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Marine faces rape guess is that he will get off

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:35 PM

If you read the above link, you will read about how a marine is facing a court martial for raping his law school classmates. My guess is that he will eventually wind up okay at the end of the day?


Simple. The US military has created a culture that devalues human lives. If the military-industrial complex can rape entire countries at their whim, it follows that individual soldiers should be allowed to rape individual people for sport.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint

Are you willing to risk your ATS account that he is going to be found not guilty?

I challenge you to do one of two things.

1. Edit your post to exclude your prediction and rant on the military.


2. Have yourself banned from ATS if he is found guilty.

You talk a pretty good game, lets see how much you believe what you write.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by jd140

What happens if there is a plea bargain or he is only convicted on some of the counts?

My best guess is that he will get a slap on the wrist and somebody in the Marines will set him up with a job. This would effectivley be "getting off."

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
reply to post by jd140

What happens if there is a plea bargain or he is only convicted on some of the counts?

My best guess is that he will get a slap on the wrist and somebody in the Marines will set him up with a job. This would effectivley be "getting off."

I believe the post was clear.

If he is found guilty in his trial you have yourself banned.


Edit your post to exclude your prediction and rant.

There isn't any what if scenerios. Either he is found guilty or he isn't.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:53 PM
wait...if he DID rape someone....

didn't he already get off?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by jd140

Who are you to say that people are not allowed to conjecture on this forum? Who are you to say that people should not be allowed to sharply criticize the US military?

If somebody says "my guess" is that the Patriots will win the Superbowl this year because all the teams in their division are rubbish, should that person be banned if the Patriots do not win the Superbowl?

My conjecture is based on my belief the US military does not take the offense of rape seriously, especially when an officer is the alleged perpetrator. Are you going to tell me the US military is more enlightened than other segments of the society?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:00 PM
Since the early 1990s, each branch of the U.S. Military has adopted a policy of “Zero Tolerance” of sexual assault or harassment by personnel. However, the long‐term effects of such policy change remain to be seen.

According to Pentagon reports there are 2,923 reports of sexual assault across the military every year. The Pentagon estimates that only 10 percent of sexual assaults among members of the active duty military are reported, bringing the estimated total to almost 30,000 cases of sexual assault per annum.

Statistics show that 1 in 4 women in the US Military will be raped by their fellow soldiers. Women have a greater chance of being raped in the Military than the chance of death on the front-lines!

Among the cases reported, Pentagon officials acknowledged that only a small number actually went to military courts. Out of the 2,923 that were reported and provided evidence, only 317 cases were actually referred for courts-martial, while 247 were referred for nonjudicial punishment, the other 2,359 went entirely unaddressed. Of those 317 cases that were referred for courts-martial, only 2-3% ever actually went to a courts-martial. Of that 2-3%, the vast majority, being 74-85% of those soldiers, were convicted of rape or sexual assault but still left the military with honorable discharges (therefore no record).

What this all means is that women in the military not only face the possibility of being betrayed by their comrades, but also being betrayed by the system that is supposed to protect them with "Zero Tolerance".

Since this news article represents one of those few, rare cases that has been referred for courts-martial and actually made it there, chances show that they will be convicted of rape or sexual assault, but they will be allowed to discharge honorably and carry no record of their crime.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by fraterormus]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint

I didn't say you couldn't do all of those things.

I challenged you to stand by what you said and put up your ATS account or to retract what you said about the military.

How strongly do you believe what you said to be true? That is the challenge.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:11 PM
I don't really know the Terms and Conditions to this site too well so I will try to limit my offense to you.

You are clearly ignorant of the military. In the military we are held to a higher standard than the civilian population. We have what is called the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, which we have to follow ON TOP of civilian law of the local area. Under the UCMJ Article 120:

(a) Any person subject to this chapter who commits an act of sexual intercourse with a female not his wife, by force and without consent, is guilty of rape and shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

We have the possibility of being killed for rape. We are held accountable for our actions. If we are accused of rape, or assault etc., we are basically f***ed for the time being. We are invested by MPs, Security Forces, in w/e branch ON TOP OF being invested by OSI (USAF Mix of CIA, FBI, and Detectives.) NCIS (Navy equivalent), and I think in the USMC is (MCIS).
Every base is led by an IG (Inspector General) that is not under jurisdiction of the base general and is responsible for any problems involving military members with felony accusations. There's also MEO (Military Equal Opportunity) which civilian and and military can go to for such cases of racism, sexual assault, and abuse etc.

Slap on the wrist my a**. This I find really stupid and ignorant. I should know there was someone in my squadron who was arrested for sexual assault, kidnapping, etc. He's pretty much gone and out of the military, so sorry. You're wrong buddy.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by midnightbrigade
wait...if he DID rape someone....

didn't he already get off?

lmao. wow. star.

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 21/8/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:13 PM

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:14 PM

SAN DIEGO -- A San Diego-based U.S. Marine officer, Capt. Douglas S. Wacker, who is accused of rape and indecent assault, will be tried in a general court-martial set to begin Wednesday, Marine Corps officials said.
Captain Wacker is assigned to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot’s Headquarters and Service Battalion. He is to be arraigned at MCRD on 11 counts, including two counts of rape, one count of attempted rape, five counts of conduct unbecoming an officer, two counts of obstruction of justice and one count of indecent assault, according to depot spokesman, Maj. Christopher Logan.
No other details of the alleged crimes were released by the Marine Corps.

The court-martial followed an Article 32 hearing held on July 14, 2009, Logan said. An Article 32 hearing is similar to a civilian court’s preliminary hearing, where an investigating officer determines if there is enough evidence to order a trial. After the hearing, MCRD Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Angela Salinas, referred the charges for trial.
10News spoke briefly with Capt. Wacker Monday night at his apartment in Pacific beach. He refused to comment and referred all questions to his attorney.
A friend and neighbor told 10News she was shocked at the allegations. “This is weird. Honestly, I think this is a joke,” Ashley Tydon said. She described Capt. Wacker as “funny, honest and a good friend and neighbor.”
Capt. Wacker recently graduated from USD Law School and was in line to become a JAG, or a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, a military attorney, 10 News reported. San Diego attorney, Michael McCloskey, a former JAG, said the charges could ruin Capt. Wacker’s chances for ever becoming a JAG. “In the military setting and just generally around the world,” McCloskey said, “one being accused has a kind of scarlet letter.”

SAN DIEGO -- A San Diego-based U.S. Marine officer, Capt. Douglas S. Wacker, who is accused of rape and indecent assault, will be tried in a general court-martial set to begin Wednesday, Marine Corps officials said.
Captain Wacker is assigned to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot’s Headquarters and Service Battalion. He is to be arraigned at MCRD on 11 counts, including two counts of rape, one count of attempted rape, five counts of conduct unbecoming an officer, two counts of obstruction of justice and one count of indecent assault, according to depot spokesman, Maj. Christopher Logan.
No other details of the alleged crimes were released by the Marine Corps.

The court-martial followed an Article 32 hearing held on July 14, 2009, Logan said. An Article 32 hearing is similar to a civilian court’s preliminary hearing, where an investigating officer determines if there is enough evidence to order a trial. After the hearing, MCRD Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Angela Salinas, referred the charges for trial.
10News spoke briefly with Capt. Wacker Monday night at his apartment in Pacific beach. He refused to comment and referred all questions to his attorney.
A friend and neighbor told 10News she was shocked at the allegations. “This is weird. Honestly, I think this is a joke,” Ashley Tydon said. She described Capt. Wacker as “funny, honest and a good friend and neighbor.”
Capt. Wacker recently graduated from USD Law School and was in line to become a JAG, or a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, a military attorney, 10 News reported. San Diego attorney, Michael McCloskey, a former JAG, said the charges could ruin Capt. Wacker’s chances for ever becoming a JAG. “In the military setting and just generally around the world,” McCloskey said, “one being accused has a kind of scarlet letter.”

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by jd140

My predicition, that I am willing to stand by is that the punishment he gets will be light compared to the punishment he actually deserves. The problem with this bet, is that it is difficult to quantify precisely what a proper punishment would be. We would have to consider many factors like the circumstances of the rapes, characteristics of the victims, etc.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint

So your answer is no, you are not willing to accept the challenge. There is no need to dance around it.

If you aren't willing to back your statements, then you really shouldn't make them.

The sad thing is that I wouldn't have held you to it if you was wrong. You would have atleast shown that you had the stones to back what you say without question. Instead you shown that you are not willing to stand by what you say.


edit to add- I know determining punishment would be difficult, which is why I just said guilty. I didn't specify guilty of what.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by jd140]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:23 PM
Hold up....the guys name is Doug Wacker? Jesus H...that's even better. On a serious note though, there's nothing funny about rape...unless you're raping a clown...then it's HILARIOUS!

As far as the slap on the wrist goes, that's crap. This guy is an officer and if he gets convicted his life is crap. Hopefully he'll go to Leavenworth and not get the firing squad.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by fraterormus
Since the early 1990s, each branch of the U.S. Military has adopted a policy of “Zero Tolerance” of sexual assault or harassment by personnel. However, the long‐term effects of such policy change remain to be seen.

According to Pentagon reports there are 2,923 reports of sexual assault across the military every year. The Pentagon estimates that only 10 percent of sexual assaults among members of the active duty military are reported, bringing the estimated total to almost 30,000 cases of sexual assault per annum.

Statistics show that 1 in 4 women in the US Military will be raped by their fellow soldiers. Women have a greater chance of being raped in the Military than the chance of death on the front-lines!

Among the cases reported, Pentagon officials acknowledged that only a small number actually went to military courts. Out of the 2,923 that were reported and provided evidence, only 317 cases were actually referred for courts-martial, while 247 were referred for nonjudicial punishment, the other 2,359 went entirely unaddressed. Of those 317 cases that were referred for courts-martial, only 2-3% ever actually went to a courts-martial. Of that 2-3%, the vast majority, being 74-85% of those soldiers, were convicted of rape or sexual assault but still left the military with honorable discharges (therefore no record).

What this all means is that women in the military not only face the possibility of being betrayed by their comrades, but also being betrayed by the system that is supposed to protect them with "Zero Tolerance".

Since this news article represents one of those few, rare cases that has been referred for courts-martial and actually made it there, chances show that they will be convicted of rape or sexual assault, but they will be allowed to discharge honorably and carry no record of their crime.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by fraterormus]

There's two types of reporting to MEO, the type were it's a unreported officially and will be kept between the counselor and the victim and she will recieve treatment without investigation and notification of the squadron commander and first shirt and etc. Then there's the type where you will get treatment and FULL investigation etc. The victim can choose.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
reply to post by jd140

My predicition, that I am willing to stand by is that the punishment he gets will be light compared to the punishment he actually deserves. The problem with this bet, is that it is difficult to quantify precisely what a proper punishment would be. We would have to consider many factors like the circumstances of the rapes, characteristics of the victims, etc.

Not too mention the general leading the court marshall is:

2. A MARINE general.
3. A FEMALE marine general.

Sexual Assualt, Attempted Assault. Was in line to be a JAG (basically a smack to the face of military law, AND was a OFFICER.

Speaking from the young enlisted military member extremely technical terms,

Yup, he's screwed!

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint

If you read the above link, you will read about how a marine is facing a court martial for raping his law school classmates. My guess is that he will eventually wind up okay at the end of the day?


Simple. The US military has created a culture that devalues human lives. If the military-industrial complex can rape entire countries at their whim, it follows that individual soldiers should be allowed to rape individual people for sport.

You are a pure troll, plain and simple.

Ignorance = Speaking of a subject in such a manner that you present it as an absolute truth, yet in reality you have absolutely no experience with the aforementioned, and subsequently you slander, trash, and disdainfully present it in opposition to its true form. Worst of all, you do so with a malevolent intention.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint

In the military justice system, the Prosecution has numerous attorneys and paralegals working hard to put you in prison for as long as possible. The accused is often scared, overwhelmed, and feels helpless, and they should be. The deck is stacked against them. That is what the military wants. Defendants believe that they have no choice but to quickly plead guilty. PLEADING GUILTY SHOULD BE A LAST RESORT! YET, SOME MILITARY & CIVILIAN DEFENSE LAWYERS PLEAD ALL OF THEIR CLIENTS GUILTY, EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE A FIGHTING CHANCE OR THEY ARE INNOCENT.


The military has a 96% conviction rate and almost all convicted defendants are discharged from the military and/or sent to prison
no the military has some ware around an 96% conviction rate this dude is guilty and will be found such the so called military justice system is pretty much the opposite of your civilian system you are guilty till proven innocent.
This guy is done ill be seeing him here at the USDB soon I would bet.

+ You should put your money where your mouth is I am willing to take a ban if he is found not guilty on all charges

[edit on 21-8-2009 by ashnomadonte]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint

You fail to understand that a court marshal is much much much worse than any civilian court. I'd be willing to bet, assuming there is enough evidence.. that this guy will be convicted and face a much worse time than any civilian convicted of rape/

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