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Sleep disturbances and the 'time monks'

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posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by srsen

Thats so cool I have also read all 5 books of the Law of One by Ra
as channeled to by the late Carla Rueckert and then transcribed to also the Late Don Elkins.

Gee I also feel that most of us on this thread are definitely on the same wavelength as I am getting totally fed-up with my job too and I am ready to head back in to the Forest and live simply again

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:55 AM
This is interesting.

I've always had problems sleeping, since I was around 12 or 13.

I'm 18 now and just out of high school and my sleep pattern is even more out of whack.

Normally I would be up until around 2 00 or so, maybe 3 am, and then get tired and crash and fall asleep until sometime between 10 30 and noon. This was my ideal way to sleep.

Now that its summer though for some reason I'm going to sleep even later, and its not that Im going out and partying all the time or anything like that.

Normally I would get tired around 2 or 3 and want to go to sleep. For some reason I havent been able to fall asleep though until right about 5 am.

This clearly isnt good, and Im sleeping well past noon, sometimes as late as 1 30!!!

This is weird because normally I dont ever sleep past noon, my body just doesnt usually like it. And I'm not really enjoying it now either.

Another thing is eating less!!
I'm surprised that was mentioned.

A few months ago I decided to become a vegetarian, but even before that I was eating less food than normal.

Now I eat about 2 main meals per day, with a couple snacks in between. I guess I just need less food now.

Things are certainly getting interesting.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 06:29 AM
I have to say that I am so tired (for want of a better word) of lying wide awake every night...

Its been quite a few months, Id even go so far as to say about 5 or 6.

been experiencing much the same as every one else, -- the waking up at 3am, the sleeping one hour at a time... the interrupted sleep at all..!

thanx blujay for posting that channel info, I found it quite reassuring, and I shall now embark in my own meditation for blinker removal,
which I will start tonight while Im lying there not sleeping, -- something to do, you know

sexual endeavors used to work wonders, now, it just makes it worse, so given up with that one unfortunately

I got really excited when I managed to get a doctor to prescribe some melatonin, as it is (script only) in this country.... but alas, -- it didnt work ... after all that !!!

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by OmegaPoint

OmegaPoint, you are so inspiring! Your words are all true and spoken so well, and motivating. I sure hope all reading this thread take your posts to heart.

I am again awake before the crack of dawn, 3:45 am to be exact for the past month or so. The anxiety I had been having has all but passed because I chose to flow with these new and powerful feelings. In leaving the job that didn't 'fit', I liberated myself and took a leap of faith to follow my inner call.

This is our time in history to build our new earth. The past cannot dwell in the new, higher vibrations. We must look inside and follow what our heart of hearts are saying. Our souls rest in our heart space, so it makes sense to listen!

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Jacqua
I have to say that I am so tired (for want of a better word) of lying wide awake every night...

Its been quite a few months, Id even go so far as to say about 5 or 6.

been experiencing much the same as every one else, -- the waking up at 3am, the sleeping one hour at a time... the interrupted sleep at all..!

thanx blujay for posting that channel info, I found it quite reassuring, and I shall now embark in my own meditation for blinker removal,
which I will start tonight while Im lying there not sleeping, -- something to do, you know

sexual endeavors used to work wonders, now, it just makes it worse, so given up with that one unfortunately

I got really excited when I managed to get a doctor to prescribe some melatonin, as it is (script only) in this country.... but alas, -- it didnt work ... after all that !!!

I'm glad it was comforting, it is for me, too. I wondered as I re-read it, if they really meant 'blinder' removal and it was a typo, but both work just as well. With the new light and vibrations coming at us, all we must do is be aware and open to it. TRUST in it and trust in your inner voice, for it will not lead you astray. Go with the flow comes to mind, quite literally at this point...

It seems what is causing the most distress here is trying to hold on to the past. Thinking that we must hold on to the old ways, and it's normal to feel a bit unsettled about that. After all, it's all we've known for our whole lives. Have faith in yourself, listen to yourself and be happy.

Choose joy over suffering. Practice makes perfect!

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by blujay

sorry to hear you are having one of those nights, -- hopefully you will fall alseep soon, i shall be going to bed soon, its 10;20 here...

I know exactly what you mean about leaving your job, -- I also left a high paying job because it was doing my head in - and got another one, only to leave that one three months ago --- needed to work things out, and decide what to do.... have done that now, and its great! I could no longer do that 9 to 5 gig...

hope you get to sleep, -- I get the feeling we will all adjust though, just like you said.... its a feeling, slowly slowly, but I think its on the cards....

[edit on

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 07:41 AM
I have the same problems since about 5-6 years now. I take at least an hour to fall asleep once I lay down, and every morning the only reason I wake up, is because I randomly get the feeling that I will puke any second.
Once I sit up though, this feeling instantly leaves....
What could this be caused by?
Why does it only hit individuals, and not whole nations, or everyone?
Why theese specific Individuals?

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 07:53 AM
All my life I have had sleeping problems.Hard time falling asleep and never falling asleep at the same time until recently I fall asleep at the drop of a hat.I don't understand it because nothing has changed in my life besides sleeping.Everyone in my family thinks that it is great but I am freaked out about it.The loss of control makes me uneasy.Could it affect someone like me diffrently?

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by jackieps1975

The human is evolving, the right and left brains are starting to work together, controlled by the frontal lobe. At the moment your subconscious is accessible during sleep, soon that will change and you will be fully conscience. The right brain controls emotion, the left logic, the right is female the left male. What you perceive of reality at the moment is very subjective because of our limited senses and what is happening to you is that your sixth sense is starting to awake. The cosmic energy directed at our planet is actually changing our DNA, so don't be afraid it is a part of humanities coming of age. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Hope this helps you understand.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:20 AM
So these are things we know it's affecting...
1.) Sleep
2.)Eating habits(I, too have wanted to become a vegan, I did it for three days, but ran out of vital dietary items, they can be expensive, and my children are refusing to give up meat so It's difficult for me to afford two different diets, however I do not eat as much meat anymore.)
3.) Jobs, I too don't really feel I want to be working at any job for pay, my work is here learning all the things I can gather knowledge on. Several people have metioned this.
And 4.)Anxiety, or a feeling of urgency.

This is very interesting indeed. And to answer one post, yes I think that it can affect different types of people in different ways.

Omegapoint, I didn't fight it last night and I slept better than normally.I just kept saying 'I am ready for this, I will be fine' and I slept great!

Also there was another post about the left/right brains becoming equally funtioning, this meant something important to me because, though I am female I tend to function in the left brain, and since April had terrible migraines in the left side of my head/temple area. Last night was the first night I didn't have a migraine because I let my right brain get some say. Pretty odd.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by ldyserenity]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Jacqua

Good for you in following your heart... things seem to flow easier when we can do that.

I actually don't go back to sleep... eek... I am wide awake in the wee hours. Thank goodness it gets light so early now, I take a stroll along a beautiful cliff overlooking the Monterey Bay, great way to start the day and casually meditate the positive energies in.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by blujay
reply to post by Jacqua

I actually don't go back to sleep... eek... I am wide awake in the wee hours. Thank goodness it gets light so early now, I take a stroll along a beautiful cliff overlooking the Monterey Bay, great way to start the day and casually meditate the positive energies in.

I'm sorry you didn't get back to sleep. Where is this Montery Bay...sounds beautiful.Lately I have been dreaming of being near mountains and cliffsides. Well not sleep dreaming, I mean daydreaming/wishing to be in these areas. Maybe another connection involving these energies. I know that ancient civilizations beleived that mountains were mystical places and many civilizations beleived the "Gods" lived on mountaintops.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by jackieps1975
reply to post by survival

yes the ascension process in rising daily. As for myself, although I have completely forgone having a job anymore, and am only packing my brain with knowledge, alongside spending the darkest moments here sitting outside staring into the sky, i do not really have sleep disturbances.

Honestly, I wish I could quit my job and devote myself to other endeavors but I hang on to 'what should be'. Therein lies my personal problem with all of this

It's truly inspiring to have so many people coming forward. This will manifest itself in many unusual ways, that's already become evident in this thread alone. I just wish I knew specifically what 'this' is! People speak of transformation and transcending and while I am very familiar with the concepts, the vagueness of it doesn't sit well with me. I do not have purely wonderful feelings about all of it. My alert level is extremely high and my discomfort even higher.

I consider myself to be far above average in my openess of mind and my appreciation of the paranormal (and extra terrestrial possibilites). My gut tells me this isn't going to be all clouds and fluffy puppies......

Your quite right for having fears about this, I myself have been getting a constant sense of foreboding thats gone on for quite a while now, and I always pay attention to my dreams as I've come to learn stuff and better myself from them and avoid disaster, what you are feeling is that we are heading for a dark depression/dark times and we are going to be faced with a choice as to wether the path leads us out of it or further in to it, am I right? If it is then its exactly what I've been feeling and the way I have interpreted my dreams which have been a hell of a lot wierder of late and thats saying something as I'm the kind of guy that thrives on having nightmares!

[edit on 11-6-2009 by DARREN1976]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
So these are things we know it's affecting...
1.) Sleep
2.)Eating habits(I, too have wanted to become a vegan, I did it for three days, but ran out of vital dietary items, they can be expensive, and my children are refusing to give up meat so It's difficult for me to afford two different diets, however I do not eat as much meat anymore.)
3.) Jobs, I too don't really feel I want to be working at any job for pay, my work is here learning all the things I can gather knowledge on. Several people have metioned this.
And 4.)Anxiety, or a feeling of urgency.

You got it.
1. Check.
2. Check. A couple years ago I would have laughed at the idea because I love my steak and potatoes. Now I keep going toward vegetarian but I admit I slip. It is in my mind though and I know it is the right way to go.
3. Check. I work in IT but I am now finding myself daydreaming about living off of the land, living the simple life, and working with my hands. Simplifying life, and slowing things down. I think humanity (at least much of western society) is learning that our rate of increase in life, job, and everything else is unsustainable. There was a time where a household could be supported by a sole provider working a 9-5. Now both adults need jobs and work longer hours just to "make ends meet" and that is increasing annually. This cannot continue.
4. Check. It does not seem foreboding, but it does seem like there is "something" we are missing or on the way. It is like those scrambled 3D picture puzzles that were popular in the 90's. The harder you try to see the picture, the less likely you will see it and it gets frustrating. Once you stop trying so hard an you just let your eyes and brain go, the picture appears right in front of you.

I tend to lean toward the physical and real over the metaphysical and mystical but I will admit that in the past couple years this has been changing within me. I am starting to listen to my 'gut' and follow intuition only to find surprises and synchronicities. My rational mind says this is just a natural reaction of the powerful human brain to the rapidly changing world / information overload, yet there is something else about it which leads me to be open to the possibility that there is something else going on.

I'll keep and open mind and enjoy the ride. I keep thinking to myself "what a great time in human history to be alive!"

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

That's exactly the feeling I had the other night while I was tossing and turning, I felt like I was TRYING to come out of my skin!!!! And yesterday while driving I had that feeling in my it wwanted to 'Pop' out of my head...wierd. I wish I could grasp what is going on, what the energy wants to get through to us. Sometimes I have been feeling way too anxious lately, too. Like something is coming(usually it's my sense of impending opposition, not destruction or anything grand like that).

I have experienced this sensation a few nights lately, where I feel as if I am literally vibrating while in a half-sleep, half-wake dream state. It could be compared to standing in the middle of a giant tuning fork. Once, in one of these lucid vibration dreams, I was led by two strange blond haired kids to a field of yellow flowers. They spoke to me telepathically, and through mental pictures and oddly enough, feelings from experiences I had at various times in life. For example, they'd show me telepathically a thoughtform of my old childhood home, and I'd be under the oak tree staring at the sunset; it evoked nostalgia and this feeling of "home" that I miss so much.

Then, I noticed or became aware that the field of yellow flowers was vibrating, and the little blond kids were holding my hands, and they were vibrating. Then the flower field began morphing into this bright, bright yellow light, which was also vibrating. I could feel myself, as you say, coming out of my skin. The sensation was warm and alive and positive, like nothing I can explain. I think to myself, if the Universe could hug you, that would have been it. It was like the field of flowers, the light, the kids and myself all melded into this vibration. I could see nothing but the light everywhere. I was aware of myself, but I no longer had a body. That freaked me out so bad that I literally "snapped" myself back into my body. I then woke up in a start, and could still feel the vibration all over and through me. I don't talk about thid kind of stuff with anyone anymore. My husband thinks I'm a loon when I tell him about these things, so it's good to meet others online who can relate and vice verse.

Thanks for this thread OP.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by blujay
reply to post by Jacqua

I actually don't go back to sleep... eek... I am wide awake in the wee hours. Thank goodness it gets light so early now, I take a stroll along a beautiful cliff overlooking the Monterey Bay, great way to start the day and casually meditate the positive energies in.

I'm sorry you didn't get back to sleep. Where is this Montery Bay...sounds beautiful.Lately I have been dreaming of being near mountains and cliffsides. Well not sleep dreaming, I mean daydreaming/wishing to be in these areas. Maybe another connection involving these energies. I know that ancient civilizations beleived that mountains were mystical places and many civilizations beleived the "Gods" lived on mountaintops.

The Monterey Bay is on the central California coast. It's a marine sanctuary so no drilling can go on. On the northern part of the bay, the cliffs are just breathtaking. Also, a tad inland are some beautiful mountains with the biggest redwood you've ever seen!

When life gets crazy nature soothes the savage beast

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by blujay

Wow, I can see myself in a place like this!!! So serene and peaceful, majestic and magical. I wanna go right now!

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by nydsdan

I work in IT but I am now finding myself daydreaming about living off of the land, living the simple life, and working with my hands. Simplifying life, and slowing things down. I think humanity (at least much of western society) is learning that our rate of increase in life, job, and everything else is unsustainable. There was a time where a household could be supported by a sole provider working a 9-5. Now both adults need jobs and work longer hours just to "make ends meet" and that is increasing annually. This cannot continue.

Wow I know exactly what you mean! This is something I have been longing for for the past year and a half! In many of my posts you can see how I feel about todays system and how I desire the world to go back to survival of the fittest, meaning being self sufficient, even communal. But society of today cannot be sustained, this we know!

[edit on 11-6-2009 by ldyserenity]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
Omegapoint, I didn't fight it last night and I slept better than normally.I just kept saying 'I am ready for this, I will be fine' and I slept great!

Also there was another post about the left/right brains becoming equally funtioning, this meant something important to me because, though I am female I tend to function in the left brain, and since April had terrible migraines in the left side of my head/temple area. Last night was the first night I didn't have a migraine because I let my right brain get some say. Pretty odd.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by ldyserenity]

Interesting.. this would indicate that it is of an evolutionary variety the "disturbance", for which I do believe there is a remedy !

Another ATS member and I are collaborating together to make available, for free, an hour long deep meditation, brainwave entrainment sound track, comprised of beautiful Bach classical music overlaying a binaural beat track, designed to take the listener (with stereo headphone) into Alpha, Theta and then Delta. This will serve to bring about increased left/right brain synchronization, will cause the release of melatonin and other calming and healing endorphins, hormones and neurotransmitters, while at the same time surfacing any unresolved material from the unconscious, and, bringing about an evolutionary growth process for the brain and nervous system since is acts as a stimulous resulting in the growth of new neural pathways as well as the purification of the "nadies" or the 1000's of energy nodes extending through and from the main chakras. The result of all of this is that you'll sleep deeply, awaken refreshed, and feel more aware, at peace and undisturbed during the day.

It should be available for download within a week.

Trust me on this - it will work WONDERS and will prove helpful to anyone who's been having any difficulties in the area of achieving deep, restful and regenerative sleep.

Here is an excellent presentation regarding the science which support it and how it works

This also relates to energies and higher frequencies, but where we're in charge of the process and can get ahead of the curve, restoring our power while maintaining integrity of self determination.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

[edit on 11-6-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:35 PM

You mention here "vibrations..." For about 6 months now I have noticed a "tingling," like superfine vibrations through my body. I only really notice when I am still (they do not interfere with my normal functioning). They are strongest in my head, hands and feet.

Do you suppose they are related (they have been becoming stronger lately)?

I do think it's very possible that it's all related. Of course it's going to be different for everyone as we are all individuals but there seems to be a definite common denominator among us. Have you noticed any other changes? My father is having the exact vibrations you speak of and he thinks it is definitely ET. Keep in mind my father is a completely reasonable man. This is getting very intriguing to say the least!

each and EVERY one of you … are living in a time frame whereupon you are experiencing an integration of Higher energies that have not been present upon your plant for eons of your time...."
** If someone had shown me this post two years ago and said it was written by me in the future, I would have laughed my ass off.
I agree with you in that there are so many forces we couldn't begin to comprehend. It really doesn't matter where we get our 'information' from, as it seems many sources are sharing a common truth lately with regard to the changes we are experiencing. I would never 'kick you out' for sharing your ideas, whatever they may be. We're all in this weird as it is!

Would you be more specific as to your personal experience and share with us how you obtained this point of view?

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