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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

Thanks for the offer to contribute to your thread but I've worked hard to put that part of my life behind me. It was an emotionally painful and terrifying time and I'd rather not relive the sordid particulars.

I will say that I got tired of running and living in fear and confronted my nemesis. I refuse to live in fear of what others may do to me. "Give it your best shot. If I don't survive.....I die free."

I understand the point you made about one's survival plans may not always be within one's control or go according to plan.

The scenario you described is too horrific to contemplate. If you were framed in such a thorough way it would be because killing you is not satisfactory enough-you must also be completely discredited and demonized. We see such tactics at work on a regular basis.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:34 PM
I cant help myself to think i will get into the situation painted in the OP when i refuse the flu vaccin.
Hopefully i will not have to use the skils mentioned here to stay away from the quarantine.

There are many ways of getting in the SitX of this OP, lets not get blinded by the horror start

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:52 PM
It wasn't that I didn't understand your reasoning for trying out a completely different scenario, although admittedly it sounds very was this that I couldn't conceive-

A pair of children's bodies has been discovered in a bag thrown into a dumpster. They had been tortured and partially eaten.

Out of all possible crimes, why would you pick that?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:59 PM
Wow!, your opening scenario is like "The Fugitive," on steroids. However, the survivalists would be up the creek without a paddle with the authorities only moments from kicking down the door. They would have no time to even think about supplies or their planned exit strategy. Reaction would have to be instantaneous and on instinct. Going back to the residence to gather supplies later would be out of the question, because by that time the authorities would have secured the area.

Essentially, the situation mentioned above would take good instinct and the ability to evade at a moments notice without leaving a trace to hold out for sometime. It would be very difficult to hold out indefinitely.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:44 PM
In any sit x, prepositioning is paramount to survival. In the OP's scenario, if you needed to dash out the door (assuming that is your decision), you would be much more likely to survive if you had pre-positioned supplies, gear, etc. at an alternate location.

An alternate "base of operations", time to "regroup", supplies in the ready while you plan your next move would all make a huge difference in the outcome. Conversely, if you're sitting in your bathrobe, barefoot, everyday carry items (wallet, etc.) scattered around the house and you needed to leave immediately, you'd be SOL for escape.

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