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Mr.Derenberger Interview - The Truth on Indrid Cold

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posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 06:40 PM
I checked and I'm pretty sure these audio recording haven't been posted on ATS before. I believe the subject of Indrid Cold belongs in the Aliens and UFOs forum, and not the Mythical Beast forum in conjunction with Mothman.

For those new to the story: In 1966 there was a local guy (Mr. Derenberger from Parkersburg, West Virginia) who was driving home to Mineral Wells (10 minutes from Parkersburg) when he was stopped in the middle of the road by a flying saucer. A door opened up in the saucer and a man (Indrid Cold) stepped out. Cold approached the vehicle of Derenberger and had a brief conversation with him, asking him odd questions. After a few minutes, Cold said "We will see you again". then entered the ship and left.

If nothing new is being presented, please feel free to delete this thread.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 07:51 PM
I wouldn't call this the "truth" on Indrid Cold. Nothing new was presented in evidence. Just the old report I have heard earlier.

I've always believed Derenberger's story. Now whether or not the object and the man he saw actually were extraterrestrial remains to be seen, but I do think he reported truthfully what he saw and what was communicated to him. I don't think Derenberger ever profited from this report in any way. Just an average man reporting on a paranormal experience as many others have.

If this Indrid Cold was an ET, I don't think I'll ever understand why they bother to communicate to humans on an individual basis yet neglect to mass communicate such seemingly benign intent. I'm sure they have their reasons if they're doing this, but I doubt any excuse they come up with could satisfy me.

In my opinion, you are not benign in intent if you act secretively and perhaps (and likely) subversively for decades (or perhaps centuries or longer).

[edit on 29-6-2009 by Frith]

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