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Facebook CIA Profiling

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posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 01:54 PM
you know, is even worse. it puts you through a couple hundred questions just to build your profile, then it keeps asking questions; on the deepest level of your psyche and lifestyle habits, likes, dislikes, political views, etc.

it's pretty nuts. (check it out sometime)

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by AlienCarnage

There is always a way around everything.

Ich bin ein auslander

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

All of this from the person who references in his signature line?

Locations do not matter as well; they can find you in other countries as well. As I have stated there is no such thing as off the grid as long as your are using technology. If you want to be off the grid, drop the tech no matter what country, island or whatever your location might be. If you can get a cell phone signal or are able to connect to the net, you are not off the grid.

Why bother with the effort anyway, just live your life, unless you do something that is deemed worthy of them to look for you, no need to worry.

[edit on 8/11/2009 by AlienCarnage]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by AlienCarnage
reply to post by EvilTwin666

All of this from the person who references in his signature line?

[edit on 8/11/2009 by AlienCarnage]

Under the name of Evil Twin, its not the same name as on my passport I can assure you of that.

You will find no pictures, no personal blog, nothing

Nobody will ever find EvilTwin or who he or she is

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

Love to know what it is that you think TPTB want from you or want to know about you?

Are you that important?

A scientist with a cure for something?

Inventor like Tesla?

Didn't pay your taxes?

Just curious!

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by cindymars

Im not that important, Just another face in the crowd.

I would prefer to be an individual, not a number.

Nobody needs to know who I am.

So I dont need to be part of any database.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

I do understand as I am naturally paranoid but personally I have found through experience, that it is virtually not in my best interest not to work within the matrix.

In other words its TPTB show, they run it and we are all in it.
So I choose to work within it. However Facebook is pretty stupid and people putting their every move on Twitter really lame. What's that all about?

Don't get me started on how people are with cel phones, that is very annoying.

Edit: (SP)

[edit on 11-8-2009 by cindymars]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by cindymars

Technology is the servant you can use it to your own advantage or it can control you, its just a matter of choice.

I don't tell my neighbours anything so why would I tell the rest of the world.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:53 PM
I its silly - but im in the UK

Why would I fear CIA looking at my facebook pics?

And given that the wife of the head of one of our SIS posted a pretty silly pic of her husband on there - even more - why?

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Silk

Britain is just the 51st State

Look whats happening to Britains "Gary McKinnon".

He just wanted to know if there are UFO's

First it was the muslims then Nat West 3 then McKinnon looks like someones testing the water before the floodgates will open

Think there up to about 50 now, the british born muslims are not newsworthy, though they have not been charged. (link)

The desensitizing method appears to of worked.

Business Men
People with Mental illness's


[edit on 11-8-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 08:00 PM
i just want to know when the cia DIDNT watch everything we do

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

I am sorry but all of the answers you have given thus far just go to show you know nothing about how technology works, just by typing on this site you could easily be tracked to the location that you are entering the data from, if TPTB really wanted to. Does not matter whether you enter personal information or not, as long as you are using some kind of electronic technology, registered or not, they can find you if they wanted to.

If they have not found you yet then they obviously are not looking for you at this time.

For instance when i go to stay in the woods, the only pieces of tech I take with me are a tent, sleeping bag, my Swiss army knife, a separate knife for filleting any fish I might catch, or other animal that might be in season for dinner at the time, a compass, a wind up pocket watch, a lighter, some matches, a canteen, and a travel cookware, flatware set.

With just this simple non electric tech, I am off the grid while in the woods/forest camping, not that i am trying to be off the grid, I just like to enjoy the simplistic camping site.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by AlienCarnage

If it was that easy "Bin Laden's" hide out would of been outed a long time ago

He doesn't use an alias and we know what he looks like.

Since I don't give anything away about who I am or what I do in the real world on the virtual world then there are no ties, no connection, no papertrails, just coincidence.

So why would TPTB look for me ?

I've led a colorful life but that is between me and my consciounce.

Facebook is a connection between the real world and the virtual world as are many social networking sites eg Youtube works closely with TPTB and has led to many numerous convictions like happy slapping, weapons, motorbike speeding.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

That is a subject for another thread, but it is my personal belief, (just personal belief, no proof) that the military does find his hide outs, yes more than one, however they are always a step behind due to an insider leaking information to him. Thus they are able to track him but there is a traitor giving away information that leads to him eluding his capturers.

I have no proof of this, other than a while back after they had Captured Saddam Hussein, they showed on several different news station a couple empty bunkers/caves where Bin Laden had supposedly been but had left hours before the military had gotten to the bunker/cave. How did the military even locate the cave to begin with you may ask, through broadcasts and other electronic technologies he was using, and if my theories are correct he eluded them to someone on the inside of the military leaking out intel.

My theory is about having a leak in the military, not being able to track the tech, since it has been proven that that is how they found these hideouts.

Then again, that is a subject for another thread so I will not pursue it further, but this demonstrates how they can indeed track you.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:06 AM
Well i use facebook to sniff round ex birds i aint seen in donkeys years to see if they want to have fun and "rekindle" old friendships shall we say.

if the CIA want to use that then crack on fellas, just dont tell my doris ok?

(ps, any tips or chat up lines that work for you guys at langley, feel free to pass them on. Ta)

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by AlienCarnage

You are right that it is a subject for another thread and apoligise to the mods now for the next comment...

Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden and Tony Blair are probably at this moment in time sat on George Bush's porch drinking lemonade together, saying "look what we did" whilst laughing.

Here's a news article on Saddams fake execution link

[edit on 12-8-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by EvilTwin666

Is the CIA also gonna want to find out why major American corporations are advertising on ATS? Jimmy Johns, Capella University, Pizza Hut...are these organizations also on the CIA hit list as possible subversion agents?

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:57 PM
If there is anyone on this site, on these forums, posting how they are "off the grid" and "know how to get around things"... all I can say is, come on people.. seriously?

Do you know what it means to be off the grid? It's pretty hard to do as a civilian for one. The quickest way to go off the grid is to join the Army, go overseas and go MIA and disappear, never touch a communication device ever again.

That is of course, if your "going off the grid" is meaningful, as in you have something to really hide. Otherwise, you're just going on a crappy adventure.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by EvilTwin666
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Or just don't play at all, people do have that choice but are never informed

huh? People are not aware that they do not have to join facebook? What exactly do you mean?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by SyphonX

That is my thoughts exactly, the only way for a civilian to be off the grid is to go into a deeply wooded area bringing along nothing electronic with them, and at that point they would be off the grid. I am not talking about going on a camping trip in your back yard, I am talking about serious hiking involved into a forest. In NJ where I live there is not much like this, so I usually go either to West Virginia for good seclusion or a less forested area like the Pocono’s in PA, if I want less seclusion. I do not go camping to be off the grid, I do it just to get away from the day to day which is why electronic tech is not brought along, see my previous post for what I do bring.

Just think of how many campers go missing each year. Those that do bring electronic devices with them, unless they bring a portable of recharging the batteries, in a couple days time, are off the grid and go missing because they have now lost contact with the outside world.

Is Face book monitored, I am sure that much is monitored, just about all web traffic and activity; it is how they track down Pedophiles after all. Usually it is keywords that are filtered through the system, to see if they contain certain elements to them, this way they don’t have to be looking for certain people until these special words come through the filters and alert is brought up, then at that point that individual is monitored, all activity, no matter what it may be. So if you are using the web and have something to hide, do not announce it on a public forum, which is all of the internet by the way, or you will be tracked.

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