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Could Obama's Career Be Over?

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posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Your response to my post proved nothing. The statement I made was not regarding his election at Harvard as the editor of the law review

My statement to you was as follows:

"Obama IS NOT "...the first African-American President." Obama's only claim to black (African) blood is a great grandmother on his father's side. In fact Obama is half white (mother), 7/16ths arab and 1/16th black (father). A person has to be at least 1/8th of the ethnicity claimed to be designated as such. Even the Nigerian records for his father list his father as an arab/african."

You can't just ignore the FACTS of his ethnicity and PROCLAIM his highness, lord Obama, to be what you wish him to be. White-American Yes...Arab-American Yes...Black-American No

[edit on 21-8-2009 by romanmel]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by insideNSA
because when i see someone have to resort to personal attacks i know i won the argument. also check out my previous posts in which i clearly get more stars than you do... especially my 1st post in this thread, hmmm how many stars did you get smart guy? LOLOLOL

What argument are you referring to? I'm not arguing anything, Palin is an idiot. Nothing to argue. You can say i lean left all you want, i do on alot of issues, and lean right on quite a few as well. It's funny though, that you use stars you got from other members of the "Palin cult" to guage your "winning" the argument. This thread is a rightwinger thread, and since you are obviously a right winger pretending to be independent (just an average joe the plumber), you will probably get alot of stars no matter what you say as long as it's negative towards Obama. But since the internet is the only place you likely get any feeling of self worth, I won't deny you your 'victory'. *sings* "You're the best around, nothing's gonna ever keep ya down, you're the best around."

now i feel like i'm sinking to your 15 y/o level.

Sinking, that's hilarious. You would need a multistage rocket to reach a 15 y/o level.

i'm still sorry to see we have one thing in common... both inde's ... what a pity.

I would say i agree, but i'm quite comfortable with the knowledge that you are the furthest from independent one could be (since you seem to think we all need to fit the same mold, or you're disappointed, which is the very antithesis to independence). You probably belong to Palin's neopentecostal, dominionist cult. She's an idiot though, sorry to tell you. And she's as crooked and dirty as the rest of the politicians in office today.

Anyway, i'll leave you to bask in your glory now. Hopefully you will rack up the stars, and the sense of validation that you are probably lacking in real space.

[edit on 21-8-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by romanmel

It was to make the case of his ethnicity as African-American. I provided 3 Independent sources. The 2 others are erudite sources which saitsfy his heritage/background.

Is this a new direction for the "birther movement" since all others have failed?

1. He is Muslim
2. He is the Anti-Christ
3. He is not an American born citizen

Your new allegation: He's not even African-American.

I wake up every morning excited at the prospect of a new day and a new course for America. Try as you might, you can't take that away from me.

If you'd like to continue to wallow in self-righteous bigotry, please be my guest. I'll no longer stoop to your ignoble level.

Have a nice day!

[edit on 21-8-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

You falsely surmised of me the following about my views of Obama:

1. He is Muslim
2. He is the Anti-Christ
3. He is not an American born citizen

I DID NOT claim any of this. I merely pointed out that you falsely identified Barack Obama as "the first African-American President". If you wish to ignore reality that's OK by me. You only hurt your own cause by denying the truth.

The American people are waking up to the deception of this morally bankrupt administration. Latest approval rating just released 45% from 80% just 5 months ago. At this rate, he'll be in George W Bush territory of 25% by the end of his first year in office. A shameful record, indeed!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Something to add to the debate:

Careful. Its a pdf advertisement, which was originally in the local paper.

Feds: Stimulus money sent to 4,000 cons

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