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Can Obama be Stopped in 2012?

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posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:12 AM
Yeah obama is destroying america.. not the 8 years of terror under bush, not the 8 years under clinton, not the 200 something years of horrible corrupt greedy leaders.. do you even hear yourself ?

[edit on 8-6-2009 by Next_Heap_With]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by XD9611
reply to post by ufo2009

we have been hated by the world LONG before the bush administration, do i have to list all of those incidents over the past 30 years, probably longer...

Sorry, I beg to disagree. Before Bush, people around the world had mixed feelings about America. But globally it was positive. You'll never know how much damage this 8 years brought to the world (oh, you can look at Iraq for an example) .
And I believe the damage done to the USA is very here too.

About why some people hate Obama so much, I have my opinion too, but it's not very politically correct to tell here. And I don't want to argue now, just share some opinions.



posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by georgepatrick
reply to post by mikerussellus

When the government owns 60% of a company, I call that socialism.

NO NO NO !! it is not !! because the intention is not to OWN that company but only to help it survive and to keep the employment !!! the intention is to get that money back when things will go better, it is not the role of a government to own such companies !!!!! isn't it important to keep employment ? is it better to have bankrupties with loss of money for all other companies involved ?

You are correct it is not the government's role. The problem is that governments and bureaucrats do not know how to run companies. These clowns have never so much as held a garage sale let alone met a payroll. They are now making business decisions including hirings and firings. Obama has already proven incapable of carrying out his presidential responsibilities as laid out in Article II of the U.S. Constitution let alone usurping unconstitutional powers. For instance Geithner, our current United States Secretary of the Treasury, admittedly cannot complete his own personal tax return. This point is rather scary you would have to admit and should have disqualified the man for the position. Further proof of his ineptitude is prior to being head of the fed; Geithner was the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and effectively slept through the Wall Street and banking meltdown. Although Geithner has academic credentials a mile long, not so much in economics as one would think, as well as Washington connections through his family going back to the Eisenhower administration, one must be suspicious as to why this inept man is still in the mix. Now tell me it’s fine for Obama to run a corporation. He couldn’t run a lemonade stand.

George, I know you're not completely up to speed on what is going on in the US. Gm has floundered but not due to bad management in 2008-09. What did GM in was what are known as “legacy costs”. In the 1980’s the US autoworkers union made sweet deals with the manufacturers. These deals included lifetime benefits for retirees and their families. Gm and the other US manufacturers were locked into what turned into pyramid schemes with fewer and fewer active workers and more and more retiree benefits. If the automakers downsized along the way, they negotiated workers to retire early. They were then no longer getting production from these people only bills. It’s more involved than that. Essentially the US automakers negotiated in good faith to take care of their union workers and the union has choked the goose that laid the golden egg to death.

Foreign manufacturers don’t pay high wages or give the same level of benefits. That’s what has finally done in the US manufacturers. They should have been allowed to fold or restructure under bankruptcy laws to eliminate the union leaches. The autoworkers would still be employed at competitive wages. Probably to the same extent they will be now under Obama rule (GM is now restructuring and downsizing despite government intervention) but without the bailout funds having been siphoned away without a trace. We’ve been robbed.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by mental modulator
So yes technically the DEREGULATION and FELONIOUS financial instruments which lay at the heart of the W disaster were created by and pandered to conservative/republican ideology.

May I butt in? I think you are on the right track but you aren't going far enough. If we are going to meander into economic mudslinging; why not go all the way and blame the very Keynesian economic theory that, ostensibly, pushed us to the point of requiring regulation in the very first place.

The problem is people blame free market ideas as if they have actually been tried for extended periods of time. Truth is, we haven't had anything remotely -emphasis on remotely- close to a free market since the 1900's.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Hey Has, I said similar earlier in this thread. Obama has completed his assigned damage. That was fast, don't you think? He'll continue doing damage but it's already too much. They don't need him to be re-elected. Sotomayor will help to lock in the Obama damage. The next president, if there is one, will be the nasty bastard. We've just been softened up and lulled into complacency with the last five clowns and their right, left, right, left swings. People think the next guy will always right the ship.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

Some good points. You use "you" and "your" often in your post, where are you coming from with this? You post like a foreigner.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 05:54 PM
A little story about why we should blame Obama and his administration:

Your spouse goes out and buys a car, a house, a computer, and a business that sells bedazzlers. Unfortunately, he has spent most of your money and you are now living paycheck to paycheck.

Sure enough, the car breaks down and you borrow a little money to fix it. Things are getting tighter, but you are still squeaking by. Next, the house needs repairs well beyond what you can afford and at the same time your property taxes are rising. Finally, the business is tanking -- people are no longer buying bedazzlers -- and the trend is not likely to reverse.

Now, you can no longer afford your home, your business, or your car repair payments. You are quickly going under and begin borrowing money from friends and family in order to feed yourself.

So....what do you do to get out of this mess?

If your answer is:
I go to the bank and borrow $5M (more than 3 times your initial investment) to pay for all of my broken down possessions -- hoping that at least one of them will actually get fixed and maybe generate some money -- then you may call yourself Congress.

If, while you are continually borrowing all this money with no way to pay it back, you now decide to go out and purchase more things that will cost even more money to take care of, then congratulations -- you may call yourself President Obama!

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Yes, we just need to tie him to the results of his policies.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel
reply to post by jsobecky

Yes, we just need to tie him to the results of his policies.

Agreed, but that is difficult to do as long as the MSM is in love with him. How can we get them to report the truth and not the sugar-coated fairy tale they are selling?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Agreed, but that is difficult to do as long as the MSM is in love with him. How can we get them to report the truth and not the sugar-coated fairy tale they are selling?

Obama, Bush, Clinton... Does it really matter at this point?

The Main Stream Media has long stopped reporting what is relevant and pertinent when it comes to the truth. They just do as they are told like good lapdogs.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by miss_silver

There is no comparison between Bush and Obama as to how the media covered them. The press was brutal on Bush and treats Obama like a messsiah.

As long as they treat Obama with kid gloves, the masses will continue to be led to the slaughter.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 10:52 PM
You can complain about the MSM coverage of Obama all you want but the fact remains that the Republican Party wont win back the White House until they learned to hate deficits then Gays . In the 2008 electoral cycle the Republican Party core supporter base ignored all of Palin other flaws because of her oppsition to abortion . Mitt Romney must have sat back in wonder at the fact the prejudice against him being a Mormon(SP?) is greater then racial prejudice .

If I was an American despite the fact I disagree with him on social issues Romney has enough substances in other matters of importance for me to give consideration to voting for him . If I had to choose between Obama and a religious fruit cake at the polls i would want to go jump off a bridge .

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 11:01 PM
The fact is you can't win either way.

It is obvious they still have the majority of the country divided in this 2 party bickering.

Divide and conquer.

Republican Party + Democrats = 2 sides - 1 coin.

No real 'change' can be made until DC is purged.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

There is no comparison between Bush and Obama as to how the media covered them. The press was brutal on Bush and treats Obama like a messsiah.

The media worshiped Bush Jr! He could have farted and the whole Fox News crew would have inhaled and agreed it smelled like roses. Depends on which Network the news are aired, some favors the republicans, some favors the dems, either way, it is either praises or slandering which ever way anyone wants to see it. Give Obama it's time, when he messes up, he will get "grilled".

As long as they treat Obama with kid gloves, the masses will continue to be led to the slaughter.

As I posted previously, you do not need to convince me about the "magical black man" for I do not trust any politicians. He will only continue what Bush Jr started. He will not bring the troops back home, he will treat its own citizen as terrorists to be, even you and I are considered terrorists even tho we do not know it yet.

He will do the same as Bush, if not worst.

They are all of the same ilk, Obama is Bush, he only has a different skin color.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

It's funny you should mention 2012. A lot more is going down come 2012 than just the presidential election and the UK Olympics. Everything about you, from the way you talk to your choice of avatar show me that your intentions are ingenuous. I do not hold it against you, but you should seriously reevaluate your stance. If you're a member of one of the three letter alphabet soup agencies, you'll go down with the ship too. I hope you are aware that you're working for the "bad guys" in this equation.

Your point of view sounds very similar to the propaganda expounded via Faux News and one can safely assume just about anything they say is either fallacy or slander. As the poster children for THE criminal cabal every conscientious human being should oppose, your strikingly similarity brand of deception is all but transparent.

For those of you without the energy to read between the lines, "If it sounds like something they'd say on Fox News, it's probably a lie." Whether this user is an agent of this cabal or a misguided individual cannot be known for certain, but as somebody who has put the pieces together and seen beyond the veil to some degree, I can tell you all that what this main takes for granted is simply not true. Obama is a projection of the mass planetary consciousness field, which is just a fancy way of saying he's our avatar.

If you want to change the world, change yourself. Everything outside of us mirrors what is within. Obama is where he is because his ascension to power was in the best interest of human evolution at this point in time. But don't take my word for it. Wait and see. The world is on the verge of a massive quantum leap. Since there's nothing you can do to stop what is to come, I'll leave you to your devices. Just sit back and enjoy the show. If you really must make an ass of yourself, don't let me stop you. Just keep in mind that it won't do a damn bit of good. The mass consciousness has already reached critical mass. The only option you have is to ride the leading edge of cosmic change or be caught in the wake.

Have fun, everybody.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by Syrus Magistus

You seem to like to label people because they disagree with your love for Obama. Too bad; some of us are smarter than to fall for his flowery rhetoric and can see beyond his words and into his soul.

Obama is where he is because his ascension to power was in the best interest of human evolution at this point in time. But don't take my word for it. Wait and see. The world is on the verge of a massive quantum leap.

I'm sure the sycophants said the same thing about Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, and others.

If you really must make an ass of yourself, don't let me stop you. Just keep in mind that it won't do a damn bit of good. The mass consciousness has already reached critical mass. The only option you have is to ride the leading edge of cosmic change or be caught in the wake.

This is where you are wrong, and what frightens you. Your leader will collapse like the empty suit he is. His support is already eroding. He is making a fool of himself around the world, and is destroying our nation with his socialistic ideas.

His vaporous image will dissipate like the morning fog on a hot summer day....

and when he is ridden out of town on a rail, you will be left alone and forgotten.

Power to the people!

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 09:07 AM
Stopped in 2012.?? He needs to be stopped NOW..!!!!

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Can Obama be stopped in 2012? ZZzzz what a question.......
Read this instead...

The Holy Brotherhood

We all work for the same cause with firm means!

We are a brotherhood of understanding!

We are a honest and trustworthy companions!

We always stand by our word!

We stand vast for the animals safety!

We never let the poor and defenseless get hurt!

We defend mother earth and her children at all times!

We have a star that leads us on our holy path?....yes MONEY

And we are?....The White People

By Kuculcangod

[edit on 9-6-2009 by Kukulcangod]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:02 PM
We'll just tax our way out of the recession .. after all, it's all the rich people who caused this mess in the first place. /sarcasm

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:17 PM
Quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero (Date 63 BC)

The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.

A plan that worked thousands of years ago.

It should be the focus of this US government and president, the opposite of all of the above items in that quote is what is happening.

The policies and agendas of the Obama administration and majority ruled congress are going to destroy this nation, unless something is done to bring back a balance of power in 2010.

It is up to the American people, and if they don't stop this when they have an opportunity then they will only have themselves to blame.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by Walkswithfish]

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