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Obama White House Names June Gay Pride Month

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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Christian Voice

Then why hasn't God destroyed San Fransisco?

Its called the Big One.
He just wants to save as much people as he can before he gives it to the people that deserve it... Which is a lot of people.

He did the same with Sodom. The big bad holy book stats that God was not going to destroy Sodom if there was more the one innocent person living in it er something along those lines.
Well we all know what happened.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:10 PM
I think we as a society made this whole ordeal bigger than it needed to be. A lot of people believe that it's such a simple choice between allowing gay marriage or banning it that the argument has gained more attention than it really needs too. Although the government does conspire to distract us with useless media crap a lot of the US population actually does care about this issue. Perhaps more than they should. Lately this issue has been receiving more attention than abortion and the death penalty.

IMO I think gays should just have it. I don't think marriage will be "tainted" by this nor do I care to much for the opinion of those who would say it is. Also, I don't think it's fair that the christian perspective can impede with people receiving a right. Although I respect the morals and religious views on life which the Christians hold it's unjust to say that homosexuals can not get married because it goes against their traditions. I do understand that it's mostly all major religions who are against gay marriage so I do apologize if I seem ignorant by naming those of the Christian faith only. But isn't it wrong that the religious views of some can conflict with people who are seeking to obtain a right?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
reply to post by Orion52

Oh cry me a freakin river. When God destroyed Sodom for the very same things was he showing compassion? No he was showing justice. He gave us laws and he enforced them. Discerning right from wrong is not being a hater or anything it's just discerning, something people in the US are losing the ability to do.

niiiice. If I were to use your compass, I'd try to label your comment as "Christian tolerance". It's okay, though, I know you're just speaking for you. Not projecting or interpreting scripture to represent a group, just you.

Let's call that your opinion, m'kay?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by David9176

you're exactly right. Spot on. It's a gesture that doesn't hurt a damn thing, and infringes on nobody's rights. Do we have a minor bovine when it's 'breast cancer awareness month' or 'mental heath month'? Nope. It probably doesn't change anyone's life markedly at all. It's just a simple nod of the head at a segment of the human condition.

A gesture.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Miraj

Then why hasn't God destroyed San Fransisco?

Exactly. Or New York, or Cairo, Or Perth, or Akron, or Thule, or Havanna, etc. etc.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Orion52
He destroyed Sodom because the sodomites surrounded Lot's house and demanded to have relations with two angels, that was the sin.

A different explanation I heard from a man who had studied the culture was that it was all about hospitality.

In such a harsh environment travellers needed to be able to rely on hospitality from the people they encountered on their journeys. Many people would have to travel at one time or other, so hospitality became a reciprocal obligation. So, for reasons of survival, the traveller was given almost sacred status and had to be cared for.

Lot and his family took the angels in and cared for them, but their work was nearly undone by the locals who fell so far short of respecting this duty that they wanted to commit the ultimate sacrilege, and rape the travellers. This left Lot in an invidious position, where he had to choose between his duty to his family and his duty to his culture. So he made the heartbreaking decision his duty demanded of him, and offered his virgin daughters to be raped instead.

The story was not about lust or homosexuality or rape. It was about a town treating its visitors atrociously, and illustrated, through the actions of Lot, that the duty to the visitor was even higher than the duty to the most beloved of one's own family.

It was hospitality, not homosexuality, that was at stake.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:32 PM
I guess everyone has their own month now except for the straight white male.

Everyone preaches tolerance and equal rights. Well,with all things being equal, where the hell is my month?

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Kailassa

Way way off target here. Sodom was destroyed because of sexual immorality. That's where the term sodomy comes from for goodness sake. Look defend homosexuality all you want. That will never make it right. Those that live the lifestyle will always have the feeling deep down that something is not right. And for goodness sake, quit trying to defend a lifestyle CHOICE by comparing yourself to animals. Again by the homosexual logic murder should be accepted because animals do it, what malarky.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa
This shows Obama really does have some backbone.

If he had backbone he'd be doing this with a little more fanfare.
He's sneaking it in the backdoor.

I'm not sure what we need a 'gay pride' month for.

Be proud of 'who you are having sex with' month?

I think there are better 'pride months' that could have been declared ..

Be proud of our veterans.
Be proud of our emergency care and first responders.
Be proud of our doctors and nurses.
Be proud of our volunteers.

But 'be proud of how I have sex' month? Dunno .. that's kinda funny.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
Way way off target here. Sodom was destroyed because of sexual immorality. That's where the term sodomy comes from for goodness sake.

God told you personally this was the correct interpretation, did She?

Onanism means masturbation, yet it comes from a story in which a man committed a sin by using coitus interuptus. This is another story which was not about sex at all, but about the fulfilment of the tribal duty to marry one's dead brother's (or son's,) wife. - Which was legalised by the act of sexual insemination.

Many bible stories are misunderstood, or are the retellings of older stories with a different meaning.

Look defend homosexuality all you want. That will never make it right. Those that live the lifestyle will always have the feeling deep down that something is not right.

Both those statements are opinion only. You are free to hold your own opinion, but there is no reason to expect others to hold similar ones.

And for goodness sake, quit trying to defend a lifestyle CHOICE by comparing yourself to animals.

First homosexuals are told that homosexuality is wrong because it is not natural.
Then they prove it's natural by showing it occurs frequently within the animal kingdom.
Then they are told to stop referring to nature, (animals).

Again by the homosexual logic murder should be accepted because animals do it, what malarky.

To my knowledge no homosexual has stated that everything animals do is acceptable behaviour for humans.
They have merely argued against the accusation that homosexuality is unnatural.
The linking of "natural" with "good" has come entirely from the opponents of homosexuality.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Kailassa
This shows Obama really does have some backbone.

It's dangerous for the government, in a country where bigots abound, but he obviously thinks it's worth standing up for peoples' rights.

It's good to see an American president working towards freedom from harassment and discrimination.

All he is doing is turning our attention away from what he is really doing.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:27 PM
While now this might be considered good and bad by some, years later people will be asking why this hadn't come sooner. African American month was rejected by many too, but now its a source of pride for the whole nation that we're working for equality.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:35 PM
My ears are kinda big.
I was born that way.
I demand a month for my big ears

I cannot date perfect 10 models.
I have rights, ya know!!

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Well good for them

It's about time this had happen.

Alien Mind

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

Homosexuality is completely unnatural. What happens when a man ejaculates? SPERM comes out. Sperm is not the miracle 400 in 1 item, it has one function only. The purpose for sperm is for egg fertilization only. To create another life. Now given that only women can create eggs and sperms only function is to fertilize eggs that causes a problem for the idea of homosexuality being natural. Put sperm in someones butt or mouth and if they become pregnant from it I'll never mention it again. It is strictly lustful sexual deviance.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

The pride comes for the Gay community in that they have survived the hatred and have afforded the next generations greater freedoms.

And if you have not noticed is not choice.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

Oh whatever, it is a choice and the whole gay pride thing is stupid. Hey I have sex with my wife,,,, we need a pride month. There is nothing to be proud of. It's not like being gay means you just earned your PHD or anything. It just means you like the same sex.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by jd140

White males own and control the world...what do they need a measily little month for.

I think we who post here should come up with a historical figure that was Gay....Alexander The Great.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Somewhere in your life were you forced to march out front during a Gay Pride parade with a pair of pink tights and ballerina slippers on?

How could you possibly care whether there is a Gay Pride month?

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

I'm just trying to figure out the point. Heterosexuals don't insist on parades or pride months. As far as that goes, Jews don't either and they have been persocuted far more than blacks or gays ever have and they don't piss and moan about everything. Give it a rest. Ralphi May said it best, " with gas prices over 2$ a gallon I'm not drivin 15 miles out of the way just so you can have a parade proclaiming your love for the same sex"

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