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Armageddon 10-10-2009

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posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by triune
There are a couple of reasons why we cant see PX (Wormwood).

1. Its a brown dwarf star. Meaning its a failed star and does not burn brightly like a 'real sun'. Therefore it does not give off very much light and cannot yet be seen with a normal optical telescope unless you know its presice location at the right time of the year. It can be detected with an infa red scope, and the US have spent billions of dollars setting up the South Pole Telescope (SPT) in Antarctica.

2. Its is said PX is approaching us from below the ecliptic, thus can only be detected from low in the southern hemisphere (thus the SPT).

It is still at least 2 - 3 years away. Its a loooong way off yet, but as it gets closer to the sun it will brighten up, and eventually will be seen in the day time and appear as a second sun in the sky.

Jupiter does not have it's own light source, it only reflects light. We can see this reflection off light from Jupiter very well indeed. And a brown dwarf could be 20-80 times the mass of Jupiter. This would be seen in visible wavelengths very clearly.

A brown dwarf would never appear as a second sun as it wouldn't ever have ignition of hydrogen-fusion. In fact it wouldn't even be as bright as the full moon.

Anyway everything else you said was just made up.

Is your best evidence for the existence of a brown dwarf in the southern hemisphere that the US has spent billions on the SPT. Hmm maybe there are plenty of other distant deep-sky objects to observe without needing to assume a localised brown dwarf?

You claim an optical scope cannot see this unless a precise location is known. Well here's news for you -> Jupiter which is smaller and would be around the same distance away is bright enough to see with the naked eye.

The argument of a brown dwarf being below the ecliptic does not bode well either, as on the same plane this would have been observed by ground based scopes when it was further away from us. Pluto in 1930, along with many other dwarf planets have been discovered using optical scopes, and the masses of these are on a scale much less than a brown dwarf's mass.

And on a different plane of orbiit it would have been observable many times as it passed above and below the Earth.


-> 1. If a localised brown dwarf existed we would have observed it already by ground based optical scopes.

-> 2. Therefore it's unlikely any localised brown dwarfs exist since we haven't observed any.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

General Robert E. Lee...

Perhaps he fought for the wrong cause.. perhaps he fought for the losing cause...

Regardless... he knew what his enemy was thinking, and that.. is what made him one of the greatest generals in the history of mankind. Playing the odds based on what his adversary was thinking. He won some battles he shouldn't have.

He did lose the war though...

You have to see the whole board before you can play chess.

I'm unsure, but I think you were calling me a flimflam

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:43 AM
Hmmmm....the conversation isn't quite what I had hoped it would be like, but here is my input.

I only have these two links right now, but also add the Bush family who supposedly bought thousands of acres down around Paraguay that sits over an aquifer. Queen Elizabeth and Bill Gates also did some major land buying in the last few years, but I don't know if their land is over aquifers or not. It would be interesting to find out how much land has been bought buy the extremely rich that sits over the world's water supplies.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by sapphirearaidia
man o man you sure know how to make a splash. one hell of a
first post. already flaged you.thank you very much for the link to the pod.
i been waiting for someone to come up w/ that for more than a week now.
glad you joined man. have fun here while you can.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by ahimsa

Thank you for the links...

I wanted to add these two links to yours to help a little...

These are about the Bush land buys you are talking about...

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 08:23 AM
I have found this thread very interesting since it started. I read part of the previous thread started but ET_Man (or close to it, sorry if I got the name incorrect) but that thread started out like such a game that by the time it got interesting, I was done with it. This is ATS, if you have something to say, come out and say it. Some people will insult you, some will ridicule you, some will believe blindly, and some will listen to what you have to say with an open mind and form an opinion based on the information provided after some research of their own. That is just the way it is.

I have to say that I don't think AntiLieGuy is ignoring people who disagree, it seems to me that he is ignoring the ignorant people who would rather entertain themselves at his expense. There is a big difference between disagreeing with someone and ridiculing them for what they choose to believe. Personally I feel ever man and women on this planet is free to believe whatever they choose to no matter how silly I may think it is. That still does not give me any right to belittle that person.

In closing I just want to say that some of us are probably enjoying this thread and are curious to see what else comes of it. So please, if you disagree, do so respectfully so that the rest of us can continue to enjoy the thread. Healthy debate is a beautiful thing, name calling and insulting others simply shows your ignorance and intolerance of others. So please, let's keep this civil.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal
I have found this thread very interesting since it started. I read part of the previous thread started but ET_Man (or close to it, sorry if I got the name incorrect) but that thread started out like such a game that by the time it got interesting, I was done with it. This is ATS, if you have something to say, come out and say it. Some people will insult you, some will ridicule you, some will believe blindly, and some will listen to what you have to say with an open mind and form an opinion based on the information provided after some research of their own. That is just the way it is.

I have to say that I don't think AntiLieGuy is ignoring people who disagree, it seems to me that he is ignoring the ignorant people who would rather entertain themselves at his expense. There is a big difference between disagreeing with someone and ridiculing them for what they choose to believe. Personally I feel ever man and women on this planet is free to believe whatever they choose to no matter how silly I may think it is. That still does not give me any right to belittle that person.

In closing I just want to say that some of us are probably enjoying this thread and are curious to see what else comes of it. So please, if you disagree, do so respectfully so that the rest of us can continue to enjoy the thread. Healthy debate is a beautiful thing, name calling and insulting others simply shows your ignorance and intolerance of others. So please, let's keep this civil.

Yes healthy debate is necessary. And that means a debate of more than "I believe this because I want it to be true" kind of argument. You see where I'm going. If someone cannot or will not explain his beliefs then to be honest, they are a farce.

AntiLieGuy said chemtrails block planet x. I asked him to explain how this was possible since chemtrails would have to be all over the Earth for this to happen. Yet he declined to respond. And chose to block, instead of actual real debate.

Funny that isn't it, if he knows something we don't that he decides to keep it to himself.
Is that the correct conclusion... or was my conclusion of him being utterly paranoid much more accurate.

If sceptics are automatically blocked by believers, then the wholly uneducated outlook of patting each other on the back and agreeing will not get them anywhere.

I never said what he said was impossible, but just implausible to the extent that he talked about it. He's either not telling us the whole story that he's learnt, or he's just jumping to a conclusion based on a fantasy. It seems apparent that he cannot explain his so called theory because it's just a guess, by his unwillingness to make an attempt.

That's just using logic, and everyone is bound by some kind of rationality should they wish to be taken seriously.

Of course if sceptics are ignored they won't always be around, and so can leave people like AntiLieGuy can be left to collapse in their own mire of absurdity.

If light-hearted humour is enough to close your ears and yell & scream "I don't wanna' listen cos' you disagree with me", whilst referring to them knowing full-well that they'll read no further responses, then I doubt that guy who blocks those who disagree can ever hold any form of credibility at all, and lacks any starting basis for a mature healthy debate.

You can often realise a person's level of education from the way they write sentences. And it's obvious that a person with a low-level of education or possibly mental health issues wouldn't be able to write coherent sentences, or understand the basic misconceptions they are making.

Everyone to some extent will do this - whether it's lack of knowledge in quantum physics to assume the LHC can produce a black hole to swallow the earth, or simply the lack of understanding of contrails. That's why I asked him to explain his "guess" and try and make it into a theory. And his unwillingness does not bode well for his "guess".

[edit on 5-7-2009 by john124]

[edit on 5-7-2009 by john124]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:32 AM
ahimsa: Good links. I shouldve made a page for that too. the bush's arent the only ones buyng land off this continent. I believe they know about this coming war too, and at the highest levels it is being planned.

MrWendal: yea, et_man seemed to be playing a game but i think he knows things. i will ignore anyone who repeats the govt lies i have come to hate so much on youtube. ridicule and fake science are their main techniques. so far on here i only ignored one person and i would almost bet $ they are govt liars. After repeatedly making the ones on youtube look like the stupid liars they are, they threatened me with the anti-patriot act. i sent em about 2 pages of crap for that and accused them of treason, to which they never responded. theyre not doing anything at my expense cause i really dont care. this entire country will be completely destroyed in three months. Nothing they say has any effect on me whatsoever. there isnt much else in the way of information that anyone will get from this thread unless they start reading the books of the Bible concerning this war, and Ezekiel and Amos are among the best. if one person does something to prepare...leave or store 2 years of food and water, then I'll be happy. As a side note, the Bible says that anyone who fights or runs will die.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:48 AM
Ironic that AntiLieGuy's next comment was just as I described - paranoid.

We see this time and time again, if we disagree we get called govt. spies, agents etc.
It's gone beyond ridiculousness. I'm not American, I have no affiliation with the US govt. Does it come to a point that some people are so desperate they throw around false accusations to deter people from the fact that they "cannot" even explain one ounce of their fantasy.

I would like him to actually apply science to what he claims. To make a claim that those who have disagreed are using "fake" science, when in fact he hasn't used any science at all to even try and prove his "guess" is worthy of ridicule IMO.

And it would be helpful for him to say what this "fake" science is, that he is saying has been used.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by john124]

[edit on 5-7-2009 by john124]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:52 AM
well...i think having an open mind is a start in the right direction don't you?

do you know how difficult it is in these tough economic times to acquire two plus years of food stuffs? or to just up and move out of the country?

i would think that north america is not going to be the only country in turmoil if all of this turns out to be true

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Russia will rule with an iron fist huh? for 80 years even.

Me not think so.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by anabiono
well...i think having an open mind is a start in the right direction don't you?

do you know how difficult it is in these tough economic times to acquire two plus years of food stuffs? or to just up and move out of the country?

i would think that north america is not going to be the only country in turmoil if all of this turns out to be true

Of course, what many believers don't understand is that sceptics are open-minded to anything within reason.

If you close your mind to only your own beliefs then it's difficult for it to ever be opened again.

If this happens then I doubt anywhere in the world would be safe. But I'm not going to base my life-plans on some half-concocted story that doesn't have one shred of credibility as of this moment in time on this thread, and appears to be the workings of a few people's overactive imaginations.

Even if we were to assume the bible is accurate, which is another debate altogether, the meaning of the texts given out here can be interpreted in many different ways.

If someone is making a claim and nobody believes him, then it's the responsiblity of that particular person or group of people to convince them.

That's what I'm waiting for, and have asked for all along. To expect a reasonable explanation with some form of evidence is not being closed-minded, it's being rational and logical. Otherwise we would never know what to accept as fact.

And if this cannot be provided, then they only have themselves to blame for any such humour made towards them.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by john124]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Russia will rule with an iron fist huh? for 80 years even.

Me not think so.

Russia does not have the resources to maintain their military hardware for even 1 year of world ruling.

Glad to see some rational points put forward. This thread was heading into the dark ages.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 12:23 PM
so, has anyone on this planet ever seen this planet X...because I am listening to this gilbert cat on the youtube radio link and he says you just need some infrared lens and a crap telescope



[edit on 5-7-2009 by anabiono]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 12:36 PM
anabiono: yes, an open mind is mandatory. that is why so many people will perish. it is hard to get food. i already made suggestions. Get grains from feed stores. most of them are around $10/50 lb. water is another thing. You need big containers/tanks. at this point dont concern yourself with having pure/clean water. there are methods of filtering water but you cant filter what you dont have and all open waters will be contaminated with radiation (wormwood). North America will be the most devastated because of the war and extermination. The elite are planning on the southern hemisphere (not africa) as being the most safe.

I havent seen Nibiru because of the chemtrails and i dont have IR imagers but I know it is there.

12.21.12: you had it right with these three words: "Me not think". This will be the period in the Bible referred to as the time of the gentiles.

Heres a good video on the history of controlling the world:

[edit on 7/5/2009 by AntiLieGuy]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 12:45 PM

I havent seen Nibiru because of the chemtrails and i dont have IR imagers but I know it is there.

Someone ask him this question: -> How does he know it's there then?

Does anyone else think his guess about chemtrails blocking a brown dwarf are a bit skywards?

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by AntiLieGuy

OK. Explains something to me then.

2012-Approx 2082: Russia will rule the world with an iron fist. Any country that doesn’t do its bidding will be nuked. They will implement the “mark of the beast” financial system and are currently developing it now.
Approx 2082: God will physically return to Earth with the “New Jerusalem” which is a space ship whose dimensions are 1500 miles wide, high, and deep. These dimensions incline me to think of a pyramid structure. This is the day that no one knows the day. His angels will then gather all the remnant of the Israelites and bring them home to America. God will Rule for 1000 years here with us. The nations will again come to us for guidance. Americans will once again live by the laws of God, and we will never be invaded again.

First of all a spaceship? OK I could almost believe that, if New Jerusalem was not already under construction on earth. Second it's 1363 miles wide this is about the distance from Denver to Atlanta for one side.

What the hell are the laws of God? Did they write the new laws on the Georgia Guidestones? Who is God? Jesus? Is Jesus the 'god' being spoken about, is he going to arrive in a giant space ship?

Russia is protecting itself by getting rid of the dollar, not by trying to create one world currency, you can blame the rothschilds and rockefellers for that, but not Russia.

This thread is absolute crap.

Not saying that theres not a possibilty for a false flag attack on the 10th, but these fantastic claims taken from something as vague as the Bible and turning it into this. Wow, this is crap.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:06 PM
12.21.12: revelation gives the dimensions of the "New Jerusalem" and the translations I got from the new american standard version so Im not at all sure of the accuracy of the dimensions. the Bible says that it will descend from the heavens.....that all by itself means it has to have the capability to travel through space.

The laws that God commanded of us in return for this beautiful land He gave us are set forth in exodous and numbers. I am not as familiar with them as i should but i will know all of them in the future. The georgia guidestones were built by the illuminati as a guide for the survivors of the passing of Nibiru.

The international bankers also control Russia. They have planned, financed, and profited from every war in the past century. Russia will destroy us because this is all planned by those same illuminati who control the world now and for several reasons. this is why it will be an extermination rather than a war. The facade presented to the people of the world will be that america wants to control and destroy the world and they have succeeded in making all the people of the world hate us. I have been told by britons, canadians and australians that they would rather see russia win than us.

If you think this thread is crap then GTFO. and the Bible is not vague at all, it is filled with incredible details for those with the mind and reason to read and comprehend what it says.

Im about sick of people here saying crap who have not and will not read my document. until you read it....shut up!

[edit on 7/5/2009 by AntiLieGuy]

[edit on 7/5/2009 by AntiLieGuy]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by AntiLieGuy

You might be right, but I think you are making Russia out to be this great evil that they are not. I do not think for a minute that Russia would wage nuclear war against US citizens quite the contrary, Russia would defend the citizens in the US in a time in history when the US government would not defend it's own people. Because America has been given into the hands of foreign agendas and religious agendas and groups which believe they have a right over the land of Israel.

Countries like Russia, China are the only balance of power we have right now. The NWO will not be lead by Russia it will be behind the power of the UN and EU, Russia and Iran are not players for Global domination they are players against it.

Edit: Spelling

[edit on 5-7-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 01:54 PM
12.21.12: read the first nine or so pages of news headlines in my document and you wont say that. Russia has been very straight-forward and consistent that they will use nukes preemptively to protect their allies and one of their main allies is Iran and all their energy reserves. in addition, they have surrounded us in the three oceans above us, subs to either side, bombers in venenzuela and the main invasion force is stationed in siberia.....where they took out our satellite a couple months ago.

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