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Will You Ever Get Past The Issue Of Slavery?

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:20 AM
If this is offensive, please know that this is not my intention.

I'd like to ask a very honest question. How long will we pay for the sins of our fathers?

Personally, the entire thought of enslaving someone sickens me to the core. However, I did not own slaves, nor did my ancestors. Yet, daily this is brought up along with the term racist!

So I ask you, how do we make it up to you? What can my generation do? We've acknowledged, apologized and repented why are you still not willing to forgive? What is it you hope to gain by clinging so desperately to your anger and for some of you, your vengeance?

Some of the things I have seen written on ATS have left me speechless. For example " You hate Obama because of the color of his skin" "Whites will do anything to distant themselves from someone who has darker skin than theirs."

Most African Americans I know do not feel like the above poster,but many on here do hold the opinion of the example I gave.

The irony is, the same people who advocate for peace in the world, "Bush is a war criminal, America is the big Satan, love one another, War is wrong, If we could all just get along!!" are the very people who are so consumed by anger and vengeance!

Now here is the tough question. What do you hope to gain by holding onto the belief you are personally owed something because "the white man enslaved my people?"

Again, I'm not defending the act of slavery I think it an abomination against the entire human race. I'm simply asking what price will satisfy you and allow you to move past this part of history? Let me be clear, not forget history, but move into the present. If you live in the past you are not really living, life lies in the present, the here and now. When you take the emotion of the past and apply it to the present, you create a paradigm from which you filter everything; doing this distorts reality and your ability to think rationally.

Based on the rhetoric I have seen written exclaiming racism, I don't believe you will ever be satisfied and you will continue to expect me and my children to make it up to you!

It's not going to happen! I owe one person something, and that person is my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus! I owe him my life, because he laid down his life for everyone one of us. He paid with his blood! (This is not a religious topic so do not start a debate here regarding my beliefs).

So ask yourselves one last question, can you move on and let it go? I hope for your own piece of mind you can. Let love move you into forgiveness.

Thank you for your thoughts,


[edit on 17-9-2009 by paxnatus]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Slavery is evil. No doubt about it. Our current US government, in my view, is a slave master. Look at it this way, if you are born right now in the US, your share of the national debt is appx $325,000. Hence, indentured servitude. You will in no way ever be able to pay it off.

I also look at it this way. The majority of slaves in the US were black, not all. History in US schools gloss over this. Also 2/3 of all the European immigrants coming over during the years from 1800-1850 were indentured servants. They had to work for seven years to work off the debt for the price of riding over in the ships. Does that sound familiar?

I have absolutely no guilt whatsoever.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:58 AM
As I said in the other topic which was locked due to double standards on ATS now, I agree wholeheartedly, we as people did NOTHING, some of our ancestors may have owned slaves but that is all.

We do not deserve to be at the joke end of double standards, not at all.

Soon, just being white will be a hate crime.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina 42
As I said in the other topic which was locked due to double standards on ATS now, I agree wholeheartedly, we as people did NOTHING, some of our ancestors may have owned slaves but that is all.

We do not deserve to be at the joke end of double standards, not at all.

Soon, just being white will be a hate crime.

Yep And SO personally docked me 1,000 points for saying stupid...

Why was it locked though?

I went and posted an apology to the user and a rephrased statement but it was locked before I could hit enter.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:22 AM
You can start repaying us by getting rid of Planned Parent Hood (eugenics/genocide for blacks).
("You" as in white elite money masters not directly talking to the average white man)

It kills more blacks in one day than it took for the KKK to kill in 1 year in there prime.

Or just give us back the trillion dollars the elites made and still make off the backs of blacks and we can call it even.

You can also trash the Disney movies that throw racist crap into our children's faces (blacks are monkeys and latinos are chiwawa's in these movies)

You need to watch this and educate yourself.

Most of us blacks do know that it is the white elite that did this and not white people in general.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by buds84

Margaret Sanger is now dead and has had a ton of people who opposed her. Why should I pay for someone of the wrong opinion? Should I be repayed for the drugs 50 cent dealt? Where are my reperations, where are my racist comments okayed because he did this? He’s killed people, and im sure he’s killed white people, gasp, double standard.

I fail to see, where you say

Or just give us back the trillion dollars the elites made off the backs of blacks and we can call it even.

I keep checking and the video told me little to nothing about this.

Nonetheless, why should I or anyone else, give you anything? Do you deserve it, what have you done, but be born?

In every life, especially you, since I suppose you have a computer, a home, an internet connection, why do you feel the 'need' to be given something.

I’ll tell you this, I’m white, Canadian-American, no ancestor was ever a slave owner.

My living family lost everything they had when the Enron Scandal went down, then 9.11, then my world changed, and I was homeless for roughly 6 months, yep living on the streets, never begged, just scrounged up coins, eventually I worked my ass off, and eventually got a job and took showers in restaurant bathrooms, makeshift showers at that. Eventually I came up, and as you can tell, I have internet access, I tell you this, Indian slaves of African owners, do not have that, and quite a few Americans don’t.

But Race didn’t get me here, I GOT ME HERE, I tell you this, a good work ethic, values, and integrity, got me, here and I’ve had slip ups, but I did my damndest to stay on top.

You can also trash the Disney movies that throw racist crap into our children's faces (blacks are monkeys and latinos are chiwawa's in these movies)

Blah blah blah, victimization. Yuck.

You think for a second that you’re the only one?
They have child sex subliminal messages in Disney movies! So all children are at risk for that! Almost every Disney movie is subjected around a dead parent, and one care taker!

Now yes, Margaret Whatever was a real ignorant woman, but it’s not my fault, why should it be, she founded the group, and suggested it, for as some may take it to euthanize or control black people.

But black people, sort of embraced it, she worked through the preachers, and religion, and guess what, the followers jumped on board for a pure faith in a sole person.

Also, no one forced someone to an abortion, it was a voluntary act!

It’s like blaming me for someone else’s ancestors, for buying a African as a slave, from the Africans parent, who sold them.

Which is ridiculous!!!!

Then and now, you have the nerve to ask, no DEMAND that I must give you something, well I have a few words for that, that will blow your mind!

Most of us blacks do know that it is the white elite that did this and not white people in general.

I’m sorry, I just watched a video of a Caucasian getting beat by a African over a bus seat, now what do you think Rosa Parks would’ve said about that?

What would Ghandi of said about that, eye for an eye?

What elite, is it the current elite, because as far as I can see, Obama is black, well half white, but you know people, they can only see skin color, and well is the black ptb against black community as well?

There are so many slaves out there right now, suffering far worse then you ever did, and are not ever going to expect that their generation may be allowed to become President, that the next generation may have the right to become actors, or upstanding citizens or respectable people, teachers, and librarians, to be served something, to be given a newspaper, to read or write!

If Africans hadn’t been brought over here, I could only imagine what the lives of Jay-Z or Beyonce, or whomever else’s lives would of actually been like!?

Yet I find it incredible hard to take seriously or give any respect to a person, who claims to have the right to complain AND demand something for the actions of someone who is not alive, against someone who is not alive, and for both to have never KNOWN EACH OTHER!

Civil talk though.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:41 AM
Nobody and I repeat NOBODy, personally owes anybody anything.

The world has been spinning long before we got here, long before our parents were here, our grandparents, ect. We have had no ability to control anything in the past, it was a different time, with different views.
All you have to do to understand this concept, is by looking at many 3rd world countries. Many of them are still living in the age where we (as a nation) lived a couple hundred years ago. The world we live in now, is not the same as before, and neither is the idealogy. We are almost at a point in time in our nation where we have the ability to move forward, but there are still some alive whom lived(and are still living)in the past 60 -70 years ago. Does that mean those of us whom were born into a time where these kinds of ideals were not tolerated, are responsible, and hold liability to those people before us? Should all Germans feel responsible because their grandfathers were Nazis? Should all Americans feel responsible because of what happened to the slaves? My answer is no, but I guess that is an opinion not shared by all. To me, many people feel as if they are owed something for being born into a life of poverty, disease, and of past occurences that didnt involve them in the first place.
Do I feel bad for a lot of the horrible things people have went through in the past hundred years ? Yes. I also feel bad for things that have been happening to people over the past several thousand years.
Im not responsible for what happened before me, I feel responsible for what I do, and for what I am going to do.

Edit for the author of this post- Took a lo of guts to come out with this thread, because quite frankly, it is still a touchy subject to a lot of people. I give you props, a bag of skittles, and a star and flag for your honesty.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Common Good]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by buds84

Thanks for your take on the subject Buds, and that movie trailer
looks like a must-see to me, i'll definitely be digging around for that movie!

It really boggles the mind, the things that have gone down in this country
that we were never taught in school, things that our children will never be taught in a public school.
History classes are a joke in public schools, everything about America is cookie-cutter and nice and neat, there are no questions and almost none of what America has done and is doing today is ugly.
Feeding our kids a line of BS!!
Your mention of Disney movies really struck a chord with me....I was watching "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" the other day, and there was a scene where he is at the movies with his g/f, eating popcorn and being in love etc.....and then the movie comes on, and it's one of those racist asian comedies from back in the day, and the look on Bruce's face is just awful.

I don't understand what is wrong with human beings, we can't just live and let live without starting conflict with others over the most paltry of differences, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional.

Good thread guys, lots of honesty here!!!

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

Forgiveness? You must not be African American. Ever har of Jane Elliot? I saw her live at the Tivoli Center a couple of years ago. She stared by saying "everyone here who want to be treated like black people are treated today in America please stand." No one stood. She repeated "I don't think you all heard the question, I said 'everyone here who wants to be treated like black people are treated today in America please stand'." Again, no one stood. She then said "that fact that no one here stood means that you know what's going on, and you're do nothing about it." My jaw dropped. So, apologies, no. There is no need to apologize when racism is alive and well today. That ugly beast will never die. People like Sean Hannity never apologize for anything. To those type of people there is no reason to feel discomforted about slavery whatsoever. To them racism is a nothingburger.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:13 AM
well, it seems america is just full of cry babies with a false sense of entitlement.
its sad that even once whites and blacks are pretty much on equal ground...yes, i said it, we have a frigging black president for crissake...everyone wants to make THAT a race thing...esp. the black people...i mean, how much more equal does it get?
these people who are demanding equality for black and complaining about all the hatred towards blacks...are they the ones that go to college and actually do something with themselves? or are they the ones that would be the scum of society no matter what race they are???

i guess i'm white, so i *whines* couldn't understand.
but jesus, the way that black people act toward white people...for NO reason...i mean, yea, i don't want to talk to you when you look at me like you want to kill me and roll your eyes at me...sorry. but the person sitting next to you who is JUST AS BLACK BUT SMILING, i'm talking to...yeah, racist. right. the same black people whining about not getting treated equally probably take out that irrational anger over something that really didn't even happen TO THEM on people who are not racist and were not racist or mean to them in anyway.
honestly, i've been in plenty of situations where i was the "minority" getting "stared down" and "attitude" and who effing cares, thats LIFE. not racism. people are a-holes, its just convenient that black people have a tragic even that gives them a reason to be crappy to those whitey who keep them down.

really, because i thought that planned parenthood was, umm...a family planning office and completely voluntary. in fact, i'd be willing to bet if it weren't around there'd be some pretty mad black women...and white women...and asian women...i could go on here.

its the people who are fixated on this race issue that make it so. everyone just wants to live their life and try to ignore the bad apples...just because there is the KKK doesn't mean that the majority, or even a percent of americans are KKK or share their views. talk about racism.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by buds84

actually, you could start by asking for your african ancestors to repay you for selling you into slavery to begin with. you "blacks" as you put it need to do some digging into history and see for yourselves. slave traders didnt capture the slaves, they bought them from warring tribes. not to mention the chinese slaves and irish slaves and so on and so forth...

just as the drug dealer is more to blame than the user.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by double_frick

Wow. Really, take the time to watch this experiment, please. There is no equal footing....

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Republican08

Margaret Sanger is now dead and has had a ton of people who opposed her. Why should I pay for someone of the wrong opinion? Should I be repayed for the drugs 50 cent dealt? Where are my reperations, where are my racist comments okayed because he did this? He’s killed people, and im sure he’s killed white people, gasp, double standard.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Republican08]

Margaret Sanger is dead and still living.
Planned Parent Hood lives on and is bigger now than ever.

I'll respond in full at a later time, but for every drug 50 cent sold theres about a million + more that the white elite have sold the world, much worse than street drugs.

I'm not implying anyone owes me anything I do well on my own, I was just playing devil advocate.

Care to trade stereotypes with blacks? In Disney movies white people are not stereotyped in a bad way, they are written in as perfect godlike beings compared to the other characters. Go watch The Mickey Mouse Monopoly

You wonder what what the lives of Jay-Z and other rich blacks would be like if blacks never came to America? They would be happy in Africa living great with out the fake material world you take pride in.
You may want to note Jay-Z is part of the Illuminati, he doesn't give a crap about anyone yet alone black people.
The Jay-Z Deception movie proves Jay-Z is in the know and butt buddies with the white elite, he even wears clothing with quotes from Alister Crowley who is a white supremest.

Gold and Diamonds to the ancient blacks wasn't money, it was just shiny rocks.
I know America wouldn't be what it is today if they didn't have strong black people slaving the dirty work for them. Blacks even built the white house.

Please watch the movie I posted, that was a trailer but the actual movie is easy to find on the net. You will see you are wrong about forced abortions.

No one is responsible for what their forefathers did, but there is still crap going on today.

Also Obama is not an elite. not even close.

I'm not trying to be offensive don't take anything I saw as such, I love white people! Most of my friends are white.

If you watch that movie Maafa 21 you will be surprised, it is jaw dropping, I thought I knew about black slavery till I watched this, now I know slavery was just the beginning.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by wx4caster
reply to post by buds84

actually, you could start by asking for your african ancestors to repay you for selling you into slavery to begin with. you "blacks" as you put it need to do some digging into history and see for yourselves. slave traders didnt capture the slaves, they bought them from warring tribes. not to mention the chinese slaves and irish slaves and so on and so forth...

just as the drug dealer is more to blame than the user.

Im interested to know what exactly was the payment for the slaves?

Worthless paper money? Africans don't want that.
Gold & Diamonds? Africans had more of those rocks than anyone else.
Food? Africans weren't staving when white people arrived.
They knew how to get food.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
reply to post by buds84

If Africans hadn’t been brought over here, I could only imagine what the lives of Jay-Z or Beyonce, or whomever else’s lives would of actually been like!?
[edit on 17-9-2009 by Republican08]

Hate to break it to you but Christopher Columbus and white people didnt discover America, BLACKS HAD ALREADY MADE IT TO AMERICA BEFORE WHITE PEOPLE.

mixed in and living with native indians were 13% blacks.

Go look up Black Native Indians on the net and youtube.
They have admitted and there is photographic evidence of blacks being in America before Whites came.

Doesn't matter to me thought because I look at humans as all one sad race that just forgot where they came from.
We were all one color at the start and moving around the world for food changed our skin color and appearance slightly.
Over time people just forgot about themselves only to rediscover other humans in other parts of the world thinking they are different and became racist.

Racism is just the human race forgetting their roots.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by buds84

Originally posted by wx4caster
reply to post by buds84

actually, you could start by asking for your african ancestors to repay you for selling you into slavery to begin with. you "blacks" as you put it need to do some digging into history and see for yourselves. slave traders didnt capture the slaves, they bought them from warring tribes. not to mention the chinese slaves and irish slaves and so on and so forth...

just as the drug dealer is more to blame than the user.

Im interested to know what exactly was the payment for the slaves?

Worthless paper money? Africans don't want that.
Gold & Diamonds? Africans had more of those rocks than anyone else.
Food? Africans weren't staving when white people arrived.
They knew how to get food.


firearms and other war making materials, same as they do today, the slave trade and intertribal atrocities continue today, yet you do not hear much in the anti-racism rhetoric that is america today. there are more genocidal attracities against blacks being harbored BY blacks than any one could ever have imagined the slave trade of early america...


Most European states have tried to face up to the past, but slavery's legacy is in some ways even more poisonous in places like modern Ghana. A smokescreen still covers the African role in this pernicious trade. It is an awkward fact that the traffic could not have existed without African chiefs and traders. Europeans rarely went far from their forts; slaves were brought to them. Indeed, when the Europeans arrived the slave trade and slavery were already integral parts of local tribal economies. One of the few Ghanaian historians to touch these issues, Akosua Adoma Perbi, writes that “slavery became an important part of the Asante state [the Gold Coast's most powerful] right from its inception. For three centuries, Asante became the largest slave-trading, slave-owning and slave-dealing state in Ghana.”

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by buds84

Originally posted by Republican08
reply to post by buds84

If Africans hadn’t been brought over here, I could only imagine what the lives of Jay-Z or Beyonce, or whomever else’s lives would of actually been like!?
[edit on 17-9-2009 by Republican08]

Hate to break it to you but Christopher Columbus and white people didnt discover America, BLACKS HAD ALREADY MADE IT TO AMERICA BEFORE WHITE PEOPLE.

mixed in and living with native indians were 13% blacks.

Go look up Black Native Indians on the net and youtube.
They have admitted and there is photographic evidence of blacks being in America before Whites came.

Doesn't matter to me thought because I look at humans as all one sad race that just forgot where they came from.
We were all one color at the start and moving around the world for food changed our skin color and appearance slightly.
Over time people just forgot about themselves only to rediscover other humans in other parts of the world thinking they are different and became racist.

Racism is just the human race forgetting their roots.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

america was most likely discovered and chartered fist by early chinese... but whatever.

the paybacks for slavery is just another sad excuse for a handout by beggars. i am not saying that is a black thing, there are beggars of all race and creed in america...

it was hundreds of years ago, by great-grandfather's great-grandfathers. not a single black man or woman today has been sold in chains in america that would be conidered need for payback.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:19 AM
Racism will never die out, it will never end, and it will only get more subtle, obscure and hate filled over the years to come...

Until it finally explodes into an all out race war...

Blacks will ALWAYS mention slavery, a hundred years from now blacks will STILL feel entitled to special treatment and compensation...

It's all they have, they have the race card and they will use it to the bitter end...they will always feel the need to blame the white man for their problems...

Whites will continue to take it up the arse, they will continue to bend over backwards...( politicians and the politically correct ( retarded ) )

That is until we again have had enough, and we will strike back...hard

right now the white race is like a caged dog, being prodded and poked, and teased...and if the dog barks or gets aggressive he is punished..

But sooner or later the doggy will get out of the cage

these black kids who run around in packs beating white kids, these "beat up a white kid" days they are having...

Black gangs kicking and beating other white kids on school buses, in the streets etc...

One of these days a couple of white kids are gonna snap, and they are going to pack in their pistols, and their shotguns, and their semi automatic rifles and they are going to retaliate against those black kids, in a very violent way...

can anyone else see that happening ?

Anyway, I am sick and tired of being looked at as an automatic racist because i am white...i am tired of being looked at by other races like i am "privileged" or some crap like that..

i am not a racist...i just want to live my life and be happy

but race is CONSTANTLY shoved down my god damned throat and im sick of it, and i wish something big would happen...

like we all just kill each other and we see how if left standing at the end...then the winner is the winner, and the loser keeps his mouth shut

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by wx4caster

I knew you would come with the weapon trading theory, you must have watched the same propaganda films I watched on that subject.

That blog was written by Richard Lamm, former governor of Colorado.

The last person I would trust on a black history lesson is the government.

I have heard this guns for slaves trade thing many times and thou I my believe some blacks may have been sold this way, I don't think its was many, most were just rounded up and taken.

Tell me, why would the guys with the guns need permission to enslave?
There holding the weapons they can take what the want for free anyway like they are used to doing. You think they just deiced to be nice and give guns away for free when they could take off with slaves at gun point anyways?

I'm not buying that full story.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by SkitzoFrenic

Whites will continue to take it up the arse, they will continue to bend over backwards...( politicians and the politically correct ( retarded ) )

That is until we again have had enough, and we will strike back...hard

right now the white race is like a caged dog, being prodded and poked, and teased...and if the dog barks or gets aggressive he is punished..

You need to do a bit of research and see who actually getting the hand outs.

While white elites sit around and count money all day (98% of the worlds money) the rest of the world is working their ass off like slaves for our rulers.

The only ones bending over are us.

You guys should try to separate yourselves (Whites) from the (white elite rulers). Your not a part of them and they don't give a crap about you.

Were all in the same boat arguing about exactly what the want us to, divide ourselves by skin color, while they real life monopoly and risk.

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