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NASA orbiter on way to explore the moon

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posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:05 AM

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter lifted off aboard an Atlas V Rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida at 5:32 p.m. ET, powered by two liquid-fueled engines and a pair of solid-fueled boosters.

NASA described the liftoff as "flawless" on its Web site.

It is the first mission in NASA's plan to return to the moon, then travel to Mars and beyond, NASA said. The data that the orbiter collects and sends back to Earth will be used to build an eventual lunar outpost, NASA said.

Link to source

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:09 AM
There are two threads about bombing the moon but I cannot find any with this title.

I just wanted to say could this be it? I am thinking that maybe, just maybe this could be the big one, where NASA actually come forward and say 'They have found life' possible disclosure?

Its probably wishful thinking but I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that just feels that something is coming.

It will also have instruments to do thermal and ultraviolet mapping. Some of the instruments will look for surface ice and frost, and one will be able to search for water below the surface.

Does this mean we will see decent pictures in HD of the dark side of the moon?

Its a waiting game now.

[edit on 19-6-2009 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 09:55 AM
I've also read somewhere that they will take picture of the leftovers from Apollo 11 and other moon mission. Will that finally put to rest all the theories that we have not been to the moon ? I doubt it ... there will always be some to say that the images where modified ... NASA could never do that ! The governement don't lie to us.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Originally posted by franspeakfree

I just wanted to say could this be it? I am thinking that maybe, just maybe this could be the big one, where NASA actually come forward and say 'They have found life' possible disclosure?

Greetings Fran!

I don't think that the discovery of extra-terrestrial life will ever be disclosed to any significant extent.

If it happens that bacteria are discovered, it will be buried in some tests results of a paper and tucked away in the corner of a government website.

The paper itself would make the results sound as inconclusive and ambiguous as possible, "Results not confirmatory, Further study is required..." - that sort of thing.

We certainly won't hear about it on TV - all the journalists in America are little more than apparatchiks of the state.

A journalist would have to do some digging and exert some intellectual rigour in order to find such information. Even if you sent these results to them and included comparative terrestrial samples, the journalist would still call NASA and would be told that the 'results were inconclusatory' - since NASA doesn't lie, the story would be squelched.

And even if the sucker wrote it anyways, the article wouldn't make it past the editor.... Didn't you hear? Michelle Obama got new Shoes, and Obama killed a fly

I'm such a pessimist.

Edit: Maybe one day the 'News' will tell us they have found fossils on Mars. Of course, photographic evidence of martian fossils can be found on ATS.

[edit on 19-6-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 03:15 PM
Can we see it in Earth orbit and on its passage to the Moon.
Can we see it in Moon orbit.

I think we sold the Moon studio technology to India and Japan
for their Lunar orbits.

Russia was first to the Moon and first to go behind the Moon.
There lack of interest in the Moon and Space Exploration surprises me.
They would rather sell other countries resources to us and keep the

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Can we see it in Earth orbit and on its passage to the Moon.

Yes, though it didn't stick around in earth orbit long enough for me to image it, LCROSS will now be in a lunar transfer orbit for several months as it gradually changes planes for the final impact in october. We'll be able to see it once it emerges away from the sun in the sky - that won't happen until after the initial swing by the moon.

Can we see it in Moon orbit.

No. It will be a very low lunar orbit and the glare from the moon itself will make it impossible to see. The LCROSS impact should be quite visible in the telescope though. If I could get an image of the first part or of the impact, would you admit we weren't engaging in hoaxes?

[edit on 19-6-2009 by ngchunter]

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by ngchunter

Its going to crash.
Why can't it stay in orbit.

I think I vaguely went over this before but surprise me.
I know, its a test of the gravity.
These explanations hardly make one want to work with gravity all day.

Thats for the good information but crashing into the Moon
will not solve any Moon conspiracy.
And of course Lunar site videos most likely will not be acceptable
evidence, as the last time, to the hard core Lunar conspiracy adherents.

A image of the impact will eliminate the Lunar Conspiracy.
You are surely more brilliant than that and are bit on the
mind control side.
That might mean we were unable to orbit the Moon and we
just let the craft be drawn right in and crash.
Radar should show the speed heading toward the Moon.
Can the Moon gravity be 32ft/sec/sec
Only if an orbit, wait.
Orbit mechanics are devoid of gravity.
There is a Orbital Mechanics 101
Speed and distance from the mass center and mass.

A fall from orbit might help the gravity measurement.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by ngchunter

Its going to crash.
Why can't it stay in orbit.

...because if it stayed in orbit, it couldn't accomplish its mission to kick up a plume of dust from a permanently shadowed crater and hopefully find significant amounts of water ice. Don't confuse the LCROSS part of the mission with LRO though. LRO will be in orbit for 3-4 years.

A image of the impact will eliminate the Lunar Conspiracy.
You are surely more brilliant than that and are bit on the
mind control side.

It will show that we really did launch the LRO/LCROSS mission to the moon, therefore the images are real unless proven otherwise.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 11:48 PM
Well we will see what the conspiracy crowd says of pictures.
There is now a story of deeper penetration with an explosive
and not just a crash.
Hoping for a pool of water no doubt.

Still I'd like to see data on any determination of Moon gravity.
How does one drop stuff off a leaning tower when we are
not on the moon.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

There is now a story of deeper penetration with an explosive
and not just a crash.

No, that is Internet rubbish. ALL it takes is one unsubstantiated claim, and suddenly it's a "conspiracy"!

Hoping for a pool of water no doubt.

***Face in palm***

Did you read what NGC provided? The impact hopes to aim for a permanently shaded will be very, very cold there. Water will not exist in liquid form.

Still I'd like to see data on any determination of Moon gravity.

It is determined mathematically.

How does one drop stuff off a leaning tower when we are
not on the moon.

***Face in palm, sobbing shoulders***

IF you are referring to the iconic "Story" of Galileo, in Pisa, dropping things...that is a cute image, but is just a the apple hitting Newton on the head!

Galileo conducted extensive work on gravity using inclines, and timing balls as they rolled. Research is your friend!

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:30 AM
Math they won't give us, or the data to fill in the blanks:

G · m · t² = 4 · π² · r³

Period of rotation t
Mean Distance from the Moon Center r
OK that would be nice in any announcement.
Lack of that actual data might be suspicious.
And cause fudge figures to be issued.

Mass of the Moon m
Constant G
We might look those up or see the NASA Moon web page.

I don't see the g in there.
Next time to the Moon we will need some inclined planes
to measure gravity.
Stay tuned.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Next time to the Moon we will need some inclined planes
to measure gravity.
Stay tuned.

We can measure the gravity of the moon by determining the location of the earth-moon barycenter combined with knowledge of the distance to the moon. If it were off from its NASA-stated value of 1/6th of earth's, astronomers would know about it.

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