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A : The First letter in the Pyramid alphabet

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posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 06:59 PM

To me that looks like the pyramid with the eye in the middle. I've posted about this b4 to see if anyone noticed. But this time i wanted to know

1: Has anyone seen and or noticed this befor?
2: Does anyone know of any other small stuff like this prevalent in society?
3: Can anyone point out anything else that I might not have noticed yet
(alphabet or numbers)
4: Ok this one just bugs me, when you go to post a message there is the smiley faces... One of them is an upside down yield sign called hey
now what bugs me is how it looks like an pyramid with the eye in the middle?
Why here and why an upside down yield sign?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:07 PM
So every time you see a triangle you are going to think it represents a pyramid?

Get ready to be upset when you leave your basement!


[edit on 11-7-2009 by breakingdradles]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:11 PM
im not saying that, i think its there, i mean look
Once your eyes are open....
then you shall see....

( And in the history of the english language, its well know that this language was made up of otheres and it was CREATED by the amalgamating of others, kind of symbolic dont you think)

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:17 PM
Your looking to far into things which are not really important. You should start reading into quantum physics my friend then you may relize there is patterns all throughout life that mirror what we do as humans in our artistic creativity.

After all the alphabet is a human creativity to represent our thoughts.

[edit on 11/7/2009 by theflashor]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:35 PM
Ok quantum physics, the peopel who research quantum physics dont even understand quantum physics. No one has answers in that field. I have looked into it.

And the reson why i think it is important is because, whoever this group of people is that control stuff, they are arrogant enough to put it right in our faces. And in my research ive found that they Like to use symbolism. I mean the english got control of north american, and now here we are.
They flaunt all the signs. I mean they must literally have no fear of us.

You say im looking too deep, i say your not looking deep enough.

Anyone have anything constructive?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:45 PM
If you look at anything long enough, you will see whatever you want (hope) to see.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:54 PM
I agree with that, but alls i am trying to point out is that it is Coincidental, that the first letter of the alphabet looks like that.

In chinese or other asian countries, the symbols of their alphabet arent just alphabet, each one means something.

Now maybe ours does too, but we just have lost, or dont know, or even been denied that information.

Honestly my spirit is almost broken here at ATS everytime someone finds some new infomation they are just trying to share, they get pelted with random weird nothing to do with replies, that add nothing to the thread but instead actually try and take away from the possible validity of the statement.

OK so i say THEORETICALLY, if this were the case, that A was a symbol, does anyone see anything else i dont right now... I am also searching for answers just as you are.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:57 PM
Actually, the letter 'A', in its current form, can be traced back to the Greeks, and even further to ~1600 BC, with a slight tilt.

The Letter A

Quite a bit of interesting history behind our alphabet, but in my opinion a bit to old to be associated with such a conspiracy.

As for
, sometimes you just see what you want to see. Triangle-shaped street signs mean 'caution', and when an exclamation is included it means 'warning'. That's really all there is to it, IMHO.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:16 PM
I give up

but personally i do think its possible it went back that far.
It can already be traced back to rome.

"In the land of the Blind, The One eyed man is King"

Good luck all here.
Goodbye, Its pointless to show what you know here.

The biggest growing thread in ATS
SMOKER READY TO QUIT......... yeah thats Above Top Secret

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:24 PM
A triangle is one of the most basic shapes there is. 3 equal sides. Seems to me it only stands to reason people are going to use it a good bit. Same for circles, squares and rectangles.

If you really want to understand the majority of most symbols based on geometric shapes, I would suggest checking into "sacred geometry" and the "flower of life". You will find every religious symbol and the basic shapes from 2d, 3d and even the shadows of 4d objects(we can't see in 4d) in sacred geometry.

The pyramid actually defines the basic concepts of "reality".

If you take a center point. And you draw out a straight line from that center point in each of our 3 dimensional directions, you will end up with 2 pyramids, stacked on top of each other.

So, you draw 1 line straight up and down. You then draw a line from left to right, and from the front to back. 3 lines, 6 points/ends.

Draw lines between each end point to the nearest closest without crossing lines, and you end up with a diamond/pyramid shape.

It's all sacred geometry and is the basic logical foundations of the universe(or more honestly, perception). It's not just in our alphabets and such, it's in nature and everything.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by KingAtlas
I give up

but personally i do think its possible it went back that far.
It can already be traced back to rome.

"In the land of the Blind, The One eyed man is King"

Good luck all here.
Goodbye, Its pointless to show what you know here.

The biggest growing thread in ATS
SMOKER READY TO QUIT......... yeah thats Above Top Secret

If you give up that easily, why begin? If you expect people to fall in line with your thinking.. with no other backing besides theory, well, you haven't been around these parts long.

Sure it may be possible, but do some deeper digging, and bring back references to back up your claims.

It is never pointless to show what "you know" here.... but technically you do not "know" anything yet, other than your theory.

Your last statement there shows you really just want a big discussion if you are so worried about which is the "biggest growing thread".

Theory... evidence.... good argument.... THAT makes for great threads in this neck of the woods.

Have a good one.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 09:00 PM
Need more information, someone coulda just said that...

Reality is experienced through the 'eye' or 'I' of time. It is your personal journey, simultaneously on many levels
End Quote

Coincidence ( The letter representing eye ( I ) neatly resembles the first number)

The all seeing Eye is based from Egypt, very close to where writing ORIGINATED.

trying to trace it back brings about a whole messed up game.
Back to the founding fathers first, they were there...

The winners choose the alphabet.

"Terry Jones then journeys to Greece, during the time of Pythagoras. Jones discusses Pythagoras' obsession with numbers, his secret society dedicated to numbers, the Pythagorean theorem, and his flawed belief that all things could be measured in units
End Quote

Hmm Coincidences
This bloodline and its offshoots includes a long line of pharaohs in ancient Egypt, including Rameses II (1295-1228 BC), who is considered to be the greatest pharaoh of all. He was his country's master architect (sacred geometry) and his name can be found on almost every ancient shrine.
End Quote ~ speaking of the Bloodline of the elite.

One common link in this bloodline is Philip of Macedonia (382-336BC),who married Olympias, and their son was Alexander the Great (356-323BC)
End quote

Going back pretty far now

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 09:04 PM
And i am not trying to creat a giant thread, but some feed back other than, "thats not true because i think different"
would be nice. AND i meant it in the sense that this isnt really the place to be talking about quiting smoking? is it, whats next helping girls figure out how to use tampons?

I am saying there are coincidences, and if we all ignore them then they get away with it. Why not postulate the idea. This language, is a creation.

If you had a secret society, would you not creat your own language with hidden meaning so you would feel special and above the other normal people? I wouldnt personally, but i am sure some would love that, people like being in "clicks"

[edit on 11-7-2009 by KingAtlas]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by KingAtlas
And i am not trying to creat a giant thread, but some feed back other than, "thats not true because i think different"

I don't believe anyone said that.

I think most people are waiting for you to back up your claim.

You've almost put 1 post's worth of information in this whole thread backing up your claim.

Next time try to get everything to back up a claim in the first post, as if the first post leaves the reader wanting, they will click away.

Also, I agree that threads like "ready to quit smoking" getting to the front page is stupid, especially when threads with more flags that day are pulled from the front page because they are off color.

Just remember one thing, extrordinary claims take extrordinary evidence!

Without it, you will get bs posts like mine and others

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by KingAtlas

All things of the universe can be explained by numbers. The "eye" or "I" is that which is the observer, or "god". And that is not of this universe, it is beyond it.

It is that "eye" or "I" within you that gives you conscioussness, and allows you to have reason and understanding, and to be an observer of the universe(seeing). It is from that, which you get the sense of "I am".

So the universe itself works off logic and all things can be explained by logic as far as the physical is concerned. The "word" that made creation is logic, same as with programs. Thus, "reality" is really just a program, of which the "I" or "eye" is the player. In the end, there is only 1 observer, and that is the programmer/god.

In the bible it is said you are not of this world, and you are hated for it. Things of "this world", work on action and reaction. And because of that, they have no free will, no choice and those who seek power/control can easily get things of this world to do what it wants, because it has no choice.

Take a rocket for example. We introduce the correct actions in order to bring about the reactions we want. Because the rocket has no free will or choice, it gives us power because we can control where it goes. If that rocket had a choice, then who knows where it might go, it could choose to do anything, and thus does not give power or control.

Because of that "eye" or "I", or the "father within you", you do have free will and choice. And because that is within you and is not of this world, you are hated for it. Because you do not bring them power and control when you are able to choose otherwise.

To "sell your soul" is to sell your freewill and choice in exchange for material possessions. Where you basically become a puppet, who only does what they are told and does not use their free will/choice. Yes I'm looking at you Sean Hannity if you should happen to read this by some odd chance.

The manipulation of this planet is to turn people into robots without choice, or to give them the illusion of choice. This is usually done with duality and by limiting peoples choices into 2 possibilities. Such as the left vs right paradigm. At which point, they can start to introduce the actions, as a way of bring about the reactions they want from the people. 9/11 happened = action, reaction wanted = 2 wars and a bunch of "security" measures.

Manipulation as such is only need on those things that had choice. No need to manipulate the rocket to go where it goes, it has no choice.

Thus, the "all seeing eye of god". But it's been manipulated as far as I can tell from being "within" people, to being external, which one can only guess is for the purpose of allowing someone/thing else to fill the role.

But truly that "I" or "eye" is found within a person, not "out there". Because it is within people, the people are the authority, and because they are the authority they are manipulated and deceived into doing things.

So the war on god is a war on consciousness, free will and choice.

Matthew 7
28And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:

29For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

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