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Falling Fireball in Mexico 07/26/09

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posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:55 AM
Whoo hoo! can't wait for the 11th, 12th august peak then. That should be some show and undeniable fact that they are really fireballs.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by warrenb

Although mine is a belated reply, I must also say it's a contrail being illuminated by a low-angle (i.e. setting) sun.

There have been many threads about this effect.

The videos posted earlier in the thread by Phage cover this off very nicely.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 08:29 AM
The OP looks like a large meteor burning through the atmosphere on a trajectory, as to just pass through the atmosphere, but not hit the earth. Thank the stars, cause by the size it appears to be, it could have taken out half a small town.

The video phage shows appears to be a contrail as he said. I just don't think the OP is a contrail because of the huge odd shaped ball thats on fire leading the way with the tail which remains about the same size the entire 4 minutes. Also it doesn't turn, speed up, or slow down.

Funny is the 3 video posted of an actual metoer hitting the earth. It struck me as funny as it was a freak occurance, and only lasted 30 seconds or so, out in some small rural area, yea it was caught on at least 3 different cameras. Yet we only have one camera view of the pentagon explosion, and it isnt even as clear as those three I spoke of. Sorry I just found that really, really odd.

Nice video though for sure OP, S+F

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 08:30 AM
Cool video, would of liked to see it in person. Really its a sin to see these events through the lens of these poopy cameras. Lets hope real HD tech will get into the hands of the public soon.

As to what it is, my first thought was "that can't be entering the atmosphere, its not the right angle and to be seen that long it would be skipping across the atmosphere and have to be huge/dense to be seen for that long. I've seen a sat enter the atmosphere before, it looked like a 747 had exploded in green/blue fire and was cartwheeling through the sky but it was visible for only a few seconds. This is not anything I've seen before but I could readily believe the contrail scenario.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:12 AM
Ok - Just saw it .. My net was down for the last 3 days.
. .
This is just simply - Amazing.

Wy I say so is 'cause of 2 things.

1) Notice how it is directly aligned with the mountain's ''peak''..
What arer the chances of a random rock from outer space, targeting our planet, and that too without burning up and to top it all, entering an area thats barely a couple hundred mtrs across in width !

2) Look very carefully - if you have a HD Tv - nothing like it,
but even on a normal one, observe carefully the edges of the
There is something shimmering around it almost like a mirage..
Now I know what you'all gonna say - It - the shimmering is causedf by the heat its exuding while entering our atmosphere
possible - but for me, it looks deliberate.

Maybe a cloaking device, or some gravity invisibility shield or - well - who knows.

But I'm quite convinced this is not - repeat NOT a ordinry meteor.

I'm currently doing my doctorate in Astronomical phenomena and space systems.

seen hundreds of meteors - none like this though !

great find !
S & F for you!

.. umm lemme guess - 0.000023763% ?

Hah !


Heck I can bet 20 bucks it ain't a meteor or natural phenomena coz

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:16 AM
2) Look very carefully - if you have a HD Tv - nothing like it,
but even on a normal one, observe carefully the edges of the
There is something shimmering around it almost like a mirage..
Now I know what you'all gonna say - It - the shimmering is causedf by the heat its exuding while entering our atmosphere
possible - but for me, it looks deliberate.

Maybe a cloaking device, or some hey - who knows.

But I'm convinced this is not - repeat NOT a ordinry meteor.

I'm currently doing my doctorate in Astronomical phenomena and Iv'e hundreds of meteors - none like this though !

great find !
S & F for you!

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:18 AM




post !

Flip of the Singer .. i mn slip of the finger , u see !

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:59 AM
Maybe it's me,but if you look carefully at 1:05 it appears to be spinning. It could be atmospheric waver but...?

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 10:32 AM
That is one slow fireball, what is it actually.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 10:51 AM
It's definitely an object. The object could have been illuminated by the sun. Definitely not a contrail. It looks like an object, it looks like it's coming down to earth. Contrails don't act like this . This object seems that it's coming straight to hit land!
It's either a meteorite or an unknown spacecraft shot by us with some plasma weapon.( you probably saw in one of YouTube videos when NASA captured a UFO that was moving around our upper atmosphere and after that a plasma/beam fired at it from earth and the UFO had to scram away ).The object could have just burned down as it enters the atmosphere, giving it the appearance of a meteorite .
This could be a perfect time to shot down unknown spacecrafts in space.
A lot of people could mistaken this with the upcoming meteor shower.

I don't know if it's related, but take a look:

Mexico: The Xochitepec Fireball - UFO or Meteorite?

Residents of Xochitepec were treated to the sight of a "ball of fire" over Avenida Aeropuerto in the Miguel Hidalgo section of town. The witnesses fixed their eyes on a brilliant object in the sky for five minutes, before the sighting ended in a lightning-like flash and disappeared. The unidentified object's presence drew the attention of many: some took out their camcorders, others photographed the "ball of fire" that seemed to fall very slowly from the heavens under clear skies.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by warrenb

Interesting daytime/evening fireball video.

Perhaps it is related to the Perseid meteor showers?

Any ideas?

The flare is going up at a 45 degree angle.
Another UFO caught in the sky.
Give it up to the rookie pilot.
At least he is stilling hanging on to the ether carriers.
Air and ether are insulative mediums with electrical forces.
With Tesla technology you break on through like the transistor walls.
Just a quantum more voltage and the power is released.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by warrenb

Interesting daytime/evening fireball video.

Perhaps it is related to the Perseid meteor showers?

Any ideas?

Hello warrenb, this video you posted was recorded on December 23, 2002 in Mexico
city by skywatcher Arturo Robles. It is not from July 26, 2009 like the YouTube user
wrote. This Youtube version has the audio removed.

This footage was released on television at that time and I have a copy of the broadcast.
If you want to see the 2002 newscast just let me know.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:13 PM
It's an aeroplane and its contrails, the transit is consistent of a jet.
Anything like a fireball going that slowly in transit would have to be a very,very long distance out in space, and most likely not seeable under those circumstances.
Just a jet and contrails, lit by the Sun.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 02:31 PM
Another jet and sunlit contrail.

As I've said before when these come up... look at the sky. It's obvious that the sun is close to the horizon. This is the only time of day that you see this "phenomenon". The rest of the time, contrails look white, as they normally do, and everyone ignores them...

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 03:32 AM
Im kindof new to posting here though ive lurked for a good while. Watching this i immediately questioned it being a space rock as its apparent velocity is entirely too slow. Even if it were traveling in the highest levels of the atmosphere its apparent speed doesnt appear much faster than a jet at cruise altitude. Nor does it exhibit any behaviors of contrails during sunset (ive observed enough of them to examine their appearance.

Luminosity of a chemtrail in sunset is extremely bright, but doesnt have any intrinsic orange hue saturation around its exterior edges as you can see in the video. if anything this would reflect the suns color near the horizon, but as they stretch across the sky, the sunset lit chemtrail overhead looks far more brilliant and colorless. also the source exhibiting the chem/contrail does not SHIMMER (luminosity doesnt flicker, this would be an indication that the source is EMITTING light, not simply reflecting it).

Given its speed and given its obvious fiery nature, has anyone considered that this may be a piece of space debris/trash reenterint the atmosphere? Even that would seem like it would take far quicker to burn up, but its the closest explanation i can think of besides saying "jeah its clearly alien zomg".

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 01:08 PM
with every thing that has been said. I dont really care what it is right now. That is just amazing.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 04:58 PM
Another Watcher/son of god, falls to earth.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by irate
Given its speed and given its obvious fiery nature, has anyone considered that this may be a piece of space debris/trash reenterint the atmosphere?

Yes. Space junk/reentries are actually fairly easy to tell apart once you have seen a few.

Here are a few examples:

Originally posted by irate
Even that would seem like it would take far quicker to burn up, but its the closest explanation i can think of besides saying "jeah its clearly alien zomg".

It depends on the object reentering, but they can go on for quite some time.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 08:26 PM
star, and flag to the op, but the link said it wasn't working???????

I remember up in the woods in Montana about 6 years ago. It was about 3 in the morning, and I looked out the window at what appeared as 4 fire balls with tails falling into the woods about 1000ft out. It really freaked me out; because they fell at a consistently slow speed.

I kept sitting there waiting for creatures from Mars to start coming out of the woods. Never have seen them again.

I notice many of the mainstream "science in a box" People in here debunking it, but I gotta say that mentality is what kept the Earth flat for a long time.

Just because something doesn't fit in the box, or makes the tidy box dirty; doesn't mean it didn't happen, or exist. Imo We as a species would be further along if throughout history scientists hadn't stomped on things that didn't fit into their tidy little box, or I should say view point.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
It was about 3 in the morning, and I looked out the window at what appeared as 4 fire balls with tails falling into the woods about 1000ft out. It really freaked me out; because they fell at a consistently slow speed.

But that is what you would expect from a junk reentry... and also meteors have been known to do this too.

Just because they were consistently slow, and all falling at the same rate, does not mean it has to be UFO related...

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