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Carter: Race Plays Role in Obama Dislike - UPDATED: White House rejects racism claim

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:17 PM
So the majority of blacks voeted for him because of his race alone and that's not racist. We oppose him because he hates America and everything we stand for and we are racist?

Well every black city in America is in ruins so we don't need a black man running America when blacks can't even run their own houses.... That's if Obama is black and American. I doubt he is either.

I think he is a white leftist first with a ting of blackness and he is no where near an American. He sure does play the race card though.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:19 PM
Let me settle this.

In the right wing conservative ideology there is a long running system of subliminal bigotry. Whether it be from changing historical fact to preforming the most fantastic mental gymnastics to make themselves feel superior to all others. It exists. The WASPs raise their children to think that they are better than everyone else who is no WASP and rich. However, this has seeped into the lower classes of white south and middle America. The lower class obviously desires to emulate the values of the higher class, if for nothing more than to separate themselves from the people of the darker skin complexions. However, it is not a true desire to hate. It is subliminal and it hits the subconscious. The propaganda is in the media and every form of advertisement. The original hatred stems from the hatred of our ancestors. With this TPTB can effectively create a controlled "us versus them" paradigm. Now, once you have an elected official that is not only a democrat but a person that is more than an octoroon...heh heh, you are bound to have hatred. If that isn't enough, you have the giant illusion of 9/11. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. Have a semitic name (yes, semitic stands for more than just the jews) you have trouble, BIG trouble.

The subliminal racism that has bombarded their minds and souls explodes. Irrational dislike begins and they search for a reason to hate. It is the best tool in "TPTB" 's bag. They divide and they conquer. Who would rule a hyper power? A man with dark skin as such? I do not think so...he is strange, he is not like me, he is...below me. I am better than him, he is changing my country, I hate this. I HATE IT. HE IS A LIAR! HE WANTS TO KILL OUR BABIES! HE IS THE ANTICHRIST! MUSLIM! KENYAN!

God bless the souls of man...for he is misguided and full of hate.

Bush was given three years before he was attacked. After one or two angry marches about the election...all the nonsense was dropped and he was accepted as the leader of the free world. Obama...disenfranchised voters hated him from the start. The hate grew. Religion was once again perverted in order to be used as a weapon of hate. Lies were utilized to cover the eyes of people. The psychic fuel that runs the hate machine was being provided at an alarming pace. Now, we have all of this people banding together in hate. Not love, but hate. Violence is bound to occur, and if it does TPTB will succeed. Illuminati set 1 will win, and they will do away with us. Illuminati set 2 will be unable to succeed in their goals to advance the human race to its true potential.

To be truthful, it is not just the whites who are provided with this psychic fuel. It's everyone, and it hits them in different ways. Whether it is to oppress, to separate, or to hate. It serves it purpose of blinding us to love.

So in short, yes, this has a lot to do with racism. But, in my beliefs I give them the benefit of the doubt and I do not blame them for it.

Love others as you love yourself. Please, empathy, love, and kindness. Ghandi's revolution is the only type that truly succeeds.

Wake up.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Gools

Just for the record, I'm not saying it's OK to oppose a candidate just for their affiliation. If we had a democrat come in that abolished the FED, lowered the deficit, cut government spending, brought out troops home, I'd be all up in it even though I am a republican.

I'm just saying for those that do oppose Obama 'just cuz' it is most likely due to political affiliations- not race. Just the way it has been for ages in our country.

There are some who oppose Obama due to his policies, actions, proposals, spending, etc., then there are those who oppose him for his race, then there are those who oppose him because he's a democrat, which I feel is the majority.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:20 PM
Carter's a Democrat, so why is this even a discussion?
They all come to each others rescue. Hell, Carter could hate Obama's guts and still "talk the talk" to the media. He's a Democrat people!!!!! He's defending his party. Nuff said.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Gools
Instead of ad hominem attacks on Carter how about we concentrate on what he said?

My question again:

What proportion of opposition to Obama's presidency can be attributed to racists hiding behind the "anti-liberal" banner?


While you cannot discount that racism exists, one would be a fool to think it has gone by the wayside, and if you take what the former President says as pointing to the truth...

How would the current President have been elected to begin with?

If the racism is that steep and that prevelant, I can't see how this could have occurred.

Honestly I cannot stomach a revival of the racial divide that I lived through in my youth, it was ugly, it was fed by TPTB and it caused alot of unnecessary heartache, animosity, and worse.

Don't let anyone left, right, or center, poison what has been achieved in the last 3+ decades.

You see the seeds being sown everywhere..

even here on ATS.

Be stronger than that.. please?


[edit on 9/15/2009 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by northof8
Well every black city in America is in ruins so we don't need a black man running America when blacks can't even run their own houses....

Wow. Well, there's a pretty openly racist comment.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:23 PM
Obama is rather young for the presidency.
He is also relatively inexperienced as a politician.
He also made a lot of promises I didn't feel he could keep.

Those factors are very important in how I view his ability to be president.

Imho, if he were doing a great job, this renewal of playing the race card would not be surfacing.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Obama is rather young for the presidency.
He is also relatively inexperienced as a politician.
He also made a lot of promises I didn't feel he could keep.

Those factors are very important in how I view his ability to be president.

Without a doubt, it should also be said that there are many people, including on ATS, who are able to make this case without race ever being brought up.

Imho, if he were doing a great job, this renewal of playing the race card would not be surfacing.

True enough, yet some would argue that fore a small part of the population, the opposite is also true. For them, Obama doing a great job, is the worse of all possible outcomes.

[edit on 15 Sep 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
It's a mess really, short term it confuses the issue, gridlocks, divides, generates distrust, resentment, frustration and even anger.

I would suggest that it's ability to actually accomplish these ends is due to the fact that there is some validity attached to the accusation.

Otherwise everybody would just dismiss it and move along. Right?

We seem to be stuck here...

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Imho, if he were doing a great job, this renewal of playing the race card would not be surfacing.

Except, this card never really left the table. It was played from nearly the beginning to divert attention from other issues.

In fact, I can't remember a single week where it wasn't played.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:34 PM
I think race is blamed because it is easy, obvious, and convenient. I think race is blamed to distract from the real issues. I think race is blamed because a large portion of this country cannot accept the fact that another large portion of this country doesn't see things the same way they do.

If this was a black conservative in the Oval Office, would racism be blamed for disagreements with the administration?

In this situation, race is the easiest and most convenient scape goat. If party affiliation was reversed and skin color was the same, racism wouldn't be mentioned (IMO).

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Who's Jimmy Carter?

A member of the Trilateral Commission.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by skeptic1
If this was a black conservative in the Oval Office, would racism be blamed for disagreements with the administration?

Now there is an interesting question...

[edit on 15 Sep 09 by Gools]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:36 PM


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Gools

I would suggest that it's ability to actually accomplish these ends is due to the fact that there is some validity attached to the accusation.

Lol no argument there, though obviously that doesn't apply to everyone ...

My observation is that historically the string pullers will use the most convenient divisive structure. Be it racism, patriotism, socialism, [insert] ism.

As I tried to express in this post within a different context, I believe that much of this is part of the "pains" of a relatively new nation. Perhaps that is a hopeful rationalization, but it is the reason that though I get immensely frustrated with being stuck in this discourse, I believe that in the long run it is actually for the best.

Heck sometimes I wish we'd even stop beating around the bush and just lay it all on the table once and for all. No more covert prejudice ... put it all out there hate and all and lets discuss it and work through it. Alas that doesn't seem to be forthcoming, so we are stuck at taking these painfully dragged out baby steps ...

But at least we're walking forward.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by northof8

Err, when have inner cities not been hotbeds of poverty and crime, whether the occupants were white or black?

This has been true since the Industrial Revolution, people made the same arguments 100 years ago about the Italians and the Irish

Claiming that is solely due to their race is racist, pretty much by definition

[edit on 9/15/09 by xmotex]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Gools

Otherwise everybody would just dismiss it and move along. Right?

Well, for the most part, the 'accused' do. It's typically the accusers that can't seem to let that angle go, in my observation.

Bush received some massive opposition throughout his terms and had a severely low approval rating at the end. Was it because he was white? I remember the right having a party with the Clinton scandal. Did they go after him because he was white? No. It boiled down to the right/left division. So I think that is what Obama is going through now. I believe it's partisan more than racial.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Gools

Of course it is. Much of it is transparent or only thinly veiled. Started back with the attempt to label him a terrorist.

But it's only a part. Clinton was a white southern pretty much conservative dem, and was vilified to a decent level by the same groups as well.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by melatonin]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:44 PM
The real sad issue, and something that we all know, and from what I can tell, have a feeling to defend against, is the fact that race does play an issue. At the beginning it was, ok, If the black guy says he can do it, lets see him do it. He was watched harder than any other president I can think of at the moment. EVERY single thing he does is publicized and blogged about heavily. He hasn't done anything remotely as terrible as Bush but he's already getting the same post 9/11 Bush hate. Interesting. But race isn't an issue, only the topics at hand ATS.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Bballjamal]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 09:44 PM
Ok here is my take on this, or question perhaps.

His Approval rating on (rasmussen)
Jan 21 2009 was 65% approve - 30% disapprove

and today
Sept 15 2009 is 50% approve - 50% disapprove

So clearly, there are people who liked him at the beginning who now disapprove of him.

So has Obama turned these people into racists in the last 8 months?
Some how I doubt that, I would be more inclined to believe that the increased disapproval is due to the job he is or is not doing.

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