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Was Obama Not supposed to be opening UFO Files by End May?

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posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:35 PM
This just announceed today, and may be related to this thread topic:

"Obama orders review of government secrets"

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Larryman

Again ... Obama knows nothing about this. He can order a review of secrets all he wants. Those folks who REALLY know won't be telling anything.

Ask Bill Clinton.

Review the video at the link I provided.

He said it himself. The POTUS is only a temporary employee.

Those that REALLY know are more than just a 4 year temp employee.
They are 'lifer's. And they aint' telling anyone .. including the POTUS.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by Larryman

While I see where you're going with your post, it's my humble opinion that the sensitive UFO related secrets are held by a cabal that is answerable to no government.


posted on May, 29 2009 @ 05:45 AM
Disclosure will one day come, it has too, i am sure one day the aliens will show them selves in public if the government doesn't disclose.

Now, i dont think this will happen soon though, but the sooner the better in my book!

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 07:16 AM
Lets Wait for The UK Goverment to do a full disclosure on the matter LOL
to busy spending tax payers money on household items and there familys morgages etc lol They know less than the public. If the US will ever do it then Obama is the best chance we will ever get before 2012 so lets hope and shut up the tunnel vision skeptics up!

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:52 AM
It just struck me that when full disclosure happens, it will no longer be a conspiracy...

Since ATS needs to maintain the conspiracy aspect of the UFO forums; could there ever be full disclosure?

Would ATS even allow the President of the United States (or any other gov't) for that matter?

Disclosure would mean that those boards would have to move to a mainstream site like Compuserve.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:54 AM
Obama has no power of that, so why do you people believe those people.

The people at that press conference where rubbish and you all could of taken there place.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:58 AM
its the 31st of May...president sarkozy of France has disclosed...nothing as of yet, and i would say there is not a huge public focus on the topic of UFO Disclosure from the Obama administration. Now didnt Stephen Basset say something along the lines of 'if they dont disclose the information..we'll have to take action'(not direct quote) ?
So could someone explain what this action is?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:30 AM
Doesn't Obama, the prez of the most powerful nation in the world, have anything better to do than look at UFO files? Jeeez! Look what he's got on his plate:

> Tackling climate change.
> Budget and the economy.
> Civil Rights incl affirmative action and gay rights.
> Taxes and corporation issues.
> Crime.
> Drugs.
> Education.
> Health care.
> Energy and oil.
> Environment.
> Foreign policy issues.
> War against terror.
> Foreign Trade.
> Gun control.
> Homeland security.
> Immigration.
> Government reform.
> Social security and tax reforms.
> Abortion.
> etc. etc.

As you can see he's up to his gills on a horde of subjects that he needs to tackle and concentrate on. These are the priority issues.

Not UFOs and aliens!


posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by ThinAir
its the 31st of May...president sarkozy of France has disclosed...nothing as of yet, and i would say there is not a huge public focus on the topic of UFO Disclosure from the Obama administration. Now didnt Stephen Basset say something along the lines of 'if they dont disclose the information..we'll have to take action'(not direct quote) ?
So could someone explain what this action is?

All governments of the world are in BIG trouble now. BIG TROUBLE! Basset and those guys are gonna... well... they're.... they're gonna hold another summit and sell some books and t-shirts!

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:56 AM
Obama will be just like every other elected president, he is a spokes person and representitive who is given his speeches to read. The people that do know the information regarding ets/ufos arnt going to tell him....this is how its always been and this is how it will continue...why is he any different?

When i first started looking into ufos alien etc the disclosure project was like gold dust to me but over time it has lost all credibility.


posted on May, 31 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by ThinAir
its the 31st of May...president sarkozy of France has disclosed...nothing as of yet, and i would say there is not a huge public focus on the topic of UFO Disclosure from the Obama administration. Now didnt Stephen Basset say something along the lines of 'if they dont disclose the information..we'll have to take action'(not direct quote) ?
So could someone explain what this action is?

there is still an extra month yet. Maybe they have chosen to use this month to their advantage.

My Birthday is in a month exactly, i may have a rather big birthday present this year

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 01:56 PM
The only people who can disclose the "truth" about ETs are ETs.

If there are ETs coming here, and they want to cover this up, only they can change this situation.

If there are ETs coming here, then since there isn't any open contact, then I conclude that it is ET policy to cover it up.

My conclusions:

1) If ETs are not coming here, then the UFO files are about mistakes or classified projects, so there will be no action from the government.

2) If the ETs are coming here, and the ETs have a policy of covering it up, then the government has nothing to win by opening up what meager information they might know, since it is likely ETs are covering things up from them.

Imagine the hypothetical, "ETs are coming here, covering up their presence, but the government knows a little bit and lets it all hang out."

The three responses from people, e.g. 80% of the people on this board:

a) Is that it? Lights in the sky? That proves nothing!
b) You're faking it, lying for your own evil benefit! Prove it! (A: they can't, without ET cooperation)
c) What are you going to do about it? (A: nothing can be done about it)

Now why would government bother to say anything? All downside, no upside.

There is a third possibility:

3) ETs are coming here, ETs are covering it up, and they have ordered governments to keep the cover up Or Else.

Same result.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by mbkennel]

[edit on 31-5-2009 by mbkennel]

[edit on 31-5-2009 by mbkennel]

[edit on 31-5-2009 by mbkennel]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:20 PM

i really hope they tell the public about et and aliens soon, but just imagine the kind of pressure in bringing something forward to the public with the potential to have massive gobal effects, not entirely sure of the reaction and consequences of doing so, such as a frank alien disclosure, it would of seemed difficult 50 years or so ago to do so without causing gobal turmoil and wrecking havoc, simply by it becoming sheer fact and not a load of codswallop.

And remember that many people in government or a section of governments has had knowledge of and denied or refused to give information on this subject for many decades, i.e. the questions it would rise etc, for example the fact that many presidents (the apparent leader of the nation) not (maybe) having any clue to these secrets and facts, left in the dark by some people, who may be veiwed as breaking the law or rather as above the law (but i beleive most are doing what they view as safe and best for the public).

Personally I think that it will come but it will be a long thought out process/or else just all in one big go/like maybe this threat to release info, but it must be hard to come to an agreement of when to release this information, considering the social and culture implications throughout every cornor of the world. And then consider the possiblity that aliens dont really care about us, the human race as such, and maybe want to remain left alone, without interferance or interaction with us?...

Anyway i know of a link il post here, the guy is a legend (imo) in this page he has qouted many people considered as having gained knowedge or able to on this subject, and if you press up twice and go back to pages on his briefings, he explains a lot about ufos and bit of roswell and i beleive it to be an accurate description etc so here it is, cheers:

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by contemplator

Hahaha sadly i think that might be the best theyve got..but we'll have to see..

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:15 PM
link id=71:world-news&Itemid=201

stumbled across this- a randomly Australian site giving detailed information as to what 'phase 3' will include, which begins as of today. As stated, the
'plan is to generate a critical mass of linked UFO/ET references to the Obama Administration to trigger an unprecedented series of questions by top-tier journalists.'

It goes onto explain this in more detail, It would seem Bassett is infact begining the project as of today. I personally think he couldve harnessed the power of ATS, giving printout leaflets to people on the site, which we could then disperse to inform the masses! it would be a global phenomenon!...
but ill keep my ideas to myself,
check out the site, it makes it clear what his plan is!

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 02:58 PM
Obama probably doesn't know anything regarding UFOs. Hes the president though, he can probably find out if he puts enough energy into it. Its impossible to keep something as big as ETs secret. 60 years is a long time, the full truth will be known some day.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 03:24 PM
if anyone believes that the Gov will disclose the truth are deluding yourself...disclosure will NEVER happen EVER !!

they will never tell the truth....they cannot...nor will they EVER.

move on folks.....find something else to put your time & energies into because your wasting your time and effort pushing for disclosure.

It kills me to see some holding onto a false hope of the GOV suddenly coming forth to spill the beans ...... just move on and find something else to focus on.


posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Alpha Grey

Actually, if the people group up and start demanding the truth the government will have to disclose, else look like stupid uncaring idiots, government has to look like it cares for us if it wants our support. Which will happen eventually, with more and more UFO sightings are occurring. Even I have seen a couple. The government keeps a lid on it because not enough people care, but if that changes, and people KNOW what the government is holding back, then they have no choice but to come clean. People within government will start asking questions to those who do know, because they dont want to look bad.

Its all about momentum, get enough momentum going and you cannot keep the truth embargo, it would be counter productive to those that keep a lid on it. Its all about eliminating ridicule that the UFO subject possesses by getting people to accept the idea.

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