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Rant of the ages. There goes my rep. (Need a new name)

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posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 11:09 PM
So here we go...rant on.

First thought-
What-the-f is the point of all of this (life)? We can try are hardest and even if we do make "history" we will never be truly remembered. Heck, if we are lucky, we might be a name in a family tree. So what is the point?

Second thought-
Why did I post his in conspiracies?
Well...we are taught our whole live that there is a point to life. We are told we need to succeed. We are told to keep moving forward even though almost all of us will die unexpectedly, or useless/forgotten. Who is selling this crap? If there is a conspiracy out there it is that we should believe anything. There is a system out there that teaches us to be good slaves. FOLLOW THE PATTERN! It obviously works! Look at all the successful rich a-holes, but to be recognized you need to go to school! Ah yes, culture. That is our real problem. We are slaves to our cultures. How can I explain what I see? My IQ is over 140. Could you explain algebra to mentally challenged person? Averare IQ is 100. 100+40=140=genius. 100-40=60=retarded. So 140 vs. 100 is like talking to a mentally retarded person for us! How the hell can I relate to all these people when they can't see what I do? How many times have you had ideas about science/technology/theory/new inventions on a WHIM that you see a year later in a damn magazine? How frustrating would it be to you to see a mentally challenged person be praised over you?

Third thought-
Back to how we'll be remembered. Let's assume you're successful. Great...maybe you'll get a documentary or a mention in some text, but why the f does that matter? Do we get to see that...nope. We all die. Given enough time we are forgotten. Better yet, given enough time the human race will be extinct, then who the hell will give a crap about what you did/cared for/accomplished?

Fourth jump-
Rant to rant. Lets keep going. Being remembered, being smart, whatever it is why care? Caring about what others think is what motivates us. Being the best you can be? Don't try to sell me that crap. Almost all of us try to be the best what we think others think we should be. How else would society work? Without us worrying about others, we would all be sociopaths. The great part is once you become a sociopath you can do great things. You don't think people completely devoted to them selves are normal do you? No, they are sociopaths who follow their urges. Either way, they all still end up alone, but then again, why does it matter? We will be forgotten eventually.

Fifth Phase-
It doesn't matter. Go live life. Stop checking useless crap like this site. If you could do anything, even if you couldn't be remembered would you spend your time on ATS? Would you buy these stories? Being gullible is easy. Hells if you read this far, then take a look off your screen for a change. Go do what you want. F everything else-stop being afraid of what you're programmed to be afraid of. F culture! Who has ever done what they wanted that jibed 100% with their culture? Do you think you could do great things? Get off the computer and do what you truly desire. F what everyone else thinks. Grow up. Become you're own person. It isn't easy, but you can change the world while you live. Just because you'll be forgotten doesn't mean you can't have a heck of a time on the way down. Go crazy. Stop following what you think you should do and start doing what you know you should do.

Peace out-
What are we all waiting for?
We are waiting for the time when we all realize that we can truly do what we want. We are waiting for the time when no one wants to hurt another person. We are waiting for people to become individuals completely, but not products of their culture. Grow up. Let things go. If we weren't offended by things, there would be no conflict. Try to understand. Look past your computer. Most of all, become what you want-screw others (peacefully).

140's vs 100's. I hope you can...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:14 PM
that is interesting...

Let me pose a question that is a bit different. Why complain about the source of the motivation of others? Why list your IQ? You talk about not caring about being remembered but in the space of this post you discuss your lovely IQ...and it is lovely by the way...versus someome with a 60. Well first off I would like to go on the record to say that the IQ test is worthless. It measures the ability to recognize patterns. Do you really need a number to tell you you are bright? Do I need a number to tell a mentally-challenged person? Does that higher number make you feel more important? What would you say if mine was higher than yours? Would that make a difference? I don't think it would...

Mine is well up there and I can tell you now it hasn't done a thing for me because intelligence isn't something that can be defined by a number. We are all smart in some realms and stupid in others.

I can read cosmology and physics and imagine what higher dimensions might look like. I have a talent in psychology and medicine. I can read a horse's language like I can read my own...but give me a book by Shakespeare or Whitman and I can't tell you what the [snip] they are saying. I can't remember history for the life of me and I know NOTHING about finance and business except that 1 dollar is less that 2 and that less is usually worse than more when it comes to money earned. Bring me a car and open the hood and tell me to figure out the problem and I guarantee I will come to one is indeed a car...

We all have our strengths and weaknesses so I will say again that number is nothing.

I see no difficulty in a mentally challenged person being praised over me because I do not need praise to sustain my capacities. I have taken the IQ test twice. I know my number and whether I am higher or lower than another is meaningless. As far as an invention...well here is the problem with invention.

No matter how smart you are, someone has probably come up with the idea. Now if you have an idea, get it patented. The thing is, you can get all upset that someone did it first but whose fault is that? I would say the one who sat on their rear and didn't develop it.

Now as far as the rest of the rant goes...who cares what ther motivation is. Let's say some guy becomes a millionaire for an invention that helped humanity. Are we going to boycott it because the person was self-absorbed and only made the invention because he wanted money? I certainly hope not.

The way I see it is we all have our own motivations and who cares what they are if the end result is good.

Some people need praise and others don't but it is indeed a portion of the human condition to to want to leave a legacy. I want to be a psycholgist because I believe one of my talents lies in the decoding the mind. I want to help others but I won't be a hypocrite...there is a part of me that would like to see my name on a book I write.

In fact...some may think the reason you wrote this post is so that you will go down in history as the man who challenged the human condition.

You want my advice? Live and let's so healthy


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:20 PM
You can always pull a castlevania's dracula and declare war on your own mortality if just to spite the system/god that instituted you with it.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:42 PM
You're right, but the begining of your post made me think you were wrong. Nobody knows what happens after you die, so, maybe there is a point. Who knows? And of course nobody is going to remember you when you die. People just don't care that much, but that shouldn't be the driving force behind every action one takes. Though, I'm sure in some cases it is.

I'd also have to agree with Kyo. Why post your IQ? Because you made it sound like you're ranting to a bunch of idiots (ME!!!) only hoping to find someone intelligent enough to understand you. It sounded pompous, but the end to your rant sounded much better (to me anyways).

However, I'm sure my reply means nothing and will not be remembered. I'm fine with that, because at least I wrote it. Ooh yeah, I'm a doer!
Oh, and obviously if people could do anything they would waste their time on "useless" sights like these. I mean come on. Why not?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 06:52 PM
I have come to this conclusion years ago even before I entered high school. I didn't really get into the whole high school thing because I saw it as pointless. Why do something billions of people repeated? But then after doing some traveling, seeing people that were close to me die, I changed my perception of it all a little bit. I still agree with you that what we do in our lives will be forgotten in time even if we became famous. But that is not the goal in life. That's just an enlarged ego that is afraid of death that wants to be remembered throughout the ages. What we do in life is important to us personally.

Life is just simply life. We are born with our basic needs, everything else is just fluff.What we do with our own lives are what we make of them, who cares if we're remembered in time, we'd be dead anyway. Is there some reward after we die? I doubt it. Either we are reborn, or enter some other plane of existence, or most likely, we just simply die. Once we go, we are gone. I could be wrong, but that's the beauty of it! I stopped worrying about what is going to happen once this life ends, I just started focusing on this life. It's so much better. Personally, I don't think anyone is wasting their live doing things such as being on this site. If it's something someone likes, then who is anyone to tell anyone to stop what they are doing?

I don't live on this site, but It's part of my daily ritual. I can talk to people on here about things I can't talk to with people in my environment. Some a little open minded to it, but everyone else either thinks you are crazy and will walk away, or you get someone so upset they want to pick a fight with you. Or you get the polite smiles and are told to watch the news and get with reality. Besides, i don't have much else I feel like doing. I could go to town looking for women, but I have one that I'm content with, so no desire to find another.

All of my close friends have their own things going on, be it careers, family, military, or living across the country, so I can't just call up the guys again to do something. I could go for a ride, yes, but I do that a lot any way. I could go on a road trip or somewhere exotic, but I'm broke. I could go watch some tv, but that's boring. I could go workout, but already did that earlier, and according to you that would be a waste of time. So, I guess a loser here waiting for the Star Wars mmo game to come out has nothing else better to do a various times of the night to post on ATS, and looking up subjects of interest that isn't porn. You going through some sort of mental break down? It's ok, i went through many of those, and went through a big one when I first thought that all life is pointless. You'll be fine.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Darth Lumina
"I have come to this conclusion years ago even before I entered high school. I didn't really get into the whole high school thing because I saw it as pointless."

I thought of high school as pointless as first, but i decided to play along and brought my gpa up by .8 by graduation.

Originally posted by Darth Lumina
"Why do something billions of people repeated? But then after doing some traveling, seeing people that were close to me die, I changed my perception of it all a little bit. I still agree with you that what we do in our lives will be forgotten in time even if we became famous. But that is not the goal in life. That's just an enlarged ego that is afraid of death that wants to be remembered throughout the ages."

If everything will end up lost, why would I want to be remembered? Also, my father died in front of the house...and I had to give him mouth to mouth....and I had to call the death b/c the doctor couldn't do anymore. The worst moment of my life. Doctors: "no he can't feel pain, but he can still hear you." Me: "really? That makes no sense!" Doctors: "just talk to him." Then I decided to say my goodbyes like they suggested. He had tears running down his eyes.

Originally posted by Darth Lumina
"I don't live on this site, but It's part of my daily ritual. I can talk to people on here about things I can't talk to with people in my environment. Some a little open minded to it, but everyone else either thinks you are crazy and will walk away, or you get someone so upset they want to pick a fight with you. Or you get the polite smiles and are told to watch the news and get with reality. Besides, i don't have much else I feel like doing. I could go to town looking for women, but I have one that I'm content with, so no desire to find another. "

Sounds a lot like me recently: apathetic.

Originally posted by Darth Lumina
"All of my close friends have their own things going on, be it careers, family, military, or living across the country, so I can't just call up the guys again to do something. I could go for a ride, yes, but I do that a lot any way. I could go on a road trip or somewhere exotic, but I'm broke. I could go watch some tv, but that's boring. I could go workout, but already did that earlier, and according to you that would be a waste of time. So, I guess a loser here waiting for the Star Wars mmo game to come out has nothing else better to do a various times of the night to post on ATS, and looking up subjects of interest that isn't porn."

As I said apathetic. I'm the same way. This site and many others are a little ritual of mine. ATS, crave, post secret. megagames, and of course the weather channel. TV? I used to love it. Now I can't watch it. As for games, I am more of an JRPG fan. FF13, assasin's creed 2, and mass effect 2 are what I'm waiting for. Exercise? Well, I lost 100 lbs in high school, and kept it off (it pays off). Meh. And beyond porn, yes ATS is a good use for the internet.

Originally posted by Darth Lumina
"You going through some sort of mental break down? It's ok, i went through many of those, and went through a big one when I first thought that all life is pointless. You'll be fine."

I've had many of these too. I'm in a big rut. I will see "the light" again, but right now I am very lost. The only thing pushing me forward is my family. We push each other.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by KyoZero
first off I would like to go on the record to say that the IQ test is worthless. It measures the ability to recognize patterns."

Okay, this is my first issue with your post that irked me. IQ is useless, but it allows you to recognize patterns. So if 99+% of the population is lower IQ than you, how do you explain the patterns you see? What if you recognize patterns within those same people that they can't? It would make a great psychologist. It is hard to relate. Can someone of average IQ relate to someone mildly retarded? Sure, but not completely. Why mention my IQ? It is an ego trip on one hand. On the other, it is like you say later. I am challenging my own human condition: trying (wishing) to relate to others.

Originally posted by KyoZero
What would you say if mine was higher than yours? Would that make a difference? I don't think it would...

You don't think it would, but how can you know? It could make a difference. What if you see more "patterns" than me? You might be able to do things I can't. You might "just know" things while I'm still scratching my chin.

Originally posted by KyoZero
Mine is well up there and I can tell you now it hasn't done a thing for me because intelligence isn't something that can be defined by a number. We are all smart in some realms and stupid in others.

Ah, the whole everyone is smart in different areas line. Well, yes, people specialize in areas. That's life, but how easily did it come to them? The great saying in this country is you can be anything you want. Well what happens when you can truly be anything you want? What happens when everything come easily to you? I took a personality/placement test in high school that was supposed to show what to become. Almost everyone I knew had a 1/2 to a page of suggestions. I had 11.

Originally posted by KyoZero
I see no difficulty in a mentally challenged person being praised over me because I do not need praise to sustain my capacities.

Yes some "challenged" persons are so specialized they can do amazing things (art and math come to mind). They may be praised over me in those areas. I understand that, but those are usually exceptions. Now it is time for more questions for you. Yes, you don't need praise to sustain yourself, but I guarantee you desire it somewhere. Really, you don't need any praise? Are you saying you are enlightened? You never have any motivations of praise/thanks for anything you do? You don't care what your friends/family think? You never expected a response from your post? You didn’t feel smug writing the reply? That sounds either enlightened or like a sociopath to me. You’re psych, what if sociopaths are enlightened, but on the wrong end of the spectrum? Maybe Gandhi was a sociopath. He didn’t care about anyone or anything other than his own agenda (after he was a lawyer). Hmm…

Originally posted by KyoZero
No matter how smart you are, someone has probably come up with the idea.

This goes back to the patterns idea. What if you see patterns in life/the world/tech, and where they’re going way before things change? Could Joules Verne patent the nuclear sub? I see things and then they come out; it isn’t any specific event to upset me. Unfortunately, it is just another thing to prove I can do anything.

How can I do anything/everything? I have the power/potential. It doesn’t matter unless I go into one of the fields where things are developed. Why? It’s because degrees matter. I wish I could be a general consultant for companies. I could look at what they want, research, learn, and suggest future trends. That isn’t a job I have found (beyond specialized fields like stocks).

[edit on 7/21/2009 by Draves]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by KyoZero
Are we going to boycott it because the person was self-absorbed and only made the invention because he wanted money? I certainly hope not.

Hell no, and I don’t think I said that.

Originally posted by KyoZero
The way I see it is we all have our own motivations and who cares what they are if the end result is good.

That works for me, but that doesn’t come close to the core of my issues.

Originally posted by KyoZero
I want to be a psycholgist because I believe one of my talents lies in the decoding the mind. I want to help others…”

Is this possibly from a rehearsed speech/letter you wrote to the schools for admittance? Decoding others isn’t as hard if you can see the patterns!

Originally posted by KyoZero
In fact...some may think the reason you wrote this post is so that you will go down in history as the man who challenged the human condition.

It will never happen; I’m not a psychologist. If I decide to be, then it could happen. Until then, my ideas are worthless.

Originally posted by KyoZero
You want my advice? Live

Those are your words of wisdom? Or should I say word of wisdom? Live. Living is easy.

Last thoughts~thank you for your post! I really enjoyed it. Since you’re psych, I’d also like to mention my myers-briggs is INTP. Maybe that can help you figure me out beyond the numbers.

[edit on 7/21/2009 by Draves]


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