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4th Dimension is in plain sight? Perhaps we already....

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Flux8

Originally posted by Inannamute
Science generally views time as being the fourth dimension, but with the curious property of a fixed rate of increase and our inability to move in both directions, only in one. It's worth sitting and thinking about time and our movement through it, because it could be that time doesn't really exist in the way we think it does. Maybe instead of it being something fixed, it's much more variable, a function of our own minds, in the way that quantum phenomena can be influenced by observation, so can time. We've all experienced endless hours, and days that pass in seconds, seemingly.. Is it really just our perception that changes?

I'm sorry that I haven't read all the posts yet, but I got to this and felt a need to respond to a couple of points you made.

'Science' doesn't necessarily view the 4th dimension as time. In fact it leans more to it in the Eucledian sense. Literally adding extra axes. The reason? Because you can mathematically calculate it. Or in other words, you can translate it into a logical language. As for time as the 4th dimension, it's just one of many concepts within a framework (general relativity).

Personally, I'm inclined to think that time is not the 4th D. There is a curious trend when calculating extra dimensions. Everytime you you add an extra dimension you must double the preceeding ones and turn them perpendicular to all others. It's hard to demonstrate without visuals. If time were the 4th D then you would need to add one more timeline and literally turn it perpidicular to all others. That is the mathematical trend. Suggesting otherwise, in this concept, would directly break this mathematically observable trend.

As for experiencing/perceiving time at different rates, that has more to do with which 'hemisphere' of the brain you are predominately using at the time. The logical 'left side' of the brain is a number crunching, single line of code processing, pigeon-holing, son of a gun microchip. The 'right side' has poor if any spacial awareness, time awareness, logical awareness, but it can process thousands of learned processes all at once. When you are 'in your right side' of your mind you don't perceive time as it actually is, because, it doesn't perceive time. Time flies when your having fun? Your in your right side of your mind not criticising things, etc. It ain't linear either. So, no, I don't think that has much to do with 4D in that sense.

My suggestion would be to strengthen your corpus collosum (spelling), the bridge between the two hemispheres, and you will achieve genious. Seriously. If you are a predominately left brained person then force yourself to do art, (among other interesting exercises) to open up that side and reinforce that bridge, no matter how painful it might be. Then perhaps you'll begin accessing more of your subconscious which perceives everything as it is at all times. Get ready for some crazy dreams!

AMAZING!! aahh i love posters, who KNOW what there talking about, and not just babbling on.
Def. going to try that out

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by expedionphi
You know, I might aswell give my thoughts to it and see if maybe people can relate to it, which I think alot of will. A description of the awakening taking place in real life, like we perceive it.

The way I've been noticing my mind shift was very remarkable and I am still undergoing the proces. It feels like thoughts are coming to a zero speed and there is an atmosphere that I feel that is involved in thought process that gives the feel of distance to thoughts. The feeling of a thought that slows down more and more and becomes more and more visible for the conscious I at its brightest intensity. It feels like an awakening you would experience during a lucid dream, the shift that involves being convincing to yourself that triggers the lucidity. This seems to be present to in the awakening procest. It's like realizing that the I (eye) is observing this waking life, is the same I that goes into dream. We realize our true position in life which is the I (eye). And that is in more of a travel in images then in actual physical motion. Just like dreams, it's all a play of images (thoughts). This is coming to a halt I feel, that everything is slowly giving itself up and we start to realize that control we had the whole time and our so called control base in life. And alot of people get a bit depressed because of the feeling of being too much in the now with the waking mind. It feels a bit too much at first and they end up having questions like: How can I live like this the whole time. Because of it's intensity in lucidity

I'm curious if there are other people that can relate themselves to my short observation for now that I have shared as I don't have much time right now to get fully into it. But if there are people there that can relate to this, which I'm sure they can. Please let know, share your feelings and thoughts about it cause I've noticed that this is important at the moment for people to not feel confused about it.

Good thread! S&F

I know exactly what you mean. A year ago, i never would have thought of things like this...a year ago i had no religion...i had no "faith" i didnt want to die...but i never questioned my real meaning here...what happens after there a REAL THIS? and if there is what is it? is this real? what if this was just a bad dream?

i remember when i was was the day i got my retainer removed (yes nerdy i know)...i had a dream that i seen the was only a few hours or days into the future (IN MY DREAM) but when i woke up from that moment...i felt as if, THIS WORLD...was the fake world. That the dream i was in, was real..and this reality was a made up fake one. Its amazing that, every time i think of time, or dreaming..>EVER SINCE THAT DAY i have always what i woke up THAT DAY, and i seen everything that i have experienced now. I do not know why that dream impacted my thoughts so wonder what is reality, and what truelly isn't.

Anyhow...these days (especially the past few months) its been hard for me to "understand" time on this earth. Sounds funny but, simply feels as if "TIME" as sped up...i will think about what i did 24hours prior to the moment, and i literally say to myself wow i KNOW 24 hours "passed" only felt like its been 8 hours or so...
Sounds crazy but its true. I can sleep in for hours, or i can get 4 hour sleep. I can wake up at all different times, or have a steady sleep schedule. I can have a full day worth of things to do, or i can have absolutely NOTHING and just sit around. Yet the feeling is the same, that time has SHIFTED, and is speeding up so fast.

Has anyone heard anything about this?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by polit

I am saying Flat Land is not possible.

here is why... Flat land one you are inside it would BECOME 3d because of the preception of ones own reality

We could be flat landers .. would you know the difference? No because you are IN IT get me?

Perspective its self comes from 3D "ie what you are doing now" so if you was to go to a place "flat land" You still would not even know you was in flat Land because to you it would be normal..

Now flat land comes from math.. why? because we have a word called infinity

A 2d "flat land" is the result of odd numbers.. and YOU are the reason for ODD numbers in the first place

do not confuse the two

one can observe "a flat land" but one can not ever Go or BE in it from our reality

aint going to happen

Like i said its a math thing.. people get confused

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:23 AM
Interesting thread, how could there be something like a dimension if we are all

merely moving particles? We are in a sense here but also not here, so where

are we really??

A dimension is a man made thing, everything is one and we are all one and


posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by halfmanhalfamazing
Interesting thread, how could there be something like a dimension if we are all

merely moving particles? We are in a sense here but also not here, so where

are we really??

A dimension is a man made thing, everything is one and we are all one and


Could you kindly explain to us what ghosts are then? you can say you dont "believe in them" but really...facts, witness's,science etc. dont lie. And if they do, than what makes you believe anything in this world? pick and choose?
can you explain to me what the wind is?
you cant see, taste,feel,or touch it. (your not TOUCHING it, its your electrical signals to your brain telling you what it SHOULD feel like)

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

I know what you mean!
When I went on holiday to visit my relatives in South Africa a fair few years back, the first few weeks I just stayed at their house and went in their pool and did whatever, I honestly lost track of the day and date and time.

Words cannot describe it... it was amazing to just 'be'... time takes on a different feeling. The closest thing I can compare it to is a long summer by the beach not caring... but it seems to last forever even though it is only days. And you are more spontaneous and peaceful and you do things at your own pace, instead of rushing and managing your time.

this probably is not maiking much sense... but those were good days

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

Well this bugs me.. because i have seen one!

Now i do not know how it fits in to all the madness .. but im guessing they are echos

sounds stupid but so are ripples in ponds... ; )

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:32 PM


posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

I have yet to see a ghost or be shown facts that ghosts exist...

If there is something like a ghost I would think that it is intelligent energy.

What I was trying to say was that we are all composed of atoms, us and

everything we can smell, touch, see and taste is made from atoms. So if there

are ghost and we can see them then they must be made from atoms. The

same goes for parallel universe.

Wind has moving atoms mostly nitrogen and oxygen and that is what you are feeling.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by michaelhernsin
Anyhow...these days (especially the past few months) its been hard for me to "understand" time on this earth. Sounds funny but, simply feels as if "TIME" as sped up...i will think about what i did 24hours prior to the moment, and i literally say to myself wow i KNOW 24 hours "passed" only felt like its been 8 hours or so...
Sounds crazy but its true. I can sleep in for hours, or i can get 4 hour sleep. I can wake up at all different times, or have a steady sleep schedule. I can have a full day worth of things to do, or i can have absolutely NOTHING and just sit around. Yet the feeling is the same, that time has SHIFTED, and is speeding up so fast.

Has anyone heard anything about this?

Yes. Your perception of time changes as you make a cognative shift from the dominating 'left-brain/logical' to the passive 'right-brain/intuitive'. Your right brained-intuitive side doesn't process time very well at all, so it seems to go by faster. It gets very interesting when you begin to feel that cognative shift as it happens. The release of control from your 'left' side to your 'right'. Anyway, time still functions at the same rate for you, only your perception of time has changed.

But then again, therein might lie the key to not just calculating/constructing higher dimensional space but actually perceiving it, in vivo, and maybe even knowing how to interact with it.

2pi^2r^3... space within space. Frequencies within frequencies. And that's only the first stepping stone. It's a wonderful multiverse out there, and within. Many, many, many possibilites. The only thing to rationally do is try to explore them yourself.

Good day!

[edit on 23-8-2009 by Flux8]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 11:08 PM
its mind boggling to think about.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:10 AM
The astral realm seems to fit the description of a world with 4D.
Time is very strange and changeable there, and it is also space perception and the ability to materialize things.
I still have a (astral) body but not a physical one.

If this is real, could 2012 be the (abrupt or gradual) start of a transition from our 3D to 4D? If so, something intense has to occur since that shift in matter and our consciousness has to occur.

Or maybe the shift occurs in the planet, but we have the choice not to follow it if we are not prepared or tuned (the well known STO/STS 2012 harvest choice)

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by segurelha

2012 is just a number.. what you should be asking is WHY are you asking?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 05:29 PM
Ahh, it could my escapism :-D
I am asking also because I look forward to change a little bit my life, to integrate better in a global group, a group where individual share common goals.
I have a feeling that 2012 is somewhat related to this, this transformation of mankind, hence my call :-)

Also because I have had dreams about 2012 before I even knew of 2012, which to my old skeptical mind, was too damn strange.

reply to post by symmetricAvenger

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by segurelha

i know this is some what off the subject but i want to link it to the 2012 thing.

the human race faces a question... Do you want to STAY here or not..

Now for a very long time humans have been LIED TOO but we are going to change that little cracker

Your all going to wake up weather you like it OR NOT.

and just another note we are not all little green men.

and we can wait for as long as the universe was born my friend but you on the other hand

aint got that long

[edit on 28-8-2009 by symmetricAvenger]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:55 PM
Ok, I haven't read through all 15 pages of this post and therefore appologize if someone's already posted these thoughts and the following image, but this is how I view the 4th dimension.

Image a single point, a infinitesimally small centre or dot without dimension.

Now draw a 90 degree angle to this point and you end up with a line, a 1 dimensional line with only length.

Now at each end of this line if you draw a set of 90 degree lines you end up with a 2 dimensional square. It has length and now it has width.

Now at each corner of the square draw another set of 90 degree lines. You end up with a 3 dimensional cube. It has length, width and now has height. Note that if you draw this cube on a piece of paper then 4 of your 90 degree corners are not true right angles. This is, of course, because you've attempted to represent a 3 dimensional figure on a 2 dimensional medium.

Now at each corner of the square draw another set of 90 degree lines. You end up with a 4 dimensional tesseract. Wiki describes a Tesseract as being to the cube as the cube is to the square. The following is a 3D shadow of a tesseract rotating around a plane in 4D:


[edit on 28-8-2009 by Neo__]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Neo__

and what makes it work is the perception of such.

Very nice.. reminds me of crop circles ; )

"hope you got the witty joke there"

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by symmetricAvenger
reply to post by Neo__

and what makes it work is the perception of such.

Very nice.. reminds me of crop circles ; )

"hope you got the witty joke there"

Sorry, symmetricAvenger, but my witty-o-meter isn't working very well these days. Are you saying crop circles are perceptions of another dimension?, or that they are man-made like the moving gif image of the tesseract?

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:19 PM
The Lumerians, not lemurians, left us 4th dimensional visuals that are astonishing

and we as humans can be taught to see in the 4th dimension. The proving

ground is right before our eyes and lies in a 500 mile long latitude sector with a

portal that was left behind for mankind to escape. The answer is as some have

stated you are essentially seeing inside out when looking into the 4th dimension.


[edit on 29-8-2009 by amari]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Neo__
Ok, I haven't read through all 15 pages of this post and therefore appologize if someone's already posted these thoughts and the following image, but this is how I view the 4th dimension.

Image a single point, a infinitesimally small centre or dot without dimension.

Now draw a 90 degree angle to this point and you end up with a line, a 1 dimensional line with only length.

I doth protest as you can't define an angle relative to a lone 0-dimensional point. The rest of the post puts things clearly though.

This projection appears to place the 4th dimesion on an "in-out" axis but it really puts the inner cube more distant from our 3-D volume (Where'd the fish go? In the middle. That's where the angels live.


I'll plop my avatar's main image in again. It's a different projection of a tesseract but it's still visibly two connected cubes. I like it because it's not the typical view used and gently hints at the chaos star.

[edit on 8/29/2009 by EnlightenUp]

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