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From Solomon To Rothschild: The History Of Banking And Beyond

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posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:27 PM
Benjamin Fulford has just posted a 94 page brief which reveals the hidden power structures, their origins, and the current battle for the M1 spot which even involves the selection of which entity should be worshipped spiritually: Christ or Lucifer. (!).

The last section explains what the future may hold in either scenario and what you as an individual can and should do.

Benjamin Fulford: The Brief (PDF)

Recommended viewing: PDF reader full page so you can follow all the connections, almost like an animation.

Source: Benjamin Fulford blog

Who is Benjamin Fulford?

(born 1961) is a journalist, author and researcher of Canadian descent living in Japan. He is descended from the Fulford clan, one of Canada's blue-blood families. (...) Fulford is the great grandson of George Taylor Fulford, who was at one time the largest single shareholder in General Electric.

Benjamin Fulford Bio

Educate yourself.


posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:38 PM
If you think about it, money itself is ridiculous.

Imagine being from another planet and seeing 'us' trading a piece of tree or metal from the ground (which costs money itself to gather and create) traded for something else that we need or don't need (stuff).

They would assume they can just gather a piece of tree or some metal from the earth and attempt to trade it but NooooooOOoo, not possible because those items have not been labelled as such to be able to trade. There are no stamps, engravings or pictures on it.

It is like being lost in the woods or stuck on a deserted island, Mr. Howell's piles of money were no use to him whatsoever. Maybe the lessons learned from Gilligan's island was the necessity for social development without banks, income or 'things' and to survive on the the sheer ability to thrive only with others of the same species to keep you company.

PS! I haven't seen these reality series' like Lost etc...but if they complete tasks do they not get a reward? Shouldn't the reward be 'survival' itself? Isn't that enough for people? It seems not, since survival, destiny and free will requires a person to feel entitled to any such reward for being so. If our rewards are in the here and now.....what do we expect heaven is for if we have all we think we are entitled to now? If we get all the rewards now, that should be plenty enough that when your life is extinguished, its done, finito, complete...nothing to look forward to really.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by suzque66]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 01:08 PM
Great find!!!

If true, this is great inside intel...kind of long so I'm still reading, but, it looks to be very enlightening!!!

The Fed link looks interesting as well, as this is our current dilemma here...

F & S!

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Hx3_1963
Great find!!!

If true, this is great inside intel...kind of long so I'm still reading, but, it looks to be very enlightening!!!

The Fed link looks interesting as well, as this is our current dilemma here...

F & S!


posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by suzque66PS! I haven't seen these reality series' like Lost etc...but if they complete tasks do they not get a reward? Shouldn't the reward be 'survival' itself? Isn't that enough for people? It seems not, since survival, destiny and free will requires a person to feel entitled to any such reward for being so. If our rewards are in the here and now.....what do we expect heaven is for if we have all we think we are entitled to now? If we get all the rewards now, that should be plenty enough that when your life is extinguished, its done, finito, complete...nothing to look forward to really.

I really have to correct this.

Lost IS NOT a reality series about people on a tropical island. It actually IS a fiction series with destiny and free will as crucial themes. Actually, the show's core message can be (subjectively) interpreted as being about following your heart and doing the right thing.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by CTrider

Lost IS NOT a reality series about people on a tropical island. It actually IS a fiction series with destiny and free will as crucial themes. Actually, the show's core message can be (subjectively) interpreted as being about following your heart and doing the right thing.

Yes, I think I have the wrong show, perhaps it was one of those 'stuck on an island shows' that everyone talked about. I have seen only mere minutes of the entire series. (they had to do things to eat etc??)

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 09:58 PM
You are thinking "Survivor".

This pdf should be a must read for everyone on ATS.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Truth4hire

To further cement the involvement and contributions of the Rothschilds, a good read on them is "The Rise of the House of Rothschild" by man named Corti. I have an original copy of the 1st edition of the original 1928 version. It really shows much more than the usual so-called "conspiracy-theorist" angle of this elited bunch of baking vipers.

There are many different versions of information out there on the Rothschilds. One book costs around $550.00, and I will own that one very shortly. The information we come across from the likes of Marrs, Icke, Estulin, and others is very good stuff, but it pails in comparison from the writings of those who were alve at the same time that many of the original Rothschilds themseleves were!

The Rothschilds own and or control all banking institutions, and are worth more than 600 trillion, so it makes no sense as to wonder how much authority they seem to have over anything currency wise in todays' society.

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