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Photo - Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate (political fraud)

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
I hope the "Source" of this never darkens ATS's doorway with such spiteful drivel again. ..... with a hidden source that doesn't want to be disclosed. 9 times out of 10 it ends up being the OP themselves as the source.

you have no idea how funny that is.

Oh .. and as for your earlier comment about me being a bigot...
(presumably an anti-black bigot?)
You have seriously disappointed me, whatukno.
I thought you knew better than that.
Not that you care, but you are off my friends list.


immediate edit to fix laughing smilie

[edit on 8/3/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

If it's a hoax and if it's being used in a court case, then that's criminal and a big story.

Well yea, the attorneys would be in a boat load of trouble.

But none of this surprises me, I would have been surprised if it had turned out any other way.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Excuse me? Where in my post did I refer to you as a liar ?

I posted in response to your own post.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:42 AM
What's with the moronic posts about making Canada your 51st state. You are struggling with all your might in Iraq making very little progress, but somehow your gonna take over Canada? ROFL

No wonder some Americans aren't well received around the rest of the world.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by St Vaast
Excuse me? Where in my post did I refer to you as a liar ?


Originally posted by St Vaast
Nor was any source provided for the allegedly 'genuine' birth certificate at the centre of this thread,

I never said it was an 'allegedly genuine birth certificate'. Never. Not once.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Thats exactly my point....its a conspiracy site...people debate the authenticity of things......the fact that it cant be proven or disproved, is what perpetuates the conspiracy for the most part....unless in the rare case it IS proven to be other then what the PTB or mainstream media (often the same thing) is presenting it to be..

So its extremely curious how a rush decision on something thats still in question can be filed in the manner this thread has.

Kind of defeats the whole Deny Ignorance motto of the site, when the people at the top move a thread, without having all the facts, based on one post....

And IF they refute that it was one post, which is what we were lead to believe, then we can link the living crap out of ANYTHING they may have to say proves it a hoax......

Its my opinion this thread has been pretty effective at presenting both evidence for and against these documents, and for the most part objective on both sides...

I believe ATS has done a disservice to the massive amount of people on this site discussing this issue, both for and against it.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:49 AM
Either way it won't make a difference. I know some people have VERY strong feelings on this topic on both sides of the fence. But, at the end of the day, the man is the PRESIDENT! He has access to almost anything and everything. If he wanted to, he could probably get a valid BC by just making a phone call, weather he is a citizen or not. On ATS you see a lot of threads that say past and present presidents were involved in scandals that were absolutely mind boggling (weather they were true or not). To think that the man would not be able to get a BC at the drop of a dime is kinda silly IMO. I don't really stand anywhere on this debate. I don't know if he is a natural citizen or not, and honestly, I probably never will. But what I do know is the man has more pull then most people in the world. So I'm pretty sure that this will end with a certified BC no matter which way you see it.

Thanks for the thread OP. Its been a very interesting read regardless of the outcome

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by KaginD

Thanks for the thread OP. Its been a very interesting read regardless of the outcome

YES IT HAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya FF you are eloquent and intelligent one of my favorite posters on the forum.

You deserve better then the hoax label.

This was a good topic,

BTW did they take away all your stars and flages?

I wish I could change the world, but I live under TBTB even on a forum.

[edit on 103131p://bMonday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by KaginD

This is true. And, I think that this is something that we need to always keep in the back of our minds--Obama could probably just fake a BC if needed. I know I at least try to remember that whenever I talk about this topic.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:59 AM
About the consitution's perfection

So if this has nothing to do with race are you equally as fired up about "In God We Trust" on our money violating the first amendment?

-The various gun bans that come and go violating our second amendment?

-Our soldiers violating the 3rd our amendment taking over peoples homes in iraq and afganistan?

-The constant violation of our 4th amendment rights against unlawful search and seisure?

-The 5th amendment due process rights being violated against arab 'looking' US citizens?

-The thrashing of the 6th amendment with long drawn out tv trials and extensive jurior screening to find anything but impartial juriors for the prosecution?

-The 7th amendment, 28 dollars.. and that trampled by countless appeals courts?

-The 8th amendment, escessive fines.. can you say bail bondsman.. and cruel and unusual punishment, can you say modern day prison life?

-The 9th amendment, care to ask the gay marriage supporters and pro lifers how the 9th is working for them?

-The 10th amendment, well just ask pot smokers if that ones being upheld.

-Article 1, well, according to this I can pay 10 dollars and buy myself a slave, and lets not forget the willy nilly suspension of the writ of habeaus corpus

-Article 2, every president tramples on the pardon system just before leaving office but this is the one in question. Article 2 has been pretty trampled in the last 40 years with presidents taking war action without congress declaring it first.


-Article 6, a person's religion can have nothing to do with holding office. I guess a lot of these sentators break the moral clauses as grounds for dismissal but they're really being judged against a religious standard. BAD

I could go on about other amendments but I think I've made my point. The US has been in a sad state with upholding our constitution for quite a while and there's a LOT of perversion of the consitution going on already. If I can see this, then surely the more educated amongst us can see this is really not about Obama possibly violating article 2 of the consitution.

Prove me wrong, lets get every bit as up in arms about the rest of the injustice in America. We're talking about what amounts to a technicality. I don't think anyone is going to argue that he has not been in the United States since before his first birthday. I don't know about the rest of you but my memories of my life start around 4-5 years old and even then its foggy, to hold someone to this kind of standard long before their even able to say Da Da is absolutely irrational.

I'd say if you came here at 10 years old, you have memories of life in another country, a history there, you've been part of its beliefs and educational system. That's the difference, there's definitely a logical limit for Natural Born Citizen. I'd say that should be just about the time you start forming memories (lets say, ~3rd birthday) and its clear that Obama was a full blown citizen of the USA long before he knew what the USA was.

But this is about the consitution!!
--OK, technically your right. Technically! If thats how you wanna push your agenda, this is as solid a foundation as anything else, beyond what I said, if this document is authentic, it certainly gives you the power to impeach our first black president in his first year in office while hes doing a pretty good job at that.

I hate what that would say about America though, that its the witch hunts all over again, that we could let George Bush trample our rights for 8 years but boot Obama his first year on a technicality. It's your call America, I'm becoming more of a dissident every day because of people like you. Land of the free, home of the White Christians. Be gone Blacks, Gays, and Muslims this is America. Or am I wrong?

To thy own self be true

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:01 AM
I'm also big enough to conceed my above post has some flaws of its own in that I'm over simplifying the issues and only skimming the surface of what is a problem larger than I'm capable of fully tackling, but they are valid issues and I hope I'm not offending anyone (namely troops).

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by serial

-Our soldiers violating the 3rd our amendment taking over peoples homes in iraq and afganistan?

The third amendment only protects Americans, in America. It doesn't extend to anyone else.

ETA: That doesn't make it right though.

[edit on 8/3/2009 by octotom]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by oneclickaway

I just don't like black people period. There is nothing wrong with me not liking somone for the color of theor skin. It's been happening since time immortal. I'm sure there are people that dislike you for some reason. It may not be the color of your skin but there's a reason you wouldn't like. So in a nutshell yes you're right I'm a white man in middle AmeriKa that dislikes black folks. Once again this is my opinion. I can say whatever I want to anywhere I want to and no one has the legal means to stop me. If there is a law that says you can't dislike somone for their skin color please show it to me. I'm not saying, kill all those blacks, murder the president, or anything else of that nature. They have every right that has been given to them I suppose. That doesn't mean I have to like it. I'm sure you don't like somone for a reason that makes NO sense to anyone but you. Does that make you any less intelligent? More superior? NO that just means you have your opinion wether it's right or wrong. Everyone is so scared of stepping one someone's toes. You know what? We'd have a lot less strife in this country if we'd all just leave each other alone when we get offended. I DO NOT condone violence one little bit. No I wouldn't hang a man just because he was black. The laws were passsed so that black men could be equal to white man. Doesn't mean I had to vote for those laws or like the fact that they got passed.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by serial
So if this has nothing to do with race are you equally as fired up about "In God We Trust" on our money violating the first amendment?....I could go on about other amendments but I think I've made my point.

yep you certainly did. You think we are all a bunch of narrow minded nitwit racist pigs who can't think about anything except what color skin Obama's daddy had.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by serial
About the consitution's perfectionLand of the free, home of the White Christians. Be gone Blacks, Gays, and Muslims this is America. Or am I wrong?

To thy own self be true

You were doing fine until the above quote. I'll be clear. You Are Wrong.

How you came up with that conclusion defies logic.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Lou Dobbs Right on Obama Birth Certificate

Monday, August 3, 2009 9:48 AM

By: Newsmax Staff Article Font Size

The Associated Press is wrong and Lou Dobbs is right.

This past weekend, the AP published a story entitled "CNN's Dobbs Under Fire for Hosting 'Birthers'".

The AP began their highly critical story on Dobbs: "He's become a publicity nightmare for CNN, embarrassed his boss and hosted a show that seemed to contradict the network's 'no bias' brand."

And what is Dobbs' "crime?" He has said on air that Obama should release his birth certificate and has had on his show guests who suggested Obama was born outside the U.S.

Dobbs does not believe Obama was born outside the U.S., nor does Newsmax. The evidence indicates he was born in Hawaii. But the indisputable fact is that Obama has not released his birth certificate, which the state of Hawaii issues for all citizens born there. The AP implies that Obama has not released a "long version of his birth certificate." But there is no such thing as a long version of a birth certificate.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by octotom
reply to post by serial

-Our soldiers violating the 3rd our amendment taking over peoples homes in iraq and afganistan?

The third amendment only protects Americans, in America. It doesn't extend to anyone else.

ETA: That doesn't make it right though.

[edit on 8/3/2009 by octotom]

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

I don't know how you read that, but since war has not been declared it seems just as valid that our troops can not take quarter in unwilling homes on foreign soil either. Our troops, our consitution, we're not suddenly no longer bound to our own constitution just because we're on foreign soil. I don't want to debate each individual point too much either though I would like to stay on topic, I just wanted to point out that for people shouting constitutional decree against Obama's citizenship, there's more pressing issues to deal with.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by serial

I understand your concern, and I agree with you for the most part.

Except i dont think we need to amend the constitution.I also dont subscribe to the racism or religious issue....

I do however believe that we have allowed the constitution to be trampled on , and not by just this administration. And those guilty of the hypocrisy of blaming this administration and not the last , SHOULD be ashamed of themselves.

There are a few schools of thought on that im sure, but, if they were ignorant to the actions of the last administration for whatever reason, and just woke up because of this one, they should be ashamed......HOWEVER I AM glad that they woke up....

Just remember bud, that there are those of us tho, that have been screaming and yelling about this sort of blatant disregard for our constitution for a long long time, it just seems that its only now people are really starting to hear us, for better or for worse....

Keep thinking critically tho, thats the only thing that will bring about truth and change on all levels....

Thanks for your input

[edit on 3-8-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:14 AM
The presidency is owned by the people, scholars and biographers who have a right to know.

Carol Swain

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:16 AM
SG has started another thread that mods are allowing to stand (coughflagwhoringcough)

This one is hoax tagged now.

can you still not name the source FF?

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