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Did a life full of frustrations made you an ATS'er??

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:20 AM
I must have been born to this way of thinking. I was a Y2K nut also. Got over that for a couple of years and lead a normal life, THEN,
one day someone told me a story that changed my life.

This person was given a tour of BOHEMIAN GROVE in the off season. This person told me how it was a rich mans club and just about fun and music and not much else. I had never heard of this place, but from the details this person gave, I laughed and said "Oh that sounds like a Skull and Bones or Freemasonry" group. I really did not even know much about that stuff, except what I'd read in a few novels and seen in some movies. This person argued with me that I was wrong and that this was just a neat summer camp for the rich. I had to prove that person wrong so I did some research.

My initial research lead me to the word "illuminati" I had no idea what that was, well only a vague inkling, and of course a search of this word changed my whole world. Now I have been coming to ATS for maybe 4 years? Anyway, I'm obsessed with the deeper truths now and lost a few friends in the process, but once you know things there's no turning back!

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:29 AM
I was born a " free thinker " , i myself am only 22 years of age on this planet and since i can remember i have questioned everything, i have not been a " normal " child growing up as my parents will testify! All my life i have felt like an observer, an outside party looking in! School years for me were a waste of time for i never felt i was learning anything, more i was being told what to know! I am a lover, and i appreciate everything around me, from the slightest things like this keyboard i am typing on right now to the spider that is up in the corner of my room. i am a free thinker and i will leave this body a free thinker, dont let the masks fool you people, see past the illusion and everything becomes so much clearer
i have hope and faith for every single person on this planet and i dream of a day that we all live in peace, maybe ill see it in my lifetime, maybe i wont, either way the hope and faith is still there for without these things then we are nothing but an empty shell of a race

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:42 AM
not really, just wanted to find info on Area51 and then i was stuck here, love the place good ppl, good thinkers and mainly freewill and choise

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:05 PM
A complete and total accident. I clicked on the wrong link and came here...

...and loe and behold, been here ever since...

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:18 PM
When ATS first came on line, I saw it listed in UFO Magazine. It is a great place for alternative info. and to learn to think for yourself.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:33 PM
Nah, thats probably not a good idea.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 12:55 PM
I came here because any google search I did for paranormal, ufo's or aliens brought me here. I eventually joined when I started reading some of the threads. This site has everything I like to read about. Why it took me so long to join I have no idea

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

I was quite dissatisfied with life in general thru my early 30's, then having done a lot of personal growth work, I started realizing how much of what I 'knew' and thought was 'true' was really not at all true. The biggest eye opener for me was when I started having to deal with the medical 'industry' and the fact that they didn't have any idea about how to cure a lot of stuff, so I started doing my own research, found a lot of alternate healing modalities and real viable solutions to various illnesses that the medical industry just only can 'manage' for some odd reason. *rolls eyes*
So that was the biggest kicker to my being a free thinker.

I just found ATS a month or so ago, but it is a website I wished I had found a long time ago. It is exactly in line with what I have found out for myself plus a whole lot more. very much free thinker stuff! I actually found it thru a link during a search for 'tetrasil', an absolutely great skin healing cream. See? Even finding this website was due to my researching alternate health modalities!

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:43 PM
No. I'm happily married. Love my husband, and think he's fun. I've got three lovely smart children. I've got a pretty decent career. Lovely home. Nice neighbourhood. Good books. Nice friends.


posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 06:48 PM
I had a good life back in the Matrix.

The garbage that the MSM feeds the American people is what did it for me. I was tired of the lies and manipulation by the media so I looked for alternative news sources on the internet. I found ATS and have been hooked ever since.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 07:31 PM
I have always for as long as I can remember been drawn to things off the path or normalcy.

I found this site through another conspiracy site, and stayed based on the fact that this site appears to enable a more balanced discussion environment.

There was little ridicule and subjects taken seriously where most might have either been off the deep end or offensive in reaction to off beat ideas.

Although I have noticed this site is beginning to shift somewhat.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by PowerSlave

Yah, I think there must be some kinda shift going on if according to a site official, hate speech entails a statement that really just sums up the theory that the holocaust was created by the jewish leadership as a way to manipulate public opinion into feeling sorry for them.
That to me is a viable topic, not hate speech. A little worrisome, that.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

I ended up here because most of the time when doing searches on ufos and stuff like kept bringing me here.
I just gave in eventually.

Same here, it is amazing how ATS thread links find there way into many different subjects on many different sites.


posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

Maybe another good question you should have asked in the OP is:

Have you become frustrated after spending too much time on ATS?

Seriously, i believe this can be true.

For all of those who have learned a lot here, have changed their minds and have expanded their minds capabilities, don't you feel out of place, that nobody understands, nobody 'gets' you anymore, you have become a different person than before, you don't 'fit' anymore with the mindless crowds, in a way that you might start thinking you know more than you should? and then this situation leads you to give up on several things as explained in the OP, in a way ending up here full time because you have become frustrated with the rest of the people, but it all started here?

I wonder if that may be happening too.


[edit on 16-6-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:05 PM
That, and seeing the name '' is very tempting.
Like a shiny, red, candylike history-eraser button!

Anyhow, when I was a kid I believed society worked cause I never saw it real flaws. Growing up you'll get to endure blow after blow where things just aren't the way they should be. Long story short, typed ufo in youtube and somehow got here. First time I left quickly cause it was just too much, second time I stayed and got excited with all the 'deadlines', now...i'm just numbed down to that as well.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Kaifan
reply to post by ahnggk

Maybe another good question you should have asked in the OP is:

Have you become frustrated after spending too much time on ATS?

Seriously, i believe this can be true.

For all of those who have learned a lot here, have changed their minds and have expanded their minds capabilities, don't you feel out of place, that nobody understands, nobody 'gets' you anymore, you have become a different person than before, you don't 'fit' anymore with the mindless crowds, in a way that you might start thinking you know more than you should? and then this situation leads you to give up on several things as explained in the OP, in a way ending up here full time because you have become frustrated with the rest of the people, but it all started here?

I wonder if that may be happening too.


[edit on 16-6-2009 by Kaifan]

You bring up a good point. I think I experience more frustrations in life after becoming an ATS'er. Trying to get through to the brainwashed masses is just impossible. They look at you with that blank stare when you try to discuss what really is going on in the world. If they don't hear about it on TV from the MSM then it can't be true.

[edit on 6/16/2009 by Erasurehead]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:29 PM
Curiosity, the reason for everything in my life. I have to know why, before I do anything. Naturally, this site became a place to resonate with WHY minded people. I fumbled on this site several times before deciding to join. Now, I don't know what I'd do without it.

I guess you could say I was frustrated with not knowing WHY? I wonder how WHY minded people coped without a site like ATS in the past. Guess my fathers science-fiction is like my dose of ATS. I don't mean that it's fantasy, but that it can satisfy the needs of a curious mind.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:30 PM
well i joined here nov 2007 i finally saw the light

but i had to be dragged here screaming and kicking, yes thats right, i was a sheeple at the time!

my brother was on here before i joined, i thought he had lost the plot!

then he would shout out to me what was going on, eventually the penny dropped

well at least i got here, erm i think i live here?

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
I accidentally stumbled upon ATS while doing a google image search that had a result linked to a thread here. I read the thread associated with the image (out of curiosity) - and was hooked

Same with me. A google image search for images pertaining to the current Palestinian situation and latest Israeli iniquities and outrages.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:59 PM
The thing that made me an ATS'er, is Researching about aliens/ufo's during my high school days. With me a light just turned on in my head and I started to question everything and i mean EVERYTHING!!! this was a year after 911 I was a freshman in high school. I remember cutting classes by my self and just pondering why the world was so messed up, since then i have never been the same. Then I found ATS and that lead me deeper into the rabit hole. So my journey still continues trying to find Truths and trying to make sense of this world, And trying to find my place in this world.

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