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So you think the Bible is a conspiracy? Watch this...

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posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by ikonspyre

.what will you believe when you are forced to accept the mark of the beast in the hand or forehead (so called 'sunday observance', the hand is the physical obedience, the head is the belief) that no man might buy or sell without it.

Well if buying and selling are the signs, then we already have a mark dude, our "bank account numbers" and debit card numbers.

You see wee can't actually buy or sell anything without them, our wages go into a bank and very very few people actually get paid in cash.

So there you go, no number 661 or 665 required as we already have a nice long 9 digit number to control our spending, seems like the beast got beat by the bank like the rest of us.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 05:11 PM
yeah, i mean i can see how you might interpret it that way. However, as i understand the way the bible says it, it means that there is a behavioral mandate put in place that requires people to do a certain thing 'so that' they might be able to buy and sell. Now....obviously many things can be interpreted to fit could say the credit system fits that description rather well...and im sure there are many christians who would even go so far as to say that the debit/credit system is a form of preliminary enslavement in that direction. However, i tend to gravitate toward the interpretation that the 'mark of the beast' is going to be distinctly tied to 'sunday observance'. Now what that means specifically im not really sure...and i dont think you will find too many biblical theologians who are worth their salt that know specifically what that means....but apparently it is a behavior of 'observance' that will be required in order to function within society. Some ppl say that this will be instituted after a calamity of some sort, perhaps after a false messiah figure comes to the fore, who will say something like in order for the world to be saved all people will need to 'come together' and observe 'gods commandments' of which the 'false sabbath' is one of ten. I say 'false sabbath' because for many years catholic scholars and apologists openly boasted about their success in weaning bible believing christians away from the 'jewish' sabbath to the 'Lords day', or Sunday. Obviously it is worth noting that Sunday is the 'day of the Sun', an icon of pagan worship that goes back to the beginning of time and crosses all manner of religious practices. begs some attention as to just WHY if Sunday was such a universally accepted norm of worship that it will have to be enforced by decree and threat of punishment. This as i understand it will be the crux of the 'end time' issue, since according to the 'ten commandments' the 'sabbath' identifies just WHO the Creator is and that He created the earth and rested on the 7th day, not the first day, sunday. If a false christ or messiah does in fact manifest it would stand to reason that just as all true things have their counterfeit then the false messiah will also need a counterfeit to offer those who would worship him/her.....a false 'sabbath' or day of worship.

For those that think the day of worship is a totally bogus and absurd concept...i ask you to consider much of our lives are based around days of observance...whether it be a birthday, holiday, anniversary, or the like. Just try living your life without all of these and it will be readily apparently how out of step you are with the rest of the world. A day of observance is absolutly integral to the human whether or not you agree as to its binding validity in your life, that is of no consequence to those who set up the day and enforce it through various means.

Just a thought

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 05:42 PM
Well, firstly, the ancients weren't as stupid as we would like to think they were,. They were certainly spiritually smarter than we are today, and could have been more technically advanced than we are.

It's amazing how little we really know about human history. It really is astounding. To suggest that just because there are sites listed that "couldn't have possibly been known toancient man" as proof that the bible has not been tampered with is a bit premature in my estimation.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Melissa101
Yes in a since but not exactly. God intended for there to be ONE religion. There is only ONE God. All the secs are man made and they are evil infiltrated by satan. Before it's pervertedness and corruption people did not ask "what religion are you?" They simply asked "Are you a Christain?" Or "Do you believe in God?" So if the ONE true religion was left alone and everyone believed in God then the world would be perfect. .

Honesly, while I am a very spiritual person, I am not religious. There is a reason for that.

I listen, almost daily, how the Christian, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, et cetera, all claim to have the "truth." Yet, it's funny, because it would seem to me that if any of them had the ULTIMATE TRUTH, this world wouldn't be in the mess it currently is.

No, the only way to find the truth is to study for yourself. You're not going to get it from some pastor with "delusions of grandeur" of being "special." That's not where the answer is. The truth only comes to those who study and reflect upon what is going on in this world.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by ikonspyre

Let me ask you this, can an xtian currently buy or sell anything without a bank account ?

If yes, how exactly ?

The answer as far as I'm aware is in the majority no.

So either the banks beat satan to trapping the xtians or satan is one step ahead in the game.

Xtians cannot currently buy or sell anything if the banks refuse to allow it. Very few people are not in debt to the banks, Be it with a mortgage, loan or credit card debts.

If the banks decide to demand all their lending back (which most of them can) many people will be left in a negative equity position.

They have already given authority for employer to hand over their wages to the banks, and have created a position where most employers physically cannot pay in cash and are more than likely in debt to the same banks themselves, catch 22.

So for xtians at least the only thing missing is the beast number 661/666/ or 666 whichever you chose to believe it is.

So if for no apparent reason tomorrow, the banks issue a prefix number to all their xtian account holders, what you gonna do ?

Well, at this juncture I would have to assume that the xtians will say "No MR Bank" and close their accounts,give their houses and cars back and demand that their employer pays them in food and water. ?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by ikonspyre

Dude, with the greatest respect, please use the respond button or the name of the member you are responding to.

Also, please try and use paragraphs when posting, a big chunk of words is kind of daunting on the eye if you know what I mean.



posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Melissa101
You know there is another misconception too; sins are not rated on a scale Murder being 9, Rape being 10, stealing being 3, lying being a 1. Lying is as bad a sin as killing stealing is as bad as rape. In our world we kind of have a rwting system vut in God's world it is all the same.

So, let's say I was unlucky enough to have been born to a couple of people in a violent city in Africa. The local militia kills my parents. I am homeless, 8 years old, and have no way to fend for myself. i steal a loaf of bread and a piece of fruit from a street vendor because I have been starving and no food has miraculously appeared.

I am now equivalent to a rapist?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Praetorian Guard

Originally posted by phi1618
Doesn't pure self sacrifice grant one entry into heaven ?



25 And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them,
26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,
30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. 31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?
32 Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace.
33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 14:

[edit on 4-8-2009 by phi1618]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Melissa101

Religions are 1% truth 99% perversions.

Yes everything around you is a sea of perversions, but it is the reality around you that you control and

A little bit of truth mixed with illusions to further a factions agenda.

It is the real test of the physical reality that you are binded too , don't you see?

Do not look outwards look within yourself to find the origin of where you are from and reasoning of being here. The truth is always wanting to be known for that is the whole point of it. Knowledge is not created it is passed on and is always there. Be in the state of understanding, not asking other people, or putting faith into false profits and messiahs.

[edit on 4-8-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 11:01 PM
It's a pretty interesting confirmation of Biblical history and the miracles of the Red sea crossing. My only complaint is that I heard no mention of Ron Wyatts discovery of this place in 1984. Was this perhaps the archeologist who betrayed Wyatt by telling Saudi authorities that he was an Israeli spy?

By the way there are two pillars on either side of the crossing that basically say this was the spot. They have been dated back to the kingdom of Solomon.

There is a lot more to this story, like the egyptian chariot wheels that Ron discovered in the gulf of Aqaba.

[edit on 4-8-2009 by SevenThunders]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by ikonspyre

I say 'false sabbath' because for many years catholic scholars and apologists openly boasted about their success in weaning bible believing christians away from the 'jewish' sabbath to the 'Lords day', or Sunday. Obviously it is worth noting that Sunday is the 'day of the Sun', an icon of pagan worship that goes back to the beginning of time and crosses all manner of religious practices. begs some attention as to just WHY if Sunday was such a universally accepted norm of worship that it will have to be enforced by decree and threat of punishment. This as i understand it will be the crux of the 'end time' issue, since according to the 'ten commandments' the 'sabbath' identifies just WHO the Creator is and that He created the earth and rested on the 7th day, not the first day, sunday. If a false christ or messiah does in fact manifest it would stand to reason that just as all true things have their counterfeit then the false messiah will also need a counterfeit to offer those who would worship him/her.....a false 'sabbath' or day of worship.[quote\]

Yes this is all very true. How many jobs can you get today that allow you to be off on Saturday so you can rest and observe the Sabbath? It is already happening and has been like this for a long time. People have lot touch with the true calander God created for us. Most people are unaware that the year starts around March and Jesus was born in September and the months start at one new moon and end at the eve of the nest new moon. How can most folks earn a living today and observe the Sabbath, not many except those lucky enough to have banker work hours. Even then how many people work around the house on Saturday getting their weekly chores done. I am not sure that it is wrong to attend church services on Sunday but it is clearly stated that Saturday was meant for a day of rest in observance of our God. I also do not think breaking these rules are a one way ticket to hell, once you believe, admit, confess, and are babtised you are saved you cannot be un saved unless you decide to not believe. We all sin. There are consequences to sin or breaking God's laws think about it, he created the law of gravity, what goes up must come down right, well if we defy his other laws there are consequences. There is a reaction to every action right. Well try to think of the reaction to sin within ourselves and the effects it has on others either emotionaly or physicaly.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by '___'eviant

Originally posted by Melissa101
You know there is another misconception too; sins are not rated on a scale Murder being 9, Rape being 10, stealing being 3, lying being a 1. Lying is as bad a sin as killing stealing is as bad as rape. In our world we kind of have a rwting system vut in God's world it is all the same.

So, let's say I was unlucky enough to have been born to a couple of people in a violent city in Africa. The local militia kills my parents. I am homeless, 8 years old, and have no way to fend for myself. i steal a loaf of bread and a piece of fruit from a street vendor because I have been starving and no food has miraculously appeared.

I am now equivalent to a rapist?

Oh dear I would not say the equivalent. Again we are human I would like to think God would this child of steling food to survive. You have to remeber though that children who are under the age of accountability do not get held accountable for their sins like adults do. (BTY: that age is different for everyone)YOu have to know to that God has a plan for everyone and this child may be having these experiences for a reason it is hard for us mear humans to understand that plan but you can bet there is one weather we can understand it or not is irrelevant.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:18 AM
this is pretty cool. i really enjoyed it.

unfortunately, all that it proves is that there were, indeed many real people in a real place that believed in the same fairytales as so many people today.

oh, and there was a geyser. that's pretty nice. too bad god didn't send them cold water though, huh?

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by Melissa101
Yes in a since but not exactly. God intended for there to be ONE religion. There is only ONE God. All the secs are man made and they are evil infiltrated by satan. Before it's pervertedness and corruption people did not ask "what religion are you?" They simply asked "Are you a Christain?" Or "Do you believe in God?" So if the ONE true religion was left alone and everyone believed in God then the world would be perfect. .

Honesly, while I am a very spiritual person, I am not religious. There is a reason for that.

I listen, almost daily, how the Christian, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, et cetera, all claim to have the "truth." Yet, it's funny, because it would seem to me that if any of them had the ULTIMATE TRUTH, this world wouldn't be in the mess it currently is.

No, the only way to find the truth is to study for yourself. You're not going to get it from some pastor with "delusions of grandeur" of being "special." That's not where the answer is. The truth only comes to those who study and reflect upon what is going on in this world.

If a pastor has delusions of grandeur and think they are special then run because you are following a wolf in sheep's clothing. No preacher of God would have this attitude and they would incourage you to study on your own to validate what they are saying is true.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

Oh yea and this comment (because it would seem to me that if any of them had the ULTIMATE TRUTH, this world wouldn't be in the mess it currently is.) is funny to me because many would NOT listen to the ones that have the truth leaving the Earth in the same shape it is in um... right now.

Edit/ Melissa101

[edit on 5-8-2009 by Melissa101]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:39 AM
Yes I think the Bible is a conspiracy. The bible was assembled together with various books to fit different theologies.

I have watched the video and can only figure out some of what was going in the video since it is not subtitled.

Some of the stories in the Bible were discovered to be true. Some places were also discovered to be true.

Even if everything in the Bible were discovered to be true, what does it mean? Several posters in this thread brought that up. It could mean anything. Alien involvement? Possibly.

Does it help your cause? No. Do you want a god that requires you to submit? Murder? Force conformity? Etc? (That is a consipracy). This points more to evil "god" than the true God.

Heck, finding out that the stories and places are true in the Bible will also strengenth Judiasm and Islam cases.

What would YOU think if there were more evidence of the stories told in the Hindi scriptures (especially the stories of flying crafts and nuclear weapons)? You can't say, "Nah those aren't true. They're lying" because you would commit a double standard.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Melissa101
reply to post by phi1618

I have a hypothetical for you, if there was no religion would the world be a better more tolerant place??

LOL... NO, it would be swallowed up with evil. The Bible says that Christains are the salt of the Earth. When the rapture occures and we are all gone the great tribulation will start because the salt of the earth will be gone and so will it's tollerence, peace, and love.

I firmly believe we will not get first contact until all this superstitious mumbo jumbo BS is history. ETA in my opinion is around 800yrs from now. Only then will we be invited into the galactic community. Why would any advanced race make contact with hairless apes who blow each other up 24x7 in the name of 'gods'. Once this curse is purged from humanity and we take the path of science and rational thought we will have reached our true potential. I feel terribly sorry for those living the god lie and holding us all back with this nonsense.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Melissa101
reply to post by Republican08

The kids are right many people do not have faith anymore. We have been demorilized for a reason and guess what? It worked perfectly on some. Even when you shoe them proof they still do not believe, that only validates it's truth.

Yes, God forbid people actually want facts supporting what their told rather than accepting whatever nonsense they are spoon-fed

That video didn't SHOE proof of much of anything and in fact the Bible has been proven an imperfect work of man that mixes historical fact with supernatural elements much the way other mythologies do...

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 05:48 AM
I liked your thread and video...

Im not going to go in to the whole your wrong im right thing but once again all the non believers are the first to respond...

You guys looking for answers???

Or are you trying to convince us in not believing?

If I didn't believe in something I wouldn't bother commenting.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by '___'eviant

Originally posted by Melissa101
You know there is another misconception too; sins are not rated on a scale Murder being 9, Rape being 10, stealing being 3, lying being a 1. Lying is as bad a sin as killing stealing is as bad as rape. In our world we kind of have a rwting system vut in God's world it is all the same.

So, let's say I was unlucky enough to have been born to a couple of people in a violent city in Africa. The local militia kills my parents. I am homeless, 8 years old, and have no way to fend for myself. i steal a loaf of bread and a piece of fruit from a street vendor because I have been starving and no food has miraculously appeared.

I am now equivalent to a rapist?

no, what was being said that sin is sin regardless of what sin it is. if you want to get overexcited and put words in mouths then that's your ball game

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