHIUM]

Thought I'd quote the total thing.

It's hard to digest that as plausible.

500 years ago, the USA as we know it now, wasn't even known yet!

We barely knew our own planet! Our home, still had missing rooms!

500 years ago, we were just understanding what electricity exactly was!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:05 AM
Soon, we will reach the \'singulairty\' - the point where AI will be become smarter than ourselves and the curve of technological progress will accelerate exponentially.

This extremely fast technological move will place humankind in a situation where we could either be eradicated (ala \'The Matrix / Terminator) or take to the stars and colonise the solar system.

In the latter situation, due to the limitation on travelling at light speed, we would not be able to naviagte into deep space within 1000 years. However, I would imagine colonisation of Mars, the Moon and maybe a few other moons around Saturn would be possible.

It is quite likely that we would have destroyed the Earth, or reduced it to being inhabitable by that time.

It is also a possiblility that we would live in a post-apocolyptic world, after almost complete extinction of the human race due to wars. We could potentially be brought back to a period in time such as the middle ages, or even the bronze ages.

I prefer to think that we will become more ecologically minded, or develop technology which erradicates any global warming, energy, food and water problems.

As a side note, there is no way that humans would naturally evolve much in only 1000 years, apart from the possibility of human brain function. Any modification would be artificial and this would be a trivial procedure for most people. (Medicine would be developed to a point where aging is stopped, our brains and persona could be uploaded to a disk and kept for clones of ourselves if we to 'die')

If AI does not deveop a conscious (I doubt that they would) they will be working as our builders, space ships, governors of security / peace and a multiude of other tasks. We will have developed nanotechnology and materials science to a point where we can build impossible structures and have invisible, tiny machines in our blood stream, making us stronger and faster, more inteligent and healthier.

I love to speculate about the future! There's so much possibility.


posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:16 AM
I think our bodies will be much less muscular and that we wont need to use anything but our thoughts to manipulate our environment. We wil sit in a safe egg like shells that will protect us from disease and injury and we wil communicate only electronically. We will be immobilised.

Humans wil live much longer and we will not need to eat, food and liquids wil be taken intravanously and we wil hardly use our mouths.

Our muscles wil be stimulated electronically to exercise our muscles.
We would visit people, places and play games in virtual worlds where we cant get hurt.

Watch Wall- E to seee what my thought are.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by halfmanhalfamazing]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Unsane

It's funny, ridiculously funny, I read your post (deja vu, strong as hell right here, feels planned almost me righitng this, and the deja vu just as strong, almost makes me feel stuck...) ugh,. broke through thanks to a strenuous typo!

I read what you say and think about it, but before like 3 years ago, if I'd of read that, i'd of thought the meanest of thoughts, and ridiculed you though, but with less ignorance, your post makes so much sense!

I think that we'll keep earth habitable, Just as a kid who leaves home wished to save his house from destruction when his parents die, ya know?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:24 AM
I would imagine those who made the great transition back home would be living in harmony for eternity, exploring the REALM OF THE LIGHT and all of its interesting features.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:22 AM
Your post started out talking about the body a thousand years from now. The body won't have changed much. Look back a couple thousand years ago to Christ's time. People looked about the same except for the hair styles and clothes.

About the only change that seems to have happened is everyone getting taller every generation. When will that trend stop, if ever????

For sure the only physically healthy people will be those into sports. The majority will be pretty pathetic.

Then again, if everything collapses, we could end up back in the stone ages with incredibly healthy people.

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