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Ghost Hunters Shows

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posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 04:12 AM
What do you guys make of these shows? Believable? I have watched several of them with my wife and kids, and a couple of them where they actually show someone's shirt being pulled or something kinda gets you going. So are all those measurement instruments, etc. really worth anything while searching for the paranormal? most of the time they are really a let down for me personally, you never really see a whole lot that you cannot explain. What is the other show? it TAPS? Those guys are equally unimpressive. Thoughts?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 04:24 AM
I cant' find it for you, but go off faith of what i'm saying.

TAPS has been proved to be faked, in most things.

(Find it hard to believe I know it's fake, think how easy it is to feel it's absolutely real)

Most are scams, and for good ratings comes good money.

I honestly, believe the mind is very susceptible to such things, easily influenced, if I were you I wouldn't buy into it.

Think to science class, you die, your atoms go back into the earth and thus the atoms scatter and someone eats them then a little atom that was you is in someone else.... we all have a little bit of shakespeare in us!

The universe wastes nothing.

Ghosts- is the minds way of rationalizing the fact we live forever, even if non religious that we're still alive.

We're not, we die like a tree or star dies, it just goes away. Simple, occams razor!

By believing in ghost you think eternal life, but eventually the earth will go away forever, then religion kicks into 1000th gear, and takes you to a new earth. yeah....

Ghosts are not real, just like when your dehydrated those little flashing colors you see are not real, just dehydration in affect.

Susceptible minds.

- Peace.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Republican08

I am not disagreeing or anything, but do you have certain proof that the show is fake? You said....

TAPS has been proved to be faked, in most things.

What you are trying to prove in your post is that ghosts are not real, not why "Ghost Hunters" has been proven to be a fraud.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Scooby Doo]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Scooby Doo

I delibrately tried to google why it's fake, and was bombarded with factualities of it's fakeness! Hoax if you will.

Although I cann't prove that ghost aren't real, like god I can't prove is not real, like a teapot circling mars I can't prove is unreal, like zeus I can't prove is unreal.

It's all in the beholder, or beerholder, whichever.

There false, think about it, and truly decide in your mind, if it's real or not, there you will find the answer, "does it make sense, can it be proven real, is it logical". Questions you must ask!

Ghosts are not real but the imagination showing you things you expect to see like when litttle kids have imaginary friends, psychology is all it is.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Republican08

I do, in a way, agree with what you are saying. I was slowly becoming skeptical of the show. However, what makes me interested is that fact that the company "TAPS" does not set out to prove the existence of ghosts, they set out to debunk supposed "Paranormal Activity".

On a specific episode, I remember them admitting that someone from a property they were investigation had tampered with the camera, to make the sheets on a bed look as if they were moving on there own.

These are just some factors that really leaves me hanging on the fence when making a decision whether they are believable or just plain fraud.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Scooby Doo]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Scooby Doo

Well think of them as you and a few friends.

Wouldn't it be just neat, if you added a bit of spark into the episode you were filming via a friends camcorder.

Then just didn't tell anyone, then nicely put in the apparent hoaxes, but you were real on these other parts.

Not only furthering the fears of the people who opened their home to you, but enabling them to believe ridiculous beliefs.

What, really, most recently threw me over a cliff into skepticism, was Derren Brown, look him up on youtube, or in some of my threads, and you'll begin to know a world.

Where the rabbit hole really begins, and you find new and amazing creatures.

NLP, that's the world, fkin with you left and right, and you can't even take a breather.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:56 AM
What bugs me the most about these shows......( even more than whether they are being entirely honest or whether they might be faking a bit ), is their tendency to show little more than their own faces!!

I tune in to see something that might be a bit paranormal, not to watch a close up of some guy's mug in the glare of the video camera.......even if this guy has really, really seen something, I still want to see that something rather than his reaction to seeing it!!

And.....If they hear a creepy sound, they start babbling to one another and then they get up and 'go look' for the source.....personally I would be inclined to stand still, hold my breath and hope I could hear it again!! ( One of them did this when they visited the Lizzie Borden house, .....stomping around and yelling 'what was that?', and 'we heard something!')

Some of their shows sound great.......but they drive me crazy when I try to watch.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:21 AM
I actually watch Ghost Hunters, but Ghost Hunters International is lame. I think of it as their filler show to keep people interested in the franchise between the real GH seasons. Nothing substantial ever happens on GHI and it makes me wonder if it's due to different styles of investigation, or if there are inconsistent degrees of intended/unintended deception.

I don't automatically dismiss the their evidence as faked because I've had my own experiences that, for me, proves that there is something "paranormal" out there. In fact that's what brings a lot of people to ATS even though on some level we all know a lot of the posts on here are unsubstantiated or involve misinterpreted "evidence".

I think a lot of people are looking for that one little bit that verifies a belief that they have.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by an0maly33]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 09:55 AM
I liked their first couple of seasons , but it went downhill from there. they try too hard to get the ratings they need. Its a shame really, they had a good thing going for them.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by desertdreamer
So are all those measurement instruments, etc. really worth anything while searching for the paranormal?

Well, obviously cameras are essential in trying to capture evidence. I don't know how effective a thermal camera would be as I've never seen anything about someone taking a ghost's temperature, but I guess it wouldn't hurt.

The EMF detectors I see them use a lot are, to me, pretty worthless due to inteferance from other electronic equipment (i.e. house wiring, cameras, lights, pretty much anything that works off electricity).

The digital audio recorders that they use all seem to be low budget crap that are prone to all sorts of distortion/compression issues which would make unidentifiable sounds no matter what, and these could easily be thought to be EVPs. I have yet to hear any EVPs that were captured with top-quality recording gear.

Basically, I think that although equipment is needed, they need to step up their game in that area. I'd scrap the EMF detectors in 99% of the sites they visit, and get some high dollar recording gear (if they have a TV show, they have the budget).

I would also lose the guys who see ghosts and stuff absolutely everywhere they go. They hurt whatever credibility these groups might have.

For the most part, though, I think that most, if not all, of the really dramatic stuff (collars being pulled, chairs moving, etc.) is faked.

It is, after all, just about the ratings. If nothing ever happens, the show (and the paycheck) go right in the toilet.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 11:58 AM
I watch this show every week practically with my roommate. I like it sometimes but many times the background music makes me want to scream! They will say "did you hear that" and Im like "no too much noise in the background!" LOL! I have seen a few cases where there was obviously something paranormal going on and they dont always say a place is haunted with paranormal activity. IDK I personally find them to be pretty legit. It always makes me laugh in a way how they show paranormal stuff on there which to me is proof and people still say the paranormal is fake.
I had two very odd things happen while watching this show a couple times. My roommate and I were in the living room and out of nowhere a candle on the fireplace just fell off the mantle. Now that is absolutely impossible if you saw the candle and it's size. We both got chills and turned all the lights on. The second time while watching this show we heard a door slam in the kitchen and we were the only ones home. The dog even started barking. It as odd. I know there was a death in the house I live in so sometimes I wonder....Anyways...IMO I dont think they are fake now Paranormal State that show drives me insane! It seems to be really fake and staged many times. Chip Coffey is really dramatic and I just cant watch.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:11 PM
I am a big fan of the show, has been since day one, I have seen their episodes over and over again and I don't get tire of them.

Compare to other Ghost hunters shows out there American and EU base I have to say this particular Ghost hunters is very good and very believable.

Occurs I am not that naive that I understand some shows are nothing but that shows.

But overall they are very good at what they do.

Can not wait for the next season Ghost hunters international

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by frayed1
What bugs me the most about these shows......( even more than whether they are being entirely honest or whether they might be faking a bit ), is their tendency to show little more than their own faces!!

I tune in to see something that might be a bit paranormal, not to watch a close up of some guy's mug in the glare of the video camera.......even if this guy has really, really seen something, I still want to see that something rather than his reaction to seeing it!!

And.....If they hear a creepy sound, they start babbling to one another and then they get up and 'go look' for the source.....personally I would be inclined to stand still, hold my breath and hope I could hear it again!! ( One of them did this when they visited the Lizzie Borden house, .....stomping around and yelling 'what was that?', and 'we heard something!')

Some of their shows sound great.......but they drive me crazy when I try to watch.

This is one thing that bothers me as well. You can never really hear anything because they are always flapping their gums! You would think that they would want to be absolutely quiet most of the time to seem credible. And yes, they show too much of each other! You would think that they would want to keep night vision, and thermal imaging cameras facing the correct direction.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by subject x

Yes, it looks to me like they are using mickey mouse equipment in expensive cases. You would think that they could afford more precise equipment I guess.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:22 PM
I used to find Ghost Hunters interesting, until after the whole Youtube dissection videos were released that proved the team to be a bunch of fakes.

At the moment, it's all about Ghost Adventures (on the Travel Channel). I believe they are in their second season at the moment, and they are entirely more believable with their all night 'lock down' scenarios. Some episodes they've produced are very creepy, and have interesting evidence. I'm pretty sure no one has debunked them yet.

Any opinions on the 'Ghost Adventures' team?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:59 PM
I watch the Ghost Hunter shows when I catch them flipping through channels. To me, they're a bit of guilty pleasure, kinda like watching Professional Wrestling or reading an ATS conspiracy thread. I have fun trying to debunk their evidence and logic based on the edited and limited information they provide on the show.

Whether it is true or not, hoax or not is pretty secondary while I'm watching.

I do have one serious question, though. Why in the heck do they need to investigate with all the lights out?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 03:14 AM
I want to see undeniable evidence that proves that Ghosts, Bigfoot, Aliens, Nessie, etc. are real.. and I feel that when that day comes, it's not going to be on a show like Ghost Hunters or UFO Hunters. Well, it might, but I think that kind of information would leak out, or they would at least hype the episode heavily.. so I don't think there's ever going to be a real surprise on there. At least I can learn about cases I've never heard of, though.

My other problem with Ghost Hunters, and every other ghost show is that the people always see something that the cameraman doesn't catch. WHY NOT GIVE EVERYONE A CAMERA??? Seriously, use a helmet cam or something.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by MrAndy

I am going to tell you something that I do not tell many, for obvious reasons.

When you see and apparition that apparition many times chose to show itself only to those is wants.

When I was a child and my mind was free of bias and prejudgment, I used to see people that adults could not see, but when I described them to the adults they would get very serious even scare, later on I found out that what I was seen was people that were not longer within the living.

As I got older this started to fade and go away, now only shadows I can pick from the corner of my eyes.

What changed? my overview of the understanding of ghost, I got scare and I got older.

I hope that help understand why some see it and some don't. But children are very susceptible to see more than adults do.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:31 AM
I like the show.

I haven't seen anything that proves that the show is faked.

If someone has links that have that info, I'd be willing to take a look.

I don't like the live Halloween episodes because they bring in amatures who spend too much time joking around and not enough time investigating.

With the Brian drama over with .. it's pleasant to watch.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 12:53 PM
There is a spot where they were caught actually faking evidence. It was on the halloween live special.
At one point Grant says he feels something pull on the back of his collar several times. On the tape you can see his collar get physically tugged down by an unseen force. Apparently Grant didn't count on youtube because within minutes of it happening it was posted on the interwebs and upon watching the footage over and over again it was evident that Grant was tugging on a string attached to his collar.

Most people on their forums don't think Jason is in on it, but judging by his reactions, he is suspicious.

Unfortunately, this calls into question all of the material that Grant was directly involved with , and that is most of their good stuff.

1. The moving chair in the lighthouse. Grant was the last person to sit in it and the chair conveniently moves as soon as he gets up and moves off camera.Very simple to achieve with scotch tape and fishing line. Pull and the chair moves, pull harder and you pull the tape off the chair, removing the evidence.

2. The bedroom foot uncovering video. Well, it was Grants room and Grants feet. Grant set up the camera and only Grant knows what really happened.Don't you think it is suspicious that he knew exactly where to point the camera while he "slept"? However, it is easily done with fishing line and a hook. Absurdly simple to fake. Feet fetish poltergeist starts at 2:34

Originally posted by Scooby Doo

On a specific episode, I remember them admitting that someone from a property they were investigation had tampered with the camera, to make the sheets on a bed look as if they were moving on there own.

These are just some factors that really leaves me hanging on the fence when making a decision whether they are believable or just plain fraud.

[edit on 17-6-2009 by Scooby Doo]

3. There was also a spot where something paranormal appeared to happen but it was discovered that someone had tampered with the camera. On the show they say that someone at the site that worked there must have done it in an attempt to fool them. The faker had to have a fairly deep knowledge of how this particular camera worked and exactly how they set it up in order to sneak into the room out of camera view and edit the footage with only the software in the camera.....I think this was aonother spot where Grant tried to fool everyone but was caught by his own investigators.

4. The psychic reading and the strange thermals during it. Well, Grant was holding the camera and while I dont know much about thermal cameras I know they have all sorts of controls to change the color ranges and I imagine that's what it would look like if they were being cycled during recording.. Starts at 1:53

So, we can conclude one of 2 things.
1. In multiple locations, multiple ghosts have decided to make themselves known, but only when Grant is involved.
2. Grant is fibbing.


[edit on 19-6-2009 by Tiloke]

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