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Let's Start an Income Tax Revolt

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posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:51 PM
The 16th Amendment authorizing the new income tax was never legally ratified. US Supreme Court cases, while unpublicized, have confirmed this fact. The evidence is in this 2100 page ebook available here.

Let's all stop paying our Federal Income Tax. If enough of us do that, the Feds will get the message and maybe Congress will grow a backbone.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Studenofhistory]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:01 PM
that's a pretty good idea. probably worthwhile too. in the end it wouldn't accomplish much. you'd have to reorganize all of society to get away with something like that. and now that everything is globalized you'd have to deal with that too.

if we won the income tax battle we'd just see higher oil prices to make up for it. or some other tax, raised rent, who knows.

illegal income taxes are a symptom, not a cause. the central banks have been beaten before, they just keep coming back. the problem isn't taxes it's people that are comfortable being rich. they're not gonna stop just because we win a battle.

even still, it'd be a good start and interesting to watch. you'd really need to have a powerful education system to maintain all of these freedoms. as long as we keep producing stupid kids things are just gonna keep getting stupider.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:05 PM
Does this include Canada aswell??
If not, then yes, I actually thought most Americans would have stopped by now lol

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:36 PM
yes. this is a good plan. congress SURELY will agree with you if you just stop paying taxes. they will commend your valiant efforts and give you free 3 free meals a day and free lodging. Plus all the security you could ever want.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:46 PM
It would never work. Even if it is constitutionally legal and something one could fight in court were they to be arrested, not enough people care.

It would take every American doing it to have the government get the message, and frankly, most of us don't care because we don't "know any better."

One of those things that sounds awesome in theroy, but it's not so hot in practice.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I have to add...

Fantastic idea letting the know you will be organizing by posting online...

Enjoy the audit next year

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:59 PM
kind of hard to do considering employers pretty much take your money out of your check. you could adjust your withholding i guess but i'm sure this would raise a red flag at the IRS. then again maybe not...they sure as hell didn't flag any fake SSNs or SSNs being used by multiple people for the longest time

with all the joblessness and jobs lost off shore and illegals (and i guess some legals) working off the books, not to mention loopholes and the rich peeps' offshored mega gazillions and tax credits to corps for those offshored jobs, i'm almost positive the tax base for this country and many states is megahurting. look at california.

only a few poor schlubs are left paying into the system, and then "they" try to blame ALL of this on the same poor schlubs (i.e. their unions) who are only trying to keep a job. it's insanity.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:59 PM
Good idea, but yes, they will get it in some form or another.

National sales tax, for one.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:01 PM
i think the only way to really send a message is through the banking and credit bureau systems. somehow.

but good luck trying to get the majority of americans to do anything.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:03 PM
If you could convince a large number of US citizens to stop paying their income tax then like you said, the feds will get the message and congress may grow a backbone.

The problem is that most people will continue paying this illegal tax out of fear. I know I would. Even if you convinced every US member of ATS to stop paying their income tax you would probably all just be arrested and thrown in jail.

If you stop paying your income tax it's certainly brave of you and you get a thumbs up from me, but I don't think it will do any good. Just pray they audit the Fed. Maybe that will change things for the better.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:11 PM
I believe the current estimates are around 80 million people of tax paying age within the "United States" no longer pay taxes. There is no obligation, nor is it lawful or for that matter legal. There are no statues or regulations in the tax code that apply to a person born in one of the 50 states, who is living and working in one of those states. One Secretary of the Treasury as well as congressional investigates have stated the the Income Tax amendment granted no new powers of taxation. So even if it had been adopted, which it had not, it doesn't do anything. You are multiple times more likely to be harassed by the IRS if you file than if you don't. One of the reason foreign workers are so loved in this country is that they are required to pay taxes.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by ReelView
I believe the current estimates are around 80 million people of tax paying age within the "United States" no longer pay taxes.

WoW. If that's true then everyone should stop paying without fear of being thrown in jail. It seems more and more people are waking up to this illegal tax. It might be worth checking how accurate these numbers are before you stop paying your taxes. Americas future is looking brighter already.

...well sort of.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Moodle
that's a pretty good idea. probably worthwhile too. in the end it wouldn't accomplish much. you'd have to reorganize all of society to get away with something like that. and now that everything is globalized you'd have to deal with that too.

if we won the income tax battle we'd just see higher oil prices to make up for it. or some other tax, raised rent, who knows.

illegal income taxes are a symptom, not a cause. the central banks have been beaten before, they just keep coming back. the problem isn't taxes it's people that are comfortable being rich. they're not gonna stop just because we win a battle.

even still, it'd be a good start and interesting to watch. you'd really need to have a powerful education system to maintain all of these freedoms. as long as we keep producing stupid kids things are just gonna keep getting stupider.

so because something worthwhile doing might take some effort and possibly cause some discomforts in society; we should instead shrug and take it as usual and remain in our catatonic state?

if people don't wake up and realize the system they grew up in needs some serious changes then future generations will suffer worse than what is coming for us. What we see today will seem as nothing when the real resource wars commence due to our complete mismanagement of the planet and lack of social priorities

we need change, real change
not just some talking head bad boy rock star

change is never easy but sometimes you just need to get your hands dirty.

Whatever the outcome, in the end you can sleep at night knowing that at least you tried.

You got off your butt and started giving a damn instead of being complacent and indifferent

Now imagine if everyone did the same.

United we stand
Divided we fall

It really is true

Here is an experiment:

If you agree with what I'm saying then sometime in the next week have a conversation with someone you know about this topic. See where they are at in their thought process with this. The following week try talking to two others. Expand and multiply.

Email people discussing this topic. Post it in other forums. Engage as many people as you can in the topic (in whatever medium or format presented) and lets see what pops up slowly as the weeks go bye.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by warrenb]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Studenofhistory

Yes! lets revolt against income tax! Tear down the IRS! and while we're at it how dare Obama decrease military spending, how dare he not provide us with good roads and bridges! who does this man think he is? Who does congress think they are? They have an obligation to protect this nation, double our military expenditure and build our public schools! how dare they ask us to pay income taxes as well!

I dont know bout ya'll sometimes...

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

attempt to derail:


attempt to defend a black president that isn't black:


go away.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:44 PM
So lets get off our butts and get to it!

[edit on 6-7-2009 by warrenb]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Moodle

attempt to derail:

What did I say that was off topic? Where exactly do you think the military, the cities and the public schools get funding? Are you serious? Get a reality check, this isnt middle school.

I dont like taxes but the garbage that comes from some folks, illogical garbage.. what nonsense.

attempt to defend a black president that isn't black:

What on earth does this have to do with race? Where did this topic come from? You folks go on about the race card yet you seem to bring it up in offtopic moments. The presidents race doesnt matter to me, does it matter to you?

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Roads = Fuel Tax: On both state and federal levels.

You'll jump at anything to protect that lame ass in office, won't you?

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
Roads = Fuel Tax: On both state and federal levels.

So in other words your just moving the cost of income tax from one side to another? So at the end of the day it doesnt make any difference really, unless ofcourse you dont use fuel? And what happens if there isnt enough to pay for the roads due to less demand? What then? Too bad?

Do you think your taxes just pays for roads, for public schools, for the military? Theres a long list and yet you folks cant find the common sense to actually look it up.

Converting tax from one side to another is all of a sudden going to solve the issue. You fail to realize the influx of americans across the Canadian and mexican borders for fuel on a daily basis as well. Seriously now.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

You need to pump the brakes, homeboy. Very little of the Federal Income tax goes towards anything except the interest of debt we "owe" to the federal reserve, of which now is owed because of the never ending "war on terror" and "the war on drugs" and the maintained conflicts in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

But, of course, you'd be defending the FED and the IRS because the person you voted for enables both those institutions.

Haha... A real guardian you are.

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