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Obama: “I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11”

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posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by jd140
Let them all just pat each other on the back and regurgitate all the "evidence" they say they have found. Your kind of logic will not be tolerated in 9/11 conspiracy threads.

Yes, because your logic that fire brings steel-structured buildings down exactly like controlled demolitions is far superior:


Why aren't demo companies using fire instead of wasting money on explosives and manpower? Oh yeah, I forgot. Fires have never brought down steel-structured high-rises before 9/11 or after. Buildings have only ever fallen like the above with precisely placed explosives, period. That's real logic. So real, in fact, that there's no way for you to disprove it.

Now get over your denial and accept the facts or move on, thanks.

Thank you for proving my point.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
How can he put the blame totally on Al-Qaeda with a straight face?!

Oh yeah, I forgot...

Well they admitted to it.

Are you saying their admissions are government fabrications?

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by jd140

Thank you for proving my point.


Maybe I'm abolutely off-topic there, but what's up with lots of anti-truthers* have screen-names with a number?
I hope I'm not too offensive there, but isn't this sounding like clones names?


posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 02:06 AM
Obama,perhaps was dropping a hint? although I doubt anyone as cautious as him would even go that far but it was a bit odd and out of character for him..

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:02 AM
I wondered why he said that they "claimed credit for the attack"

If it was obivously them of course they did it. To say "claimed credit" makes it seem like they were taking credit for something they did not do.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:12 AM
Well, so much for change! After I heard Obama’s speech, I felt nauseated. Watching the congressional hearing after 911 and menta testifying how Cheney told the officers to stand down which were the shoot down orders to whatever was flying towards the pentagon. Maybe it is not very important to most people, but it is to me. Then Professor Steven Jones has proved that there was Thermit and Thermate in the WTC dust.
Then we get to the 911-commission report where several of the commissioners admitted that what the military told them to what really happened on 911 it was so criminal that the commissioners wanted to submitted their report to the Justices Department. However, it never happened and they will not talk about it either. I am sorry folks but I am not convinced that Al Qaeda could have carried out such a sophisticated military operation and infiltrate our most restricted air space on this planet.

I thought Obama was going to make some big changes, however hearing this speech reminded me of the Bush administration and how they lied through their teeth and played with our intelligent. I know in my hart many years from now, we will know the truth, but the real culprits will be long dead from old age and will never stand trail.
In my opinion, I believe if Obama could look into 911 it would open up the deepest core of corruption this country would have ever have seen. Furthermore, it would have shined a light on what corporations who funded this operation. Al Qaeda does not know how to fly airplanes the way we all witness on 911, come on. Therefore, the cover-up continues, now in the Obama administration, I have lost total faith in our government. I do not care what the GLs’ think they are brainwashed by the government and the corporate controlled media.

If there is no accountability in our government for 911, then this will happen again furthermore, it also proves that Obama has lied saying no one is above the laws.
As, Obama and our vice president help the Bush administration further their cover-up, it makes Obama and Biden accomplices to 911. Do not misunderstand me I was an Obama supporter. However, because of this speech not any more. Those innocent people that have confess to masterminding 911 were beating nearly to death, water boarded, crammed in tiny shipping creates with insects pored over them, RAPED, some in front of their mothers, starved, isolated for weeks, striped of their clothing, force to lay in their feacies, hog tied. I guess I would admit to anything that you wanted me to, including the kidnapping of the Limburg baby, OKLA. Bombing, WW2, and Pearl Harbor, if that what it would to stop these barbaric animals of killing me. However, if our military really had real terrorists who supposently committed 911, I promise you, they would never live to see a tribunal military trail. This is all a show.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by impressme
Do not misunderstand me I was an Obama supporter. However, because of this speech not any more.

I'm glad you came to that realisation.

Never trust anyone in government. Politicians are not honest or noble. They'll only disclose what they want you to hear.

I can't understand why people vote? Voting means that you're willing to be ruled by an overlord... It all seems to silly to me. I don't want to be ruled by anyone.

I guess that's why Obama can get his rocks off playing POTUS and thinking that he's better than the rest of us with his 9/11 doublespeak - people actually vote for him...

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by NWOhereNOW
Well they admitted to it.
Are you saying their admissions are government fabrications?

We were told by our government that they admitted it without any proof but their word. Never believe or trust anyone based solely on their word.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 09:50 AM
Two airplanes, three huge buildings down. The third one being barely acknowledged.
I am confident this would make for a pretty decent debate.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by NWOhereNOW
Well they admitted to it.
Are you saying their admissions are government fabrications?

We were told by our government that they admitted it without any proof but their word. Never believe or trust anyone based solely on their word.

It appears that you trust the government with your life, as you are living in the country.

If you thought you would be taken at any time, would you still live here or move?

To paraphrase Nietzsche, don't be upset that the government lied to you; be upset that you can never trust it again.

“You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough”

There have been many more admissions from various sources about who was responsible. You just have not looked.

"Google, ehs a pretty cool guy. He does queries, crawls the web and doesn't afraid of anything!"

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by NWOhereNOW
It appears that you trust the government with your life, as you are living in the country.

It appears you misread or misunderstood my post. Try again.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:13 AM
Lmao, I like obama as a president... I do. I didnt vote, but if I did it would have been for him. This statement is just assenine. If obama had taken hundreds of hours to study the 9/11 incident, even from a skeptical point of view, I might respect what has been said. The fact is, he didnt look into depth about this. Even skeptics will tell you, this isnt just a straightforward terrorist attack... there are lots of things that dont add up that day, whether al qaeda did it or not. Where the hell were the fighter jets? Why werent they scrambled? Where was our defense? In the long run, the blood is on the hands of the high ranking officials who heard the chatter and let it happen.... who saw the airplane leave its plotted flightpath and let it happen... who literally WATCHED a supposed PLANE fly into the PENTAGON which has ground to air turrets and did nothing. This is the equivalent to being a kung fu expert, watching a lowly street thug run at an old lady with a balled fist and sitting back while the thug continues to beat her up. God knows steven seagal would have lumped that dude up. The government has a duty to protect its people... not fail at their job, say oops when it happens and point the finger at someone else. If one plane had gone unnoticed that day it would have been at the very least, forgiveable... we could learn from out mistakes. But what happened?
Four?? What the hell happened? I think a 3 year old with mental disabilities could have protected our country better.

And for the record, I personally believe the government directly did it.
So im putting everything I just wrote VERY leniently.

~Hey Rumsfeld whats that?
Its a plane.
~And that?
A plane.
~How bout that one?
A plane.
~Hm. I see... and that one there?
A plane.

[edit on 6/11/2009 by ZyPHeR]

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