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THE IMPERIAL PRESIDENCY: Glenn Beck's fear of Obama: Seize power overnight

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posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Janitor From Mars

I hope you will enjoy the reality being manifested by obama and cronies, radical and corporate. It must be nice to look around you and ignore the forces transforming our country, like the fact that obama has spent more money in 6 months that all previous presidents combined. positive attitude and ignoring danger is what got us into this situation, which has been a long time in coming. i'd think by now you'd realize that believing in assurances from the president, any president, that he knows what he's doing, is risky. we need to pay attention to information that comes our way, not dismiss it because it isn't positive enough.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by earlywatcher

I prefer a reality separate from ALL of this political bull#. Thank you.

Perhaps you should do yourself a favor and leave the petty partisan politics out of ATS. In fact, everyone, even me, could do themselves a favor that way.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger

Why Glen Beck? What gives him ANY credibility at all?
I am constantly amused by those on ATS that declare themselves " awake' or rave on about the NWO and such, yet listen to an insect like Beck.
FOX, and all the others would feature a monkey in a zoot suit if it got ratings!
Beck could hardly be more of a clown, his crying, incoherence, his very lightweight"analysis". He hopes to make Rush size money and is hopping aboard
the current paranoia about Obama to do so. He's a performer guys!
There IS a sucker born every minute!

[edit on 28-8-2009 by OldDragger]

What about all the suckers that do not have a clue about what is going on in their country ..they live in a box and if somebody comes and puts a light on a problem is considered and is labelled as a sucker.

Suckers are the people because they permitted the country to be in this situation as if they were not suckers America would not be where it is NOW .

So who is the sucker born every day ? The one that is blind or the one that brings some light on the issues .

People should listen and then ask their own questions and do some research and then label other people . If you live outside America you will realize how close to the Truth Glenn Beck is ......

This is the problem with some people they are fast on judging and slow in researching .....

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:39 PM
glenn beck and foxnews is scum.
not obama related

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by lisa2012

You must hate your fellow Americans enough to label them as suckers.

I think the real suckers are the people being taken for a ride by Glenn Beck. It wouldn't be a big deal but when THEY try to call OTHER PEOPLE suckers, it just falls flat right back onto them.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 04:09 PM
It is not that he is waking up others or that he is some great patriot.... the MSM can not continue to deny what is obvious to so many people any longer.

Beck is a shill. Sure, he is saying a few things that would make him appear to be a good guy, but dont believe the hype. He says what he is told to say, plain and simple. Am I the only one who remembers his big FEMA camp flip flop on national TV?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Janitor From Mars
reply to post by lisa2012

You must hate your fellow Americans enough to label them as suckers.

I think the real suckers are the people being taken for a ride by Glenn Beck. It wouldn't be a big deal but when THEY try to call OTHER PEOPLE suckers, it just falls flat right back onto them.

First of all I do not hate anybody is too primitive to hate .

Second I did not call anybody suckers was a reply to a post and I quoted it and the person was calling them suckers I used the word to emphasise

This was the post :

Originally posted by OldDragger

"Why Glen Beck? What gives him ANY credibility at all?
I am constantly amused by those on ATS that declare themselves " awake' or rave on about the NWO and such, yet listen to an insect like Beck.
FOX, and all the others would feature a monkey in a zoot suit if it got ratings!
Beck could hardly be more of a clown, his crying, incoherence, his very lightweight"analysis". He hopes to make Rush size money and is hopping aboard
the current paranoia about Obama to do so. He's a performer guys!
There IS a sucker born every minute!

[edit on 28-8-2009 by OldDragger]

Hope this clarifies everything

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:01 PM
Look. If we're all going to continue to post on ATS with the belief that there's some sort of gigantic, far-reaching entity that's trying to take over the world and wipe out or enslave the entire human race, then there's something we need to clear up.

If this so-called New World Order exists (and believe me, I'm a skeptic if there ever was one), don't you think it would have its hand in every cookie jar? Don't you think it'd have an iron clasp on the MSM?

FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC...what you all need to learn to cope with is the fact that these "news" stations ALL have an agenda, whether it be liberal or conservative. It's an agenda. It's in THEIR interest to present the news to you with a certain slant or bias. They're not giving you the facts and allowing you to make up your own a real journalist would do. They're only presenting SOME of the facts, the facts that are convenient for THEIR agenda.

That's what Glenn Beck is. He's not some rogue, hotshot reporter...he's not somebody with a particularly educated opinion either. How many times does Jon Stewart have to show this guy contradicting himself before people figure out he's just a pretty distraction? There is ZERO substance to anything FOX News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, CNN, or MSNBC reports to you because they're picking and choosing what stories to report and HOW to report them.

If there an NWO, don't you think they'd have agents on both sides of the political spectrum? Right and left? To confuse and mislead you from the big picture? Why do people INSIST on dragging politics into the NWO debate?

Glenn Beck is nothing but a conservative shill who gets paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. He is not like you or I. He gets paid to give you an opinion, an opinion that's probably not even his own considering the network he's on.

Please stop giving these guys credibility.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by The Monster Under the Bed

Glenn Beck is nothing but a conservative shill who gets paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. He is not like you or I. He gets paid to give you an opinion, an opinion that's probably not even his own considering the network he's on.

Please stop giving these guys credibility.

Glenn Beck must really have you guys scared. He brings very specific things people have said and done to our attention, and asks us to think about what that means. You, someone whose agenda is only to discredit, tell me not to listen to Beck? Pretty rich.

give me some reason to respect your judgment, and i'll think about it.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:29 PM
seize power overnight? really? its been a couple months now...

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 11:22 PM
I'm all for NWO exposure I guess. But Glenn Beck? You are going to listen to an avid Bush supporter talk about Obama and the NWO?

Can you say irony?

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by earlywatcher

Originally posted by The Monster Under the Bed

Glenn Beck is nothing but a conservative shill who gets paid MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. He is not like you or I. He gets paid to give you an opinion, an opinion that's probably not even his own considering the network he's on.

Please stop giving these guys credibility.

Glenn Beck must really have you guys scared. He brings very specific things people have said and done to our attention, and asks us to think about what that means. You, someone whose agenda is only to discredit, tell me not to listen to Beck? Pretty rich.

give me some reason to respect your judgment, and i'll think about it.

Is that the only part of my post you read? I gave you plenty of reasons why Glenn Beck is by no means a credible source of information, and you didn't bother to refute or argue ANY of them. So for your benefit I'll go ahead and summarize everything I said into one sentence; Beck is partisan. Make no bones about it...he doesn't keep his political affiliation secret, and is not objective about what he reports. He's got an agenda. Anybody that can't admit that is just ignoring reality.

And by the way, I HAVE no agenda. I never tried to discredit the NWO or any conspiracies here, and though I'm skeptical about many of them, I don't frequent ATS solely to call poppy-cock...I believe in some of the same things you do.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by The Monster Under the Bed

you don't in fact reject any of what beck says, only the fact that he is saying it?

did you reject what the mainstream media said during the campaign since it was blatantly pro-obama? do you reject what the mainstream media says now because it is openly pro-obama?

or are you just saying that no information is worth listening to if the speaker has a poiont of view that you disagree with?

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by earlywatcher
reply to post by The Monster Under the Bed

you don't in fact reject any of what beck says, only the fact that he is saying it?

I DO reject what he says, because he doesn't give you the whole picture. He doesn't report objectively. He only reports what makes HIS politics, which are CONSERVATIVE, look good.

did you reject what the mainstream media said during the campaign since it was blatantly pro-obama? do you reject what the mainstream media says now because it is openly pro-obama?

Yes, in fact, I DO. I reject ALL mediums of the MSM, because they ALL have agendas. Sure, I watch them, but if you're going to do that you've got to read between the lines and ignore all the fluff. Beck, with his over-emoting and crying and yelling and over-the-top's fluff, mixed in with news pieces that make HIS politics look good. Yes, CNN was and still is blatantly pro-Obama, as is MSNBC. Olbermann, Maddow, Dobbs, O-Reilly, Hannity, and even Cooper and Blitzer are ALL homers for their team.

or are you just saying that no information is worth listening to if the speaker has a poiont of view that you disagree with?

Now you're just putting words in my mouth. The OP (and several ATS members around here) are trying to make out like this guy is one of us, when REALLY he's nothing more than a conservative shill. When Bush was in office he didn't NEARLY go after him with the tenacity he goes after Obama with, if he in fact ever went after Bush AT ALL. The only point I'm trying to make is, this guy is not on our side, he is not one of us, and he hasn't done anything to suggest that he's looking out for our best interests.

I don't know what you believe. As you've put words in my mouth and already made assumptions about MY agenda, I'm going to go ahead and assume you lean to the right. And if you do, that's fine. It's whatever.

But MY belief is ALL politicians, whether Republican or Democrat, are liars, snakes, corrupt, and greedy. I don't trust ANY of them, and I especially don't trust people who say they are reporting the news when really they're just picking sides. Is there some truth to what he says? Sure.

But isn't that the case with ALL the news mediums? There's a little truth in EVERY news report, but that doesn't mean we should be putting guys like Beck on a pedestal.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 03:07 PM
Red or blue, left or right, it's all irrelevant. I wasn't saying that I would not listen to Beck simply because of his political affiliation. I was saying that this is a man who was an avid supporter of the Bush administration, whereas Bush himself has discussed the NWO more than once. You can't believe that now all of the sudden Beck has become "enlightened" about the NWO and Obama's hidden agenda for totalitarianism. The monster under the bed is right, Beck is the one with the hidden agenda.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by The Monster Under the Bed

yes everybody is partisan. so you reject everybody except for the kernel of truth that you are able to extract. so tell us what you've extracted: what is your truth about van jones's radical beliefs and activities? what is your truth about the staggering debt in which this country has been placed in order to provide money to special interests? what is your truth about the deals that the white house is cutting with big drugs, insurance companies, doctors, and who knows who else? what is your truth about not ending the war in iraq whild accelerating the war in afghanistan? what is your truth about the appointment of czars to oversee things, yet the czars don't appear to be even vetted let alone approved by congress? ther is no provision in the constitution for the appointment of these individuals and their staff so what's your truth about that? what is your truth about the rampant growth of the federal government structure that must somehow be paid for by taxpayers into the future? what's your truth about how obama's healthplan will be paid for?

glenn beck has presented info on some of these topics, but you reject that of course. what is the truth you have extracted.

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